Following the gym, I ate a banana as I prepared a batch of scrambled eggs for breakfast.
Today’s batch of scrambled eggs included two eggs, apple chicken sausage and zucchini. It hit the spot!
Funny Pet Names
After breakfast, Ryan and I took Sadie on her morning walk.
I laced up my favorite pair of Reebok SmoothFlex run sneakers (first mentioned here) and also had a chance to try Reebok’s seamless long bra top that the company sent me to try.
The tank is really comfortable and I love the breathability and heather blue color.
An added bonus? The length! I hate it when workout tops are too short and this one is nice and long.
Back to our walk!
During our morning walk with Sadie, we ran into our neighbor who was out walking her dog, PeeWee. PeeWee’s name suits him perfectly, as he’s a tiny little thing with a big personality.
After saying hello, Ryan and I started talking about some of the funniest dog names we’ve heard throughout the years.
The dog park where we used to bring Sadie to run and play in Orlando was the perfect place for overhearing amazing dog names.
Our favorites:
- Cheese
- Frank
- Little Dog
I think Cheese is my all-time favorite dog name. When I heard the guy yell, “CHEESE! Get over here!” I almost lost it. So unexpected!
We also thought it would’ve been funny to name Sadie something that didn’t fit her at all. Like “Spot.”
Question of the Day
- What is the funniest or most amusing pet name you’ve heard?
When I was a little girl, we had a cat named Silly Billy, but I think Cheese takes the cake!
I have a little dachsund I named Limo. He has been called “Stretch Limousine!” When he’s in trouble 🙂
I also have a boxer named Ali after Muhammad , but that probably isn’t too original.
This is fun!
I have a 3.5 lb Malti-Poo named Zeus. Talk about being too big for your britches!
My havanese poodle’s name is Muffin! Trust me I get many odd looks when I talk about my Muff Muff!
I have also recently decided if I ever get a pet cow im totally naming her Sloppy Joe!
Our friends’ dog is named Trouble. It suits him very well.
I worked at a doggie daycare and my all-time favorite was Mr. Biscuit, a sweet old golden.
We have a Chihuahua named CRACKER. The name totally suits him!
I always want to name a dog D-O-G but my husband never goes for it.
I always hate telling people that our cat’s name is…. Kitty Boy. UGH. Haha! He had a real name when we first got him, we named him Tyson, but my fiance always called him dumb names and unfortunately, Kitty Boy stuck. We’re the weirdos at the vet when the Dr. calls back Kitty Boy. Ha! 🙂
A friend of mine used to have a dog named Porkchop – I always loved that one! 🙂
Bahaha. Cheese. That’s a good one! 😉
My husband’s family had a pet rat, and his name was Rat Face. Seriously.
I always love dogs with people names especially the real generic ones – like Bob, Kevin or John. Cracks me up for some reason!
But I do love cheese!! Lol
hahahah soo cute! okay so this one is a bit confusing for those who don’t know korean. But my old piano teacher used to have a cat that had a cute, tiny little white spot right above her upper lip–and that spot looked like a piece of white rice. So she called her “bah-puhl-ttae-ghee”, which means sticky piece of rice. lol.
My mom’s cat is named LaFawnduh from Napoleon Dynamite. Makes for some hilarious paperwork at the vet!
My best friend’s dog’s name is dioggie (wich is pronounced the way you spell DOG, D-O-G).
I think it’s hilarious.
Is it awful that I kinda want to name my future dog Foodstuff? I mean, it’s obviously a joke but, actually, it’s kinda cutesy and fun to say too. It could work…
My boyfriend’s family used to have a lot of farm animals, and they gave their cows and horses really random names. The two main ones I can think of right now are Chicken Salad for one of their cows and Brown Horse, their only horse that’s still alive. He was brown, but now he is half white because he’s getting pretty old! Oh, and their australian shepherd’s name was Puppy, which is funny because when I met my boyfriend, I told him I wanted to get a dog and name it Puppy. Soul mates, I tell ya (or just weirdos)!
I got my first dog around 6 years old and I decided I wanted to name him Kiwi (like the fruit) haha no idea why, but it did suit him in a way. : )
The Bloggess (Jenny Lawson) has a cat named Ferris Mewler. I think that is hilarious!
My parents’ have a white german shepherd named Elphaba. As a Wicked fan, I think you can appreciate that 🙂
When we were picking out our pup (Daisy) from the Humane Society, there was another dog that we had our eye on. I’m pretty sure that my fiance just wanted him because of his name- Larry. He thought the idea of running around the dog park, calling the dog’s name would be hilarious. It’s not that strange but it’s funny because it’s such a middle aged man’s name.
I was at the dog park one day and a grumpy old woman kept calling for her dog, Stefan. It seemed like a fancy name for a dog, but to each their own!
My fiance’s family had a cat named Katie when he was a kid. Apparently that’s what they always wanted to name a girl if they had one but thought they never would. 9 years later they had a little girl and still used the name! They changed the cat’s name to Shady and told the brothers to act like it hadn’t happened (which of course they didn’t and still make fun of it). I always found that hysterical.
I recently met a French Bulldog named Turtle (he was also wearing a green sweater at the time). Thought the name Turtle was so cute!
My mom’s friend had a dog named Mister Hickory – I’ve always loved that name because it was so unexpected but suited the dog quite well 🙂
Hehe I love these! My friend has a dog with interesting facial markings especially on one side so she named him Harvey (as in Dent like Two-Face in Batman :-p hehe).
The dog we had growing up ended up having the most ridiculous name. We named him Cocoa Candy Gotham when we first got him. His parents’ names had both been references to candy, so we figured that was their last name, and Gotham is our last name. Over the next year or two, my brother decided he didn’t like the name Cocoa. He kept trying to change the dog’s name. Instead, we’d add it as a middle name. His name ended up being…
Cocoa Shadow Oatmeal Candy Gotham.
All my friends knew that was his whole name too. We really only ever called him Cocoa, but sometimes people would pull out the whole thing. It always cracked everyone up.
CHEESE! I can’t get enough of that name. Maybe a celebrity will pick up on it – perhaps, Gwyneth? Then she can have Apple & Cheese 🙂
I have a little white fluffy pup named Molly – however, when I was 10, I decided she needed the middle name Marshmallow – so we call her MollyMarsh.
My bf and i always joke about getting a corgi and naming it “cubby”…would be such a fitting name for a funny looking dog and it would be hilarious to see him calling “cubby” in public
My dog is named Argos, which isn’t all that funny…
but my roommate’s cats are brothers named Steve & Nancy. When he got Nancy, he thought it was a girl. Then he found out otherwise, but by that time it was too late and the name had stuck! He’ll forever be a Nancy boy 🙂
It is funny when I’m on the phone and the person on the other line hears “Steve! Get out of the trash!” lol.
TANK – our miniature schnauzer. Not a tank at all in size or personality….scared to death of the vet and other dogs.
Hilarious! When I was little, I had an orange tabby cat I named “Scutterbotch”… Which was my somewhat-dyslexic translation of Butterscotch lol Also, my old boss had two cats- Cheesefry and Oatmeal Raisin Muffinhead- And yes, they called him by his FULL name. Oh, and this was BEFORE he and his wife had kids! Apparently, I run with people who give their cat(s) crazy names- my best friend’s sister named her cat Poop. Yes, just Poop.
I dated a guy nicknamed Cheese in college. It took me a while to get used to calling him his real name once we started dating, since all our friends referred to him by Cheese. You think having a dog named Cheese is funny, try dating a Cheese.
This is very funny! I have heard of some dogs name Pal! What a good name for man’s best friend!
I had a cat named Limbo Fred when I was younger. And a dog named Squirt (he was small) and another dog later named Smoochie. I like unique names! Haha
My cat’s name is Spike. I named her when I was 10. She’s a super cuddly, grey kitty. I feel kind of bad for that name, but it always takes everyone by surprise, which was the point!
we have a 10 month old pug named Olive… it fits her! plus I love olives… especially in my martinis 😉 🙂
the funniest pet name I know is my in-law’s dog… they just got a golden retriever puppy and named her Abby Normal, inspired by this scene from Young Frankenstein:
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Now that brain that you gave me. Was it Hans Delbruck’s?
Igor: No.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Ah! Very good. Would you mind telling me whose brain I DID put in?
Igor: Then you won’t be angry?
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: I will NOT be angry.
Igor: Abby someone.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Abby someone. Abby who?
Igor: Abby… Normal.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Abby Normal?
Igor: I’m almost sure that was the name.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Are you saying that I put an abnormal brain into a seven and a half foot long, fifty-four inch wide GORILLA?
pretty funny!!
Mary Katherine! For a dog! I swear it!
i should add that it was not MY dog named Mary Katherine. LOL.
My neighbors’ CAT is named Puppy. It always makes me laugh when people talk about Puppy the cat.
I never call my dog by his real name, Ollie.
I always call him “boobies”. I don’t even realize that it’s weird that I yell that out and he comes running, until someone looks at me funny. I used to call him boo-boo. Then, it sort of shifted over to boobies. It’s fitting though b/c he loves stealing bras 😉
we call sadie “boober” sometimes. 😀
We have a Buckle (she likes to sniff crotches so she’s always going for the buckle area). Bucket (she ate a bucket of frechly caught gulf shrimp and puked everywhere) and Devo as she’s a Whippet (whip it good!). Our cat Reilly is often called “fluffy bunny but” and her sister Luna is known as ass-sniffer. … Our pets seems to be addicted to butt sniffing!
In the 1930s my dad had a black coker spaniel called …. (Holyhell) N¤¤¤er … It wasn’t a racial slur then (nor was calling a black cat Spook apparantly!)
I use to work at a rescue, and when a new batch of rescue dogs would come in, we would name them after a theme. One of my favorite themes was car brands; we had a Dachshund called “Limo” and another called “Dotson”. Another favorite of the Christmas theme; we got a bunch of Italian Greyhounds in and named them after Santa’s reindeer.
I have two doggies that live across the street from me – a toy yorkie and toy poodle – whose names are Trouble and Mayhem. They are ridiculously cute!
our cat’s name is Hiney….fits her perfectly!
I never think we have pets with weird names until I list them to people and get a strange look in response.
We have a rabbit named Buddha, a mastiff mix named Cairo and a small black pug named Zombie. We were once walking Zombie at a dog park (before we had adopted Cairo) and ran into a large silver pit-mix named Gremlin. I’m definitely holding onto that name for a later use.
We have two pups both named after foods- Coney Dog and Biscuit. I think we’ll continue the food-named-pets theme…. our next pup witll be Tater Tot!
My little one is named Hank. Sometimes, Hank the Tank. He’s 12 pounds, half chihuahua and half poodle. It’s perfect for him 🙂
My friends Brendon & Mary Myers have a weiner dog. His name is Oscar. Yep. Oscar Myers. Close enough, right?
My daughter’s dog Iis Dublin because they got him on St Patricks Day
We had a white cat that I named Snowball…very original, I know, but I was 5. Anyway, my brother got mad about something one day and posted a sign on his bedroom door telling the whole family to stay out. He couldn’t spell to save his life, so the sign read, “STAY OUT, EVEN SONEBALL!” Needless to say, we mostly referred to the cat as Soneball after that. 🙂
My neighbor’s Chihuahuas are named Cha-Ching and Cash! Next up: VISA!
We had a beagle named Larry. We have a stray cat that we called kitten for the longest time because we were only fostering her. We decided to keep her and felt bad because she didn’t have a name. My husband decided to change her name every month. Some of the names were Elvis, Pickles, Pistachio, Chuck Norris. He just randomly picks something every month It is hilarious!
Growing up we had pet rabbits. Every rabbit I ever had I named Run-Run.