I’m pretty sure “funktified” isn’t a real word, but for some reason I feel like it’s the perfect word to describe how I’ve been feeling about my overall heath, fitness and eating lately.
I am definitely a creature of habit. I typically have a plan to my days and stick to it without a problem.
Well, not having a real place to call home and living out of a hotel for the past month has started to take its toll. (I know Victoria can relate!) Since Ryan and I had access to free hotel breakfasts and dinners, we ate them in order to save money, even though they typically didn’t include greens or fresh produce and were saturated with salt and oil.
These hotel meals, coupled with no access to a real kitchen and weeks marked by packing and unpacking bags has been fine for the most part, but I also feel like it has started to weigh on me (both figuratively and physically).
While I’ve done my best to keep healthy foods in the hotel fridge, having access to a real kitchen at my parents’ house where I’ll be staying with Sadie for the next two weeks (Ryan will come visit on the weekends), is something I am thrilled to utilize again. Hello roasted vegetables and goodbye weird gravy meatballs!
Fortunately we have a move-in date set for our new rental home (September 1!) and I think my body and my skin (I’m seriously breaking out!) will be just as excited as my head and my heart. Every time I look at pictures of our new rental house, I get so pumped!
No egg patties or French toast sticks from the hotel breakfast buffet made it into my morning meal today. Thank goodness!
I had a cup of blueberry Greek yogurt and a bowl of old fashioned oatmeal, topped with almond milk, chia seeds, macadamia nuts, chocolate-covered raisins and Craisins.
I ate this breakfast while blogging outside on my parents’ patio with Sadie watching my every move.
Just being around her again lights me up inside. There’s nothing like a dog’s happiness!
Not having a true home for any period of time can really wear you down. I stayed in short term housing when I was looking to purchase my first house (after having just broken up with my fiance) and it was so stressful. It never feels like it’s yours because your “stuff” isn’t there and your schedule is off.
So excited for you guys to finally have your little family together and hearing about your new place. As Dorothy said, “There’s no place like home.”
Getting used to a new routine is tough! As a teacher, I have to get used to being assigned a lunch time to eat, when in the Summer I’m used to just eating when I’m hungry. It’s an adjustment period, but once your schedule gets back to normal, you find a way to make it all work!
Staying on a regular schedule is KEY for me to eat healthy and get my workouts in. I’m facing some very crazy busy weeks ahead (wedding and honeymoon!), but I’m determined to remember how I feel right now when I stick to my healthy living standards and I hope to keep those up no matter how hard it is. Though I must say that laying on a chair by the beach will probably win over everything 🙂
My heart goes out to you, Julie… I know what it’s like to be living out of a hotel for over a month, not being in total control of what you have for every meal, not having many options, feeling like total POOP while still trying to smile and be excited for your husband and not let him know that you are feeling crappy, trying to be the best wife that you can be under not-so-ideal circumstances, and how not feeling your best can affect almost every other area of your life.
BUT… “this too shall pass” and you will be even that much more appreciative for whatever kitchen you end up in and feeling like you have your life back!
Just want to let you know that it’s ok to feel that. Have a great day!
a) seeing Sadie in your posts again makes me ridiculously happy (I see vizslas all the time now that I recognize the breed, and I always pet the heck out of them!)
b) you will be back in your groove in no time. We’ve all had those ‘less healthy’ periods, and they just help you appreciate the way you normally eat!
Soooo great that you’re moving into your new place so soon!!
I know the feeling! Summer tends to leave me feeling a little funky towards the end as well! So many BBQs, birthdays and parties……I am caked out!
I’m sure it was really difficult eating at the hotel all of the time! I know how I feel just after a week of being away & not eating my “usual” food!
Tick tock tick tock….September 1st will be here before you know it! Gosh your new house sounds amazing, cant wait to see pics! And I was gone all weekend but loved keeping up with my favorite bloggers at HLS on my phone! Looks like a blast and can’t wait to hear more about the panel!
I could definitely see how eating all the hotel food has put you in a rut. Sometimes I feel like that when I get to busy with work and social engagements and make bad decision after bad decision every meal. The important thing is to just keep moving forward and take control whenever you can. Enjoy your time with your famliy and Sadie! And a real kitchen!
I just hate it when my routine gets out of whack like that! But just think of how great it’ll feel to get back into it after your time off, and in a new house too! So soon 🙂
I know exactly what you mean! I feel the same way when my schedule is thrown off. I have a week of travel coming up for work and I’m not looking forward to relying on the provided less-than-healthy lunches and dinners out with big groups that look at you like you’re crazy when you order a salad.
Any tips for staying healthy while on travel?
Julie, I feel the exact same way! After finishing the bar exam, I have been living out of a suitcase between my apartment, my parent’s house and my boyfriends. It has been a lot of driving, a lot of eating on the run and a lot of parties and events on the weekends. So my body and mind are starting to feel, not so great, to say the least.
My plan for today is to detox a bit, lots of waters, protein and fresh foods! I hope once September hits it will slow down a ton!
That would be such a challenge! Glad to hear you will be much more in your element and with a kitchen at your parents!! 🙂
I feel the same way sometimes. The whole “back to school” thing with the kids have really thrown me for a loop. I’m a creature of habit and routine. Luckily our dogs keep us in check…they too are creatures of habit and have no qualms letting me or my hubby know when they feel like we’ve strayed from our routine. Have a wonderful day, Julie!
I hate not having my routine too… it’s really hard to stay healthy and eat properly when the access to healthy food is limited. I’m sure that you feel way worse than it actually is though. Once you move into your new house, you’ll get right back with it and this will just be a little blip on the radar! I know it’s so frustrating though.
My comment flies in the face of your post, but I just had to say thanks for the idea to make a quesadilla at work! It makes my corn soup sooo much better.
And I totally understand – my dog brings me such joy and laughter that when he’s not around I feel sad. May the next two weeks fly by quickly, so your entire family unit can be together again!
It’s totally normal for you to feel a little out of whack during a transition period! No worries though, you’ll be back to your normal routine SOON. And hey, something good can be made out of every situation…in this case, even more motivation to get back on track! 🙂
oOOoOO so great that you get your “own kitchen” for now 😀 I think the kitchen is definitely the one thing I always do long for if I’m not at home. But that’s why I try to get better and better to have at least some backup foods that are non-perishable hehe. Have a blessed time at your parents’ Julie!
I totally understand that feeling! Even after this past weekend where I had a wedding, I felt like a totally different person eating foods that I usually never do. Today I was ready to get back on track!
It was so great to meet you at HLS, Julie! I agree about Allison. She’s a fellow Charlotte blogger and a sweetheart. 🙂
Hotel food can be really hit or miss. Our hotel had a great continental breakfast when I was taking the Ohio Bar Exam that had all sorts of fresh fruit and other goodies, and we stayed at a Residence Inn that had one of the best breakfasts that I’ve ever had in my life. However, some places just roll out the tired old danishes and pastries and cereal. My dad stayed at an extended stay type of place when he was called up to active duty during the first Gulf War and I honestly don’t remember if the hotel served breakfast, or what they served. I do remember, though, thoroughly enjoying the basketball court when I went to visit him!
I know the food may not have been great, but man, the idea of not having to do dishes for a whole month sounds so great to me! Sheila does the cooking and I do the dishes, and while I don’t mind doing them too terribly much because we have a dishwasher, not having to clean dishes or put them away for a month sounds pretty cool.
Pretty snazzy that you are going to get to eat your breakfast while relaxing and overlooking your POoL! 🙂
I haven’t been in an exercise funk .. but I have definitely been feeling it with the food. I don’t want ANYTHING … I mean I eat it.. but it is a big old hassle to cook dinner. I never feel like meal planning. Its starting to become very bothersome.
Even when you’re complaining and down, your writing is still so positive and upbeat. Must be one of the many keys to your success!
I know how you feel (well, sort of), In May and June I was flying back and forth between Chicago and my parents’ house in Kansas City for various family obligations and weddings. All the switching around and messed up schedule (plus law school finals!) really messed with my regular schedule and eating habits! I was glad to be back in Chicago for a while to get back to normal!
As much fun as living in a hotel can be, there’s nothing like in a real home. I have a question though: I don’t quite understand why you would not eat the hotel food because it is greasy and salty, but is that really any worse than saying your favorite edamame at Pod were the salt-covered ones, or having candy (chocolate-covered raisins) on your breakfast, or eating 10 servings of granola (a few weeks ago (totally guilty of that too btw)). Any way just something I was thinking about….when you decide to draw the line…
I’m the same way, Julie. I spent most of this summer traveling, and while I enjoyed myself, my body felt so out of sorts when I was out of my routine (eating and exercising-wise). Glad to hear you guys have a move in date—a light at the end of the tunnel!
Dogs make the world a MUCH better place 🙂 Excited for ya’ll soon move!
I completely agree about feeling that way from living in a hotel. Just coming back from vacations I feel like such a relief! You’re hanging in strong though! Once you move, it will definitely all be worth it, that house is so pretty 😀
My mom is quite the fan of making up words… “funkified” being in her vocabulary as well lol. But it really is amazing how good food makes a difference from bad foods… I went to Miami for a week and ate nothing but junk and I was bloated, I felt nasty, my face was swollen and broke out… it was horrible. My first meal when I got home was a plate full of green beans, broccoli, and cauliflower. I’m in a stage where I’m eating badly right now and honestly I hate the way it makes me feel. That being said I’m so happy you’re getting to live with a real kitchen again! 🙂
It’s so great you have date for moving in your new home! You must be really impatient, and looking forward to jumping into the pool! Your parents patio is also nice by the way.