Early this afternoon, I headed out to a Taste of Ocala committee meeting. We discussed room layout, sponsors and beverages and the 90-minute meeting passed quickly.
On my way back to our house, I popped into a local alterations shop because a dress I am getting altered was supposed to be ready to pick up. Unfortunately there was a communication mix up between the person who took my order and the woman who was supposed to do the alterations, so my dress wasn’t ready, but the trip wasn’t a complete loss.
Girl Scout cookie season is upon us!
I made sure to buy a box of Caramel deLites (aka Samoas, but I will forever call them Caramel deLites) and Thin Mints before driving home. The Thin Mints immediately went into the freezer because frozen Thin Mints are the best! When I was growing up, my family always had a box of Thin Mints in the freezer and I loved crumbling them up over ice cream. Such a yummy treat!
When I walked through the door, I immediately grabbed a small apple to eat as I prepared my lunch.
As for my main meal, I made myself a big salad and served it with a cup of Chobani Greek yogurt.
And you better believe I made my salad in the lettuce container to eliminate dirty dishes. Yes!
Question of the Afternoon
- What kind of Girl Scout cookie is your favorite?
- Do you call the cookies with caramel, coconut and chocolate Caramel deLites or Samoas?
- Were you ever in Girl Scouts?
I’m pretty sure we only get 2-3 kinds of Girl Scout cookies in Canada, so I’ve never had a Samoa. I might have to try a copycat recipe or something so I get the chance to try them!
I love Thin Mints in the freezer too! Sometimes we were lucky and they lasted until Summer (usually because mom hid them behind things so we wouldn’t find them) and we would get to have them as a frozen treat by the swimming pool! I call them Caramel Delites because that’s what they were called when I was a Girl Scout! I stayed in the Girl Scouts until I made it to Junior (which was like when I was in 4th grade), but I quit because my leaders were mean!
I was a GS through senior year of HS! So fun! Selling cookies wasn’t always my favorite…but caramel delights, thin mints, and peanut butter patties are the BEST!
Same here!! GS through Senior Year of HS….got my Gold Award. We sold so many cookies that we were able to send our troop to Maui for a week! (Cookies + garage sales + babysitting money!)
And I agree, too, on your choices of cookies!!
Samoas are definitely my fave! One of my coworker’s daughters is selling some at work on Friday and I will be stocking up 🙂
I’ve always called them Samoas. I’ve never heard anything else. I guess I’m a simple girl at heart-my favorite are the shortbreads!
Those are my fave girl scout cookies too!!! I call them Samoas. Lol.
Thin mints in the freezer are the only way to go. I have to keep track of how many I eat so I don’t eat the whole roll throughout the day since they are so tasty!
Samoas! I was in girl scouts growing up and thin mints are by far my favorite. The chocolate peanut butter cookies were my favorite until I ate almost a whole box once and got sick… oppps…
Oh thin mints are definitely the best. I just had some as an afternoon snack with my coffee.
I used to be a Girl Scout leader for some time…Girl Scout cookie time was always a busy time back then! Carmel Delights and Thin Mints will forever be the favorites in my house, for sure! I LOVE chobani yogurt…in fact, it is made locally here where I live in upstate NY.
I was suckered into some girl scout cookies on Saturday morning! You can never resist those hopeful smiles and delicious cookies. My favorite have always been Samoas (yes, I call them that.), but Thin Mints are the close second in my book! Never was a girlscout myself, but definitely appreciated their cookies and love supporting the cause 😉
I was a Brownie! They were Caramel DeLites for sure, and the thin mints were a personal favorite!
I was a Girl Scout growing up and I remember my favorites were always the Do-Si-Do’s or Thin Mints (Frozen, ftw)… However, the SAMOAS are definitely my favorite now. I looove the coconut flavor about ten times more than I used to as a kid.
Do si dos are my favorite (although they have some other name I can’t remember)
Thin Mints and Tagalongs. And they were ALWAYS Samoa’s. We have never had them called anything else.
The Kidless Kronicles
Caramel DeLites are amazing! If I’m being honest, it’s difficult to find a cookie that I don’t like 🙂
I was in Girl Scouts from 6th-12th grade and even got my Gold Award so I have eaten LOTS of these cookies. I say Caramel deLites. Can’t pick a favorite though!
The girl scouts have accosted me at the farmers market AND at the grocery store this week (and by accosted me I mean they asked if I would like some and I couldn’t say no.)
I got thin mints.
frozen thin mints are the best!!! I also like the chocolate ones with peanut butter inside but I forget what they are called! That banana Chobani is my new favorite!
Thin Mints are definitely the best. I’ve never tried them frozen, but I can imagine that they would be amazing that way too. I was in Girl Scouts for about 2 months before I tired of it and quit… I went through a lot of phases when I was younger when I would get really enthusiastic about something (piano, figure skating, swimming, etc…) only to do it for a little while and move on to something else… Commitment issues much? 😆
I like the plain ole regular girl scout cookies, the butter ones. I forget the name, duh! I ate like 5 the other night like it was no problem!
I was a girl scout until junior high! I call them samoas and they are my favoritee!! Luna bar makes a bar that tastes just like them! Yum!
Frozen thin mints are the BEST!!
Last year I ordered a bridesmaid dress in a size 12 and by time I got it I was fitting into a 4-6. The wedding was up north but since I live in Ocala I figured it would be easier to get it altered down here. I met a lady at work and found out she owns Li’s Alterations. If you’re looking for a great place for alterations in town I would definitely recommed checking Li’s out. They’re right between TJMaxx and Coldstone in the Gaitway plaza. She had my dress ready and no time even though she had to put tons of work into it. Plus she was $40 cheaper than anywhere else I had even considered!
Mmmm Samoas are THE BEST.
Thin mints have always been my favorite but I quit buying them because they are full of so many unnatural ingredients. Have they improved that at all? It has been years since I’ve read the label.
I’d pick the Savannah Smiles ones just because I loved that movie as a child! 🙂 Other than that, I’m not a big girl scout cookie fan, and I dropped out of brownies in the third grade because one of the scout leaders/moms was mean! Oh well!
Samoas, for sure! I was just a Daisey and a Brownie – never made it to Girl Scouts! A bunch of my students are brownies at school so I just have to support them and buy a couple boxes each year! haha
Peanut Butter Patties are the best!!! I may or may not eat my body weight in them every year. haha. And you gotta freeze them! 🙂
I actually got my Gold Award in Girl Scouts and our troop took a trip to London. Best memories I ever had in high school. As for the cookies, we call them Samoas. But they have no comparison to Tagalongs. The pb and chocolate? Oh yeah
For all you thin mint lovers, these are so easy to make at home…in fact, I just made them this weekend with my friend’s daughters (who are 11 and 8). Melt a pound of dark chocolate (I use something like a double boiler), then add in 2 capfuls of peppermint oil. Take Ritz (or similar) crackers, dip in chocolate until coated, knock off excess chocolate, and lay on baking sheet. Pop them into the freezer so the chocolate will harden and there you go…homemade thin mints! You will not believe how easy they are and how they taste exactly like the real thing. Everyone loves these and no one can tell it’s a cracker in the middle. And you know exactly what’s going into them! Top them with colorful sprinkles for different celebrations!
I call them Samoas, and I have a slight obsession with them. I have my boyfriend hide them once in awhile, so I don’t eat them super fast. Doesn’t always help though…
I think Tagalongs are my favorite. I love the peanut butter and chocolate combination. I also love the Samoas. I ordered 3 boxes, but I haven’t gotten them yet. It’s so mean to tempt a pregnant lady with Girl Scout cookies without giving her any! 😉 haha!
My boss bought Thin Mints and has been sharing with my team at work. They are so addicting! I thought I’d be able to get through Girl Scout Cookie season this year by not buying my own box, but somehow they always come back!
Mmmm, love Girl Scout cookies! I used to be a GS, so I call the cookies by their classic names–Samoas, Tagalongs, you name it. My family always puts the Thin Mints in the freezer–great minds … 🙂
I love the peanut butter tag along’s. I would break them up into vanilla ice cream when I was younger.
I call them Samoas. I’ve never heard them called Caramel deLites — were they named that at one point? I like Samoas and Thin Mints — those are the two that I ordered this year, too :)!
I feel like one of the very few people that still calls them Carmel deLites! I can’t do the Samoa thing, I have no idea why those cookies have 2 names. And frozen Thin Mints are the only way to eat the fabulous chocolatey-minty goodness!
Samoas and Thin Mints are the only ones I ever buy! SO good! 🙂
I always called them Samoas!
Choosing a favorite Girl Scout cookie is like choosing a favorite ice cream to me! So hard to pick!! But I do love the Tagalongs, Samoas, and Thin Mints!
I am fanatical about the dulce de leche gs cookies! I keep the box in my desk at work and dunk them in my coffee 🙂
I’m a Thin Mint girl all the way!
Samoas are where it’s at! I also love the Tagalongs and do si dos…the names have changed too many times, but those are the ones that stuck with me from when I was a girl scout.
The best decision Dairy Queen ever made was introducing the Thin Mint Blizzard! So sad they ended that promotion…I still create my own with Breyer’s vanilla ice cream and those wonderful crushed-up Thin Mints.
Definitely Carmel delites!!’ The real name! That was their name when I was a Girl Scout. You can buy them year round at Publix!! The Keebler cookie company makes the exact same cookies!! They’re cled coconut dreams. Yum!
Found 3 boxes of Girl Scout cookies that I bought from a coworker’s daughter waiting for me on my desk this morning…too bad I can’t have them =(
I was in girl scouts for one day, then I quit – I think that might be a record or something!
Not big on girl scout cookies, i’ve always stayed away just because I know they can be dangerous lol
Favorite Girl Scout Cookie–The PB and Chocolate ones!
I call them Samoas, but I like Caramel Delights better!
I was in Girl Scouts until the end of Brownies 🙂 Once it became “Juniors” and not a fun dessert name, I quit.
i can never get enough thin mints…I was a girl scout for a year does that count? I had a badge and everything….
I used to be in GS but actually didn’t enjoy it, probably because of my leader..anyway..
I LOVE THIN MINTS! Freezer yes please!! I’m a sucker each time those cute lil girls come in on the weekends to sell where I work. Figures right? lol
I don’t like them but I do call them Carmel Delights I get confused when someone says samoas.