Today I condensed the workout into a quick 20-minute version.
I completed the workout after 20 minutes on the elliptical and 10 minutes on the stair master, though it would make a great at-home workout and can be done back-to-back for those of you who are crazy hardcore and in the mood for a 40-minute jump rope circuit.
Here it is, in all its glory:
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And since some of you asked about a few of the exercises last time, below are pictures and links to video demos of some of the more confusing exercises.
(Source) Click here for a video demo.
Mountain Climbers:
(Source) Click here for a video demo.
Today’s breakfast tasted like Christmas on a plate.
I used the last of the Stonewall Kitchen gingerbread pancake mix to prepare a plate of tasty pancakes that I topped with a bit of syrup and chia seeds.
Freelance Writing Invoice
The other day when I posted about my lack of follow through when it comes to sending invoices to my freelance clients, a few of you piped up in the comments section asking me about the invoices.
Do I use a special software for billing? Do the companies provide a form?
When I first broke into the freelance writing world, one of the things that surprised me the most was I was responsible for typing up and sending out my own invoices. I guess I figured it would be a lot more formal with lots of professional documentation!
In many cases, there is a lot of paperwork to fill out along with W9 forms for new clients, but as far as the actual invoice is concerned, I was surprised to find that it was rather informal and often left up to the freelance writer to create.
Since some of you asked, here is an example of the basic invoice I send out to companies, filled with all made up information to keep me safe from the crazies and protect my clients’ privacy:
Totally basic, huh?
And now I’m off to do that freelance thang!
it’s so funny you forget to invoice…i love filling those out (especially when it’s bringing in some cash!) 🙂
i should just send it when i send the article! i think i’m so focused on sending out the article on time and proofing it, etc. that the invoice becomes an afterthought!
YEEEES, do this, and have an automated system attached to your posts. And make sure you GIVE a receipt for payment. (I freelance for other writers, I know that sounds weird, but in the world of comedy-it’s not.)
Gotta love freelancing. Seriously, so fun. I love how simple and easy invoices can be, however I would do maaaajorly well with some free software. Google? What do you say?
I am taking a bunch of creative writing classes this semester and one thing we started talking about was the work behind the writing. Research, going after jobs, and invoicing. A lot more complex than I once thought.
Haha, same! Before I started working full time at my publishing company, I freelanced for them. My invoice was SO informal, too. It was sort of funny in a way. And now, on the other end of it, I see just how many freelance writers wait forever to send their invoices to us. We’re like …do you WANT to work for free? That’s fine! But it’s more just a pain to type them up and send them consistently, I get it.
Your gingerbread pancakes look delicious. I’m still craving gingerbread things and wish everyone would carry them all through the snowy months up north! (NJ for me). Many of the Starbucks around me are already on the last leg of gingerbread. Makes me sad. 🙁
i was really nervous to send out my first invoice – like i thought they’d be like, “really? that’s all you’re sending to us!?” i guess basic is good! 😀
yep! we pretty much just want the name of the article and the price we’re supposed to pay you. and WHEN we’re supposed to pay you (article/issue dates are good)! haha
Oh man, that’s a lot of work. But I guess that’s why its called freelance–haha 🙂 Glad you love it!!
Your b-fast looks AWESOME!! Yummy!
Yep, seems pretty straightforward and similar to some invoices that I have sent myself over the years!
Also, thanks for condensing the jump rope circuit, Mostly because I am not very good at jump roping! 🙂
Thanks for the information Julie! I would really like to get into freelance writing so I love when you do such helpful posts on the subject! I would have been clueless on the invoice process.
do you remember the slip and slide yoga mats they sold in the 90s?? “Glide your way thin” “you’ll never feel like you’re working out”, right up there with the soloflex, I wanted one so badly.
That would definitely make a great at-home workout! Love it!
I love that you share this type of stuff. I’ve contemplated getting into freelance just a small bit, like maybe a side thing. I love writing.
i’m so glad! i love reading about the freelance world and i feel like so much of it isn’t really “out there” and i’ve had to do a lot of digging and learning on my own. i wish my college offered a class on freelance writing to learn more about the ins and outs.
There’s your next project… teach freelance writing college courses! haha 🙂
I never had a college course in freelancing, but I did have a writing class where the teacher actually spent a few weeks talking about pitches, where to find freelance writing jobs and invoices. So helpful!
Love the jump rope workout! And the pics of the moves.
I never knew so much went into freelancing.
The tips you give for blogging and freelance are so helpful! Thanks so much for sharing! And I just might try out that workout- I’m all about 20 minutes!
I thought my Kashi blueberry waffles with a dollop of PB was mighty tasty this morning but your pancakes have me wanting more bfast- maybe bfast for dinner tonight 😉
P.S. I recently started blogging in the fall and have been having a blast doing it for my personal pleasure! Once you started, how did you first contact companies for sponsorships and freelance opportunities?
Then I would ask if you put any sort of due date on the invoice? Or contact info for questions. What if they don’t pay you? Do you have any sort of help with collecting?
The Kidless Kronicles
Not receiving payment has never been an issue for me, thankfully. I probably should discuss payment due dates in the future to cover all of my bases. Great suggestion!
Thanks for a great post Julie! Am hoping to try one of your pancake recipes in the near future!
I love the jumprope workout! ill try to do that this weekend… 🙂
The fictional names in your invoice made me laugh! Love it!
And I think I’m going to try that jump rope circuit out – sounds killer.
Thanks for posting this, I have been wondering what the mountain climbers were. I also love that we have the same fiestaware in Peacock blue 🙂
Wow, I never would have guessed that you’d have to make your own invoices but at the same time the thought hasn’t really crossed my mind before. Looks quite simple – thanks so much for sharing a little insight into the freelancing world!
Sometimes simple is the way to go, that way you leave no room for confusion…. especially when it comes to you being PAID $$$$ ! 🙂
Haha I would do the jump rope thing at home, but I live on the 5th floor of an apartment building and I don’t know if the person below me would appreciate it… Haha. Those pancakes sound delicious!
Hey, I work full time for a university doing video photography, but I also do freelance on the side. And I’ve had the same experience with my clients. I always send them an invoice. I created a generic template and I use that one over and over again and update it as necessary. Totally, informal.
I remember the first time I created an invoice for my private tutoring families. I ended up scouring the internet for ideas, so mine looks way more fancy than it needs to be lol.
ugh, the words high knees make me want to die. Body attack loves those to words.
Worst exercises ever (but probably best for me)
1. burpees
2. high knees
3. jumping lunges
I would love to hear more about your freelance journey! I am trying to break into this as well and have started reaching out to local Jersey City papers. My challenge is *what* to write about that would excite them! Love hearing about your freelance endeavors!
have you tried jillian michaels work out Dvds? she has a 45 minute one that is a lot like this work out. it is 8 different circuits that are all completely different.
its called boost metabolism burn fat or something like that
i haven’t! i’ve heard great things about that workout though!
Thanks for posting this, Julie! 🙂
I never even thought about invoices! Makes sense though.. You need a bill to be paid.
Do you ever has trouble motivating yourself to get up early in the winter? I have been struggling this season, even though I love being up and at em to work out before work.
How do you determine how much to charge for a freelance project? Is it based off how many words per article or how much time you put in to it? I would love to learn more 😉
I usually ask them to come up with the price (it’s usually per word for larger companies/organizations and per project for smaller, local publications, i’ve found). for local work, you’re lucky to get $100 for an article. for larger organizations (i write for businesses sometimes), they’ll pay much more – like $1.50 a word.
haha “I Hope You Like My Stuff” lane… nice!!
Love skaters!
great workout! skaters are surprisingly hard!!
Hi Julie! Delicious looking breakfast. I have a question about the workout you posted yesterday. How heavy are the weights you use for the exercises? And how long do you rest between sets?
I use weights that make me feel fatigued by the end of the set. 🙂 I usually rest a minute or two between sets!
Hi Julie,
Thanks for sharing that information with us, I was actually wondering what type on invoice you sent out as well! I too am looking to get into the freelance writing world eventually. I love to write, so of course I would love to do something I love for some $$$ 🙂 I know that you have talked about pitching your ideas to certain clients etc…but how exactly do you go about doing that? Do you just e-mail them with an idea? I’m sure they probably get hundreds of e-mails regarding people who want to write for them, so how do you make yourself stand out and then finally land the job? It’s clear that the success of your blog definitely gives you a leg up in the freelance world, but do you have any advice for us newbies, who have are just starting off in the blogging and freelance writing world? Sorry for the super long post!!! Thanks Julie! 🙂
I’ve been thinking about reaching out to my local newspaper and some local journals about doing freelance articles…any suggestions?
Maybe you could do a post on how to get started wtih freelance writing! 🙂
here ya go! 🙂
I am curious about the Carba-Nada noodles (or whatever they’re called!) that you used last night.
You are, obviously, entitled to eat however you like. However, you are an example of healthy eating to a lot of people, and it’s quite deceptive to not say that you are using diet products. It’s pretty disappointing to say you are craving pasta or whatever and that you want carbs/noodles and then you secretly are using a diet product. If you have a craving for pasta, then why don’t you eat pasta? Nothing wrong with wanting to watch your weight/calories, but that’s something that would be interesting/useful for your readers to know. You share your workout routines, which I assume are all honest representations of how you are working out, so why the secrecy with food?
I DO eat pasta! (Two recent examples: – ) I’ve said on my blog before that I eat Carba Nada pasta because I think it tastes great and has a high protein content. I’m not avoiding carbs, just trying to eat in a way that makes me personally feel satisfied. A friend recommended the noodles to me years ago and I’ve enjoyed them for quite some time, mentioning them on the blog many, many times. I don’t think of them as a “diet” product, but just a product I enjoy. I don’t feel like I’m being secretive with the food I eat and post on the blog… I say when I use almond milk (some might call that a “diet” food since it’s lower in calories) and my intent is never to deceive readers. I am conscious about eating mostly healthy foods and some of those may be marketed as “diet” foods, but I just eat the foods that appeal to me and my personal tastes, regardless of the way they’re marketed.
I really need to go to pinterst and look at workouts! I need to switch up my typical workout!
No worries Julie, I would be the exact same way if I were in your position! haha. And that sounds like an awesome workout, for reals~I can feel my heart beating already 🙂
I love the workout ideas you post, thank you for doing so! I’m wondering if you could post something (or maybe you already have) about how you started doing your own workouts at gym. I personally would feel self conscious doing my own moves while others use the elliptical or weight machines. That is also a reason why classes have always appealed to me. Is there a special room or area you use to do such workouts? Maybe the gyms I’ve been looking at joining have them, but I just didn’t see them when taking a walk through. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for sharing! And now I want some fluffy pancakes…must go to grocery store soon. BTW, did you see the new Peanut Butter Cheerios on Courtney’s (SWSL) blog? I must find them asap.
I love using FreshBooks for my invoicing. Is very easy to use and free for the first few clients.
thank you so much for posting these circuit work outs! I love doing these!
Thanks for sharing about the invoicing – I had no idea!
Ohh that workout looks great! And thanks for the pictures and links to some of those exercises! I see people mention them but never really know what they are! And your breakfast looks fabulous– gingerbread pancakes on a weekday? Sounds like heaven to me!
Thanks this is really helpful Julie!
OH BOY! I just completed that jump rope circuit..those one leg hops are KILLER!! 🙂
I don’t think I’ve ever commented, but I’m going to start b/c I’m new to PBF and I just love reading it. Been following healthy living blogs for years now and yours is one of my faves! Quick question about freelancing (I hope I”m not prying):
What do you think is the average amount you earn for a magazine/blog article? You can give a range! I’m only asking bc I would love to be able to quit my day job and freelance at some points 🙂
Thanks for sharing this info – very cool that you happened to write a post about this right now, and I just this afternoon received a magazine in the mail containing my first-ever freelance writing piece! I wasn’t exactly sure what comes next and was planning to call my aunt (who works in publishing), but this post pointed me in the right direction! Thanks!
I am going to do that workout tonight!! I was looking for some at-home cardio and this is PERFECT! Glad you shared what skaters are 🙂
Hi there! Thanks for the great invoicing post – it brought up a question, though.
I’ve been freelancing for about a year now, and have gotten a significant amount of work. At what point did you create an LLC? This will be the first year I’ve had to claim FL income on my taxes and it seems so confusing! Should I start an LLC?
I’d love your insight. Thanks!
great post, Julie. Thanks for starting a conversation about invoicing!