Two blog updates!
- I created a Race Recaps page a couple of weeks ago (located under the Favs tab) and totally forgot to mention it to you guys! It’s alive and well and I updated it yesterday with snazzy new pictures and my Olympic-fast finish times.
- After a month-long hiatus, I updated my Daily Workout Log. It was severely neglected.
Breakfast today came together in a flash thanks to some prep work last night.
Overnight oats made with oatmeal, Greek yogurt, banana, chia seeds, honey and milk.
Workout + Good For You!
Prior to breakfast, it was exercise time!
Today’s workout resembled Monday’s upper body workout, only I added in more back exercises and took out the push ups since I did them in yesterday’s cardio circuit workout.
While I was doing chest presses, I overheard one man say to another man, “Don’t worry, it’s all gonna be okay, Joe.”
When Joe looked up, the man said he thought that was something Joe looked like he needed to hear today.
Joe said it was. He said that as he was driving to the gym this morning, he went through a list of 10 things he needs to accomplish today and felt like his morning workout might be the only thing he actually will accomplish today, even with his best effort.
It made me think about how working out regularly really is an accomplishment.
I think many of us look at working out as a chore and something we should or have to do, but I think that anytime we workout we should feel a little proud of ourselves for making our health a priority.
It’s easy to blow off the gym (and sometimes we should), but exercising regularly really is so good for the body (and mind!) and it’s easy to forget to give ourselves a little credit every now and then for prioritizing something so important to our wellbeing.
So, I guess what I’m trying to say is good for you for walking, dancing, running, strength training, stretching… Good for you for taking an interest in your health. Your body likely thanks you more often than you thank yourself.
So true! It’s also important to remember that anything is better than nothing, so even if you get out there to walk 10 minutes it’s something to be proud of.
TOtally agree. GOOD for all of us 🙂 Heh. I think it is easy to compare and say “we’re not doing as much as so and so” and feel BAD about what we do at the gym. That is such a negative way to look at–this is super positive. Even if we’re regulars at the gym, each time we go it is a GREAT thing! hah.
I need to try overnight oats….I just don’t think about b-fast that far in advance. Hah.
yes!! just GETTING OUT THERE is an accomplishment in itself.
Seriously! It’s very true! especially in the winter, for me at least, it seems easier to blow things off. I work out more in the afternoon/evenings, and when it gets dark at 4:30 its so easy to just hole up after that and call it a night. I try to remember that I always sleep better if I get some exercise. And thank goodness for puppies who always want to go running.
Loved this post, Its so easy to beat ourselves up for only having time for a super short workout or not being able to get to the gym, but looking at it this way we should be proud that we make our health a priority in general!
I remind myself that all the time, especially when I’m moaning about a lousy run that seems too short to be useful. Heck, even one mile is an accomplishment – I remember when I couldn’t even do that!
Love this! So very true. Even if it’s a small, healthy step, it’s still an accomplishment. This is encouraging – thanks for sharing!
I love this post! That’s so true and such a wonderful way to look at things in life. This post totally made me smile (and hug said stressed out gym man) – great way to start a Friday off.
i know! i wanted to hug him, too.
I loved this post too! We need to be proud of the choices we make in our day, no matter how small.
Absolutely agree with you! Great post! Especially those of us that think of working out consistently as second nature, it can be easy to forget that what we’re doing everyday is an accomplishment! We should be proud of every single good choice that we make :D. Happy Friday Julie!!
I love this post! I used to think every workout had to be crazy intense but I realised that even moderate ones make all the difference! I view exercise as the daily gift I give myself!
sometimes i beat myself up for missing the gym one day, but then i remember that i actually go to the gym 6 days a week almost every week, which is a HUGE accomplishment and definitely not the norm!
I completely agree! Even if you just do something for 15 minutes, that is something to be proud of. Every minute you put into your health is a great accomplishment in my opinion 🙂
Some days your posts are just spot on what I need to hear, and this was one of them! I’m in hard core studying mode for my law school finals, and in order to be able to go to my friend’s “bridesmaid night out” I needed to get up extra early and to work out, and I NEVER work out in the mornings. I was feeling pretty down about how hard my work out felt (I actually got a little dizzy/head ache at the end and cut it short) and kinda bummed. This made me feel SO much better. And come December 23, it’s back to my regular routine, and it will feel SO good. Thanks for the pick me up Julie!
thank you so much for this comment. 🙂 i’m so glad this post had a positive impact on your day. i hope you have fun at your party tonight!!
Lauren, I’m also deep into law school exams (2 down, 2 to go) and excercise and time not studying have been key!! Every am I have been either on a long walk, short run, or weights and it makes me feel like I can handle the day. Every night I quit studying and eat dinner/watch trashy tv with my hubby. It’s required! haha. Have fun at your party! What year are you? I’m almost done and I promise it gets better- Julie, love this post!
It’s so true!!! I’m in my last year too, and I hear you about needing to turn it off and have dinner and tv time too. I just got married over the summer and trying to enjoy being married and finishing up school is tough! It will all pay off once it’s all over though! Thanks for making me feel better!
This made me smile. Which I read right after a workout! 🙂
That is exactly what I needed to hear today! My workouts have been SO blah and monotonous lately, but at least I’m doing it!! I have been a long time reader but this is my first time commenting. I love your approach to healthy living and the balanced lifestyle that your blog portrays, it has really helped me find my own healthy balance in my life, when I honestly did not think it was possible. Thanks a lot, PBF!!
I like it, Julie! Very positive post. I think you are so right. I see people at the gym (I am at a really nice, new gym right now that has everything under the sun…I feel SO lucky), who are TRYING so hard to get back into shape, or possibly more. I guess you never know what other’s have been through, or what they are tyring to accomplish. Coming from a VERY small gym at my college, it’s so inspiring to me to see mothers working out and looking great, and older adults still attempting and succeeding at fitness! 🙂
I totally agree! I just posted about this, even with my busy holiday schedule getting in my workouts and gym time is so important. It makes me feel better mentally and physically and I also can enjoy that extra cookie or two knowing I deserve it. I know a lot of people think the gym is optional and always tell me, if you are so busy skip the gym… which is not the correct answer, for me at least!
Yipes – I wasn’t even there, and I already feel badly for Joe!
My to-do list: gym. done. get to work. done. glass of wine. not quite yet!
I love this! I get so frustrated when magazines/people stress the importance of working out in the morning to ‘get it out of the way’ (obviously not including you in there, mornings work better for some). I’m an evening worker-outer and because I truly love running and the fun classes at my gym, it’s the icing on top of my days. It’s a stress buster and looking foward to a long run gets me through many a frustrating work days!
I also think seeing a work out as an accomplishment will cut down on guilt the days your body needs a rest!
This is so true! Thanks for sharing 🙂
I totally agree with you! I’m a fitness instructor, and although I work out in the early mornings, sometimes I’ll go after work if there’s a particular class that I want to do. There are days when I feel very unmotivated to do this, but then I think about the majority of people that aren’t fitness instructors – if it’s tough for me (someone who loves working out so much I’ve made it a part time job), just think of how hard it is for people that are in the “know they should do it but don’t really want to” mindset. So yes, I think you’re so right when you say that we should be proud of ourselves for even the little things, especially when it comes to making health improvements! 🙂
Thanks, Julie. Just what I needed to hear today!!!!! i have been in a bit of a slump and you reminded me how important it really is to work out.
This is a great reminder! This week has been crazy for me at work so unfortunetly working out has been on the back burner, but oh is my body craving a good workout! Tomorrow morning I will finally have time and I know my body will thank me!
I definitely need to get in this mentality about working out. I always make excuses because of being busy with school, but it is so important. Thanks!
why do your overnight oats look SO much better than mine were? I like Cinnamon in mine and brown sugar! e
do you use chia seeds? they really help make them thicker!
hear, hear!
I love this ‘good for you’ post. I used to exercise to cut calories, look better…..but as I’ve gotten older I exercise for my body’s actual health.
It’s always a really good feeling for me to equate healthy- living with living longer. Then, you can’t help but WANT to exercise/live healthfully.
Totally agree…I struggle with just getting to the gym most days. Making exercise a priority is essential to health!
I absolutely love this post! Well, I love all of your posts, but this one was definitely inspiring. I feel the same exact way about exercise and healthy living and it can be frustrating at times when people think that working out or eating healthy is something people do to be “skinny” or for other similar reasons. It’s honestly about being healthy and being able to be proud of the mini accomplishments like you said. Most of all, it’s about being happy with your choices, body, life, etc…
Thanks for always posting such great and inspiring thoughts! 🙂
I agree. I personally think I’ve become much more pleasant and worry free since I’ve started running. Long runs give me the time to sort things out in my head, so I’m not weighed down by things all week long. Whether my friends agree is a different question lol.
Well said Julie 🙂 ::giving myself a pat on the back today:::
What a great post and great reminder that getting out and doing something is better than nothing. I have a quick 20 min. run around my neighborhood I do when i am crunched for time but need a quick pick-me-up. I call it my BTN run (Better Than Nothing). I always feel so much better after I get a little exercise in. It is an accomplishment to fit exercise into your day!
I enjoyed some overnight oats too! It’s great coming back from the gym and already having breakfast ready!
I wish I could “like” this post! I loved it. Thank you for your encouragement!
I love this! We too often gloss over how great it is that we get our workouts in and do those actions that benefit our health. Good to remind ourselves that we ROCK!
Thank you for this!! Such great encouragement and motivation to keep making an effort and to keep working hard!
I feel like Joe today. I just had a phone convo with my mom that almost brought me to tears thinking of all the stuff I need to do today and this weekend! The first thing on my list though for today is my workout. I know I NEED that run to feel good, get the stress out and because my health is more important than the stupid Christmas shopping when it comes down to it!
Breakfast seems juicy and delicious. Yum yum…
Can’t wait to get my accomplishment in the for the day! 🙂
My friend recommended your blog and I LOVE it! I read it every day and look forward to it 3 times a day!
I just started making Overnight Oats … I noticed sometimes yours end up more liquidy … Should this be the case? Mine are often mush and stick together. Do you eat them hot or cold?
i eat them cold… and if mine are too thick, i’ll add more milk in the morning, which may be why mine look more liquidy. 🙂
Just found your blog, it’s great! Yum, I need to try the overnight oats recipe. Congrats on your race results too, keep it up!
I love that it’s my “me” time now that I’m a mom. I can’t think of much better “me time” I always come home a refreshed, happy momma.
i totally agree! sometimes we forget, when something is part of our routine, that it still is an accomplishment. very interesting… and good for joe 🙂
I totally agree Julie. I think a lot of people view exercise as not fun, but if you get into the habit, you start to crave it like anything else! It really helps out your mood, your self-esteem, your attitude…everything!
Yay, good for me – I made it to the gym for the first time in 5 weeks. I had been running outside and then I just wasn’t “feeling it” anymore… Today, I woke up and said I WANT to work out!
little words of kindness like that really make my heart melt. people often don’t realize the power a simple confirmation can give someone who is having a less than stellar day…
im making it my goal today to lift someones spirits if he looks like he needs it 🙂
kinda like paying it forward!
this made me smile!
Thanks for the great reminder! There are times that i put working out on my to do list like it is a chore (and that is sometimes how I view it). But working out is so much more then that, it makes me feel better all around!
I love listening to people’s convos at the gym. Sometimes they are inspirational and sometimes just too funny… Especially guys dissing their wives/girlfriends lol
God, yes it is an accomplishment… I missed the last two days because time got away from me (it happens this time of year). Today I hope to get a workout in, but who knows… (crosses fingers) – so much left to do before the weekend!
Love this post, Julie. 🙂 I mean, I love them all but this one is truly a winner (kind of like your salsa crock pot chicken that I devoured last night with my Fiance, YUM!). It is so important to thank ourselves for making a healthy effort. I needed to hear this today. 🙂 Thankful!