I can’t seem to get enough of them lately.
My morning meal included two cashew butter pancakes topped with syrup and a sprinkling of sunflower seeds for some crunch. Great Tuesday fuel!
First Day of School
Yesterday was the first day of school for many of the kids in Ocala. As Ryan and I drove home from the gym, we passed by kids waiting at the bus stop and I was reminded of the feelings I had surrounding the first day of school.
While the summer was so much fun, I enjoyed returning to school and loved the energy of the school year. Ryan said he was never a fan of the first day of school and would’ve gladly let summer stretch on forever as a kid.
I loved shopping for school supplies and picking out new notebooks and all that jazz. I remember sitting down with my new notebooks and pens and playing around with different styles of handwriting as I took notes in class. Did I want to make my a’s fancy this year or just regular? Serious decisions, I know.
If you are a teacher or student or have little ones heading off to school soon, I hope this school year is a great one for you!
Questions of the Morning
- Did you enjoy the first day of school?
- Did you or your family have any first day of school traditions?
i agree with you! i thought school starting back was fun. i love school supplies, backpacks, lunch boxes, etc. as a grownup i now refer to them as office supplies and wait on target to put them on clearance!
“as a grownup i now refer to them as office supplies and wait on target to put them on clearance!”
Ha! Yes, this!
Ditto, ditto, ditto!
Oh yes, this!!
I shared your sentiments: love the first day! I could never sleep the night before because I was so excited to reunite with friends, use my new stationary and wear my new clothes!
I love first days! My college classes started yesterday and I got to Target after class as fast as I could to buy all my stuff. Obviously, I love school supply shopping too!.
Ugh, I hated the first day of school especially if you compared your schedule with your friends the week before school and your close friends weren’t in the same class. But now I laugh when I see back to school commercials since I paid my dues. I know, bad. 😉
Umm… I looooved me some summertime!
But lived for back to school shopping: clothes & supplies. When I was a kid it was all about Lisa Frank. Pink / purple folders, notebooks, highlighters. When I got older… Graphing calculators lol.
Loved the first day of school! I always had to wear a uniform so I never got too excited about my outfit, but I do remember getting pumped up about wearing my new keds.
I was a school supply JUNKIE – I still get excited at Office Max. 🙂
My birthday is August 31st, so I was always excited for the end of summer! I definitely anticipated the first day of school, even when I didn’t want summer to be over, it was always exciting! Fresh beginnings.
First day of school meant butterflies in my tummy and that 3 months of running wild were over. My new pencils, pens, pencil box, back pack etc… helped to ease my nerves though hehe.
I LOVED and still love the first day of school! I’m entering my senior year of college and have mentioned multiple times how this is my last first day of school ever! (hopefully). I feel like I need to go all out this year for the first day. Nothing beats school shopping and planning the perfect first day outfit.
I loveeeeed the first day of school (and am so excited to have one again this year–yay grad school). My family always looked forward to the annual Staples run because–super nerd alert–we then got to come home and label all of our new school supplies with our names and classes. There’s nothing like a brand-new Sharpie and a shiny Trapper Keeper to inspire creativity. 😉
I loved school – first day, last day, and everyday in between!
My mom always took us to get ice cream on the first and last day of school.
Oh my gosh I LOVED the first day of school, too – school supply shopping was second only to Christmas. Lisa Frank notebooks and binders, anybody?!
I used to LOVE getting ready for school. I was a big nerd, what can I say, but I used to get super excited looking for new school supplies. PS. How freakin’ adorable is that photo of the little boy with the sign?!
I could never, ever, ever sleep the night before the first day of school!! And I still remember being embarassed that my mom waited until the clearance sales were on to buy our supplies so I had to make do with my left-over supplies from the previous year to get through the first week or so. It makes a tonne of sense to my adult brain these days, but back then it was SO mortifying!!
I used to love the beginning of the school year! I was always nervous for it, but I still enjoyed the whole experience. I kind of wish that I were still taking classes, haha, because I miss it.
It’s funny you posted this because I just packed my bag for the first day of classes even though they don’t start until the fourth. 🙂 As a kid I never wanted to go back, but now I’m looking forward to it.
I still get to experience the first day of school! I’m a teacher–just started back yesterday, and the students start up on Thursday. Such excitement and anticipation is in the air! It’s a fun time of year.
omg I LOVE the first day of school! Okay, I loved it when I was a kid, haha not suuuuper looking forward to my first day on Monday, but it will be my last first day of school ever! 3rd year of law school here I come!
This is the first year that I am not headed off to school since 2004 due to education cuts. Its sad but knowing that I hope to be back in that position one day keeps me going!
I LOVED the first day of school as a kid! I was always so excited to write in my new notebooks with my fancy shmancy new pens, and use all of my other new school supplies. On our first day, my mum would always measure my sister and I against the wall and take our pictures. We had photo albums and each year, those photos with our heights would go in on the ‘first day of school’ page. It’s funny (and kinda embarrassing!) to look back and see what we used to think was cool to wear back then!
I LIVED for the first day of school. (Total nerd, I know.) I would plan the whole week of outfits in advance, and lay them out on the floor, complete with jewelry and shoes. I would have my backpack packed with color-coded folders and notebooks. I was SOOO siked every year haha
I always LOVED school. Of course I was more than thrilled for summer, but I absolutely loved school. Even though I loved school, I was always a nervous wreck for the first day of school, I had some kinda anxiety every first day of school! Even my first day of my senior year, haha! As far as school supplies shopping?!?! I didn’t only do it in the summer! That was a year round event…I was always in “need” of a brand new notebook and the coolest pens and pencils..I am actually still in college and still feel the same way!
My boys just started back as well. I love the routine that comes with school. Getting to see friends you have not kept in touch with all summer. Meeting new friends and teachers.
I will admit when I bought the boys school supplies I picked me up a couple cute notebooks, binders and pens. All coordinating of course. You never know when you will need a apple green pen with matching notebook.
I loved the first day of school and still browse the back to school section of target to see what kind of cool supplies they have come up with. they know have erasable highlighters! So fun!
I loved the 1st day of school! I remember having 1st day of school jitters and not being able to sleep the night before. I also LOVED school shopping! I went to a catholic middle school so we wore uniforms, but shopping for notebooks and pencils and pens was one of my favorite back to school activities. I also miss high school and college too…sigh…I want to be a kid again! Haha
I always looked forward to shopping for new school clothes and supplies more than the actual first day of school. Of course, it was fun to show off your new stuff, especially a cool Trapper Keeper, lol!!
We have a tradition with my daughter where my husband takes off of work for the first day of school so that we can both take her and pick her up. We then go for Fro-Yo as a family!
I loved it! Mainly because the new school supplies and new clothes but also my birthday is in September so going back to school meant my bday was coming soon!
I loved the first day of school. I loved shopping for school supplies (really, the folders and trapper you picked set the tone for the year. Or was that just me?) and new shoes. I always dressed up for the first day of school, no matter what. Don’t know why, but I did.
I loved back to school because I of back to school shopping!! Every year we had to take a first day of school photo out front of our house, we did it all the way through senior yr of H.S.!
Back to school shopping was my ABSOLUTE favorite thing to do! I loved when it was time to go to the store to pick a new binder, notebooks and pens/pencils out. I always used to gravitate to the cool, fun and funky colored pencils. I cannot wait to have kids so I can live vicariously through them when they get school supplies. That or I’ll just do that shopping for them!
I loved the first day of school, but I was always a nervous wreck! My aunts would take me every year to buy all new clothes. Of course I loved the school supplies as well!
I can’t wait to start new traditions with my little one when she starts to school – I still have three years to go 🙂
I always loved the first day of school too! Back to school shopping and getting school supplies was a highlight of my August month. Of course I always went for the cool Lisa Frank folders and notebooks and bright gel pens. They were obviously the coolest! 😉
My kids’ first day was today (Tampa,) they were so excited I was never excited I dreaded it! Hope they arent let down when they see how much work they willhave!
The first day of school was the only good day of school in my opinion! Well, ok, maybe the last day was ok too 🙂
I love shopping for school clothes and school supplies. I miss the days when my parents would take me and buy those things for me!
I loved the first day of school, and even now, as a teacher, I still get those back to school butterflies in my stomach before the first day!
Those pancakes look amazing! I liked the first day of school because I always loved dressing up! We really didnt have any traditions in my family. Have a great day
I’m a teacher, and i’m always super jittery on the first day of school. LOVE IT!!!!
I’m a teacher, and i’m always super jittery on the first day of school. LOVE IT!!!!
Man, I am such a nerd. Sure I’m 25, but I get jealous every time I pass school supplies, especially since there are so many cute options now! Not that Lisa Frank won’t always have a place in my heart.
you and me both!
I hated the first day of school. I always wanted summer to continue forever!
I always loved starting school again! Summer was always so boring to me, I couldn’t wait to start learning again. Guess I was a big old nerd from the start!
Oh I loved the first day of school (my brothers always made fun of me for it hahaha). I loved the smell of all the new notebooks, freshly painted classrooms or halls and excitement of finding out who was in your class for the year…i’m such a geek. Heh heh life seemed so simple back then.
Have a great day:)
I remember always being so nervous for the first day and not being able to sleep! Man I miss those childhood days – so carefree 🙂
I’m a total nerd so I always enjoyed the first day of school as well! There’s been a slight chill in the air in NYC, and it’s amazing how as soon as I felt it I was instantly reminded of the beginning of school/fall. Love it!
I LOVED the first day of school. Total nerd and proud 🙂
I always had mixed feelings about the first day of school. I’d be excited about all the new things that came along with the first day–new supplies, new locker, new classes, new books, new teachers–but I hated what it meant: homework. Homework, homework, homework. Throughout my schooling, I was always a very dedicated student , which meant from that first day of school until I finished my last exam, I knew the majority of my free time would be spent doing homework, especially in high school. Gross.
I used to contemplate how I wanted my handwriting to be for the year as well… too funny!
I also think going back to school is probably more exciting for girls than for boys.
Shopping for school supplies was the best! It was pretty sad when I realized I probably didn’t need new stuff EVERY year besides a few notebooks. The beginning of school got a little less exciting.