Sometimes I love the quiet calm of our morning walk, but other times I could use a little stimulation!
Our morning walk is usually right around a mile – nothing crazy – but I think I would enjoy it a lot more, and perhaps walk Sadie a little farther, if I had something to stimulate my mind a little bit.
I love walks with a friend (I miss my morning walks with you, Merri!) and figured that listening to an audiobook or podcast might pique my interest and make me look forward to my morning walks on days when I am feeling antsy.
After reading your recommendations through Twitter and Facebook, I downloaded my first podcast! (Am I behind the times or what!?)
This American Life podcasts were recommended by a handful of people and after listening this week’s podcast on a lunchtime walk with Sadie, I can see why!
I planned to take her for a quick 20-minute walk and ended up walking for nearly an hour because I wanted to hear the entire podcast.
Just in case you’re in the market for some podcasts, here a few others that were recommended to me this morning:
- NPR Programs: Wait, Wait… Don’t Tell Me
- The Moth
- How Stuff Works
- Jillian Michaels
- Freakonomics Radio
- Coffee Break Spanish (Learn Spanish!)
Yesterday I received an email from a blog reader asking me for meal ideas for one person.
Ask and you shall receive!
Today I made myself a butternut squash, cauliflower and spinach wheat berry bowl for lunch.
The recipe itself is pretty similar to my butternut squash and wheat berry mock risotto, but it includes cauliflower and the ingredients were adjusted to serve only me.
Butternut Squash, Cauliflower and Spinach Wheat Berry Bowl For One
- Serves: One
- Cook Time: Approximately 25 minutes
- 2 teaspoons olive oil
- 1/2 cup chopped onion
- 1/4 cup wheat berries (barley will also work)
- 3/4 cup reduced sodium chicken broth (vegetable broth may also be used)
- 1 cup butternut squash, peeled, seeded and cut into small cubes
- 1 cup chopped cauliflower florets
- 1 large handful fresh spinach
- Heat oil in a medium size pot over medium heat. Add onions and cook until onions are slightly soft, about five minutes. Add wheatberries and allow to cook, stirring constantly, for approximately one minute.
- Turn the heat to medium-high. Add broth, butternut squash and cauliflower. Stir constantly and allow to simmer until broth is nearly completely dissolved and butternut squash breaks down and becomes creamy (somewhat like mashed potatoes), approximately 20 minutes.You may wish to break the butternut squash down with a fork to help it cook faster once the squash is tender. You may also add more chicken broth if needed.
- Add spinach and stir until leaves are somewhat wilted.
- Enjoy!
Can you tell someone was a little peeved about the inclusion of onions in this recipe since that meant doggie samples were off limits?
Doesn’t it look like her world is over? She’s not dramatic at all.
At least I gave her a small bite of the ricotta cheese from my post-lunch snack.
I really am such a sucker for her puppy eyes.
Questions of the Afternoon
- Do you listen to podcasts?
- What is your favorite podcast?
- Any highly recommended healthy food or fitness podcasts out there?
I’d love to hear your favorite podcast recommendations so I can load up my iPod for my morning walks with Sadie! I’ll be sure to report back on any that I love.
Your lunch looks delicious! I don’t listen to fitness podcasts, but totally want to. Excited to see the commen reccs
This American Life podcasts have got me through many a long flight, long drive, and long workout! Glad you like them too.
I’ve listened to podcasts only a few times because, sadly enough, I have trouble enjoying the content of the podcast when the speakers voice bothers me. Annoying, huh? I know there are such quality ones out there. Glad you had a positive experience!
P.S. I love your ricotta cheese snacks. I should try that one of these days.
What a delicious lunch! I adore podcasts (I’m kind of new to them too) and The Moth is amazing! I’ve only listened to one episode so far but it had me totally cracking up in the car. I haven’t listened to This American Life yet, but thanks for letting me know about it!
i’ve never even listened to podcasts before… i guess i’m behind the times. 😉 i’d be very interested to hear what podcasts others recommend though! it might just be something i will start getting into!
i am behind the times, too! i really enjoyed listening though and hope to add more to my ipod soon!
I actually listen to some of Bill Bryson’s audiobooks while I drive long distances. I think he’s great. Sadie’s picture absolutely cracked me up!
I’ve never listened to podcasts before. I’ve be interested though. It seems like it would be something to listen to other than music while I’m working.
Your lunch looks delicious! 🙂 I love butternut squash.
That lunch looks fantastic. I adapt all my recipes for one, and once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty easy!
I’ll have to check out those podcasts. I would love to have something to listen to when I walk the puppy. Although, then I would have to stop baby talking her the whole way. I’m sure my neighbors would really miss that! 😉
I love This American Life and always listen on road trips. I highly recommend the Valentine’s episode from this year. It had me crackin’ up!
(see my post :
I highly recommend Jillian michaels podcasts!! She is so informative and covers a huge range of topics from healthy eating, facing mental fears, to the latest in fitness. She takes caller’s questions And I apart always relate to their questions.
I also always listen to audio books when I am out running or walking. They keep my mind going and I get to multi task!
I’m excited to read the recommendations – I haven’t listened to podcasts either and I like to go for walks over lunch at work. I’m usually motivated when I can talk to someone on the phone and this will be another great option!
Wait, wait don’t tell me is really a good one. My dad is obsessed with them and always plays them in the car, I really should get on it and download them on my own ipod! I am glad to know there is one in which you can learn Spanish on, I really need to get more fluent in Spanish!
Adam Carolla podcast! Also his news girl Alison Rosen has her own spinoff podcast, Alison Rosen is Your New Best Friend. Awesome.
Podcasts are ideal when I am on the elliptical- as I tweeted to u earlier, love love ‘ The Jillian Michaels Show’ podcasts!
Splendid Table is great!!
If you like this American life, you should try Splendid Table. It is another NPR podcast about an hr. but it is all about stories about food! My fav is when people call in w/ random ingredients and she has to try and make up a dish that would work with them. Hope this helps.
I need to get in to Podcasts – I’ve only used them for yoga!
I love NPR’s Dinner Party Download!
This American Life is my fav!!! I listen to it every week on my phone (I downloaded an app so I get it automatically). I especially love it on long drives 🙂
Radio lab…also from NPR…
Yes, Radio Lab is one of my favorites – so interesting. They cover a wide range of topics and explore them in depth. Very cool!
Radio Lab is definitely one of the best podcasts I’ve listened to. I also listen to Vinyl Cafe stories from CBC radio when I want a good laugh. Stuart McLean’s voice is perfect!
just downloaded some vinyl cafe podcasts! thanks for the recommendation!
just downloaded a few radiolab podcasts! can’t wait to listen!
I just started listening to podcasts to with my now 50-minute commute to work. I have been listening to Jillian Michaels (I know you already listed her) but I’m obsessed! I look forward to my drive now so I can listen to her. I’ve learned so much!
I just started downloading podcasts to listen to in the car on my commute to work. So far I’ve just tried Jillian Michaels, and I like it! I’ve heard some good things about This American Life, I’ll have to try that too.
Yes–the Freakonomics Radio is soo awesome. I’ve heard the Jillian Michaels ones are good–but I’ve never listened to ’em (and don’t love her at all).
That lunch looks sooooo good!
I’ve never downloaded a podcast before either. Are they free??
many are! all of the ones i listed above are free!
Yeah, I’m gonna have to get on this once and for all!
Free?? Ok… sold!!! (#collegekidmentality)
I’ve thought about downloading podcasts before – and now I think I will! It’s nice to have a whole bunch of recommendations in one place. I can see myself listening while I cook 🙂
So cool that you started listening to podcasts. I haven’t listened to one in a while but love doing so when I’m on solo road-biking trips cause time just flies when you’re listening to something other than cars passing by you 😉
This post reminds me that I have to update my podcasts and I can’t wait for more recommendations 🙂
And I couldn’t resist puppy eyes like those either!
favorite podcast by miles: the joy the baker podcast with shutterbean…they are so likable and funny!
I had NO idea that onions were bad for dogs! Just looked it up on google… yikes!! Thanks for sharing.
there were SO many things i learned about being bad for a dog’s health after i became a dog owner! mushrooms? grapes? i had no idea!
I have never tried wheatberries and would like some more info on them before I buy a big bag of them. I tried quiona in the last few months and love it! I use it in place of rice, make it like oatmeal, and even in pancakes. I was wondering what the nutritional info is and how it compares with quiona or other pasta type products? What do you reccomend using it for? Coudl you use quinona in place of wheatberries in your recipe?
i LOVE wheat berries! their texture is something that is off-putting for some, though, as they’re VERY chewy. here’s some nutrition info about them from Per 1/2 cup (cooked): 151 calories; 1 g fat ( 0 g sat , 0 g mono ); 0 mg cholesterol; 29 g carbohydrates; 0 g added sugars; 6 g protein; 4 g fiber; 265 mg sodium; 2 mg potassium.
and i’ll use wheat berries in place of barley or rice in some recipes. i love ’em!
I’ve never tried out podcasts. I tried to listen to a book on tape while running, but I wasn’t a fan. Love the recipe for one – sometimes I need something quick to whip up just for myself!
I’ve listed to many Grammar Girl podcasts before… man, I’m lame.
I like the podcasts that are books, The Immortals, Leviathan, etc. they are all sci-fi so not for everyone. I will try these reccomendations thanks!
I ALWAYS listen to podcasts while I walk my dog. My favourites are Joy the Baker podcast and Radiolab.
Check them out!
I’ve never listened to a podcast before but I thiiink I need to fix that!
oh my gosh, i can’t get through most of my runs and workouts without listening to podcasts.
From NPR, I love ‘This American Life’, ‘Wait Wait Don’t Tell me”, and ‘Fresh Air with Terry Gross’ (she’s the best!).
I also love my fair share of comedy podcasts – my favorites being ‘Comedy Bang Bang’ (which is being turned into a TV show!) and ‘Doug Loves Movies’. They have guests like Amy Poehler or Jon Hamm, and then comics and writers for shows like ‘Parks&Recreation’ and ‘SNL’.
People give me the funniest looks when I’m out running because I’m busting my butt to run 5mi at an 8:30 pace… all while grinning hear to hear or cracking up laughing. Hey – whatever I need to do to make the workout fly by!
Just stumbled onto your blog not too long ago! I love it! I’m pregnant now but I can’t wait to use some of your workouts post pregnancy.
I wanted to say that I have been a long time podcast user while working out. I get bored and my mind wanders SO easily and with a podast/audio book it keeps me distracted from what I’m actually doing (although there has been more than one time I’ve almost taken a spill on the treadmill from laughing so hard!).
so exciting! congrats on your pregnancy, danielle!
NPR Wait, Wait is a good one that has me laughing every episode. Happy listening to podcasts and audio episodes!
I love podcasts! I used to listen to them religiously during my runs until it got too dangerous.
Two of my favorites:
1) Weekend National Geographic – An adventure with every podcast, keeps me hanging on every time
2) (NPR) Pop Culture Happy Hour – this one makes me laugh!!!
Don’t feel bad about being behind the times… I’m still not even sure if I know what a “podcast” is exactly…lol..
Lunch for 1 looks awesome.
I don’t have a clue what a podcast is. I’ve seen people mention them and just assumed it was like a radio station. Is that the case or is it like an online book? See don’t feel bad, I am more clueless on the subject than you!
I walk Chloe a mile before work every morning around 7 a.m., too… I actually READ books on my kindle app on my iPhone as I walk her.
…which is probably dangerous, especially with the relationship my face has with the sidewalk.
but it seriously does make my walks go by quickly! I zipped through book 2 of The Hunger Games on walks with Chloe.
Oh gosh, I was that girl in high school that listened to NPR podcasts in the car while everyone else was blasting Kid Cudi. Anyways, This American Life is pretty epic as is Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me. I also really enjoy Science Friday. I hope these make your mornings more enjoyable!
I love the Savage Love podcast. Raunchy relationship advice!
Also, as another transplanted Chicagoan, I listen to Eric and Kathy’s podcast every day on my way home from work, too. 🙂
I haven’t really found a bad NPR podcast yet. I feel like listening to them while running is multitasking because I can stay up to date on current events and get my workout on! Sometimes, I get bored or annoyed, but just switch to music. I find it especially great for longer runs.
I LOOOVVEEE NPR! Storycorps podcasts are also fantastic!
I love podcasts! This American Life is definitely my favorite, the TV episode is classic. Also, I love Savage Love (fair warning, it can get pretty…raunchy. Definitely not for everyone). I sometimes listen to Nerdist and WTF: with Marc Maron when they have interviews with people I like.
Joy the Baker has an awesome podcast with Tracy from You can find their podcast (and others) at
Yesss i LOVE podcasts; they make great use of the time I spend commuting. It’s nice to think while on-the-go!
I’ve tried This American Life but I find it frustrating when either I get distracted in real life and miss something that happened,… I regularly listen to Jillian Michaels and have a huge crush on the “How Stuff Works” – “Stuff You Should Know” boys. I may try out the others you suggested!
I occasionally listen to “Cut The Fat Podcast.” It’s more geared for beginners in fitness and healthy eating, but they offer some great bits of advice on ways to increase fat loss and structure your workouts and eating, often providing multiple options for the same goal.
“The Nutrition Diva’s Quick & Dirty Tips” are very short (5 to 8 minutes) but interesting explanations of nutrition topics.
I’m always in search of more podcasts–health, education, pop culture, news, justforfun–so I’m going to see what your readers are suggesting! Thanks for bringing this up.
thanks so much for sharing these, meredith!
I like Stuff Mom Never Told You. It’s from the Stuff You Should know series it’s just more geared at women.
I listen to podcasts on the metro ride home from work or while I am doing chores.
Ben Greenfield Fitness
Planet Money
This American Life
Get it Done Guy
The Moth
HBR IdeaCast
this american life = classy… it will never go out of style! (that and wait wait … )