How are you guys doing today?
I drove to the gym early this morning to sneak in my workout for the day before I had to train a client. I began my time at the gym with a 20 minute elliptical workout. The workout incorporated intervals to challenge me a bit and get me sweatin’! After my time on the elliptical, I completed an upper body workout in the weight room.
The rest of my day was spent at the gym working away and teaching water fitness. I was a little nervous because one of my fellow instructors was hanging out at the pool with her kids. I think her presence made me nervous because she was one of the instructors I shadowed when I first learned how to teach the class and I didn’t want to disappoint her.
Fortunately the class went well and I felt like everyone was bringing their A-game. High energy!
After class today, I had an exciting conversation with my boss. She asked if I would take over the functional training whiteboard at our gym.
This is right up my alley and I’m pumped to keep it updated with challenging workouts. When I was a member of the gym, before I became an employee, the functional training board was always one of my favorite features. I used it for inspiration and would follow the workouts when the creativity wasn’t flowing and I was feeling less than motivated. If you guys are interested, I’ll snap a picture when it’s updated and share it here as well. Just let me know!
I am also planning to put together a binder with picture demonstrations of many of the exercises to have right by the board so everyone can look up exercises that may be unfamiliar to them. I’ve actually been planning to put together something similar on this blog forever – an exercise glossary page of sorts – so look for that soon!
Lunch today was a chopped salad from Subway that I picked up before it was time to teach water fitness. I ate it while I downloaded new music to use in today’s class.
I also ate the bowl of fruit salad that I packed once I got back.
Hooray for Publix buy one, get one free deals!
Hope you guys are having a great Thursday!
Question of the Afternoon
- When you’re feeling unmotivated to work out, what do you do to pump yourself up?
I look to my fitness board on Pinterest for workout inspiration and update my workout playlist. That usually does the trick!
Glad you’re workout and instructing went well! I always get nervous when I have someone watching over my work, I always feel as if they’re comparing me to others haha! I’m sure it’s just my imagination, though ;). And I think the idea of putting together an instructional portfolio is great! Whenever I don’t know how to do a certain part of a routine, I always have to bust out my iPhone and google it. It would be so much easier to just flip a page 🙂
Buy one get one free, eh? I’m definitely a sucker for good deals!
I don’t think my gym has a board like that, but they definitely need that addition!
I think its a great idea to share the board!! When I am feeling unmotivated I will typically look at bodeefit.com – and do that work out. Juli from PaleOMG is one of the people behind the site and I quite like her! Ill also look at thetravelingwod.com – they do awesome work outs that require little to no equipment!
I tell myself to just go for 10 minutes. If after ten minutes of working out I want to stop I can but usually if you get started working out you just keep going 🙂
Congrats on taking over the functional board, can’t wait to see what you come up with. Great idea on the exercise binder too.
Yes, please keep the whiteboards coming! I love these workouts!!!
I’d love it if you shared the workouts – it’s great to get some variety. It must be so cool to be in charge of the board you used to follow!
To motivate myself I just remind myself how good I always feel after a workout. Or think about the Prosecco I can drink at the weekend as my reward!
I do whatever it takes to get to the gym! From there itz smooth sailing!
Co grays Julie can’t wait to see the glossary!
When I’m lacking motivation I’ll read some blogs or browse Pinterest for pics and good workout ideas!
I love the functional workout board idea, wish my gyms on post had something like it.
I usually start the day with breakfast and my fitness blogs (yours being one of them!). Reading what others are already or about to be doing usually gets me going.
Yes! Pretty please share your functional training workouts. I love any circuit that I can modify to do at home, and those functional ones definitely qualify.
That’s cool you get to control the functional training board now. I remember you talking about it before you started working there.
you should definitely snap a pic when you update it!!! 🙂
Honestly, when I need some inspiration I look at your workout page! You have inspired me to be a healthier person than I was already, and I actually workout in the morning now too! 🙂 Definitely makes the day seem more upbeat and productive!
Thanks for being such a positive influence!!
I would 100% welcome functional workout board updates 🙂
Julie, that’s awesome! I remember before you worked there you used to post pictures of the whiteboard and explain the workouts that you and Ryan did based on it. You’re the perfect person for the takeover! I’m envious that your gym does that- maybe I’ll drop a comment in the suggestion box at my gym.
I could totally benefit from the glossary!
When I don’t want to workout, I just remind myself that the time I spend doing it is such a small part of my day. Why not just do it? And when I don’t, I never really feel energentic. So knowing the energy will come after pushes me to do it.
I remind myself that I will feel so much better after I work out. I think of my goals and how much I want to meet them!
When I am not feeling motivated, I remind myself of how I feel when I workout VS. how I feel when I don’t. That usually helps. I like to plan workouts with friends too, then I can’t back out!
Ah I’m excited for more of the functional training board posts, I can’t wait to incorporate them into my workouts 🙂 When I’m not feeling motivated, I usually get dressed and hop on the treadmill and go for a walk and see how I feel. Usually, I end up kicking up the pace to a run and if I still don’t feel like doing anything, at least I got a walk in! Also, my roommate and I love those Pinterest challenges (you know, the squats for 30 days, abs, etc) and so I’ll do something not that involved like 50 squats and it usually motivates me to keep adding on.
When you first started working there, I wondered how long it would be until you were putting workouts on that board!! That is super cool. 🙂
When I am feeling unmotivated I typically will go and ready some of my favorite running blogs or remind myself why and what I am training for!
hi julie! i’ve been LOVING the new things you’re doing to accommodate your job- like all the snack recipes and the workout stuff. I would love to see what you put on the functional training board! thanks for keeping us updated 🙂
As far as pumping myself up honestly it’s been hard lately. The best thing I do is say I’ll go to my gym and JUST hang out on the elliptical or JUST do bicep curls. or if I have a pre-planned strength training workout I’ll do JUST one round. Usually if I can start I can get in at least 75% of my workout.
Another fav is using mini-goals! tina mentioned this on CNC once- a long run isn’t a long run, it’s 5 2-milers. that works well too!
I’m happy that your classes went well today! I bet you motivate all of your clients 😉 When I’m not feeling motivated, I read fitness blogs and/or look at workout routines on Pinterest to get me inspired. I also make a fun new playlist that I’m not allowed to listen to unless I’m working out. That usually gets me going! 🙂
THat’s awesome that they asked you to take over the whiteboard! Wahoo! I am sure people will love your workouts 🙂
I also work at a gym and we have binders that demonstrate different stretches and exercises. The members love them! I feel that they’re especially beneficial to those shy members who aren’t quite comfortable approaching a trainer for help. I can’t wait to see how yours turns out 🙂
All I can say is that you are blessed to be able to work out. I miss it a lot. Even a simple walk is too too much for me now. Hard to figure out. But you remind me of my old self and love your positivity in all you do.
Glad to hear the water fitness class went swimmingly! (<–You don't even have to smile at that joke). I would love to see snapshots of the updated functional training board. Like you, circuits are my favorite type of workout! The exercise glossary also sounds like a great idea!
If I'm unmotivated, I look at the plethora of workouts I have downloaded in my iPhone photos. A lot of them are yours actually! When I see the variety of workouts I can do, I get more excited to exercise!
I love the whiteboard. I have a little one of my own at home that I use when working out. I don’t know what it is about it but it definitely motivates me.
I’d love to see more of the functional workouts! And I can’t wait for the exercise glossary page. Skaters already have me confused but I think I know what everything else is.
I love the functional fitness board and really wish my gym had one! Please snap pics so I can get a good workout in on those un-inspired days (which have been occurring quite frequently!)
yes super interested in whiteboard workouts. I’ve used some of yours before.
ohmylanta! I thought about doing the same glossary of exercise pics idea on my blog too! Especially since half the exercises I say that I do have a Molly-made-up word to describe it haha. Can’t wait to see yours!
p.s. you are going to OWN that whiteboard. =)
When I don’t feel like working out I just blast really fun music and force myself to go. If I get into the music I’ll be into the workout in no time 😉
I just think to myself how much better I’ll feel once it’s over versus how regretful I’ll feel the rest of the day if I don’t. That usually motivates me to get it done:)
I scroll through Pinterest, think about how great I’ll feel after the workout, or try to remember to be appreciative of the fact that I am physically able to workout – such a gift! And yes, I’d love to see the functional boards- congrats!
great idea to have an exercise glossary! When I first became interested in circuit workouts, I would look to pinterest and eventually onto peoples blogs (that’s how I found and became hooked on yours!). I would print out the workout along with picture references straight from google image-it really helped keep me on track, especially when I found a new move.
Group fitness actually motivates me… if I know I have a kick-boxing, Spin, or some other class to look forward to, I can pull myself together faster compared to working out solo at Gold’s.
We would love LOVE a functional workout from you!!!! Would Intragram be easier, just snap a pic of the Board and post it? Looking forward to them. : )
I read fitness blogs! I know that everyone else is human and has good and bad days. Knowing that I’m not alone in not always feeling the most in shape is comforting! I better appreciate my body and what I can do on good days (like today!).
Buy one-get one fruit? I might have to stop by there tomorrow! I usually pull up an old Best Body Bootcamp workout to do or find something on Pinterest if I’m lacking workout motivation. I also usually try to find something I can do at home, since I’m most likely sitting on the couch and not wanting to drive back to the gym if I’m lacking motivation!
I would love if you posted the functional workouts!!! I’m always looking for new ideas and your blog is really motivating to try new workouts! thank you:)
I would love it if you shared your board. I always go to blogs when I need inspiration! I have an ‘exercise dictionary’ on my blog and it has been extremely helpful for followers! It’s kind of time consuming to keep up since I am constantly adding new exercises to my routines, but definitely worth it.
What a great idea! I wish my gym had something similar for those days when I don’t feel like making my own workout…. 😉
That’s awesome that you’re moving up at the gym so quickly!!
You have the coolest handwriting! I have the worst handwriting. It’s often mistaken for a guy’s handwriting. So jealous!
Love your blog, and I love seeing all your different workouts! I would love to see more of your feature board it helps keep me motivated!
Would love to see the updated whiteboards! Also, maybe an idea of what your workouts look like too! I’m often in need of some new ideas/inspiration as well 🙂
I am so glad that you are going to post the functional training boards (and congrats, it’s always nice to get a “say” in something fun like this at work), I have been trying to switch up my workouts and this will really help! A reference page would be awesome too, half the time I cannot even figure out what an exercise means just by the “name” of it…LOL 🙂