First things first, our kick-off meeting for the fall season of Girls on Track (the middle school version of Girls on the Run) went so well yesterday. I am only one day in and I think I am going to absolutely love coaching and getting to know such vibrant group of 6, 7 and 8th graders. I will be leading my first lesson on Thursday and I am really looking forward to it!
To help everyone remember each other, our first activity involved introducing yourself using an adjective that started with the first letter of your first name. For example, I was “Jolly Julie.” I am not the best with names but I was shocked at how much easier it was to remember everyone’s names when they introduced themselves this way. “Silly Sarah” and “Artistic Audrey” are much easier to remember than Sarah and Audrey. When I meet someone new now I may have to think of an alliterative adjective to help me remember their names…
By the time I was done with Girls on Track and made my way home, Ryan had already picked up my father-in-law from the Charlotte airport and the two of them were on a walk with Sadie. Our first visitor at our new house had arrived! Once Ryan and Greg made it back to our place, the three of us headed out to dinner at a casual sushi spot.
Three cheers for parking lot photos!
My meal at Asiana began with the Tom Yum soup, a spicy lemongrass broth-based soup packed with lots of shrimp, mushrooms and tofu.
A shared spicy tuna roll followed!
For my entree, I ordered the scallops steamer with brown rice.
This dish was quite large but nice and light. I topped it with the brown sauce that came on the side and thought it was great!
Before heading home, Ryan, Greg and I popped into The Fresh Market to grab a sweet treat. I opted for a small bag of the white chocolate Chex mix from the bulk bins that served as my dessert (I truly cannot go to Fresh Market without buying some!) but left swimming in a pool of regret over my failure to purchase this:
It must happen SOON.
Have a great Wednesday, my friends!
I absolutely love those Annie’s popcorn flavors. My favorite last year was the chocolate peanut butter flavor but I haven’t been able to find it since. The cinnamon white chocolate is good too and I just finished off an entire bag of the candy corn. The candy corn flavor came through to me and had a white chocolate like drizzle on it too. Those are dangerous for me to have around because I can literally eat that whole bag in one or two sittings. I also love that white chocolate mix you mentioned but I read the ingredients last time I bought it and realized that hydrogenated oil was on there several times, so I haven’t been buying it but would like to find a similar tasting recipe. I don’t like to ban any food from my diet but I do try to stay away from trans fats, its my only food “rule.” Whoa that was a long tirade about sugary popcorn, I must feel strongly about Annie’s popcorn! 🙂