Today has been dedicated almost entirely to a freelance piece that I initially didn’t think would require that much time. For some reason, I just couldn’t figure out a way to begin the article, so I wrote the body, conducted a phone interview with a personal trainer and NASM instructor, and went back to tackle the beginning of the article once I was nearly done. Whatever works!
My due date isn’t until next Monday, but since it is the first article for a new client (The Training Edge), I want to submit it early.
By the time lunch rolled around, I was ready for a breather and a hot bowl of soup!
Today’s soup tasted homemade but was ridiculously easy to make thanks to a Harry & David mushroom leek soup mix that I bought at the company’s Country Village store when I was in Oregon last year.
I added chopped chicken to the soup for a punch of protein and loved every last bite. So flavorful!
Moving right along…
First Trail Race
I know it’s only Wednesday, but I’m already psyched for this weekend.
This morning I signed up for my first trail race!
I’ve done some trail running on my own in Ocala (Sadie and I actually did a 5 mile trail run last Friday), but this will be my first experience as a participant in a trail run race.
Ryan registered as well, so we’re really looking forward to running the Long Play Trail Run together. I don’t have a time goal since I know I run significantly slower on trails, but I am pumped to run in a totally different environment. We registered for the five mile race, but there is also a half marathon and 33 1/2 mile option. Hardcore!
Of Possible Interest: Races and Fitness Challenges
- In need of some workout motivation? Check out Amanda’s Spring Bootie Buster Challenge and you could win lots of fun fitness-themed prizes!
- Participate in the Happy 5K Virtual Race to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society anytime between now and April 12. All participants will receive a glittery medal!
- For the triathletes out there, check out Caitlin’s IronMan March Challenge! Over the course of the month, complete 2.4 miles of swimming, 112 miles of biking and 26.2 miles of running.
Question of the Afternoon
- Have you ever been trail running?
- Do you have a race coming up on your agenda?
Yay for trail races! I have run plenty of them in Colorado where they are no joke. In CO, trails = mountains. So much fun though and they feel entirely different from road races. I have a 20K and a half coming up soon, but I am still recovering from my full. Ugh.
I ran a 10k trail race once. The worst part was running through waist deep water, I had no clue that it was on the course. Other than that it was fun 🙂
I did my first trail run last month, it was a 17K and was awesome! It was harder than anything I’ve ever done before and the trails made road running seem like a piece of cake. You’ll love the challenge! I have already signed up for 2 more this year.
I’ve never tried trail running before, sounds like fun though! I have 2 races coming up – Shamrock Shuffle 10k and Chicago Half Marathon!
I’ve done a 5 mile trail race before – my pace was a little slower than usual but the race was fun. We wont be able to trail run for a while in Maine! I’m running a half marathon next weekend and I’m getting super excited!
good luck next weekend!!! (and i REALLY want to visit maine!)
Trail races are my favorite! Less impact on the body, beautiful scenery, and usually a much more mellow atmosphere.
Sometimes I find the beginning of writing an article the hardest as well! It really depends on what you write about and how the days going I guess. Or where you head’s at.
At least you got it done:)
Oh man, trail running is like my nightmare, I’m the biggest klutz ever. I have enough trouble walking on normal ground, so can’t even image running on a trail. That would end up dramatic I’m sure.
i swear i had three different intro paragraphs to start and deleted all of them!
Good luck with the race! That will be so much fun. Thinking about trail races makes me miss hs cross country. Memories!
I’ve never done a trail race–but they seem like so much fun! And hardcore 😉 I’m excited to hear about yours!
I have been dying to do a trail race, but since I have no trails here to actually run on…well I am trying to keep myself from hitting register. seems like a bad idea to do my first trail run on race day. 🙂 GOOD LUCK!!!
That sounds like fun! We’ll be rooting for you!
trail running sounds fun however I am the most clumsy person ever and know I would probably eat it several times on the trail. So I will live vicariously through your race! I have the Sandy Hook remembrance run coming up in March, I am happy to be able to attend with the thousands of other people signed up, I know its going to be such an emotional race!
oh i totally wiped out on a trail run back in december. sadie looked at me like i was a disgrace.
I love trail running. Spring is such a tease because I start to run outside more but I can’t really get on the trails until June when they are dry.
We have a trail marathon here and it is my goal to be able to run the whole thing. Check it out!
Trail races should be more prevalent with all of the state parks out there! Genius! Some friends and I just signed up for The Color Run!
Have always wanted to do this and now am getting the opportunity!
Just as the page loaded I saw the title, and I thought it was “First Trail Rice”. I was thinking darn, I’ve never heard of that!
I’m running my first half in April! So excited. I’m a journalism student, so I totally feel you on the article writing thing. I will just stare at my computer screen for what feels like hours before I can actually find a good start, but then writing it usually flows pretty consistently.
yes! thank goodness for writing momentum!
I love trail running but I have never done a race either. I think the 5 mile is a good place to start! Are you able to bring Sadie with you? Can’t wait to hear about it. 🙂
I do enjoy trail running- especially with the pup- It is better on both of our joints and nice to have the shady trees in the summer. I do have a hard time staying on my feet though! I am constantly tripping over roots and stumps and hate having to look down all the time. Good luck this weekend!
I have my first 5k in a year next weekend. 4 weeks after that is a half marathon and 6 weeks after that is my first full. Yikes!
I absolutely love trail races! I live in California, and I’ve been lucky enough to do a 13 mile one through Yosemite–gorgeous! And a 6-miler in Malibu Canyon as well. For me, there is no comparison between trail runs and regular races—trail runs are so much more fun!
Just a thought for a post maybe Julie–maybe you could update us on how you like working from home for yourself vs working in an office for an employer? I’m curious about what you enjoy, what you don’t, what’s different., how it compares to what you expected..etc. Thanks! 🙂
Hey Julie! I don’t usually comment, but you mentioned trail races… There is a PHENOMENAL trail race through Payne’s Prairie on March 16th! It’s a 10K, mostly flat(ish) course, and very well run! The run is called the Trail of Payne (bahaha) if you want to register! I run it every year, and I am seriously NOT a runner – this race is so fun it makes me want to do it!
My friends and I have been doing a trail series of races here in Chicago run by a guy called Muddy Monk. They are a LOT of fun and we never “race” them, we’re just there to have fun! We have one coming up next weekend!
i love running trails! it’s much more entertaining and time flies!
check out my post today about running with your dog. shout out to you and sadie at the end!
How exciting!!! I’ve done two trail half marathons and they were definitely both much slower than my normal half marathon pace. I think that’s probably part of why I enjoy them so much – it’s not about the pace as much as it is enjoying your surroundings and doing something a little different. I am personally ADDICTED to trail running and I think my dog enjoys trails a lot more than he does just normal trail/bike path routes (especially if he can be off leash).
I also meant to put that I am training for my first trail 50k in June – the North Face Endurance Challenge – they have them all over the US at all difference distances (5k-50 mile)!
Can’t wait to hear about your trail race 😀 Sounds super fun! I don’t have a race coming up yet, but I’m thinking about doing a mud run in May and then maybe another half in December. I’m hoping to get more races in before that, though!
When I was in college I would run on the trails connected to campus about 4 times a week, and I would trip and fall at least once a month without fail. Such a klutz, yet it didn’t stop me from continuing to run on the trails 🙂 An actual trail race makes me nervous that I’d twist my ankle or something.
I’ve been looking for a FL trail race to do! This one looks fun! There arn’t many trails here in Orlando to train on though.
My next planned race is a half marathon in Kansas City… i just ran the Gasparilla 15k in Tampa last weekend 🙂
Trail running is by far my favorite. Out here in Arizona, it can be more dangerous because you are in the middle of the mountains, but the fews and feeling is unmatched.
No but I’ve signed up for 10k one in the summer! Do you have trail shoes?
Trail running in St. George Utah, best place EVER!!
I’m running the Cherry Blossum 10 Mile in DC at the being of April…I’m so excited to see the cherry blossoms in DC at that time of year. Then the Weeks after that I’m running my third half marathon. And then I think I’m going to bite the bullet and sign up for my first full marathon here in Albany, NY at the beginning of October. Yay for fun races and having running goals! 🙂
Woo! This sounds awesome!
My husband and I are moving in a couple of weeks and there’s a trail head literally two minutes from our new place so I’m excited to give trail running a try.
Another lunch that involves adding pre-cooked meat to food out of a jar or package. These aren’t even terribly healthy since pre-packaged foods are often high in sodium and lacking in nutrition.
Trail runs are so fun! Good luck, I am sure you guys will have a great time! 33 1/2 is definitely hard core, wow! We are going to sign up for a 5k Paws in the Park run with our dog, Nola 🙂 I am so excited!!
Love trail running I feel like the miles fly by and I never take the iPod! I just signed up for the Titanic 10k at the end of April so I have plenttttyyy of time to get faster, now just have to find a half marathon for the summer 🙂
I live on the mountain so all my outdoor running is pretty much trail running. 😉
Trail runs are SO much fun! I’ve never done an actual race on a trail though, I’m sure it will be a blast. I’m signed-up for a color run in April which I’m ridiculously excited about!
I have always wanted to do a trail race. Sounds like such a blast and takes the pressure of speed off. You’ll do great!
That bowl of soup looks like comfort food at its finest. Yum! 🙂
Just wanted to say thanks for posting the websites about the ironman challenge and the SBBC. I’m signed up for both now! I love your site because you are always posting various circuits and that’s what I need so I don’t get bored with my routine and both of these sites offer just that for March! Thanks again!
Yes I have! My time was way worse than what it would have been on asphalt but it was fun and the view was so much better than other races
Our Golden Retriever Riley, also has the tendency to do things that are oddly human the sighing is definitely one of them, but also her pouting as in to say look at my cute face you cant resist me.
I love trail running! There is a great one near our old house that I would run daily. It went for miles (longer than I ever ran it). It was so peaceful and quiet and you really didn’t see too many people as you ran (I always went with my husband). I love the extra challenge and balance it requires, not to mention that you really have to pay attention! I miss it!!
You will love trail racing! A more kick-back environment and sooooo fun!
I love trail running but I think if I did a trail race I would eat dirt. lol.
Since you’ve had so much luck with NASM, I decided to do a little more research on them and signed up to pursue my personal trainer certification today! I’m so excited!!
I’ve always wanted to try a trail run but haven’t gotten to it yet! I just ran a race about a month ago. Maybe it’s time to look for a new one!
Pretty interesting~I didn’t know that there’s a specific classification for “trail racing”. When I was in xcountry in high school, we mostly ran our courses on trails and I loved it so much more than the street 😀 It’s easier to breathe, too.
That’s so cool! (P.S. Lovin’ the soup! Chunkier, less brothy soups are my fave) I’ve actually never heard of trail races (better get in the know, Avery!), but I’m hoping to sign up for a 5k soon! I’m only at 2 miles, but am working towards 3, so that should be happening in the next couple of months!
I am currently doing a Polar Bear Series of runs; 5K, 10K, 10 miles and a half marathon in March, all road races. I will be doing trail races this spring and summer, just like last year. I also am hoping to complete at least 3-4 triathlons. I am so excited for race season to start.
I absolutely LOVE trail running! Sometimes I feel like Harrison Ford in The Fugitive because I’m THAT cool! Haha. It makes my run a lot more fun and interesting than the usual pavement pouding.