I am so, so thrilled to share this special news with all of you today!
Ryan and I are expecting a little one this August. I am 17 weeks pregnant right now (our due date is August 10) and we could not be more thrilled!!!
Living a Life Fueled by Healthy Food and Fitness
My name is Julie and I am a full-time blogger, new mama, fitness enthusiast (certified personal trainer and group exercise instructor) and food fanatic (mostly healthy... but also not-so-healthy) living in North Carolina with my husband, dog and baby boy. Thank you for visiting Peanut Butter Fingers! I hope you enjoy little glimpses into my life and have fun trying the sweaty workouts I frequently share and making some of my favorite recipes along the way!
Megan says
Omg!!!! Congrats Julie! Can’t wait to hear more about it!
Angela @ HonestlyAngela says
Yay! Congrats! Hope you are feeling okay. Being a mom is the best thing ever!
Stacy @ SweatingTulipz says
Ahh! Congratulations! I’m pretty sure you are going to be the cutest pregnant girl ever! So happy for you guys! Enjoy this time!
Samantha says
OMG! Congratulations!!!!! I’m so very happy for you. I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now and it’s so exciting to see your family grow.
Angela says
Congratulations to you both!
Lauren says
Julie, Ryan and Sadie, I’m so happy for you! Thank you for always sharing your amazing journey in life with all of us and this new adventure! Much love!!
Julie says
<3 <3 <3
Emily Hartzell says
Congrats Julie and Ryan!! You are going to make an AMAZING mom!!!
Jess says
Congratulations!!!! Such exciting news!! I’ve been following your blog for sometime – and I cant wait to read about your new journey! Now post a picture of that cute bump!!! 🙂
Shannon says
YAY! So exciting. Being a mom is so wonderful. Congratulations!
Ruthie says
🙂 Congrats to you both! What wonderful news!!
Jaclyn says
Congrats! I’m due August 7th! Hope you are feeling well.
Katharine says
I’ve been reading your blog for a few years, but never commented before; however, what a great time to start. Congratulations!! What an exciting time!!
Veronica says
I feel the same! I rarely comment–but when I saw today’s post I became so very happy for you Julie! Congrats to you all! I hope you have an easy and healthy pregnancy. I’m looking forward to reading all your upcoming adventures!
Julie says
thank you!! <3
Susie @ SuzLyfe says
Congratulations! You and Ryan will be incredible parents, and Sadie will be one heck of a big sister!
Marina says
OMG Julie congratulations that’s amazing!!! Your baby will have so much love and happiness in its life!!
Lindsey says
Woohooo!!!! Congratulations Julie and Ryan! You are going to be the sweetest Mom!
Monica says
OH MY GOSH!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I so had a feeling lately that this was coming. I’m so excited for you all!!! 🙂
Amanda says
Congrats Julie!!!
Kendra says
Ahhhh, congratulations Julie & Ryan!!! 🙂
Natalie @ Never Serious Blog says
Oh my goodness! Congratulations! What a wonderful wonderful blessing!
Ellen @ My Uncommon Everyday says
Congratulations to you both! I’ve loved hearing about your life adventures for the last few years, and I can’t wait to hear about this new one! SO excited for you!! 🙂
Amanda Peterson says
Congratulations, Julie! So happy for you!!
Julia says
I follow you on Instagram and I totally knew just by seeing pictures. But I have three kids, so… I can spot such things. Congratulations!
Julie says
Ha!! Good guessing!!
Janay Ridge says
That is so exciting!! Congratulations!!
Abby says
Congratulations, Julie! So excited for you! Can’t wait to read about baby stuff on the blog 🙂
Renae @ MissFit Mixed Chick says
Congrats! I was most excited to hear this from you than any other blogger. I don’t know why. I guess you just seem perfect to be a Mom.
Julie says
Thank you so much, Renae! <3 <3
Claire says
I’m SO happy for you and Ryan! I think you guys are going to be the best parents. Congratulations!!!!!! <3
Shelley says
Congratulations to both of you!!! Very exciting!! Sadie will make a great big sister!!
Tricia says
Congratulations!!! xo
kati says
I have been reading your blog for several years and have been anticipating this post at some point! Congratulations–what an exciting time!! Looking forward to reading lots of baby-related posts! 🙂
Molly says
Congratulations!!! I have never commented on this blog before but I’ve been reading for years. What an exciting time!!!
Kristen says
Congratulations on your little one! I have been a fan of the blog for years, but I have to say I am particularly excited to read your future posts–I am due with my first August 5th!
Nikki W says
Congratulations! I have been reading your blog for a few years now and have been waiting for this!! I had a feeling it was coming based on a few of your posts over the last month or so. Best wishes for your precious family!
amelia@i_heart_kale says
Congratulations to you both!! Being a parent is the best. Our little one will be 14 weeks tomorrow and we couldn’t be more blessed. Happy and healthy pregnancy to you!!!
kristin | W [H] A T C H says
congratulations! what wonderfully exciting news.
Lindsey @ Happy or Hungry says
Congratulations Julie!!!! So happy for you and Ryan!
Meghan says
Congrats, Julie! Thinking and praying for you, Ryan and the baby!
Kim says
Oh my gosh CONGRATULATIONS! I’ve been reading your blog for years and I’m so happy for both of you. And what a cute announcement!! 🙂
http://trendkeeper.me .. Vino?!
Jada Bennington says
Congrats!!!! You guys are going to make great parents!!
Shannon says
Such exciting news! Congrats 🙂
Molly says
I kneeeeeeeeew it!! Congrats!
Stephanie says
Anna says
CONGRATULATIONS Fagans!!!! You guys are precious, and I am so happy for your family!
Nichole Williams says
I never comment (just lurk!), but this new is too good! Congratulations!!
Rachel C says
How exciting! Congrats!
Hales says
Congratulations! I couldn’t help but get all teary as I read this post. So happy for your growing family!
Kris Murray says
Whitney says
Congratulations!!! 🙂 How exciting!!
Michelle @ Fit. Flexible. Fabulous. says
Let the (next) adventure begin! Congratulations and I look forward to keeping up with you, Ryan and Baby F 🙂 Hope you are feeling well!
Shae @ Finance&Fitness says
Ahhh, so exciting!! I can’t wait to read all about your new journey! And what a cute way to present the big news 🙂
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul says
Ahhh!!!! I’m so excited for you!!! Congrats girl!! You and Ryan are going to be the best parents!! And Sadie is going to be the best big sister!