Helloooo, autumn!
I immediately said “I hope this means cooler weather for our wedding!”
Ryan then made the astute observation that everything is about the wedding these days. Yes, yes it is. I mean, c’mon! We’re 45 days away and our invitations were mailed out yesterday (VICTORY!). 😀
Today’s morning sweat session included a BodyPump class, followed by 15 minutes of light cardio on the elliptical. I’m not sure what it was about the bicep, tricep and shoulder tracks during BodyPump today, but my arms feel like Jello right now!
Breakfast this morning was a yogurt bowl that included a cup of Oikos vanilla Greek yogurt, 3/4 cup of 1% cottage cheese and a sliced nectarine.
I topped the bowl with a sprinkle of nutmeg before digging in.
Aaaand, since it was a little chilly outside, I also enjoyed a tumbler full of Barnie’s cinnamon butter cookie coffee that I snagged for free from my gym.
This little glimmer of hope for cooler weather has me all excited about fall fashion!
What fall fashion item are you most excited about wearing?
I think I’m most excited to bust out some cute boots!
I’m excited for sweaters and my ugg boots….i got to wear both today!!!!
I noticed that too! It actually read “68 degrees” on the news this morning. AH! I walked outside and it felt amazing. Not quite chilly but beautiful! Your wedding should have fantastic weather! Lucky you, ours was freakishly hot!
That is the cutest dress!
You should come up to Boston. It’s going to hit 48 tonight. I’m wearing a sweater today and I had to DRY MY HAIR!
oh my gosh, really? daaang! i almost forgot what it’s like to have cold weather start in sept.!
Girl – I think peach is your color. That is so flattering on you!
There was a bit of a cool breeze today on my walk to work, but nothing too terribly cold yet. I love all things Fall and especially the comfort of boots, warm sweaters, light coats, and my favorite – scarves! 🙂
yes! i love scarves too!
Love your dress! It’s so perfect for autumn! Even your breakfast was orange…yay fall!
I love your dress. It’s adorable and I”m jealous that you can pull off orange! I always wished I could but it makes me look washed out and weird.
I too am loving the return of fall weather, it has made running so much more enjoyable lately, I even washed all my sweatshirts and took my jackets to get dry-cleaned in anticipation of having to wear them again.
I am most looking forward to wearing all my cozy jackets again. Living in Canada where it is freezing for most of the year I’ve invested in cute outerwear and I love being able to layer like a mad-woman.
Love the dress~ It’s adorable!!
Boston does get cold early so I’ve been rocking leggings, cardigans, cute boots & knit caps already 🙂 Oh & I love corduroy 🙂
It’s been cold here for awhile. I’ve been wearing sweaters and jeans. Not quite cold enough for my full-on boots, but I have been wearing the pair I have that look like slippers!
Sweater dresses with leggings, cute belts, and cute boots! 🙂
You always make yogurt and fruit look like the prettiest, most refreshing dish!
The fashion trend I’m most looking forward to is probably military styles. I love cargos and peacoats and boots. And you get the picture. I also am excited for a little bit of animal print and winter whites.
And my Ugg slippers! (But not paired with the above outfit). 😉
You look awesome in that dress!
I still have no cool clothes for the fall 🙁
Need to get some fast1
I love that I get to wear boots!
And sweaters are so comfy!
And I have a drawer FULL of scarves. I love fall fashion 😉
I was so pumped to wear a fall outfit today until I realized it was going to be 80 🙁 I’m a big fan of sweaters and cords – both of which I bought this weekend and I’m dying to wear.
scarves and cozy sweaters!
I got a pair of brown suede wedge boots in the mail yesterday, got me excited to wear them! In TX it will be a while though before that’s happening. I’d actually rather it stay hot than get cooler, but it doesn’t really matter what I want. 😉
I’m not normally very trendy, I just kind of wait until my style comes back into style, which is apparently happening this year so I’m ready to go!
As far as fall goes:
I’ve already ordered a pair of thigh high, knit, ballet style leg warmers… They strike me as soft but sexy. Also excited about jackets – I hear that layering a jacket over a sweater is this fall’s “thing” and I have tons of jackets & sweaters.
Boots and cardigans! There’s is something that I absolutely love about wrapping a warm sweater around myself while the rest of me is chilly.
Oh, and scarves.
That is the cutest dress!!! Can I ask where you got it so I can run out and get one myself? Love it, you’re too adorable!
You do love your boots! Which you should bec you look great in them. 🙂
And cooler weather for the wedding would be super nice!
I love how your tumbler and dress match. The dress is cute and the clolor is flattering on you. I only wish we had some chilly weather here, nothing but heat and humidity where I’m at.
Such a cute dress! I am excited for boots too but will miss wearing sundresses! Your breakfast looks so appetizing too. I just started adding nectarines to my oats and they make them 100 times better!
I am also a boot fanatic! They are my favorite shoe and I can never have enough!
you look like an orange creamsicle- so cute!
I agree- I’m so ready for boots! … and jeggings 😉
I’ve been cold practically all summer (boo California), so I’m not realllly looking forward to even more cold weather, but I do love me some good slipper socks, hats, scarves, and blankets. Cuddly!
Woohoo cooler weather 🙂 I love pretty much everything about fall! I love snuggly warm boots, long-sleeved thin sweaters, sweatshirt hoodies, and the return of fall shows; yes that’s not fashion but they have fashion in them 😉
I’m excited for boots and sweaters, can’t wait!
CUTE dress!!!!!!!
San diego’s weather is basically the same year round… Shorts & flip flops everyday lol kinda wish I can rock a trench coat or actually use a scarf for it’s intended purpose!
I broke out my boots for the first time this past sunday and I was so EXCITED. I can’t wait until it is officially sweater weather (still in between right now).
I have that dress in light pink and wore it to my rehearsal dinner!
OTK Boots…I’ve been dying to wear them since last season!! Actually OTK anything…socks, stalkings, I’ll be wearing it all this Fall!
I can’t wait to wear my Chicago Marathon jacket 🙂
I love scarves, boots, sweaters, and fall color clothes. 🙂
I’m psyched to wear big sweaters outside. Not as psyched as I would be if I wasn’t forced to wear them inside during the summer–thanks to the freezing AC at work.
your dress is super cute!
i don’t really have “seasons” where i am, but i wish we did cause i love fall fashion. i wish i could wear boots and coats. and tons of scarves!
Boots and Jeggins!
Your dress is adorable!
i’m excited for scarves! and cute dress btw!
I love knits! Anything wool with a lot of texture and earthy or warm tones get me in the mood of autumn. I recently bought a pair of jeggings to wear with a new pair of tall, grey suede boots. I’m very excited about them!
I am excited just to wear jeans again – I hate my legs! Lol it’s so hot Illinois that I have Bern wearing shorts and dresses but I want my jeans back!!’
I LOVE your orange dress- SO CUTE!!
And, it felt SO good out this morning- everywhere I drove I had the a/c off & the windows down- LOVE this time of year! 🙂
Can I ask you where you got that cute orange dress?? I absolutely LOVE it!! 🙂
of course! it’s from j.crew.
I just KNEW that dress was from J. Crew! I’d know J. Crew anywhere! 🙂 It looked so pretty on you!