The rest of my work day passed rather quickly since I was quite busy. Before I knew it, I was done and ready to change and head back into the weight room for my own workout. (I didn’t work out during the functional class I taught since it includes six circuits and I hopped all over the room checking form and offering modifications.)
My workout began with a five minute jog on the treadmill to warm up my muscles. Then it was time to target my legs!
After that workout, my legs were toast! I concluded my time at the gym with 15 minutes of light cardio on the elliptical.
My late lunch featured a watermelon and feta salad with avocado.
Love it!
I also ate half of a whole wheat bagel topped with almond butter and unsweetened coconut.
Focus On One Healthy Habit
Making healthy changes to your lifestyle can be very, very overwhelming. There is a plethora of information out there about what you should eat and what you shouldn’t eat. What exercises you should do and what exercises you shouldn’t do. For someone just learning about fitness or healthy eating, it can be a lot to take in. This is something I hear from many of my personal training clients.
I’ve started encouraging my clients to focus on one healthy habit at a time. Since we’re already working out together, I tell them to let me take care of the fitness side of things. I give them workout “homework” to complete on the days when we’re not training together. (This is typically some form of cardio or a group exercise class of some sort since my workouts with clients are often strength or circuit based.)
We then brainstorm other areas of their life that may need revamping and focus on this area for one to two weeks. Some examples:
- Cut out soda
- Drink more water
- Go to bed earlier
- Eat fruit or vegetables with every meal
- Eat more protein
- Focus on healthy, mindful snacking
- Limit TV time
I think the key message I’m trying to convey is that a healthy lifestyle is composed of a bunch of little healthy habits. Sleeping. Moving. Eating healthy most of the time. It doesn’t need to be all or nothing or overwhelming.
I’m trying my best to help my clients break it down. Just because I eat something crappy right when I leave the gym doesn’t mean my healthy journey is over. It’s just that – a journey. The path to healthy living is not the path to perfection. The journey to adopting a healthy lifestyle will include high and low points, but keep on moving toward that healthy goal.
This week, I am going to focus on one healthy habit: Healthy, mindful snacking.
With my varying hours, I feel like I’ve been snacking all the time, even when I’m not hungry. I’ve been reaching for convenient, grab ‘n’ go, not-so-healthy food in the break room and know I’d feel better if I go back to packing my favorite healthy snacks to have on hand just in case hunger strikes.
Question of the Afternoon
- What is one area of your life you’d like to focus on making a little healthier?
Great advice! I really need to work on snacking when I’m not hungry. Sometimes I eat just because or because someone else around me is. It’s annoying!
great post! making monumental changes can often be very intimidating for people just entering the “healthy living” world. i always encourage my friends to start small because all those small movements add up and eventually become habits!
drink more water!! this is so tough for me…i’m just not THAT thirsty. i actually do pretty well while i’m at work because i always have my water right in front of me and whenever i look around my desk and see my bottle i just drink it, whether i want it or not. The weekends are entirely different….so much running around, who can drink drink drink all the time?!
I try to have my water bottle with me at all times on the weekends, even when I go somewhere! Sometimes it’s a little inconvenient to carry around a bulky water bottle (and to go to the bathroom all the time, hah!), but the benefits outweigh the convenience for me! 🙂
Such a good post! Sometimes my mind gets bogged down with worrying that I’m not doing enough in my journey to being totally healthy that I end up completely shutting down and not being healthy at all- and it doesn’t need to do a complete 180! It’s a journey, as you said. It’s an important thing to remember!
Hamstring ball curls are such a great exercise and make my legs burn so good!
This post is kind of perfect for today. I have been very strangely having crazy salt / sugar cravings. No I am not preggo ha! In my office chocolate and other crap is all over and when I start my day out by grabbing something to throw in my desk for later it ends up being a crappy day. Starting tomorrow I am skipping the chocolate dish! I normally go weeks with out touching it then have one really bad week. Well I am nipping it in the bud tomorrow! I love chocolate but I would rather go buy it when I really want it than eat it just because it is around.
This is awesome! Over the past couple of months with recovery, I’ve tried to incorporate healthier habits (like drinking more water, cutting out diet soda, eating a better variety and more of it haha!), but right now, I want to focus on eating more natural foods, things that are less processed! I’m trying to stick with the rule that if I can’t pronounce the ingredient on an ingredient list, then I’m not going to eat it. It’s changed my perspective on health, actually, calories used to be my main focus, but the ingredients list has taken the lead. I’m kinda liking it for a change 🙂
Thank you, I needed this today! I feel like I’ve been slipping off the wagon. I’m just going to work on meal planning and prep this week so I don’t eat crappy food because it’s convient.
I really love your perspective on focusing on one healthy habit at a time. From experience, it definitely does make things a lot easier, realistic and doable. For me, personally, I have been focusing on changing my sleeping habits! I’m trying to get to sleep earlier and have a more restorative, good night’s rest!
That salad looks deeeeelish! I might have to make one of those for myself, perfect for the warm weather!
And you are so right, “healthy” living can be so overwhelming at first. What one person says is good, another person says is bad. I’ve learned nutrition is like politics and you eventually have to make decisions based on what seems best for YOU. Good idea to focus on one thing at a time, that can definitely make things a little less overwhelming! 🙂
Good point! It takes AT LEAST 21 days to engrain a new healthy behavior as a habit so one a week or less is plenty! Whenever I don’t have a specific health goal I’m working on my default is five or more servings of fruits and vegetables! This reminds me to grab carrots instead of a granola bar for a snack!
I love this philosophy and it’s what I tell people all the time – it starts with just one change because that little change turns into a habit which translates into a lifestyle!
This is why I chose the blog name that I did too: It’s Progression Not Perfection
I love the idea that a healthy lifestyle is a bunch of tiny healthy changes. Right now, I need to be better about getting out and working out, or even just doing tiny workouts at home when I am not in the mood for a full run. Just a plank here and there. And I have the same problem with snacking….but I’d rather snack than deprive myself and be “hangry” later.
More sleep, healthier snacks like you said, and less beer! 🙂
Good advice! I find it hard to go from 0-60 all at once. As in, do every healthy thing that I want when I’ve spent a long time not exercising/eating bad. It’s better to build on it little by little.
I think my sugar intake is what I need to focus on. I have a sweet tooth… and I feel like that’s the one thing I can really work on.
Though I try, I need to make a concerted effort at drinking more water, especially in this heat!
Great tip! I need to focus on being more active and running FIRST, then back to healthier eating…it’ll all come back eventually!
I, too, need to be mindful of the snacking. I am fairly good with my meals (though not perfect), but I don’t always make my snacks ‘count.’ Sometimes I just don’t eat a snack at all when I know I need one, but then rebound at my next meal — not a good habit. But, like you said, it’s a journey!
That salad looks amazing.
Love this! I think I want to try going to sleep a little earlier. No school means I get to stay up late, but I don’t want to make it a habit. When September comes around, I’ll be much happier if I can get to sleep at a decent hour!
I definitely have to work on getting more sleep…it’s just so tempting to watch tv on my laptop after work. I read all the time about sleep being connected with eating habits i really have to work on that. Taking a healthy lifestyle in strides is so important. All the messages of tips/tricks/shortcuts can be so overwhelming!
I have that same problem!
I like the idea of incorporating one healthy modification at a time. You’re right, it can be overwhelming. While I am currently training for a half marathon, I am trying to remember the importance of down time and replenishment. Everyone is at a different level physically…for one person it might be to exercise more, for someone else it may be to remember to rest. I am trying to remember to hydrate/refuel with healthy eats when I say I am focusing on down time and replenishment. For example, yesterday was my “rest day” and the day before I did an 8 mile run, and my rest day was accidentally a 10 mile hike (5 of which were up hill in Mt. Baker National Forest in Washington). Oops! We are all learning when to make healthier decisions 🙂 Needless to say my body has been screaming all day and my energy levels are sub-zero. #tomorrowisanewday
Loving this leg workout- Just finished it at the gym and I can tell tomorrow is going to be a lil’ wobbly 😉
Your advice to your clients sounds perfect. I know I need to work on getting more sleep. So on that note – goodnight! 🙂
forgive me if I asked before, but do you get bugged by other gym-goers when you do your own w/o time? I knew some trainers who worked out at other gyms for that reason (I think some even had reciprocal agreements so staff at two gyms sorta traded home gym privileges).
Your watermelon and feta salad looks amazing. I love that combo!
And great tips about healthy habits. Starting with small changes is the best way to succeed.
Lately, I have been trying to add more protein into my daily intake. Smoothies have been my go to way of doing that.
The bottom portion of your blog was really helpful! I am currently working on living a healthier lifestyle and it’s definitely overwhelming. I love how you said it’s a journey. I always feel guilty for eating a piece of chocolate after a long day, but I know I shouldn’t! Thank you for sharing – it definitely helped!
I try my best to eat healthy and maintain my diet ,but I have a question. I heard that eating foods before you go to sleep isn’t good for you. Is this true?
That’s such great advice!
I really need to focus on limiting night time snacking. I’m fine if I’m busy, but as soon as I’m sitting in the house watching TV, I want to eat. Even if I’m not hungry!
I need to start going to bed earlier! That’s one bad habit I can’t seem to break.
Great post, Julie! My one vice is that I don’t drink enough water. Recently I’ve been carrying a water bottle with me everywhere and it seems to help with my habit!
I’m marathon training and have 15 weeks left! For the next 15 weeks I am cutting out all soda and aspartame (I want this to be permanent) and focusing on eating as much non processed, whole foods as possible.
Great points. I think you’re 100% correct, little, small choices are what lead to a healthy lifestyle. We all have areas we do better in and areas that need a little improvement. I’m sure your personal training clients love you!
I need to focus on mindful snacking! I get hungry before bed, but instead of sitting down to have a balanced snack that will satisfy me and squash my hunger, I find myself nibbling on random things. I am going to start preparing a snack for me so that when the hunger strikes, I am ready for it.
Thank you. Your posts are always so timely. I was thinking about this – I’m doing okay on exercising right now but what to eat has become so overwhelming. “Everyone” says no gluten, no carbs, no sugar, no this, no that, and on and on and on. So my husband and I decided to pick one thing to start with in both food and exercise. We’re doing no sugar and walking every night. We’ll move on from there.
What a great thing to teach your clients. I find it so motivating when I achieve a goal (ie drink more water this week) to keep going and adding on more goals!
Awesome post, and so true. One area in my life I would like to work on is to appreciate all the good things in life. Things like being in a healthy relationship, having a beautiful home, having a job I enjoy going to.. Things that I take for granted every day, I want to be more thankful and thoroughly show how happy I am to have those things.
5 minutes of core work each day!
Question about the leg workout – are you doing all 3 sets of each exercise before moving to the next, or 1 set of each, back-to-back for 3 rounds?
I would love to get more sleep. With work and summer fun, I’m only at 5-6 hours per night! 🙁
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