Monday night was a doozey over here. Yeesh. I could not fall asleep for the life of me and truly did not drift off to sleep until 3 a.m. I tried and tried but have you ever had the adrenaline kick in when you cannot sleep that makes you feel totally amped up when you know you should be sleeping? I threw in the towel multiple times and read The Alice Network for hours with the hope that reading would make me sleepy. No such luck. It was pretty brutal and I opted out of my early-morning wakeup time in favor of sleeping in until 7 a.m. on Tuesday.
You better believe I will be researching the heck out of magnesium supplements and Natural Calm, which a number of you recommended to me when I briefly mentioned some rough sleep in my last pregnancy recap post. Is this my body’s way of preparing me for life with a newborn again!? Ooph.
With a less-than-stellar sleep under my belt, I woke up feeling slightly groggy on Tuesday. I made myself a bowl of triple chocolate protein oats to eat as I read my devotional which helped lift my mood.
Chase was up not long after I finished my oats and the two of us eased into the morning with stories in his room over oatmeal green smoothie muffins.
Before Chase went to bed last night, I told him we’d be going to boot camp in the morning and since he loves it there, he asked about it soon after he was awake because he wanted to go play with his BFF Claire. Let’s just say Chase is to thank for me actually making it to the gym yesterday morning. Talk about keeping me accountable for my workout, huh!?
It was leg day at Burn Boot Camp yesterday and here’s what the workout looked like:
I’ve been experiencing some discomfort when I do certain single-leg exercises (almost like a throbbing down there), so I modified the workout quite a bit and cut myself some serious slack.
I didn’t have much time to hang around boot camp and chat with friends after my workout yesterday because we had a dentist appointment on the books for Chase! We hurried off to the dentist and it went so, so well.
The last time we were there they pretty much freaked me out into getting rid of Chase’s pacifier and whatever measurements they took in his mouth time time showed a dramatic improvement in his palate since we removed the paci four months ago. (Just a quick note to say that Chase’s palate was seriously impacted by his pacifier so much that his front teeth almost came to a point. It was pretty dramatic but I know there are tons of kids out there who are totally fine with pacifiers for much longer! I had to add this because I don’t want anyone out there to spiral into a paci-induced panic because of our experience. There is a ZERO percent chance I would’ve cut the pacifier when we did had our dentist not been so firm about it.)
The pediatric dentist we see in Charlotte is wonderful and Chase honestly seemed to enjoy everything from wearing sunglasses under the lights to brushing the teeth on a stuffed fish before they cleaned his teeth, etc. We actually “play dentist” to get Chase to brush his teeth almost every night in our house (yes, this means we then let him “brush” our teeth, too, which is quite comical) so he thought the whole experience was really cool.
After the dentist, we headed home for about 30 minutes which gave us enough time to eat a quick snack (an apple plus two pieces of leftover frittata straight out of the tupperware container for me) before we leashed Sadie up for an appointment at her vet’s office.
On Monday afternoon I noticed Sadie licking at her paw and when I looked closely at her nails, I saw that one nail looked like it was split. She was still walking and running normally but seemed to nurse her paw and lick at it non-stop when she was resting throughout the evening. She also wanted me nowhere near her paw so I knew it was something we needed to have checked out. We were at the vet’s office for a solid hour and poor Sadie needed anesthesia and will be sporting a little bootie on her paw for three days as her nail heals. She was such a trooper but seemed quite woozy when we got home, so I carried her inside and Chase and I made up a comfy spot for her on the couch where she slept for several hours.
My poor little girl!
Once I was sure Sadie was comfortable and resting, I made lunch for Chase before putting him down for his nap and grabbing a quick shower. I then headed into my home office to work on the computer as I ate leftover Paleo pizza spaghetti pie from Monday night’s dinner.
Apparently I was feeling rather snacky yesterday because I also made myself a refreshing green smoothie and topped some yogurt with pumpkin seeds and cacao nibs not long after I was done with my lunch.
Thankfully Chase napped well yesterday so I was able to be fairly productive on the computer until he was awake and ready for action.
After some playtime at home, I told Chase we had to head out because Mom had an appointment and when he asked what we were doing, I explained I was just getting my eyebrows fixed (aka waxed). He didn’t miss a beat and said, “Mom, your eyebrows are broken?” Well, by the looks of them, yes, yes they were.
My eyebrow appointment took all of 2.5 seconds (apparently Tuesday was Family Appointment Day for the Fagans, huh?) and then Chase and I played outside at a local park until we got word that Ryan was heading home from work. We spent the rest of the evening eating dinner and hanging out as a family. We were also quite happy to see Sadie’s energy returning and dog smiles back on her face. (I swear she smiles. It’s a real thing.)
(Steelhead Trout + Baked Sweet Potato + Roasted Zucchini)
Oh and I also ate more than my fair share of mini peanut butter cups before bed. Ryan, Chase and I went to town on this bag after dinner and it didn’t stand a chance against the three of us… Okay, mostly me.
By the time bed time rolled around, I felt a weird burst of energy and worried I’d have another night like Monday night ahead of me. Thankfully I slept much better last night and drifted quickly off to sleep after I finished my book.
Our Wednesday over here is a rather busy one. Chase has preschool in the morning and while he’s off at school, I’m going to be a guest on the new Coffee & Kettlebells Podcast which you can watch LIVE on the Burn Boot Camp Facebook page around 11 a.m. EST! (The video will be there even after the live debut, so you can check it out later as well if you’re interested.) This is actually the FIRST podcast episode launched by Burn Boot Camp cofounder Morgan Kline and I’m excited to chat it up with her about all things fitness, motherhood and healthy living!
Hope you all have a great Wednesday!
Just wanted to cosign on CALM. I had the worst case of restless legs (which sounds silly but it completely prevented me from getting any sleep for entire nights) and magnesium made a SIGNIFICANT difference. I still take it now for its digestive benefits. Hope you can sleep soon!
Thank you! I’ve been up a LOT at night lately — maybe like 3 nights a week of restlessness so I’m really hoping it helps!
Try Unisom! Totally safe during pregnancy and it is the only way I sleep when pregnant. If I don’t take it, I will be awake for hours. What was wrong with Sadie’s nail and what did they have to do?
Thank you for the Unisom tip!! And Sadie’s nail was basically split into two pieces but still connected at the base of the nail and they had to remove the top part of the split nail and bandage it up. The vet said this is very common with active dogs and often happens when they’re running around and playing. We just felt so bad for her! She honestly didn’t seem like she was in pain when she was running or walking around the house but definitely licked at her paw a lot on Monday which made it look at her paw closely. When I saw her nail, I knew we had to get an appointment for her as soon as possible.
Tuesday was appointment day! I had my 3 hour glucose test, which besides my arms being a bit sore later in the day was nowhere near as bad as I anticipated. I was so thankful to have Little Fires Everywhere to read….the time seriously passed by so quickly! Thanks for the recommendation 🙂 I was also thankful I passed with flying colors and all counts were lower than my one hour test. Whew!
I hope you’re able to get some better sleep soon. I’m glad that I still sleep pretty decently and I’m trying to enjoy every moment of sleep before those sleepless newborn days! Hah!
i’m so glad your test went well!!!
Has Chase started sucking his thumb since you took his pacifier away? Our dentist scared us into getting rid of our daughter’s pacifier, too, but now she’s a thumb sucking machine and I keep thinking it must be worse than the pacifier! Just curious if this is an issue for anyone else.
Also, magnesium supplements were a lifesaver for me during my second pregnancy. Good luck!
he didn’t suck his thumb but he started putting three of his fingers in his mouth for a month or so after we dropped the paci. somehow that just kind of stopped happening but i am sure the thumb sucking would be a hard one to break since it’s not something you can “remove” at all. i hope something works for you!!
The same thing happened to our dog last week. Cracked his nail all the way up the side. They had to sedate him and take the *entire* nail off, crazy! So I totally feel for Sadie <3 I hope she feels better soon!
aw your poor dog! how long did it take for your dog to feel better?
He is still healing, vet says it will take 2 months because they had to remove the whole nail, leaving the entire quick exposed 🙁
He is a high energy level dog, like Sadie, so this bed rest is killing him!
Wish Sadie a speedy recovery! She’s a trooper for sure 🙂
When I did my pre and post natal fitness course we were told to ask our clients to ease up or stop/avoid after the 1st trimester any lateral movements and high impact exercises ; side lunges, wide sumo squats, shuffles etc due to the hormone relaxin widening the pelvis preparing for birth (and all other ligaments in the body). This can affect joint stability and maybe the cause of the pain if you’ve over stepped laterally and moved the pelvis slightly. Any pain down there that didn’t feel right, stop the session and refer to a medical practitioner. I know everybody’s different and in everyday life you can’t always avoid large lateral movements! These were the guidelines we were given and I’m sure you know them already! As you’ve been working out before being pregnant you’re stronger than my course guidelines. I wanted to argue with my teacher that girls who worked out before pregnancy could maybe do more intense workouts as they were conditioned, but kept quiet to pass. And how can you avoid lateral movements outside the gym? While researching for my coursework pregnant ladies were doing sumo squats, leg extension to help prepare for birth going against what I was being taught. I included a few for my coursework saying if the lady’s already pretty fit she can do them, however received notes advising against! I hope this helps in someway and apologies this comment is way longer than I expected!
Sounds like you guys had a busy day! I’m hoping that Sadie is feeling better soon. It’s always tough when a pet isn’t feeling 100%.
Have you ever tried meditation when you can’t sleep? I know it sounds woo woo (and I’m definitely not a woo woo person), but I’ve been using the Headspace app before I go to bed and it helps me so much with slowing down and calming my mind so that I’m not thinking of all the things that I have to do or remember in the morning.
i actually used a meditation app a lot when i had the flu and then got out of the habit — thank you for the reminder! i’ve been struggling with sleep about 3 nights a week lately and will absolutely keep this in mind. i loved it when i was using it regularly!
I also swear by the podcast Sleep with Me! We used to have trouble sleeping after a family emergency, and this is the only thing that helps us. The host literally describes it as the podcast to help you sleep and it works.
Awwww! Sweet Sadie with her pink paw and blanket! You’re a good dog Mom!
I am 3 months pregnant and the sleep already sucks. I picked up some gummy Melatonin and it has really helped me stay asleep. I still wake up a couple times a night, but can easily go right back to sleep. I take one about an hour before my “bed time” and it seems to do the trick.
*Also, I just finished Lilac Girls after your recommendation. Wow. What a great read! I am about to start House of Fires tonight…
*Little Fires Everywhere Apparently I just made up “House of Fires”. Pregnancy brain….
if you liked lilac girls you MUST read the alice network when you’re done with little fires everywhere! i finished it last night and it was fantastic!!
Ha! I feel like my eyebrows are broken sometimes too 🙂 And I can’t blame you with those peanut butter cups- they are the best! Good luck on your podcast!!
So glad Sadie girl is ok. My 9 year old Abby (German Shorthaired Pointer) has recently been diagnosed with a torn ACL. With her energy level and prey drive I suppose it was bound to happen eventually. We’re looking at a very expensive surgery and long recovery time, if we decide to fix it surgically. The vet keeps reminding me that she is “not a young dog” and basically saying it may not be worth it to fix the ligament, to which I would like to remind her that (as you have said before about Sadie) “Abby is actually going to live forever and you can’t convince me otherwise”.
Our lab actually had 2 ACL surgeries and she’s better than ever! They say if they tear one there’s a 50% chance they’ll tear the second, which happened on our case. She was 3 and then 5 when it happened, but she’s much more active and I’m super glad we went ahead and did the surgeries!!
aw i am so sorry about your sweet dog! that is so hard. my sister and her husband’s lab actually had ACL surgery a couple of years ago — she’s 10 now and doing great <3 sending love and healing wishes to abby!! <3
That Sadie picture is KILLING me. So cute. Poor little pup!
Would love to know how you’re able to get your eyebrows waxed with Chase! I keep needing to get mine done but not sure if my 2.5 year old would be able to sit still for just the 5 seconds it takes – especially since I wouldn’t be able to keep an eye on him. 🙂 Luckily my sister is my hair stylist so I’m able to bring him to get a haircut while he’s on my lap or free to run around her small suite she rents out : )
soooo i came equipped with an episode of paw patrol on my phone because he never gets to watch it at our house (we don’t have cable) and so it’s an extra special treat! he watched it for like 2 min and then i was done!
I am so going to have nightmares about that terrifying stuffed fish with teeth! lol 🙂
haha! one of my friends texted me similar thoughts when she saw the pic on instagram stories!
What might have caused your sleeplessness was the chocolate. There is some caffeine in chocolate and if you ate enough it, it might have been enough to keep you awake. I’m a caffeine free girl but I do love my chocolate. If I eat it too late at night, I’m guaranteed a night of no sleep!
Hi Julie! I was wondering if and how often you have Sadie groomed. We rescued a greyhound and I love when she snuggles on the couch with us, but I am a really worried about germs/dirt she may pick up from running around outside so I tend to only let her on the couch or bed after a bath. Just wondering what shampoo do you use for Sadie or what her cleaning routine is.
That photo of Sadie is SO CUTE! Makes me want to snuggle and take a nap with her, glad she is on the mend!
Maybe some pregnancy safe essential oils would help with your sleeping?
Hahaha I sometimes feel like my eyebrows are broken too. Haha! That totally just made me laugh out loud. Chase is just too sweet! That picture of Sadie is so cute, poor little pup!! I hope you get some sleep, Julie! Xoxo
When I was pregnant I woke up on a perfect feeding schedule. I swear it was my body’s way of preparing me!
Chocolate before bed always affected while pregnant, but never any other time. I had to cut chocolate out after 4pm which made me start eating my dessert early every day haha because I HAVE to have my sweets 🙂
Hoping you get some restful nights ahead <3
So glad Chase’s dentist appt went so well! I know a lot of little ones struggle with the dentist so it’s great you found a dentist you love. I had no idea a pacifier could do that to a child’s palette!!
Sorry to hear about Sadie’s nail…hope she makes a speedy recovery! I always feel so bad when there’s something wrong with my dog – I hate to see her in any pain!
Hope you have a great Wednesday!
I feel ya on the adrenaline kick! As of the last few months, I have been exerting more energy than I could possibly expend on a regular basis, so it’s been really exhausting for me, haha! Gosh, I need sleep. But I am glad that you are still doing really well with your family and everything! The triple chocolate protein oats also look so delicious!
Aghhh we’ve gotten the twins down to just naptime and bedtime with the paci at 22 months so that feels like a win but I know I have to be brace and get rid of it completely soon!! 2 is my limit ?
Also, have you tried essential oils for sleep (and a ton of other things?!) Im pretty obsessed with them for me and for my twins! Wishing you sleep soon!
I’m so sorry you’re not sleeping well-I experienced manyyyy nights like this during both of my pregnancies. It makes the next day seem so long! Kudos to you for getting your workout in anyway (even if it was Chase who got you there, lol).
Did you get your hair color corrected? I might have made up the idea that you were getting it done on Wednesday.
It just clicked in my head that this was a Tuesday recap, so your color correction wouldn’t have happened yet ??♀️ I blame a long day of mommin’ ?
What a busy day! Our dog had that same thing happen to her nail a while back. It was so sad :(. I’m glad Sadie perked back up quickly!
Also, I always love recaps like this 😉
So sweet that you carried Sadie upstairs after her vet appointment. I love how much you love your pup!
Poor Sadie! Whenever Truckee gets a split nail or does anything to her paw you’d think it was the end of the world because she hobbles around with the saddest limp. Dogs are so sad when they’re hurting! I’m glad you got her all doctored up and she was able to enjoy some relaxation 🙂 I can’t believe how silver she’s getting – she looks so wise!
I’m 10 weeks pregnant and have been waking up almost every night usually between 3-6 am – it sucks! And of course my alarm goes off at 6:25 just as i’m falling back asleep…
I just started The Alice Network and it’s interesting so far! Can’t wait to get further into it.
I loved the podcast episode you did! I listened to it this morning and it was so fun to get to know you better!
Ask your doc about Unisom – I hear it’s a life saver 😉