Happy Halloween!
Sadie is all dressed up for Halloween in her ghost bandana. We decided against her pumpkin shirt for the day because it’s too hot outside.
It’s still crazy to me that Halloween is quite often hot in Florida.
Growing up in Illinois, I remember trying to figure out ways to wear jackets without covering costumes.
I loved my Energizer bunny costume when I was in sixth grade because I was able to wear a pink sweat suit and stay warm!
Though I’m not dressing up today, I am excited that we may have trick-or-treaters this evening! Now that we live in a neighborhood, I’m assuming kids will stop by for candy. I still need to run our and buy some! Rest assured, I will not be giving out any of the candy that we deemed “The Worst Halloween Candy.”
Though I’m sure bucket loads of candy will be consumed this evening as I pass it out to kids, I started the morning on a healthy note and squeezed in a quick workout at the gym.
After 20 minutes on the elliptical, I did a leg workout that included the following exercises:
- Lunges
- Step-ups
- Deadlifts
- One-legged leg press
- Stability ball squats
- One-legged leg extensions
I kept my weight lighter than usual to hopefully avoid soreness since I want my legs to be in the best condition possible for Saturday’s half marathon.
Breakfast was an egg sandwich made with two fried eggs, a whole wheat English muffin, jelly and muenster cheese.
Now I’m hoping to get some work done before I take a quick lunchtime break to the grocery store to pick up candy to have on hand tonight. I’m thinking KitKats this year!
Questions of the Day
- What was your best Halloween costume?
- What was the best Halloween costume you’ve seen someone else wear?
I think my best costume was the Energizer bunny costume. As for someone else, I remember a girl in my elementary school dressing up as a gumball machine (balloons served as her gumballs) and her costume was amazing!
I’d have to say my best and favourite costume is my Star Trek original series red dress uniform 🙂 My boyfriend got me super into all things Trek, so we got it for me last year and it’s actually too big now cause I’ve lost weight/body shape has changed in a good way since then!
I have another uniform that is the right size for this year, but I’m wearing my old one to hand out candy tonight because I love it so much and it’s comfier than my tight jumpsuit one! haha
The funniest costume I ever seen was when I was about 7 my friend dressed as a washing machine! My best costume…in my mind my favourite was when I was super mutant ninja turtle (hero in a half shell, yes, yes!), though the classic clown is up there with the best of them! Kit Kats, I love them! I now have a craving for a Kit Kat Sundae!
I am loving Sadie’s Halloween spirit! 🙂 I’m handing out Candy tonight as well! It’ll be my first time and I am so excited!
I think one of my favorite costumes was when my siblings and I all dressed up as Power Rangers. I was the pink one of course! 🙂 I think my favorite costume I’ve seen this year was my sister’s. She dressed up as Nurse Joker off of The Dark Night.
My best costume was when my mom made me Belle’s dress from Beauty and the Beast. I saw a really awesome dinosaur costume. Must have been home made too, because it was intricate.
About it being hot on Halloween, I don’t like it! Over here in Brevard county it’s been raining, so it’s hot, humid and rainy! 🙁
My best costume was this years! I was a 1920s Flapper girl and loved my costume! Nothing too crazy but I felt like it was me 🙂 I saw an awesome Black Swan costume this weekend!
I was a Bag of Groceries once for Halloween. It was a huge hit. We used a box, covered it with paper bags from the grocery store, put toy food around the top of the box, and put a milk carton on my head with a hole for my face and the words MISSING on top.
I was a Sprite bottle for Halloween in high school–I wore light green scrubs (from my dad’s doctor costume in years past!) and made a sandwich-board-style bottle that I draped over my whole body. It made sitting in a desk really difficult, but was so worth it for authenticity! My mom is a craft wizard so she helped me paint the logo on the front and back exactly like on the real bottle…plus I had a posterboard “cap” to top it all off! 🙂
My best costume was a flamingo! I knew a girl who went as a piece of toast once…hilarious 🙂
My best Halloween costume was two years ago – my roommates and I dressed up as the four seasons! I was winter and the makeup was so fun! Best costume I saw [this year] Steve from Blues Clues, he carried around a mailbox allllll night hahaa
I never really dressed up for “Halloween” but during that time of year we were allowed to participate in an “Autumn Festival” (Catholic school…) and my fave costume EVER was when my mom made me Belle’s dress from Beauty and the Beast! I died when I saw it!
Funniest Halloween costume was from today! I saw a little boy who can’t be more than 5 dressed up as Lil’ Wayne! He had on leopard jeggins, peek a boo boxers, no shirt, red high top sneakers and his body was marked up with tattoos. He also sported the dreadlocks and sunglasses. Epic! 🙂
My best costume was probably my Barbie cheerleader witch. Yeah, i couldn’t decide do i mixed and matched from both! The best i have ever seen was a couple wearing Snooki and Pauly D costumes. They actually got mistaken for them and ended up signing tons of autographs 🙂
I really don’t have any great costumes. I’m totally uncreative in that regard haha.
Someone else’s costume was definitely my friend who went as a baby. It was hilarious! He had the onesy and the pacifier and everything.
I never had very creative costumes. I’m not sure what was my favorite. I think maybe Snow White. I remember really little kids saying to their parents, “look mom, it’s really Snow White” because I have such dark hair and my hair was short at the time like hers.
I’m excited to give out candy tonight too. We didn’t get any trick or treaters last year but I’m hoping this year is different. Otherwise, we are going to be stuck with a good amount of candy. At least it’s stuff we like 😉
Lol cute costume!! My favourites were my candy floss costume in my 3rd year of university (basically me, wrapped in a bunch of tulle!) and my cookie monster one when I was really little (photos on my blog today!)
I saw someone dress up as a middle finger. Although I thought it was something completely different at first, it made me laugh!
Halloween is my favorite! I have blogged so much about it haha. I put a link to a recap of all of my husband and I’s couple costumes on my blog. They were so fun to come up with! Our favorite was when we dressed up like a pair of bulls branded by Jesus and called ourselves “Jesus’s Parables” (pair of bulls, get it??). We won a costume contest with that one 🙂
Aww Sadie looks so cute in her bandanna! And an Energizer bunny? That’s so creative! A gumball machine sounds cute too, but I’d be scared of popping the balloons- I hate that sound! I did pictures of some of my favorite costumes on my blog this morning, but this weekend I saw someone as a jelly fish- with a clear umbrella and tendrils hanging off of it- such a cute idea!
I love costumes! Two years ago my boyfriend and I painted ourselves blue. He was Papa Smurf and I was Smurfette. It was a pretty big hit. We sewed our hats out of felt and he wore red sweatpants and I wore a white skirted dress.
My friend was a hospital patient one year. He bandaged his head, wore a hospital gown and walked around with an IV pole thing he made himself. It was great.
I love the idea of an energizer bunny costume! My best costumes were minnie mouse (this year) and a peacock (last year). The best costume I ever saw was a person who went as the Up house with tons of balloons! So fun! Happy Halloween!
haha an energizer bunny costume would be amazing! I haven’t ever gotten too creative with costumes. My favorite was my Jasmine costume in Kindergarten. I literally wanted to wear it every day… I only managed to get away with the headband.
My favorite costumes were probably those as a kid when my mom and grandma would make them – my sister and I had the best Belle, Little Mermaid and Cinderella costumes ever. Probably those or when my friends and I were all the Pink Ladies in middle school. 🙂
I remember a few Halloweens here in Pittsburgh that I walked through snow during trick or treat… my best costume ever was a mummy.
okay I am not joking about this…my most rando halloween costume was a TAMAGOCHI!! remember those?!?! little electronic pet key chains…what was I thinking ahhaha
My best costume was last year when I dressed as Katy Perry circa Teenage Dream video. I wore lollipops on a leotard and hot pink hair. The night was a bust, but at least my costume was awesome!
Seriously my best costume ever was during the height of TGIF when I was Steve Urkel. Seriously….Best.Costume.Ever!
My favorite costume was also a bunny! My mom made it for me when I was, like, six I think. I knew a guy who made his own slice of pizza costume. It was…strange, but definitely original! I went as Cruella DeVille a few years ago. That was a fun one too.
My best costume (and most comfortable) was gum on the bottom of a shoe. I wore a pink sweat suit and hot glued a high top onto an old baseball cap.
Cutest costume I saw this weekend was a 3 year old in a garden nome outfit! She was soooooo cute!!!!
It was so hard trying to figure out a good costume while still keeping warm! (I grew up in Minnesota.) I never had cool costumes; they were pretty generic.
My favorite costume was a bride when I was in 1st grade! I love pretending I was getting married! Haha
My best costume was probably a ninja when I was like eight or nine. My mom made it, and it was so cool, with reflective stars on the chest, and warm enough to wear without a coat (Halloween in Buffalo is chilly!). Plus, I got to reuse my sword for this year’s costume! Yay for saving stuff forever lol.
Sadie is so adorable, as usual!
My best costume was our bedroom curtains wrapped around me as a sari with black pen “henna” on my hands…
My husband’s best costume is much more entertaining – a couple of years ago he wore a bunny tail and bunny ears to a Halloween party and an older lady liked him so much she kept hitting on him the entire night. I should have been upset but the fact that she was so drunk + we were newly weds + I was there to watch how uncomfortable he felt every time she came onto him was simply too funny!
I saw someone dress up as a piece of bread one year – it was really simple but so funny and awesome at the same time! I loved my Pippi Longstocking costume as a girl growing up – those were some of my favorite books!
Each Halloween I get more disappointed with kid’s costumes because it seems like nobody has a homemade costume anymore. Homemade costumes are the BEST! I get sick of seeing all the cheesy store bought ones, bring back the homemade ones!!!
The best halloween costume I’ve ever seen was on this girl who was dressed up as a baby. But then right in front of her, she stuck a doll that looked like an adult, and it looked like the doll was carrying this “baby”, who was actually the girl! haha not sure if it makes sense–a little hard to explain 😛
my puppy is wearing the same bandana today! Love it!
My best costume was probably one that I wore this year: 4 of my girlfriends and I dressed up as the Ninja Turtles…we went to a block party downtown and everybody loved us! Haha, we had too much fun making our cardboard/duct tape “weapons.” I love making costumes and dressing up with friends.
I also saw a few really unique costumes this year: Mario Cart racers riding around the streets on little kid’s bikes (haha), a guy with E.T. in his bike basket and the Facebook “like” button. Some people are so creative!
…forgot to mention I saw a few people dressed as “Will & Kate” which was super cute AND a few people dressed as Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries…whoops!!!! Not the best costume choice there.
Kit Kats, Julie?
Gimme a break.
my best costume was a pumpkin! I rented it so it was huge! i could barely get into a car haha it was amazing
We went as a princess and the frog at a party on Friday–it was fun! My parents had the essentials to make it work. Haha.
I want to pass out candy too–but kiddos are few and far between where we live. Oh so sad! have fun!
I love a good morning burn in the legs….ahhh feels OH so good!
When I was little, my mom dressed me up as a hershey’s kiss…complete with a little silver hat that had a flag on it!
Sadie looks so cute in her bandana! 😀
My best costume was the one that took the least effort. Two years ago I decided at the last minute to be Gilly from SNL. All I had to buy was the wig and I was set! I had random people coming up to me and going “Gilllyyyy” all night. It was awesome 🙂 One of the best costumes i saw was someone dressed as a Warbler. He must have bought the actual suit because it was identical to what they wore. I loved it!
This year 3 friends and I went with a Wizard of Oz theme- Dorothy, tin man, the lion, and the scarecrow. Our costumes were totally last minute but ended turning out really well, we got tons of compliments! Definitely my best costume yet, I’m usually super uncreative lol.
I need to start working out in the mornings… I hate that I need to prepare myself to work out after work (after my mind is shot its that LAST thing I want to do).
*My best halloween costume was maybe my Victorian era dress I wore to a halloween dance back in 7th grade… my girlfriend and I rented these gi-normous (and very fancy) dresses and felt like little princesses
*Last night there was this couple that dressed up as a bag of leaves (the guy) and then a leaf blower (the girl)… super cute haha
My high school was big on homemade costumes 🙂 I really liked seeing the groups of friends who came as board games (so much detail!), crayons, and m&ms..must have been fun working together on those costumes! I made myself a pin cushion costume 🙂 I was puffy and had different pins and needles sticking out around me..kept me warm at night, too!
My best Halloween costume ever was a Daisy Duck one that my mom sewed together. It was complete with a giant Daisy head where my face peaked out through her beak. I wore orange tights and it had duck feet that fit over my shoes. I wish I had that costume today!
i don’t have any very memorable costumes… i always got frustrated with my lack of ideas and went with something easy! think: bumble bee, nurse, etc. although, in high school i was an 80’s step instructor. that was fun 🙂
the best costume i’ve seen is my 2 dogs… dressed up today as a hot dog and a banana!
Energizer bunny, omg thats awesome! My best was in college my 3 friends and I dressed up as ninja turtles. My mom made us pillow like shells with masks in whatever color we were plus the belt and all.. it was awesome! Although when I passed out candy to the kids I don’t think they knew who I was which made me feel sooo old!