Today I faced what I would consider to be my first real test of willpower since I swore off sweets during Lent.
At work today, one of my coworkers, Kaylen, was raving about the Big Wheel Provisions food truck that parked itself in downtown Orlando yesterday.
She claimed that their food was “gourmet to go” and featured amazingly fresh and delicious local fare. After hearing her speak so highly about the food from the Big Wheel Provisions truck, I just had to see what all the fuss was about. Kaylen, another one of my workers and I took a quick trip to the truck to check it out.
I was immediately impressed with the menu.
I really wanted to try the “Hot Lunch” special which featured a corned beef sandwich, but since we’re having corned beef for dinner, I held off and decided to save my money since I already packed my lunch anyway. (I really want to go back for lunch sometime soon and try the grilled calamari salad that Kaylen ordered. It looked unreal!)
Once my eyes got to the “Sweets” section of the menu, my mouth started watering. Whoopie pies? Red velvet cupcakes!?
After speaking with the owner of the truck who was so friendly, passionate and just plain cool, I knew I had to buy something and figured Ryan and my sister would appreciate a sweet treat.
I nabbed a whoopie pie for Leslie to enjoy as a reward after her interview today and a red velvet cupcake (the same flavor as our wedding cake!) for Ryan just ‘cuz he’s so great.
That whoopie pie is calling to me. Literally. I can hear it. “Juuuuulie. Eaaaaat me.” I can resist! I’m calling on my inner strength.
While chatting with the owner of the Big Wheel Provisions truck, I saw that they offered a soda called Moxie. When I asked him about it, the owner said it’s really popular in Maine, but isn’t for everyone and ended up giving us a can to try for free!
Turns out I’m a Moxie fan! 🙂
When we arrived back at the office, I knew I had to break into my lunch or else I would want to dig right into the sweet treats I purchased.
Lunch today was a “grilled” cheese sandwich which I prepared by melting a slice of Swiss cheese on top of a toasted whole wheat hot dog bun before spreading one half with spinach artichoke cream cheese. Double the cheese = double the fun!
I also ate some leftover roasted cauliflower for some veggie pow-ah!
Back to work for a bit. I hope you’re all having a very Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
LOL! It probably wouldn’t have been quite as hard of a test if you didn’t take pics of the treats!
Just stay away is my motto while I’m giving them up!
p.s. since you wished us a happy St. Patrick’s Day, it’s only fair that you hop over to my blog and see my st Patrick’s day wishes too. They’re pretty darn cute!
so, so adorable!
Haha, kudos on the willpower!! We have a Tupperware of left over buttercream in the fridge and it’s been a struggle to just not look at it every time I open the door. We’re already one week in though!!
I can’t believe you found Moxie!! One parent served this soda randomly at a high school graduation party and for some weird reason a million jokes came out of it…I thought it tasted so weird. But you’re right, it’s HUGE in Maine. I went to school in NH and learned all about Moxie Day from my Maine friends. …and congrats on your will power!! Stronger than me…
That’s some good SKILL power right there… eating lunch instead of sweets 🙂
And i totally agree about double the cheese- YUM
Oh Em Gee that red velvet cupcake looks insane. Red velvet is my weakness.
Ummm I may or may not have scrambled to an isolated location and ever-so-sneakily shoved that whoopie pie in my gullet.
Hahah, just kidding, except not… 😉
Kudos to youuu, seriously! And how sweet of you to buy for others – spreading happiness is better than treats anyway! 🙂
I can totally sympathize. I gave up white potatoes for Lent – no fries, hash browns, mashed taters. Well, my husband wanted fries for a sandwich I was making and I stopped at a fast-food joint on my way home. The smell nearly did me in! I am so impressed that you haven’t touched those sweets!
Your grilled cheese idea is brilliant!!! The roasted cauliflower looks delicious 🙂
Happy St. Patty’s! Great willpower! How sweet of you to think of the others! 🙂
My mom uses hot dog buns as bread — I just can’t. It needs a hot dog or brat to taste good 🙂
So what is Moxie like? A cola?
it tasted like a mix between regular coke, root beer and something else i can’t place!
props on the resistance, sistah!
I know how hard that must be to resist! You definitely can do it though. Just remember the purpose behind the decision. 😉
That food truck looks awesome — wish there was something like that around here!
And you’ll be able to have sweets before you know it — just think of how EPIC it will be once you take that first bite of dessert after the 40 days/nights are up! =) My breakfast this morning (coconut cream pie oatmeal) reminded me of dessert — you should try it out to help get you through Lent! =)
BTW, I’m not Irish either, but there’s still corned beef and cabbage in the crock pot. Holidays are meant to be celebrated! 😉
that sounds flippin’ amazing! the recipe looks easy too!
I also gave up sweets for Lent and today was rough. I wanted to get a Frosty from Wendy’s because it’s really warm here in NY. But that’d be cheating, so instead I got a skinny caramel frap from Starbucks…but I think that’s cheating too! But I still slurped it all up 😉
That red velvet cupcake looks delicious! Good job keeping up with your no sweets challenge! I probably would have needed at least a taste of it. Haha!
Love your sandwich too! I am a sucker for grilled cheese!
Just found your blog! Love it! Keep up the good work!! Oh and that whoopie pie…that took strength my friend 🙂
I gave up sweets for Lent too! Those treats look amazing…I am insanely jealous right now! Very impressed with your willpower!
WOW that is WILL POWER to the max!! good job girlie!!! and hey, you still got a great and yummy lunch!
you seriously have more will-power than any catholic that i know (myself included!) you could teach us a thing or two about lent.
Food Trucks are so great! It’s like gourmet street food. This Moxie drink sounds interesting, is it just like a variation of soda?
Congrats on passing the first test…looks like it was a tough one!
I completely know how you feel…there has been a whole bowl of chocolate + pb candy in my office (I gave up chocolate for lent.) We will all be so happy when we’ve resisted temptation for this long!
I know exactly how you feel!!!!
That sandwich does look yummy, though! 😀
Oh my God, Julie! You’re made of steel! That’s pretty impressive.
AH – good job julie!! Stay tough 🙂 I just started my lent today since I was on vacation and the girls I nanny for wanted to make green cookies for a snack today… first day and already getting weak!
Good work, doll! If you can beat having sweets in your possession and right under your nose, you can do anything! 🙂
ugh…my cousin drinks moxie ALL the time…just could never get into it!
That red velvet cupcake looks delicious! You definitely have more will power then I ever would…stay strong! 🙂
Technically Lent runs for 46 days. Sunday’s don’t count during Lent. I googled to find the reason behind this, and apparently Sunday’s during Lent are considered “mini Easters” or something like that.
So if any of you are struggling to keep to what you gave up for Lent, you CAN indulge on a Sunday during Lent WITHOUT guilt!
Aww, Julie, I know how you feel! It’s so hard when it’s right in front of your face (and nose)! That’s so sweet of you to get something for your sister and Ryan though. 🙂
I’m totally drooling over your lunch…holy yum! Extra cheese please!
I haven’t had a whoppie pie in such a long time!! Actually, I’m not sure if I’ve ever had one unless Moon Pies count..
I’ve resisted trying roasted cauliflower because I don’t like cauliflower plain/raw. What’s your take? Would I like roasted cauliflower if I don’t like raw cauliflower?
i’m not a huge fan of raw cauliflower either. i mean, i’ll eat it, but it smells like bad breath i find! 😛 shake on some spices and roast it in the oven. i LOVE it like that!
ps. if you can find a greek blend of spices, it’s suuuper duper yummy on cauliflower!
i agree w/ holly! roasted cauliflower takes on a wholllle new flavor. it’s delicious and definitely worth a try.
YAY willpower! i’m sure the fam will appreciate the sweet treats!
Good for you girl! I’d be tempted as well.
We have lots of AMAZING food trucks that show up almost every week at our office. They are SOOO good and it’s nearly impossible to resist them, but I try to because they’re loaded with fat and cals. Such is life — kickass willpower, girl!
You did a great job on your first true “temptations test”!!!! The sweets will be there waiting for you when Lent is over, no worries!
moxie? = gross !!!
I have lived in ME my whole life and have never liked that stuff. None of my friends like it either so I wouldnt say its really popular in ME either.Just so you know….;)
Wow, I have to say that is SOME willpower! I have a HUGE sweet tooth. I am not sure those boxes wouldn’t be empty by end of day. Just sayin.’
Oh I bet you are so excited to hit that truck up after Lent is over with! Hopefully it will still be in the same spot for ya!
Hey from the 6th floor 🙂 Is it crazy or what that we both blog?
Those desserts look amazing…I’m tempted too!
What does Moxie taste like?
incredible willpower
I just found your blog and love it. I’m from NH and Moxie is popular here as well…especially with the older crowd. I worked at a summer camp through high school and college and there was a refrigerator where we could keep sodas and snacks…however, there was a problem with people taking others’ stuff, so one of my friends bought Moxie and never had a problem! He said, “It’s gross…but I know that it will always be there!” Haha!
Whoopie pies seem to be popular now and there is a great recipe in Canadian Living magazine which is available on their website . That’s for when lent is over of course. Happy St. Patrick’s Day.
nice job lady–it is HARD to resist treats, but you can do it!!! 🙂
Believe it or not I had my first EVER whoopie pie yesterday 🙂 It was delicious.
Way to face the temptation straight on! It seriously speaks volumes that you picked up treats for Ryan and your sister, instead of just avoiding the situation. That’s love!
Do your co-workers know that you gave up sweets? Do you have co-workers offering you cake and candy, or do they know not to ask?
they all know. but that doesn’t mean that they don’t try to tempt me! 🙂
so, totally random but i’d LOVE to live in a place that has its own local, popular soda. i think it’s really fun and americana. 🙂