Two blog updates!
- I created a Race Recaps page a couple of weeks ago (located under the Favs tab) and totally forgot to mention it to you guys! It’s alive and well and I updated it yesterday with snazzy new pictures and my Olympic-fast finish times.
- After a month-long hiatus, I updated my Daily Workout Log. It was severely neglected.
Breakfast today came together in a flash thanks to some prep work last night.
Overnight oats made with oatmeal, Greek yogurt, banana, chia seeds, honey and milk.
Workout + Good For You!
Prior to breakfast, it was exercise time!
Today’s workout resembled Monday’s upper body workout, only I added in more back exercises and took out the push ups since I did them in yesterday’s cardio circuit workout.
While I was doing chest presses, I overheard one man say to another man, “Don’t worry, it’s all gonna be okay, Joe.”
When Joe looked up, the man said he thought that was something Joe looked like he needed to hear today.
Joe said it was. He said that as he was driving to the gym this morning, he went through a list of 10 things he needs to accomplish today and felt like his morning workout might be the only thing he actually will accomplish today, even with his best effort.
It made me think about how working out regularly really is an accomplishment.
I think many of us look at working out as a chore and something we should or have to do, but I think that anytime we workout we should feel a little proud of ourselves for making our health a priority.
It’s easy to blow off the gym (and sometimes we should), but exercising regularly really is so good for the body (and mind!) and it’s easy to forget to give ourselves a little credit every now and then for prioritizing something so important to our wellbeing.
So, I guess what I’m trying to say is good for you for walking, dancing, running, strength training, stretching… Good for you for taking an interest in your health. Your body likely thanks you more often than you thank yourself.
I’m having a really rough day! and your post came just on time, I really need to heard this today, actually memorize and repeat to myself everyday!. Thank you !
I totally agree with this and I think a lot of us overlook the fact that we’re really accomplishing something great when we take the time to workout and take of ourselves!
P.S. Overnight oats sound sooo delicious right about now..
Definitely needed this reinforcement!! I think when working out becomes your “regular”, you feel guilty when you miss it, not proud when you do it (at least I do). It’s important to remember that each time you go, it’s a good decision made!! Thanks 🙂
so many people in this time completely neglect exercise. and therefore they are completely neglecting themselves. denying their bodies of the thing those bodies crave and want: efficiency, health, and happiness [because those who workout regularly know that it makes you feel SO good not only about your body, but about life. it gives you optimism, and optimism gives you happiness].
on another note. i want to try overnight oats so bad…would they be easy to make in a dorm room?
thank you for the inspiration. i loved loved loved this post.
Hi Julie! Thanks for the great post. This whole week has been a huge struggle, and I finally squeezed in a no-cardio, just-arms workout that left me feeling less than stellar. So thanks for the pick-me-up! Doing something is always been than nothing. 🙂
I have to remind myself of this on days when I really, really don’t want to workout. After an hour at the gym on a day when I’m totally wiped, I absolutely pat myself on the back for working out instead of napping!
I love this! It’s so true. As someone who very recently spent 5 years only exercising to “undo” binges, I didn’t even really realize until reading this that now I am exercising simply for health-physical, and especially mental, and because it’s my hour each day that incompletely devote to myself. After reading this, I am very thankful for taking the time to now workout because I like it, and it’s good for me, rather than as punishment. Thanks for helping me realize this, Julie. Cheers to all of us! 🙂 I feel good for walking to the market this morning and getting my younger cousin to walk with me. 🙂 thanks, julie. Haha
Loved this post–remembering to be thankful for and proud of taking charge of your health! Thanks for the motivation and the reminder!
“So, I guess what I’m trying to say is good for you for walking, dancing, running, strength training, stretching… Good for you for taking an interest in your health. Your body likely thanks you more often than you thank yourself.”
I’ve been in a work out rut for almost a month now! This is something I definitely needed to hear to get me back on track. Thank you, Julie!
Love this! I just had this realization yesterday at the gym when I wanted to quit in the middle of a class. I just kept telling myself how I should be proud I made it on a Friday night!