I cannot believe it’s after 4 p.m. already. Where is the day going!?
My morning began with an early workout at my local Pure Barre studio. After nearly a week away, I was anxious to get back to it and feel the burn again today. The class was a good one and I left feeling more energized and ready to tackle the day ahead.
Before heading home to walk Sadie, I popped into Starbucks for a quick breakfast.
Spinach feta wrap + Cinnamon dolce cappuccino
While I ate, I worked on my laptop for a few hours before driving home around 11 a.m. Sadie was ready for some outdoor fun!
I leashed her up and took her on a 40-minute walk around the neighborhood. I think some of the Florida heat followed me back to North Carolina because it is H-O-T today!
After our walk, I headed out the door to a meeting about our new house. By the time I was done, my stomach was grumbling and I dug into the bag of Cosmos Creations salted caramel puffed corn I had in my car.
I think I ate a little too many servings because I started to feel a sugar rush set in. Since sugary puffed corn isn’t exactly a well-rounded lunch, I swung by Jimmy John’s to pick up something with a little more protein and some veggies.
I ordered a roast beef lettuce wrap with provolone cheese and avocado. It was tasty but I am feeling awfully ready to have a fully-stocked kitchen and fridge again! I know I could easily prepare my meals in our temporary apartment and we still are eating the majority of our meals at home, but I’ve also been eating my fair share of meals on the go lately. I’ve just been feeling less than motivated to cook during our time in the “bachelor pad.” I miss my usual stuff and am psyched to be reunited with my kitchen staples on Friday!
And while we’re on the topic of temp housing, I just wanted to take a quick second to say how much I’ve enjoyed connecting with those of you who are also in the process of moving or who may also be in a weird limbo stage in your life right now. It’s definitely a strange, chaotic, frustrating and exciting time!
Once I was done with my lunch, I wanted to make a quick pit stop at HomeGoods. Over the weekend, Ryan and I ordered a couch (thanks for your recommendations!) and a rug for our family room and now I’m on a mission to find a few things to tie everything together. I left with four throw pillows and a new lamp. Hopefully they will work, but if not they can be returned. I foresee lot of trips to HomeGoods in my future. I think I may love that store a little too much.
Now my mind is on dinner… On the menu for tonight is this taco pasta skillet! Yum!
Headed to Home Goods after work myself! Haha! I can get lost in there for an hour easily.
You and me both!
Our move is more or less over, but our tiny house is still crammed with stuff. I can’t wait until my church’s garage sale next week. The idea of minimalism is starting to call to me. 🙂
I have never had a lettuce wrap from Jimmy John’s, but it looks good, so I might have to try it! I also love HomeGoods–they have the cutest stuff. I also love World Market–have you been there? It is a little more eclectic, but they have nice furniture and it is affordable. Good luck with the move!
I’m partial to a JJ’s beach club myself, but I cannot ever imagine there is too much love for HomeGoods! I love that place and can spend lots of time and cash there. 🙂
Cinnamon Dolce Cappuccino?? Where has that been??! 🙂 I usually get the Cinnamon Dolce Latte’s or Green Tea Latte (yum!) – but definitely trying that cappuccino next time! I would love an endless budget to go into Home Goods and shop, shop, shop! I love that place – though I think the BF loves it more than me! Anytime I mention going he’s like, “wait for me!” 🙂
LOOOOOOOVE Home Goods. I always spend way too much, especially around the holidays!
My husband and I are buying our first home too – and in Charlotte, nonetheless! The process is definitely overwhelming but OH so exciting thinking about owning a piece of the city and having a yard for our pup who just loooves to run ahd chase sticks (sound familiar?). Also on the PB (Pure Barre, but peanut butter definitely works here too) and can understand how good it feels to come back to after a week away. That shake never gets any easier!
I need to run to Home Goods too! I have a photo wall I need to finish!
I really do wish you were my neighbor. I think you are so cool and so vibrant!
Me too, Linda! This is my favorite blog to catch up on!
Thank you so much Amanda!!
This is so sweet! Thank you for making me smile today, Linda!
I’m a pretty big Cinnamon Dolce latte girl, so I should probably give the cappuccino a try. I’m intrigued.
Yummy day.
You will love it!!! My fav!
I had NO idea that you could get a lettuce wrap instead of bread. This is a game changer!
I’ve been going to barre classes regularly for the past few weeks, and I’ve definitely noticed that I miss it when I skip a few days! I just love it!
Can’t wait to see more about your new house– I always think that moving is fun, though of course kind of chaotic, too. 🙂
Always, Anita
HomeGoods is soooo much fun! Once I get in there I have a hard time not buying at least 3 items. I highly recommend little coffee tables, nightstands, and that kind of stuff because they’re all so adorable. (and affordable)
After we bought our first house I was at home goods weekly. I love that store as well as TJ Maxx for homegoods.
Such an exciting time!! Do you mind sharing which couch you decided on? We’re also in the market for a nice big comfy couch for our first home.
I’ve visited Homegoods a little too much recently too! And I love Jimmy John’s!
I love shopping for home decor items! HomeGoods always has so many great things to see. I could spend hours in that store!
I grew up in nc, and I hope you don’t hate me for saying this 😉 but the weather you’re experiencing now is MUCH more normal for the area… hot and sticky summers is the way it goes in nc! June, July, and August were SO unseasonable this year!! But I hope you have nice weather for your move! Love your blog 🙂
haha that’s what we’ve been told, but i’m choosing not to believe it and pretend we moved to a magical land with cool summers. 😉
HomeGoods is the best! I owe most of my apartment to that place.
Man, moving and not having all of your stuff is the worst. I always try to save the kitchen for last when packing, which never works, and then I end up with all of this extra food the last day because I was so determined to keep cooking. It’ll make it that much better when you unpack everything, though!
Good luck with the move!
You’ll spend plenty of time making homemade meals soon enough! Cannot WAIT to see pictures of the new home!
LOVE me some HomeGoods!!! Way. Too. Much! They’re building a brand new one here in little rock and I am PUMPED!
Food on the go always stresses me out because I feel like there are so few healthy options out there…or I’m just being stubborn 🙂
Hi Julie! I was wondering if you would share the type of sofa you bought and where you found your new rug? I just moved into a new apartment and I am in need of a new soft. You mentioned that you were looking for a sofa that basically swallowed you up when you laid on it and I am looking for the same. I’m also in need of a rug. After only ever living in houses and apartments that have carpet …. I have no idea where to buy a good quality area rug.
Thanks and congratulations!!’
Yes!! We got the Piedmont “reverse B” sofa from Havertys during their Labor Day weekend sale. 🙂 It’s suuuuper comfy and should be delivered in 6-8 weeks.
Too funny! we are in the process of building a home in Indianapolis and that is the sectional I want!! I love it!
Oh I hate being in that weird limbo and feeling like it’s hard to eat/cook at home. I’m in my own weird limbo but it’s about time for me to start doing the pantry clean-out since I’m moving at the end of the month…
oh how i love popping into home goods…
Started my day with Pure Barre too – 5:30am! LOVE it!
Woop woop!
I have never tried barre before! I heard that it’s great though 🙂 And your dinner sounds amazing! Gotta try that sometime
A few years ago I was in Florida during August and I was dripping sweat the entire time. Your dog Sadie seems so cool, much bigger than our 10lb wiener dog! Does she do okay in the heat?
she’s pretty good in the heat! she will definitely start pulling for shade if it’s too intense though and that’s when we know she’s had enough. 🙂
That Salted Caramel Puffed Corn sounds amazing!
I loved Home Goods so much when I lived in America, I think it’s one of the stores I miss most but it’s probably a good thing they don’t have it over here in England because I always end up buying something there, even if I don’t need anything!!
My fiance and I just bought a house and are in the same process!! We are redoing the kitchen entirely and currently only have cabinets up and a refridgerator! So, we are stuck in the ‘what do we eat that requires no preparation or real heat’ !!
Any recommendations are helpful! Hah!
Good luck on the move!! Cannot wait to see pictures :))))
good luck to you and your fiancé!! such an exciting time — but one with some hurdles, too. 🙂
The hubs and I just moved from one apartment to the other and it suckedddddd. I wish we had a permanent place to call home but it’s just not in the cards for us right now. Moving is seriously the worst!! You’ll get through it soon enough though! 🙂
I’ve never done the lettuce wrap from Jimmy John’s but maybe should start getting that. Their bread is so thick. I love it but don’t need it.
Home Goods is the best! I find so many great things there. Good luck settling in!
I feel your pain & am glad you’re almost finished. We’ve been living ‘temporary’ for the last 4 months. At the end of September, we’ll finally have the house available. We’ve been eating our fair share of meals out since we often can’t find ingredients (stores just don’t have them that day) or I don’t have the equipment (like measuring cups). I’m really excited to have my stuff back in 3 weeks.