Who says dreary days have to be boring?
Sure it’s rainboot wearin’ weather in Orlando, but that didn’t stop me and Ryan from heading out to buy some Christmas presents for our family.Before we went shopping, we walked to the gym for a sweaty workout.
While Ryan headed to the weight room to do manly exercises, I took a Zumba class. Apparently last night’s burlesque dance class sparked a craving to shake my booty!
I love Zumba classes so much! I feel like I smile the entire time I’m dancing. The upbeat music, positive personality of the instructor and enthusiasm of the class participants are a winning combination.
After Zumba, I did another 20 minutes of cardio split between the elliptical and the arc trainer waiting for the rain to calm down.
Once home, we showered, made breakfast quesadillas and headed out! My ‘dilla included two eggs, shredded cheese and two slices of Canadian bacon. The perfect shopping fuel!
With food in our stomachs, we ran some errands and picked up some great gifts for our loved ones.
First up: Hobby Lobby!I could seriously spend hours in craft stores.
Buuuut, craft stores are to Ryan as Home Depot is to me.
Apparently I now blog in SAT-speak. 😉
Needless to say, our time in Hobby Lobby didn’t last long and we headed to Starbucks for a Frappuccino break.
I ordered my usual mocha Frappuccino light and enjoyed every sip!
Our next stop took us to the Verizon store before heading to Target.
Once in Target, we picked up some fantastic Christmas apparel for Sadie. Stay tuned for Santa Sadie’s debut on the blog. 😀
While browsing the book section in Target, I turned around and saw a wall full of magazines. I immediately scanned the rack for Fitness Magazine because Dally, a wonderful blog reader, informed me that I was on page 69 of the latest issue this morning.
I flipped through the issue and BAM!Look who it is!
So exciting!
When I arrived home, I checked online and found a link to the little blurb, which you may see here on slide four, if you’re interested. You may also recognize Tina from the fabulous blog Faith, Fitness, Fun on slide one!
Then it was time for lunch!
Since it was dreary outside, Ryan suggested heading to Four Rivers Smokehouse for lunch.
This BBQ joint is unbelievably popular and usually has a line way out the door. We figured the rainy weather would scare some people off and make the wait time much shorter.
The line was long, but a lot shorter than usual!Within 10 minutes we had two pulled pork sandwiches and sides of fried okra, sweet potato casserole, corn and baked beans to share.
We took our meals to go and came home to dig in! Oh my goodness. The pulled pork was unreal. It totally lived up to all the hype.
Now that the rain has slowed, Ryan and I are taking Sadie on a walk around the neighborhood before our friend Ross arrives for the night!
Catcha lata!
wowww congrats on the fitness mag, thats awesome!!! 🙂 nice SAT analogy hahaha, i like craft stores for about 30 mins then i want to shoot myself if im in there for longer than that. my home depot limit is about 5 mins 😛
Wow you were in a magazine- how cool! I’ll defo check out that link 🙂
I really want to try out a Zumba class, but I’m too chicken! 😛 I might do now though seeing as you enjoyed it so much!
I can’t wait to pick up the new edition of Fitness and check your story out! Way cool! I can’t wait to Sadie’s holiday look – I hope reindeer antlers are involved!
Congrats on the Fitness mention- so awesome!! I’m gonna pick up a copy just to see it 🙂 And I have Hunter wellies too. They’re expensive but SO WORTH it, right? Comfy and dry!
Congrats on the magazine!!
I got Ev’s Christmas sweater at Target, too… they always have such cute doggie stuff 🙂
That’s way too amazing you’re in Fitness Magazine! I am a subscriber and cannot wait till I can see it in real life! Merry Christmas from Canada, where we have tons of rain too!
I just got that magazine today and was reading it on the elliptical and recognized you and tina!! so cool 🙂
Oh my goodness, picking that issue up ASAP! Congrats 😀
I love love love craft stores, too!
YAh! You’re in the magazine-way to go! Isn’t Zumba the bombdotcom?! It is even better teaching it 🙂
yayyy! I love fitness magazine. It’s awesome that you’re in there!
p.s. I want the Zumba dvd set for Christmas. Do you think it will be worth it?
Haha… glad you have found some place to torture Ryan. 😉
Congrats on the magazine! 🙂
Pretty cool! Cute picture too!!
It’s so exciting that you were featured in a magazine! Did you know for sure you were or was it a total surprise?
Great blurb in fitness magazine. Love the picture!
I got an email from a reader too. I tried to find a link since I don’t have the mag in my hands yet. Thanks for sharing it with me! So exciting!!! 🙂
So cool that you are in a magazine! I can’t wait to get my copy in the mail.
Congrats on your appearance in Fitness! You’ve got such an inspiring story, Julie. I can relate: I find that I have much more stamina if I think about exercising for life rather than my own vanity.
As for that pork BBQ sandwich? You better be happy you’re a few states away.
how exciting! that’s so cool to see you in a magazine 🙂
Thanks for the shout out! I’m in Texas and got my issue in the mail yesterday. I usually don’t read Fitness late at night, but I was sitting on the couch and going through my mail when I saw it. I was thinking maybe you worked for them, but glad to know you were surprised!!!! Happy Christmas Julie!!!!!
Congrats on the magazine! That’s crazy that they didn’t tell you you were going to be in it! (is that what happened? haha) I’m in Orlando for the week and enjoying the warm weather you are blessed with all year round! It will be very sad to leave come the 22nd!
Can’t wait to see it when my magazine comes this month!
THat sandwich looks wayyy too good! Give me some! gah
and Buuuut, craft stores are to Ryan as Home Depot is to me.
hahahahahahahaha Your so funny Julie! 🙂
Fitness is my favorite magazine, thats a great picture of you and great little article. Hey if you need a holiday dessert I made one thats right up your ally 🙂 Lunch looks awesome btw!
congrats on the mag 🙂
Loved the funny pics!
And congrats on the magazine, girl!
So happy for you 🙂
Congrats on the fitness mag! That’s awesome!
Ahh, so exciting!!! CONGRATS! 🙂
congrats on the fitness magazine!! that is awesome!!
mm, that pulled pork sounded awesome!
i am currently writing a post on setting new years goals based on magazine suggestions.
here i am.
in the coffee shop.
flipping through the January fitness which has been sitting on my end table for a week now…..
and I am looking through the pages.
you, know….as “research”…
and I turn to page 69 –
“wait. that girl looks familiar…..hmmmm….and her name is Julie….hmmmmm…….open up browser, go to pbfingers….search “fitness” on your blog and found this post! HOOOOOORAY! i am not crazy. that IS you! 🙂
and you look fabulous 🙂