I’m hoping it’s just a lil’ frog or something completely harmless.
Fortunately I was able to make an appointment to take Sadie to our vet later this afternoon to have it checked out. All the research I’ve done on the internet has met a little freaked out…
I am 100 percent guilty of using the internet to find information on just about anything.
Do you use the internet to find important information?
Naturally, I try to use reliable sources (Wikipedia is not a reliable source…) and have found a lot of valuable information. Unfortunately when it comes to medical inquiries, I sometimes come across information that makes me nervous… Like the time I researched what a cancerous lump feels like in the breast after I felt my mom’s lump. All my findings indicated that her lump was breast cancer and it ended up being the real deal. Though it scared me, it helped prepare me for the news that followed.
I hope my little Sadie girl is okay! The good news is that she is acting completely normal… totally crazy. 😉 Our morning walk was more of a morning “jump all over the place with a stick in your mouth” stroll.
Workout + Breakfast
Today I skipped BodyPump because I think the new release is garbage in favor of doing my own total-body weights routine. It felt good to change it up a bit!
Before my weight routine I did 30 minutes of light cardio on the elliptical, mainly because I wanted to read US Weekly. 😉
I wanted cheese for breakfast like nobody’s business!
Today I made a Swiss cheese and egg white breakfast sandwich using 1.5 slices of cheese (the other 1/2 slice went into my mouth before it made it on the sandwich).
It was so good and I give the Swiss cheese all the credit.
I am AWFUL at googling symptoms. I get convinced that I have every disease on the planet.
If it makes you feel better, we found lumps like that around my dogs throat when she was probably 3-4? The vet said they may or may not be cancerous, but it would be a little risky and expensive to biopsy them there – anyway, she lived to be 13 and just passed away in April. She did develop more over time, but she lived soooo long after that.
WebMD is my best friend. I’m just sayin.
I hope Sadie is ok, but taking her to the Vet is a good idea.
Sending good thoughts Sadie’s way!!
I’m sending Sadie good wishes!!!!
I always diagnose my symptoms online! I’m sure Sadie will be fine!! 🙂
We’re wishing Sadie the best. We found a lump near Ollie’s throat awhile ago and it turned out to just be a fat deposit.
When it comes to googling symptoms, I try to only google what I know. Meaning, I try to learn more about an illness that I, or someone I care about, am diagnosed with. I use to google symptoms and it always sent me into extreme panic mode.
Let us know how the vet goes!
I hope Sadie is ok, keep us posted!
I had cheese and eggs today too 🙂 I made a 4 egg white omelet with a slice of pepperjack cheese in the middle. Soooo good.
Hope Sadie is okay!
Keep us posted…I am sure Sadie is going to be fine! Don’t worry until you know….hang in there girl! 🙂
Breakfast looks yum!~ hope sadie is ok!
I am completely guilty of looking of medical info on the web! And I totally agree the wikipedia is NOT reliable! LOL