- Catalog Living
- 27b/6
- Hyperbole and a Half
- Food Network Humor
- Damn You Auto Correct!
- Cake Wrecks
- Today’s Big Thing
- The Life & Lessons of Rachel Wilkerson
Please share the funny sites you enjoy in the comments section of this post so we can all laugh until our bellies hurt! Great way to kick off the weekend, no?
I am still a huge fan of foodjunk.wordpress.com – that storm trooper…
These are great 😀
I’m a huge fan of http://www.failblog.org 😉
Can’t forget theoatmeal.com & http://www.nataliedee.com!
I LOVE this site! My sister showed it to me over a year ago and I laughed SO much lol.
Awesome way to kick the weekend off 🙂 I also love failblog….. they make you laugh until your sides hurt!
These are great! My favorite site of the day has the CUTEST animal photos you could ever imagine. I am SO lame I know. But I can’t share it because there’s an f-word in the address! I will never understand how that fits with cute animals, but… oh well it makes me smile!
you can drop an f bomb if it leads me to cute animals…
OK here you go then! http://fuckyeahcuteanimalss.tumblr.com/ Today was not the BEST day but still cute. Scroll through for some amazingness.
Funny!!! Thanks for the sites!!!!
Oh this hit the spot today. On 27bslash…the “account due” email had me cracking up. Thanks for it 🙂
can i have my spider back, please?
Btw Julie…did you get your camera fixed? I may have a solution…
noooo! i have duct tape over the red light at the moment!
My man worked at wolf camera for 3 years and can literally fix anything…. Whats exactly wrong? And what did the camera store say. He says he think he could help ya out.
one day the red light that normally flashes on and off when the self-timer goes off just stayed on. now every time i turn on my camera, the red light stays on. 🙁 the camera store said there was something wrong with what they said was basically the “motherboard” of the camera… that it would require a lot of work to repair & i’d be better off just buying a new one. 🙁
Wow, damnyouautocorrect.com has me laughing so hard I’m crying! Thanks for the great sites!
isn’t it amazingggg??
Oh my gosh, I just discovered .27bslash6 from your list and my husband and I laughed until we cried as we looked through the different posts. THANK YOU! What a great way to start the weekend!
So stoked to see this entry – loving it.
Textsfromlastnight.com is awesome too 🙂
Todaysbigthing.com is the best! There’s videos for every category. My favorite is the cute animals section!
http://fuckyeahryangosling.tumblr.com/ is HILLARIOUS. Not to mention easy on the eyes…
A GREAT one… http://www.dearblankpleaseblank.com/
Great sites… I’m bookmarking all of them!
Such good sites! This is just what I needed with the week I’ve had..
One positive thing about this week is.. I started my own blog! You have been such an inspiration to me Jenny, so thank you! I am glad someone loves peanut butter as much as me.
Thank you so much for those sites! I was laughing so hard I was crying at damnyouautocorrect.com Too funny!
Your friend Merri looks so much like the actress from the Truman Show – the one that Truman is in love with! Everytime you post a picture of her, I always think that! she is beautiful!
oops put this is in the wrong post 😉 you ge the idea!
engrish.com and the HOLY grail of mockable sites: peopleofwalmart.com. If you EVER feel bad about yourself of need a laugh… seriously, this site is priceless.
I really lucky to find this website on bing, just what I was searching for : D as well saved to my bookmarks .