Hello from the Jacksonville airport!
Ryan and I arrived at the airport a little after 9 a.m. and are waiting for my family to join us at the gate before we head to Miami for a layover on our way to Lima.
I’m ready to get this vacation started!
Last night, my father-in-law arrived in town around dinnertime and when Ryan and I suggested heading out for a bite to eat, he was more than game.
We drove to Pronto’s pizza and I ordered the Greek salad since I loved it so much the last time we visited the restaurant. It’s big and packed with veggies.
Plus you get three of their fantastic, doughy garlic knots on the side.
We spent the rest of the night hanging out with my father-in-law and packing. It was good to catch up!
This morning we were up a little before 5 a.m. to be sure to make it to the gym right when the doors opened. Ryan and I wanted to sneak in a quick workout since we knew we’d be spending most of the day today sitting in airplanes and airports. It felt good to get moving!
Ryan’s dad is really into Muay Thai and is very active, so he was excited to join us and completed a strength workout with Ryan. It looked like they had a lot of fun together!
I did my own thing and went through a total-body strength circuit that resembled my 10 to 6 workout.
When we arrived home from the gym, the Fagan household went into go-mode. After a quick shower, it was time to hit the road. We said goodbye to my father-in-law and Sadie and I didn’t even realize I forgot to eat breakfast until we were about an hour into our drive to the Jacksonville airport and my stomach started grumbling.
By the time we parked our car (love the $5 a day on site economy parking!) and made it through security, I needed breakfast and immediately ordered a sandwich from Starbucks.
All of the usual breakfast options didn’t appeal to me and I wanted something with more staying power than a pastry, so a chicken sandwich with kalamata olive spread sounded perfect. Kind of weird, but I’ll take it!
I also ordered a cappuccino which left me feeling wired.
I hope you guys are having a great Friday! I’m hoping to check in again from the Miami airport because we have a billion hour layover there, so I’ll catch ya later!
Question of the Morning
- Do you usually eat traditional breakfast foods for breakfast? Do you ever find yourself craving something unusual in the morning?
Though it may seem a little strange, I almost always feel like I could eat spaghetti first thing in the morning.
Julie I was once stuck in the Miami airport for 2+ days. We were shuttled back and forth between the terminal and a hotel but I basically lived there.
Have hope though, there is a Wendy’s and it’s darn good for an airport. 🙂
Have fun on your trip! I like that red jacket!
That’s hysterical. I also often crave spaghetti or macaroni and cheese in the mornings…especially if I have had one too many adult beverages the night before. But normally I just have eggs, greek yogurt or toast with peanut butter.
Haha I could probably eat spaghetti in the morning, but I usually go with toast or oatmeal. The theme is CARBS. Love them.
Yes, spaghetti seems a little strange! But I do like pizza for breakfast and that is basically the same thing, so I won’t judge. 😉 Have a super great time on your trip! I’ll be cleaning up a flooded basement while you are traveling…trade ya!
The only thing I can stomach for breakfast is a bar or smoothie! Have a safe and fun trip!
Hope you have fun on your trip.
I’m a pretty big fan of breakfast foods in general, so I’m kind of the opposite in that I could eat breakfast foods all day. Have a good trip!
I almost always eat a “regular” breakfast but when it comes to airports I take what I can get! Have a safe trip!
When I was a kid, I used to eat some weird things for breakfast–leftover rice or pasta from the night before, garlic bread, ice cream…you know, the usual 😛 I think I’ve outgrown that habit though because now all I crave during the mornings is normal breakfast food–eggs, toast, etc!
Safe travels and have fun!!!
Have a safe and great trip! I’m sure you will though:)
I’m more of a traditional Breakfast eater. Give me pancakes or oatmeal and I’m golden.
Have a great trip, Julie! Can’t wait to see all your pics!
And there was a period in middle school where my friend and I would eat easy mac for breakfast on the daily. I def don’t think I could handle that anymore haha, naaasty.
Unfortunately, my breakfast doesn’t occur until maybe 11am or so. I am not always hungry early in the morning, but I eat yogurt and granola every time. It doesn’t get old to me.
Safe travels!
Cold pizza and hot sauce! I would eat that every day for breakfast if it was healthy!
I’m so jealous of your fabulous vacations! Can’t wait to see pictures.
I love my breakfast foods, but I also love sandwiches, if I am going to stray from my regular smoothie or oatmeal it would be for a chicken wrap or sandwich. I mean it turns into breakfast food if you eat it at breakfast right?
Have a great trip! I love your nail polish color!
I’ve been known to have a salad or chicken or salmon for breakfast. Sometimes lunch/dinner foods just sound better:)
I feel like I could eat spaghetti for every meal!!
Have fun on your trip! 🙂
Have fun! I’m so excited for you and your vacation! Love your travel outfit! I have eaten Brussels sprouts for breakfast before.. Seems pretty unusual! 🙂
Hope your trip is awesome! Cant wait to hear about it, Peru is a place we have been contemplating visiting!
Cute jacket!
I hate layovers in airports…ughhhh. But you’ll have fam there-so I’m sure it’ll pass quickly!
As for b-fast stuff? I have to eat traditonal stuff in the morn-my stomach can’t handle weird sandwiches or even spaghetti. blech!
Normally I crave something sweet in the mornings, but sometimes I wake up craving a freaking cheeseburger!
haha spaghetti in the morning? that’s kind of funny! i eat pretty much traditional breakfast foods: smoothies, oatmeal, and eggs are my go-to foods!
My aunt loves eating leftover pasta or dinner for breakfast! She says it keeps her full until lunch and that she feels better since breakfast really is supposed to be your biggest meal of the day. I would try it, but I love cereal too much 🙂
I can’t eat anything but breakfast foods to start my day regardless of what time I wake up! I’m just weird like that I guess 😉
I’m stuck at the miami airport right now…6 hour layovers= barf!
Growing up I always thought my mom was so weird because she would eat leftover dinner for breakfast. I eat normal breakfast foods for breakfast but would no longer find it weird if someone ate something else for breakfast. I would totally eat a sandwich for breakfast if that’s what was there.
Cold left over pizza is actually one of my favorite breakfasts, so no judgement on weird breakfast foods! I usually am pretty standard though on what I eat in the morning.
Safe travels! Can’t wait to read about the trip!
Have a safe flight!
If you can, sit on the left side of the plane for the flight from Lima to Cusco as you’ll be treated to a beautiful site of a really tall mountain. I can’t remember the name of it. Even if you’re on the other side of the plane, you will have a great view. FYI, you can take liquids through security for domestic flights. And there is a starbucks in the Lima airport with wifi.
Just sent you an email with a ton of information about Cusco and MaPi – I’ve been living here since January so have become pretty familiar with what’s going on here.
So happy you’re going to Peru! It’s going to be b-e-a-utiful. I crave burritos in the morning, is that weird?! I can’t even finish a whole one at dinner, let alone the first thing I wake up!
If it’s the morning after a family birthday or other celebration and there’s leftover cake, my mom and I will always have a piece with breakfast! Definitely not the healthiest but it only happens a couple of times a year so we figure it’s okay to have a little treat every once in a while! It’s always a great way to start the day!
Sometimes I crave pizza in the a.m. for breakfast! 🙂 The chicken sandwich sounds delish! I would totally eat that for breakfast too!
Some mornings I have had a full grilled chicken breast with a sweet potato and brussel sprouts!!!
haha have fun!!
I love non-traditional foods for breakfast! My favorite is a sweet potato with almond butter, mmm! 🙂
When I first read this I thought you said the cappuccino left you feeling “weird” hahaha which made me laugh. Hope you have a blast!!!
I don’t really eat breakfast, but I feel weird if I don’t have breakfast foods for the first meal of the day. I usually have some fruit or a smoothie and then eat whatever I’m in the mood for!
I almost always eat breakfast type foods for my breakfast meals. Heck, I eat breakfast for lunch and dinner half the time too! 😉 I just love breakfast foods, and not many other types of foods appeal to me that early in the morning.
Have a great trip —-I only only only want breakfast foods for breakfast. And my that I mean sweet breakfasts. If I crave eggs something is up lol
Ahhhhh have SO much fun! Your morning family workout is adorable 🙂
Have a fun trip, I am in desperate need of a vacay!
Nothing like leftover cold pizza in the morning 🙂 It’s like a treat.
Have a safe and fun trip!
Thanks to you, I’ve been craving nothing but cheese and jelly combos for breakfast lately. 🙂
Have a great trip! I have family and friends who have taken similar vacations and my husband and I hope to do so someday soon.
I love your airport attire! So cute!! I used to crave weird dinner foods for breakfast. I would eat pizza, ham and cheese sandwiches, etc. I used to hate breakfast, but things have changed thankfully! Have a safe flight, and a blast on vacation!
Wow so many amazing vacations, have fun!
I occasionally wake up wanting something really random like pasta but breakfast food is my favorite food so I usually don’t skip traditional foods for the best meal of the day.
Have so much fun!! I am so jealous of your travels 🙂 You are going to have a BLAST! Have a safe flight!!
Can’t wait to hear about your travels. Peru in on my list of places to visit. Have a wonderful time!
Have an awesome vacay! I hear the Miami airport has some decent places to shop so maybe it wont be such a bad layover!
Is your father in law watching Sadie? If so in sure she will be happy to have a friendly face she knows with her while your gone! I love breakfast foods! I usually eat at least one usually two breakfast type meals a day, unless there is leftover pizza. I love cold leftover pizza for breakfast. Hope you have a safe flight and amazing trip 🙂
I’m excited to hear about your adventures since I’m going to Peru in June! Save travels y disfrute todo!
Have a great trip!