Hello and happy last day of April!
Things started to return to normal around here yesterday after our incredible vacation, but I am still feeling a little tired. We packed so much into our trip that we never slept in even one time and there were a few days in there when we got 4 –5 hours of sleep a night due to late nights and early morning travel plans. Since I don’t have to be into work until 11 a.m. today, I opted to sleep in and work out at 7:30 a.m. which was glorious.
I didn’t work out once on vacation and I was definitely feeling the burn today! Yeesh.
I began my time at the gym with 20 minutes on the elliptical to ease into things. Then the whiteboard caught my eye and I decided to complete a couple of rounds of the functional training workout which totally kicked my butt.
For those of you always on the lookout for at home workout options, the above workout can be done without any equipment and is sure to make you sweat! Let’s just say that knocking out burpees after more than a week away from the gym was a humbling experience.
After my workout, I headed home and made myself a quick breakfast to eat while typing up this blog post.
I prepared a batch of scrambled eggs with shredded mozzarella cheese, spinach and chicken sausage. Plus an apple on the side!
If sausage is involved in a meal, you can bet Sadie will be close by.
I missed that little lady so much! She got lots of cuddles and kisses yesterday.
Off to shower before heading out the door. My shift is a shorter one today (only a half-day), so I’ll be sure to pop back in before dinner.
Question of the Morning
- What is your favorite memory from April this year?
You might not remember, but I told you my daughter was trying out for Poms…well she made it! And this is a school of over 4000 students, so I was super excited for her! That is by far my best April memory. 🙂 Curious…do you workout at the same gym you are now working?
Hoooooooray! Congrats to your daughter! And yes, it’s the same gym.
Favourite memory of april was a couple weeks ago when I got to go for a huge shopping spree with a couple of girl friends. I picked up tons of clothes and it was lots of fun and nice to get away for little while 🙂
Functional training workouts are definitely some of my favorite if I’m looking for intensity. This one looks great.
It must be nice being back home with Saide especially, I’m sure she missed you guys a ton.
I’m always jet lagged for days, so I don’t blame you on feeling tired.
3 birthday celebrations with family! We have my son’s who turned two, mine and my niece who turned 13! It was fun to get together with family a lot this month!
Nice work getting back into your routine after your trip. I usually find that I simultaneously crave getting back into the wing of things and I also usually need a little rest from my vacation. Haha congrats on sleeping in 🙂
Sadie is too cute!!
I love that your gym put things like that up for people to do. I wish the gyms near me did things like that so that I could do it!
Well my April was pretty boring, lots of school work. But May and June are going to be awesome!
My favorite memory from April is when I completed my first 10 miler race. I was super excited. That was the longest distance I’ve ever ran in my life.
Awesome! Congrats to you!
That looks like an awesome workout… I am definitely going to try that once I’m done with classes for the day. Seems humbling even if you have been working out regularly haha(:
It’s true that sometimes we need a vacation AFTER out vacations to catch back up on sleep and rest, but I do take that as a good sign of a good trip! 🙂 My favorite memory in April was crossing the finish line of my first 1/2 marathon!
Getting back to the gym after vacation is rough! But also makes me appreciate working out even more after some time off. Glad you are back and home safe from your vacay!
Adding another pup to the fam!
I really enjoy functional training; thanks for sharing! My parents deciding to move to my city this month was pretty memorable. It’ll be great to have them not so far away.
I love workouts like that!! While they may be killer, they at least seem to go by quickly and that is a must in a workout for me. I hate being bored!!
Can’t decide between two… A trip to New York with my best friends, or completing my first half marathon! They were both such great experiences that I’m SURE will happen again.
How’s the new job going?! Are you loving it??
My trip to Nashville this past weekend was! I had the best time ever!!
I went to Nashville in September, it is by far my new favorite city!
Hi Julie! I’ve been reading your blog for a long time now, but this is my first time commenting! 🙂 When I was reminded that it is the last day of April, it made me think…didn’t you just have a birthday? If I’m correct, you got to celebrate during a pretty stellar vacation, so that’s awesome! I’ve enjoyed all your recaps and pictures! Happy belated birthday, Julie!! 🙂
Thank you! My birthday was on Saturday. 🙂
Your vacation looks like it was amazing! But I sure am glad you’re back!
Have so much fun at work! I cant wait to hear what you think of your new job!
Haha I’d be tired too after that trip! But I’m glad you had such a good time, it looked amazing. That’s hard to choose one favorite memory from April… Probably the trivia night I put on! I’m in my school’s environmental law society and we put on a trivia night fundraiser. My non-law school friends all came and we had a total blast!
My favorite memory from April has to be completing my senior voice recital at the University of Michigan… I’ll be graduating at the end of this year and this was the last big hurdle I needed to do to complete my degree in Voice Performance!
I love little-or-no equipment workouts. I find it a lot easier to do them because I don’t have to physically drag my butt to the gym! 😉
My favorite memory would probably have to be starting my blog. I’ve gained so much from it in such a short amount of time, and I’m excited to see where it takes me!
Awesome workout! My gym has boards like that as well & they are great for inspiring new ideas! Let’s see, April was pretty busy around these parts, it’s included a lot of family time which is always a plus!
My favorite April memory was my vacation time…I took two (which is about all the time I’ve got basically) to go to Florida to see my sister and my new baby niece and then I took a few days for my first trip to NYC with some great girl friends. It was a wonderful month!
I did a mud run this past weekend, and it was definitely a highlight of the month–and it’s safe to say it won’t be my last one. 🙂
My favorite memory from this April was announcing my pregnancy! YAY!
1-legged burpees —-OUCH
one-legged burpees are no. joke.
my favorite memory from April was from the very beginning of the month when my husband and I were still on vacation in Florida – we had such a great time!
Mmm you just reminded me that I need to pick up some breakfast sausage at the grocery store!
That workout looks awesome -I’ll have to try it. Are you working at the same gym you workout at?
I had the scariest dog related incident the other dog! My lab was running around the house crazy on Saturday night and then he literally crashed. He could hardly stand on his 4 legs and was falling over, he looked so dizzy and confused. Hes about a year old so we had to bring him to the vet ER where they wanted him to stay over night for testing & stuff but it would have cost 1000! So we brought him home and he seems back to normal but that night he was like that all night.We are taking him to the vet today but I was just basically reaching out to you for any insight or anything – your prayers! It was so scary!
I have a lab and she did the same thing when she was a puppy… many times. Depending on how hard she ran into the walls or our deck it took her a while to get back to usual. Her equilibrium would be off, but labs are so resilient! I’ll be thinking of your pup and hoping he’s back to himself asap.
Thanks Meghan, that definitely made me a feel a little better! He a tought little pup and I am obsessed with him! haha
Best memory was when my brother, his girlfriend and their dog came to visit. We don’t see him often now that he lives in Georgia so it was great to spend time with them.
I really want to try that chicken sausage! Which brand is it?
My favorite memory from April this year is my dolphin swim from last Friday! I’m positive they targeted my hip issues (IT band, scar tissue, etc) and fixed it, because I feel AMAZING! It was also just an overall cool experience 😀
my favorite memory of April was my birthday, no shocker there! But even moreso than that, it was spending a really special weekend in NYC. I can say my least favorite memory of april was the Boston Marathon Bombing and lockdown… really, really, really not fun.
I have two favorite memories from April. Number 1: Creating my blog! Number 2: Competing in the Seahawk 12k! It was a blast!
Welcome back home. It looks like you had the trip of a lifetime! 😀 April was a crazy busy month for me. I think one of my favorite memories was my little furbaby’s 3rd birthday (we recently adopted her, so this was our first time celebrating her b-day). We went for a long walk in Newport Beach along the bike path and then to a super cute doggie bakery where we got her a birthday bone. 🙂
My favorite April memory is bringing our little guy home from the hospital! Best day ever!
Heyyyyyy….did we miss your birthday??? I think yours is right around my mums (April 28) and I’m on holiday visiting her for the occasion. If so, happy belated birthday!!
A lot of the moves on that workout I’ve will definitely need to look up because I have never heard of them.
My favorite memory of April is a tie between getting my first ever brand spankin’ new car and the birth of my nephew.
I am so glad that you guys had fun and that you get to relax with Sadie a bit now 🙂 And one legged burpees are the WORST!
Today is actually my favorite day in April! My husband is deployed and will be here in a few days!! I’ve been waiting a loooong time for April to end!
Hooooooray! Thank you to you and your husband for your service!
April wasn’t the greatest month but one thing comes to mind. My husband and I took my dad on his first backpacking trip, and I think he’s hooked!
That looks like such a fun workout!
And my favorite memory this April is probably the baby shower hosted by my friends and sister! It was so filled with love that I know my daughter (it feels so weird saying that, haha!) will be surrounded it by it once she arrives.
I can imagine burpees were a kick in a butt after a week off! They are a kick in the butt without a week off!:) Thanks for the workout, and have a great day at work!
My first ever 10k! Only did it Sunday night and came in at 47:13! Still on a high! That workout looks great, might give something similar a try!
“Slept in” and pushed the gym to 7:30 that’s hilarious. My April was surprisingly awesome, I don’t have one specific good memory but I’m finally back to where I was running-wise pre injury so I’m very happy!
What’s an inchworm exercise?! That sounds fascinating! And is a one legged burpee just as it sounds? You jump up on one leg? Exercise challenged over here.
My favorite April memory is when I completed my first half marathon 2 weeks ago and did it in under my goal time! It was an amazing experience and I am now hooked and already signed up for my second one!
My best April moment was turning 36 on the 29th! Happy Birthday from one bull to another!
I feel like I’m starting to really come into my own skin and get my health, wealth work and faith all aligned!
Thanks for the daily inspiration Julie!!!
Your trip looked amazing!! Thos sea lions… I can’t even. Sadie is too cute and I want your breakfast. 🙂 April was a fine month; this past weekend we celebrated my best friend’s 30th! It was a wonderful weekend with yummy eats, family and friends!
My husband’s friend’s wedding we attended in Jacksonville. It was a blast! The beach was gorgeous and we had a good time with friends.
Back to reality! It’s always tough adjusting; I usually feel tired after a big trip. Hm, my favourite memory from April? It flew by so quickly! Probably getting 2 PRs in 5k races throughout the month. 🙂