I hope your breakfast this morning was delicious. How’s that for some early morning well-wishes? I feel like I often say things like, “I hope your day is off to a good start,” but I’m pretty sure that eating a delicious breakfast is synonymous with beginning the day on a good note, so it works!
Speaking of good breakfasts, I filled my plate with my latest favorite!
My morning meal included two toasted Van’s multigrain waffles topped with a combination of ricotta cheese and cottage cheese, freshly sliced strawberries (mega sale on strawberries at Publix!) and a sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice.
Served with a cup of coffee to get my brain going.
Today’s workout was the same workout I completed last week through the Best Body Boot Camp program, only this time the workout had me doing four sets of each superset rather than three.
Last time I didn’t use heavy enough weights and didn’t feel particularly challenged, so this time I made sure to grab weights that were better suited to my abilities.
Heavier weights coupled with an additional set of every superset made the workout a great one! It was a total-body workout that went by fast and challenged me all over.
Cruise Formal Night Theme: America
As you may remember, in about a month, Ryan and I are joining a group of our friends on a short cruise to the Bahamas.
We all went on a cruise together back in September 2009 (right before I started blogging!) and have a tradition on formal night. We dress up in ridiculous (yet still formal) outfits.
Last cruise we went with an ‘80s formal theme.
I still remember walking behind these two women who were walking right behind Ryan and our friend Daniel. I heard them whisper to each other, “Those guys are cute… but there’s just something off with their style.”
Very off.
You see, the point is to dress up formally without wearing a legitimate costume so that if you’re spotted alone on the cruise, someone might actually think you seriously lack style and think that what you’re wearing is fabulous (which it is).
When I asked you guys for your advice on a theme for this year, you gave me some of the BEST ideas and my friends and I had a great time weighing our options.
Well, a theme has been selected!
AMERICA – A vision of red, white and blue!
We plan to showcase our pride for our country by dressing up in over-the-top formal attire that must be only red, white and blue.
We’ve also put into place a “checks and balances” system where every cruiser must run their formal outfit by their roommate for approval.
This is to ensure someone doesn’t select a dress like this…
When they should really be selecting something like this…
If you have any advice on where I might be able to nab some fantastically patriotic apparel, please share!
Skinny Bitch Book of Vegan Swaps Giveaway
Congratulations to…
- #244, Meg: “I have to eat a primarily vegan diet because of a lot of food allergies that I have. There are so many books out there that to chose from but I have heard a lot of interesting this about this one. I would love to take a look at the information and recipes!”
Please email me at pbfingers@gmail.com and I’ll drop your book in the mail for you today!
Oh man I am digging the Star-Spangled dress …hey at least it could work as a Halloween outfit too :)!
Those waffles look tasty! Van’s waffles are my absolute favorite. They are the only brand I buy 🙂
I love the America theme! That is one hell of a dress! Haha! Maybe try the Salvation Army or a place like that? You might be able to find something patriotic there to wear.
Oooh I can’t wait to see your costumes! I hope you’re getting a dress like the one in that last picture! 🙂
I don’t know where to find an American flag dress, but I recently had Amazon.com suggest this American flag vest for me when I was actually searching for nail polish:
that is a vision!
Haha I love the patriotic theme! Your cruise sounds like a blast, I can’t wait to see what you all come up with to wear!
Ha ha oh my gosh! Please find that ball gown to wear Julie! Lol it is hilarious and you would definitely stand out! 🙂 I love the American theme, and I love the first dress tht wouldn’t pass the over-the-top requirements. It is so cute!
AAAAND incase anyone’s curious about where to find that first (adorable, but agreed, def not “loud” enough) dress, it’s from Lulu*s. 😉 http://www.lifeofblyss.com/2011/07/america-oh-yeah-video/
oh yes, that dress is waaaaaay to attractive to work. 🙂
JULIE! You & Ryan should totally sign up for this!!!
that looks like so much fun!!!
This could work, especially if Ryan wore an all Red Suit! Plus check out those awesome flower type things on the booty, I mean how often do you get to rock that look! 😉
oh wow! i’m trying to keep my outfit reasonably priced so unfortunately that little gem is out, but it is fantastic!
oh goodness! I just looked at the price, that’s is pretty high. I’ll keep a look out on cheaper ones.
this is a little better. I haven’t ever purchased anything from this site but that’s one sparkley flowy flag type dress 🙂
YES! so great: http://www.prom-dresses.in/products/big/103/201112210523173.jpg Still more $$ than I want to spend, but it’s beeeeautiful.
who knew this could be so entertaining! 🙂
I’ve never been on a cruise, but the first one I go on, I will totally be stealing this idea. Fantastic; I love it.
What about this???
OH MY GOSH. That is so wonderful I can barely stand it!!! THANK you!
hehe! I saw it and was like: THIS.IS.PERFECT. for Julie. It’s fantastically patriotic. I hope you end up getting it!
Too perfect!
Hahaha that dress is awesome. It would be fabulous if a girl could find a patriotic veil of some sort 🙂
Love the theme! I can’t wait to see photos!
I don’t know that you need advice–I think you’ve got a winner there!!
Oh I love the theme!!! It is going to look awesome!
oh my gosh this is a hilarious idea! I love it soo much!! I cannot wait to see the pictures from your trip!
HAHA! This is SO fantastic. I think you guys have a great sense of humor!!
P.s. my bfast looked like yours today. WAHOO!
Bahaha I LOVE it. so much fun. I have no idea where to help you with that one, I would google, or search ebay to start. you may be able to make something too.
I love the cruise theme – that’s such a fun idea. The 80s theme will always be my favorite!
Have you ever tried the Van’s blueberry waffles? I love them!
That dress is TOO FUNNY!! I’m thinking maybe the prom section? Or a trip to Goodwill…
Loving that first red white and blue dress! The second… hmmmm I’d have to think about that one. 🙂
Cottage cheese + strawberries is such a great combo!
Oh my goodness that’s amazing. I’m counting down the days til my cruise in May!
I think that you should totally make a dress out of an American flag. It could be cute and cheap!
I can’t wait to see pictures of the outfits. You can even get a matching outfit for Sadie http://www.smalldogclothing.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=46
Those are such fun ideas! I made overnight chocolate strawberry banana oats but I might have to try waffles for tomorrow!
I can’t wait to see what you all wear because if it’s anything like that last dress, it will be epic.
btw..aren’t Van’s waffles the best?! I just mentioned that in my post today too. totally superior to other brands in the whole “crispyness” factor!
Oh my gosh – that dress is amazing! Where do people come up with this stuff??? 🙂
I’ve never tried cottage/ricotta cheese on top of my waffles before. Hmm… I think I might just have to try it the next time I grab some Kellogg’s Eggo FiberPlus(R) Waffles from my toaster.
how fun!
These pics of American theme are going to be priceless!
Oh gosh just order that second dress! That would be hilarious. I don’t know where you’ll find something like that other than in a costume shop. Good luck!
I cannot WAIT to see what all of you come up with! It looks like such a fun and creative group of friends you are!
breakfast looks awesome…
Please do not desecrate our nation’s flag by wearing one. Please see the United States of America Flag Code, specifically Section 8, Respect for the Flag:
S8 (d) “The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. …”
S8 (j) “No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.”
Furthermore, “While wearing the colors may be in poor taste and offensive to many, it is important to remember that the Flag Code is intended as a guide to be followed on a purely voluntary basis to insure proper respect for the flag. It is, at least, questionable whether statutes placing civil or criminal penalties on the wearing of clothing bearing or resembling a flag could be constitutionally enforced in light of Supreme Court decisions in the area of flag desecration.”
Source: http://www.senate.gov/reference/resources/pdf/RL30243.pdf
Everyone is within their rights to wear apparel made out of a flag or decorated to look like one. However, I would take time to carefully consider the statement you are making. I don’t want to make this a personal thing, but put yourself (if you possibly could) in the place of a veteran who has served our country and been through more than you or peers who have not served could imagine. I would be offended if I was on the cruise and saw people making light of such an important symbol that I nearly died for.
I don’t doubt your intentions are all in fun. If you all truly want to be patriotic, may I suggest making a donation to The Fisher House or The Wounded Warrior Project in lieu of purchasing new outfits?
As a veteran, I couldn’t agree more with Pam.
I love themed parties as much as the next girl but I would urge you and your friends to be conscientious of how your actions, dress and behavior are portrayed on a cruise full of people with you who may be of different cultures or backgrounds.
oh good lord.
What a mature response, Devon. I’m sorry that my differing opinion has clearly offended you so much to comment.
Well, Molly, these are people just having fun on a cruise. Why do we need to dissect it and turn it into something negative???
Your cruise sounds like it is going to be so much fun! I hope you have the best time!
If only this dress were in adult sizes! ;p http://www.overstock.com/Clothing-Shoes/Ann-Loren-Girls-Red-White-Blue-Patriotic-Dress/3971749/product.html
Loud Mouth Golf…super expensive, but super tacky golf clothing
That breakfast looks awesome… Love Van’s waffles! I love the Patriotic idea!
The America theme is so fun! Love the dresses people are coming up with!
Check out ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/H-M-AMERICAN-FLAG-STARS-AND-STRIPES-DUNGAREES-PINAFORE-DRESS-SKIRT-NEW-ALL-SIZES-/320863595135?pt=UK_Women_s_Jumpsuits_Playsuits&hash=item4ab4f5ea7f
Wait! This one is even better! SEQUINS!
I love that you guys pick themes for formal night- that is so much fun (and it’s always great to laugh at yourself). You will definitely be able to go WAY over the top with the America theme! Reminds me of my Halloween costume in first grade- I was MaryLou Retton and had her same American flag leotard. This was 1986, mind you…
Can’t wait to see what you all pick out!
Wonder Woman would be fabulous!
SO funny!
What lovely outfits! Excited to see what you come up with!
Oh my gosh that is hillarious!!!!! I cant wait to see pics!
you definitely need to go for the second dress!! Ryan should totally wear one of those leather biker jackets with a terrible bald eagle on it!
I’m jealous. I’m sure if I ever go on a cruise it will be the Nickelodeon cruise and I’ll get slimed and have to hang out with sponge bob at the pool
what about this:
not that expensive either… 🙂
Ha! I love this idea! I’m Canadian, but I don’t discriminate 😉
Proud to hear that you liked my America theme!!!! Lol so awesome. It is super fun. I am a college senior and my friends (especially guys) are obsessed with America. So needless to say we have had a few too many America themed parties.
Places we found helpful for American apparel:
American Apparel (<- crazy right?)
Thrift stores
This one's pretty cute (maybe paired with an oversized Kentucky derby-like hat?)
Good luck!!
Oh man, I cannot WAIT to see the pictures from your America theme night. I bet you could find some seriously patriotic duds at Salvation Army or Goodwill or someplace like that.
What a great theme idea! I’m not sure if you have stores like Buffalo Exchange or Crossroads out by you but if you do I would check them out for sure. They are like thrift stores but people buy and sell their used clothes and it’s very “hipster”-focused so I’m sure you could find some great dresses and mens clothes that fit the America theme.