Good morning, my friends! I feel like I’ve been playing catch up on weekend fun for the past two days and I’m happy to finally be able to chat with you guys in “real time” this morning. How are you!?
So far things this week are going smoothly over here… Just more of the usual: Teaching, working at the gym and bloggin’!
Yesterday, in between teaching and my late afternoon shift at the gym, I met up with Amy, the events coordinator of our local Girls On The Run chapter, to chat about an upcoming event and additional ways I can help out the organization. I was greeted with the sweetest valentine from GOTR Iredell!
Yes, the backdrop of this valentine is the dalmation-print table at Firehouse Subs.
The spring season of GOTR begins next week and I truly cannot wait! We have a bunch of girls from last season participating again along with some new faces and I have high hopes for another amazing GOTR 5K in May.
During my chat with Amy, she mentioned the need for a new social media volunteer for GOTR Iredell and I am thrilled to be taking over and helping out my local chapter in another way. I just love GOTR so, so much and already have a bunch of ideas for stepping up GOTR Iredell’s social media game.
I also wanted to mention this on the blog because I know a bunch of you are really interested in getting involved with Girls On The Run in some way but cannot coach or aren’t interested in coaching a team. There really are so many different ways to volunteer with GOTR, so definitely reach out to your local chapter to see if there’s a way you can get involved in some capacity if you feel that pull! And for those looking for more information about coaching, check out this post: All About Girls On The Run.
Pure Barre + Breakfast
This morning, I woke up bright dark and early, ate a small apple and took my booty to Pure Barre where I definitely felt the burn. After a week away from barre workouts, my body felt even more challenged than it usually does in the class. Phew!
On my way home, I stopped by Madalyn’s, a local coffee shop, for a vanilla almond milk latte that totally hit the spot.
The owner of Madalyn’s is the friendliest guy in the world, so that makes popping into the adorable coffee shop all the more fun. Delicious coffee + Amazing service = Win!
Once I made it home, I took out the blender and made myself a smoothie that included frozen mango, pineapple, banana and coconut milk.
A little taste of the tropics in February!
While I sipped on my banana smoothie, I cooked up a batch of scrambled eggs that I made with two whole eggs, a heavy pour of egg whites from the carton and two wedges of The Laughing Cow Creamy Swiss Garlic & Herb cheese.
It was a great (and very yellow!) breakfast.
Now I’m off to work at the gym (no teaching on the agenda today, though).
See ya later this afternoon! Have a wonderful Wednesday!
That smoothie is totally a taste of the tropics! I love your blue napkin as well, its gorgeous!
thanks, taca!!
I love Firehouse Subs! I have a $50 giftcaard somewhere in my apartment but I can’t find it and it’s driving me crazy!
I’m so happy you posted that about girls on they run. I’ve been wanting to get involved but cannot run right now.
i hope you can find a way to get involved. you would love it!! <3
Supporting other women means a lot to me. I recently had a woman at work do some unsupportive things. I wrote a post about building other women up and it’s fueled a fire in me. Would love if you read it!
Did your pb warmup and arm section change? Ours changed back in the beginning of January (the one that uses a red ball a lot) and then randomly changed again last week to an entirely different routine! It’s wayyy harder than any one that I’m used to. I haven’t had a chance to ask the instructors why, but it’s random since I thought they only changed every three months.
yes!! but at our studio it keeps flip flopping back and forth, so i’m not sure what to expect anymore!
Same at my studio! It keeps throwing me off because I thought it was going to be the same January through March – but it’s probably good to change it up.
Oh now I know where my lunch is coming from today! That sub looks amazing!! I hope you have a great Wednesday Julie!
i kind of want to go back again today… 🙂
Are you using the photo box you DIY-ed a while back? I love the way the colors pop against the white background! 🙂 Have a great day, Julie!
yes!! and thank you so much!
Barre workouts are no joke! That’s awesome you are picking up social media and becoming more involved with the organiation. I’m sure they very much appreciate all of your help. Have a great day!
I was craving a smoothie earlier this week and made one and it just made me so antsy for warm weather! It’s hard having a cold smoothie in one hand and a glove on the other! 🙂
I love how you’ve introduced us readers to Girls on the Run! You’ve inspired me to look into it and sign up to volunteer in the Baltimore area! I hope I can contribute and make an impact on the girls.
thrilled to hear this!! thanks so much for volunteering, kristen!
Congrats on the new volunteer position. It’s nice to hear how other people contribute to their community.
I LOVED getting to be a GOTR coach in Chicago while I was in law school, but it’s definitely a more difficult commitment when you work a 9-5 job and can’t make it to after school practices !
Volunteering with GOTR has been my such a rewarding experience for me. Thank you for helping spread the word about such an awesome organization! Here’s a link to our local chapter’s fb page: I think they do a great job with their social media!
this is so helpful! i’m definitely on the lookout for some new GOTR social media ideas — thank you!
That smoothie just made me really wish it was warm outside! GOTR sounds like fun!
Kim .. Prints and why I blog?!
An opportunity to co-coach for my local GOTR opened up and because of reading your blog and positive things I’ve read, I signed up! I went the training a few weeks ago and it is so inspiring! I’m so excited to work with this organization. Thanks for sharing your experience!!
My YMCA is trying to start it’s own Girls on the Run-like program and I’m so excited! We have a local chapter, but it isn’t close enough to be convenient for kids in our suburban area.
You’ve been out of the Midwest too long 😀 I think the small spots are Dalmatian print.
duhhhhh. dalmation = firehouse. clearly i typed that one up without proofreading properly! editing the post now. 🙂
I loved volunteering for Girls on the Run a few years back! I actually did it when I was 17, so I was a “junior coach” and it was SO much fun. The girls just tackled me with hugs every time they saw me, and every time I’ve run into one of them since.
Hi Julie! How awesome you’re going to be supporting GOTR using your social media skills! 🙂
That will be so much fun! Go you!
I am in the process of wanting to join GOTR! I tried last season but I was too late. My breakfast was also very yellow! I made one of my Quinoa egg white scrambles and only had a yellow pepper to add along with a glass of orange juice 😛
When I looked on the GOTR website, the map told me that they have a chapter in Vancouver, but I cannot find any information on it for the life of me! I would so love to be a part of it, though,
That smoothie combo sounds delicious!! I definitely need to give it a try when the cooler temps start creepin in next week.
How fun! I just love being a GOTR volunteer here in San Diego – it’s a great organization. And I went to Pure Barre this morn dark and early too. 🙂
What a sweet Valentine from GOTR! I love organizations that go the extra mile to appreciate their volunteers. I’m also glad to see I’m not the only one that can’t resist a box of sweethearts. Total throwback to grade school Valentine exchanges.
they are way too good! the pink, white and orange are my favorites!
Hey I am having almost the exact same smoothie for breakfast as I read this 🙂 GOTR sounds like an amazing organization. I am moving around a lot right now, and would love to get involved with a chapter once I get more settles. Does GOTR have international chapters? I live in Canada!
That latte looks very tempting. I am actually soaking some cashews right now so that I can make cashew milk a little later and satisfy my oatmeal and cereal craving I have been having lately.
Congrats on your new gig with GOTR!
some very yummy and thoughfull ideas with the eggs and the smoothies. and i love the firehouse subs they are just sooooo goood. I had completely forgotten that valentines day is around the corner so thank you for reminding me.
So great that you’ll be doing Social Media work for GOTR, such an amazing group to be helping out. 🙂
It’s so funny with barre classes, if you miss a week it’s like you have to start over again! I usually grab a coffee after class as well, always a good treat!
MMMMM your smoothie looks so perfect! The color is gorgeous, and I am obsessed with adding frozen mango to smoothies! It’s nice to feel a little tropical 🙂
I think it’s so awesome how involved you are in your community!
Girls on the Run seems like such an awesome organization, I really wish there was one in my area, I’ve been trying to get some people that are interested all together to get it started, but it hasn’t seemed to work out yet. Hopefully we can get the ball rolling soon because I think it’d be such a great thing to have for young girls! So cool that you get to work with them even more than you already are! 🙂
That is Great.. GOTR is such a Great Program. I really enjoy coaching here in MI. We start at the beginning of March and we have out Celebration 5k the end of May as well. Such a Fun Time !!!
Frozen mango is my FAVORITES thing to put in smoothies! That and Cabot’s Vanilla Bean Greek yogurt 🙂
Wow I think that is wonderful for you to help out a charity you enjoy! I host bootcamp once a week for charity and its been awesome giving back and helping out my community! All my love xo C
GOTR is such a cool organization! I hope to get involved with them when my schedule calms down a little (aka after i graduate this may!)
LOVE that you’re spreading the word about GOTR in so many ways – through your blog, and now through their social media platforms! So glad you found the organization! I became a GOTR outreach volunteer three years ago and became a coach two years ago…what an incredible experience. You’ll love your second season as a coach! I recently moved and got my first corporate “big girl” job, I can no longer coach, but still am involved in my new council in community outreach and am running my spring marathon as a Solemate! It’s such an outstanding program and organization.
Have a wonderful evening!
The Chocolate Caramel Herbal Tea sounds amazing (as do all the flavors!). Celestial Seasonings tea is my favorite – reasonably priced and great flavors!
I just signed up to help with GOTR this year, so I’m really looking forward to it! Reading about your experience with it is what drove me to want to do it, so thanks for sharing about it!
That’s so awesome that you found an organization that you love to volunteer for. I recently decided to get back into volunteer work with the JDRF since it’s close to my heart. I can’t wait!
GOTR is lucky to have you! It’s such a worthwhile organization and so rewarding to be involved in! Enjoy!