Today’s lunch included a bowl of dinner leftovers.
Last night I made a stir fry with a super-easy two-ingredient sauce that combined soy sauce and honey. After sautéing chicken and onion in a bit of olive oil, I added the broccoli, soy sauce and honey and let everything simmer for a while so the flavors of the sauce saturated the chicken and vegetables.
Get Psyched
For the past couple of weeks, I’ve dedicated a few hours a day to studying for my NASM personal training certification. It’s crunch-time for me and now that I’ve made my way through the entire book and have a ton of notes to review, the past few weeks have been dedicated to committing the information to memory.
Today one of the sections I reviewed discussed strategies to enhance exercise adherence. Some of the strategies were strategies I personally employ to keep myself motivated at the gym. According to NASM, one of the major cognitive strategies is “Psyching Up” where a personal trainer works to help a client to feel excited, positive and engaged before exercise. Positive thoughts, imagery and music are common ways people psych themselves up.
I am a big fan of music as a way to psych myself up. I also use motivational quotes (you can find a ton of them in this post: Exercise Mantras). These are two of the most effective ways I’ve found to psych myself up. I cannot help but feel energetic when I blast old school Jock Jams tunes when I’m getting dressed for the gym on a Saturday morning.
Question of the Afternoon
- How do you psych yourself up for a workout?
- Do you have any tricks you use to psych yourself up when you’re feeling less than motivated?
I am obsessed with soy sauce! I have never added honey to it but I am going to the next time I use it. This will be really exciting haha!
Good luck on your exam! I took mine a few weeks ago (NASM as well). Best advice I have for ya – utilize that online practice exam. They change the questions each time you take it (some of them) and it will help you out a lot on the test. Also, remember that you just need a 70% to pass. I started freaking a week or so before my exam, thinking that I wasn’t going to be able to know everything in the book & “get a good grade”. Um no. Not like a college final exam – where you NEED that 94+. 🙂 You will do great!
thanks so much, katy! do you mind if i email you? i have a question about the acute variables that i would LOVE to ask you! i don’t know anyone else studying at the moment and would really love to bounce a question off of you if you’re open to it!
of course!
I also want to thank you Katy for the exam tip! I am taking mine at the end of the month (also NASM) and am super nervous! Not a great test taker! Eek! Good luck Julie! 🙂
Thanks Katy for the exam tip. I am taking the NASM exam in April/May.
Putting together a new playlist always gets me psyched to work out! But on days when I don’t have a new playlist and just don’t feel motivated I ask my dog if she’s ready to go for a run. Ha, as soon as I ask her she gets all excited and I can’t help but get a little psyched. 🙂
ha! i do that, too! seeing sadie FREAK out reminds me to try to have fun when i go on a run with her, too. 🙂
I am very competitive with myself and I set mini challenges for myself with my runs! Good luck with the studying!!!
Dinner looks amazing! I’m not such a fan of soy sauce as I think it’s tastes a little bitter but with honey, I bet it gives it just a nice sweet flavor! As for getting pumped for a work out what motivates me is the end result! Knowing that I’m doing it to better myself on days that I just want to stay in my nice warm bed is what helps get me going! Good luck on your test!
I psych myself up by asking friends to join me for workouts and getting it done early. If it is a run, I’ll download at least 1 new song each week to help me rock!
Definitely music! For me, the power of music is amazing and has such a strong effect on me. Often times I find myself less than motivated to hit the gym but once I get myself there, throw on some tunes and get started, I feel oddly energetic!
Music does wonders for me! I find that when I start to get less than excited for a long run, a nice, new playlist really helps!
I also love to buy new gear! Anything new, even something little like socks, helps me get excited for a workout!
Having a training plan and working towards a goal is great too!
I get psyched up by reminding myself how great I’ll feel when I’ve completed the workout!
me too! i love riding the post-workout high. 🙂
Julie — I can’t wait to see what everyone writes about. Lately I’ve been bribing myself with rewards. The rewards have ranged from dumb things like a fried treat at the bar to something bigger like a piece of jewelry (maybe $100 or so) for attaining a bigger goal. Dumb but it works for me!
Music is the best way to fuel a gym workout! If I am hiking I normally just do lots of deep breathing and just absorb in the surroundings to fuel the rest of my hike.
I had to use a method like this today to get my butt out the door to run. I usually just use motivational kind of thinking to get me going. Today is was something like, “Because I can, I will.” I would have been psyched up during my run with music, but as soon as I got to my running spot, I realized my ipod was dead. Fail! Music is a HUGE motivator for me. It turns blah runs into personal records!
Good luck on your exam! If the workouts you post on here are any indication, you’re going to be a great personal trainer!
I psych myself up by looking at my “backside” in the mirror. If that doesn’t motivate me…nothing will! 😉
Just wondering…are you planning on becoming a personal trainer or are you just trying to learn more about fitness?
right now my goal is to just have the base knowledge. i think i’d like to possibly teach group exercise in the future and wanted to have a solid foundation. i’d also like to continue my freelance writing and possibly do some writing for fitness publications in the future.
Well, you’ve motivated me to eat healthier and exercise more through your blog. I bet you would be even better in person! Good luck on the test.
check out my blog i wrote today about my tunes i listen to while running:
it’s a great motivator and what a coincidence we wrote about this on the same day!
I am a runner so I have an app on my phone that sends me a motivational running quote everyday. If I am having a moment where I don’t want to run, I can just look at my quote of the day and that usually gets me motivated. Today’s quote is “motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” (Jim Ryun). Love it!
I usually psych myself up by planning to meet a friend for a class at the gym. If I’m going solo, I’ll make sure my ipod is good to go and I’ll often treat myself to a magazine if I’ll just be on a machine. New workout clothes helps, too!
Psyching myself up was a huge motivator when I competed in swimming, but now that I just exercise for overall health, I find I don’t need the psych ups that I once did. I guess it just depends on each persons needs!
I always think about how good I’ll feel after I work out and how bad I’ll feel if I miss it!
Sometimes I make new playlists or even think about wearing a new running outfit or new shoes – anything to get myself out the door! 🙂
I usually work out with a friend of my fiancee, that way I always have someone pushing me and stopping me from being lazy!
The best workout motivation tip I have is to put on your workout clothes, tie up your sneaks, and THEN decide whether or not you’re going to work out. I try to tell myself that I do not HAVE to do anything…once I’m dressed it’s my decision to make.
Wouldn’t you know I almost always end up heading out for a run!
I write about similar topics on my blog, – check it out!
I went to a personal trainer for about 3 months. There were some days I would go in NOT ready to work out, but he would pump me up by saying what a great workout he had in store for me and how we were going to burn so many calories. He gave me the visual of seeing myself burn calories and lose weight, and that pumped me up for our sessions and made me want to give it everything I’ve got!
I love psyching myself up for it! I always think about how GREAT I will feel, why I want to do this, and I use music a ton too. I always have it playing before all the classes I teach to help get people stoked to workout! 🙂
That is so excited you are so close to your personal training certification!!! Do you plan on training at a local gym once you pass?
i’m not sure i want to train right away. right now my goal is to just have the base knowledge. i think i’d like to possibly teach group exercise in the future and wanted to have a solid foundation. i’d also like to continue my freelance writing and possibly do some writing for fitness publications in the future
Good luck!!! =)
haha Jock jams are where it’s at! I still have the awful 5th grade cheer competition dance permanently burned into my brain to the tune of Jock James #1!
Honestly, I look at pictures of skinny people. Probably not the…healthiest…of ways but it works! Also, I love the endorphin rush exercise gives me, so there’s that.
Music, music, music! I know it’s a common one, but if I don’t have pumped up jams in my earbuds I can’t work it. Even when I bring my kindle and set it up on the elliptical I have to have music!
Yum. That stir fry sounds amazing.
Really good music helps me get into the mood. If I’m training for something specific, I’ll make a specific mix. For example, I’m going on a Disney cruise next year, and while I don’t necessarily want or need to fit into a bikini next year, being stronger and less likely to be huffing and puffing as I walk up and down the boat are definitely motivation. To remember that, I’ve got Disney music on my phone to listen to while I work out.
Thank you for sharing what you had for dinner. I love hearing about what you are eating. I love home Asian food instead of ordering take out.
I am excited everyday for my afternoon workout; it gets me out of the office for an hour during the day. Then, I come back to work, work, work.
That sauce sounds so yummy! How do you come up with these things?!
I’m about to embark on my NASM CPT journey too! Your thoughts and that of other bloggers def helped me choose NASM! Good luck with the final studying; I’m sure you will pass no problem!
good luck to you, megan!
Music all the way! I normally listen to country music when I’m driving, except when I’m heading to the gym. Pump up jams all the way! It definitely helps motivate.
Music pumps me up too! Kind of sad that I need to rely on it, but hey whatever works right! I also try to envision how I will feel after my workout, which is usally awesome! That motivates me to go to the gym etc. when I don’t feel like it.
Amazing what a good music will do for people’s energy and enthusiasm. When I’m instructing I try to play stuff that will get everyone pumped up (90s hip hop always works!) and when I want to bring up the energy level even higher I’ll crank up the music a bit during certain parts!
It’s funny, but lately I’ve been thinking about the Biggest Loser contestants when I work out. If they can handle those crazy tough workouts with Jillian that I can handle 30 minutes on the treadmill.
Do you feel like NASM is the best way to become certified as a personal trainer? I have always been so intrigued by the idea but there seem to be so many ways to become certified and it is hard to tell what places are the most legit and marketable! I am so glad you posted this today. It has been on my mind so much lately. Thanks!
hi kate! i did a lot of research and after reading a lot and talking to a bunch of fitness professionals and trainers, NASM and ACE seemed like the two certifications i heard the most positive things about – they seemed the most highly regarded and reputable!
Thank you, Julie! That is super helpful. I really appreciate it 🙂
I just wanted you to know how much you inspire me!! I have started working out more and you are my dream personal trainer. I read your blog everyday. I am fourteen years old. I hope one day to meet you in person:)
A while ago, I came up with this DIY exercise jar (find it here!– a cutesy little jar with a bunch of different exercises inside. If I don’t feel like doing a full workout, I’ll just pull a few strips out. By the time I’m warmed up, I can normally push myself to do more. 🙂
Good luck on your exam!! I plan on starting my certification this year!
I always remind myself that I’ve never felt WORSE after a workout. I’ve always felt better walking out then I did walking in. That, and I have my own little mantras – “You OWN this workout” and “STRONG is the new sexy”. 🙂
This is my first time commenting on your blog but I have been reading and following it since August and I love it. I read it everyday and look forward to seeing your recipes, work-out ideas and crazy Sadie stories 🙂 Your blog posts really inspire me and my fitness routines. Music definitely helps me too. I turn on Spotify during the last hour at work to get myself pumped.
Also – my boyfreind and I use Bragg Liquid Aminos as an alternative to Soy Sauce. It tastes just like Soy but without all of the sodium. You can get it at the Vitamin Store. You probably know about it but I just wanted to share it with you and your readers just in case 🙂
awesome!! i’ll definitely check it out! and thanks so much for taking the time to comment, katie. 🙂
I can psych myself up pretty easily as well but music is a big thing to KEEP me focused and energized on the workouts that are more of a struggle. I really enjoyed that section of the NASM book because I KNOW there are people who need that extra push more often.
If I’m training for a race, I like to watch videos on YouTube to get me motivated.
I just remind myself of how accomplished I’ll feel afterwards – it usually works for me!
Just today I was forced to skip my usual morning workout!
This afternoon I kind of pouted thinking I was just too tired to squeeze a workout in.
I live in the city of Pittsburgh, so as I walked home from a day full of classes and library time, I visualized the beautiful Pittsburgh skyline that I get to see when I run my usual trails. I usually pass PNC park and Heinz field which is exciting in itself. By the time I got back to my apartment, it wasn’t even a thought in my mind… I threw on the gym clothes and headed out, just to savor that AWESOME view.
Obviously I had absolutely noooo regrets once my sneaks hit the streets 🙂
I remind myself of my goal: “Six Pack by Spring Break”! That definitely motivates me!
I definitely use music to get me psyched for a workout. I also remind myself of how awesome I am going to feel once it’s done!
I psych myself up with music or by going to my favorite group exercise class. I also like accountability to keep me motivated (whether it’s meeting a friend at the gym or doing something like BBB to keep track of my workouts)
music is def my way of getting pumped! a great playlist can keep me going forever. when i need that extra boost, i imagine myself in an outfit i want to wear or ill make up sill songs about staying healthy and keeping fit!
I’ve never been a fan of working out, so it’s a struggle every day to motivate myself into working out. What has helped me is looking at Pins on my Exercise board that have motivational quotes such as, No matter how slow you run, you’re lapping everyone that chose to stay home on their couch. Or I set low expectations, I tell myself hey just put in 20 minutes or do the short run, and once I start the workout, I push myself past 20 minutes (probably not the best positive motivator).
i look to pinterest for motivation, too! it’s great!