In one of my marketing classes in college, I remember learning all about which colors are good to use when marketing food and which colors are bad.
Red + Yellow + Orange = Good
Blue + Purple + Gray = Bad
Apparently the cooler colors aren’t as good for food marketing because they make people think of undercooked food whereas the warmer colors elicit feelings of warmth and comfort food.
Let’s just say my morning oats would have failed any kind of marketing test.
Gray oatmeal doesn’t exactly scream “eat me,” but I assure you this bowl of overnight oats was actually quite delicious.
Last night I combined the following:
- 1/2 c. old fashioned oatmeal
- 1/2 container vanilla Greek yogurt
- 1/4 c. almond milk
- 1/2 tbsp. cocoa powder
- 1 spoonful chia seeds
This morning, when I went to remove the mixture from the fridge, I noticed it was quite thick. I the poured more almond milk overtop of the thick overnight oats to thin it out a bit and make it easier to eat with a spoon.
After stirring everything together, breakfast was ready for eatin’!
Before breakfast, I hit the gym with Ryan to complete 50 minutes of cardio. Today’s workout began on the treadmill with a 25-minute workout that was very similar to one I did 10 days ago. Today’s time on the treadmill was slightly less intense, as I decreased to incline portion to 8.0 and the running portion to a 6.5 pace, but I still got my heart rate up and that’s all that matters!
I concluded my workout with 25 minutes on the elliptical while reading the latest issue of Health magazine.
After my workout was done, it was time to take Sadie on her morning walk. We completed a 20 minute loop near our apartment and made all right turns. This was a very good thing because I feel like like Derek Zoolander today, as I cannot currently look left. I must’ve slept funny on my neck because I awoke with a huge crick in the left side! Not fun.
Seriously that’s as far left as I can look today!
Off to the office. Have a great Tuesday!
P.S. The Fashion page was updated last night.
Sometimes the grossest breakfasts look the best. I’ve definitely had some poo–consistency and colored overnight oats, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t delicious!
Those oats sound yummy! Gotta love chocolate with breakfast! 😀
Hope you have a great day!
Oh, I hope your neck feels better!
I’ll bet those oats did taste amazing. 🙂
“I’m not an ambi-turner!”
Love it.
At least you made up for it with a pretty yellow linen! :)That’s what my oats look like today too.
Oh your poor neck! That happens to me sometimes and it is so hard to drive when you can’t turn your neck — you have to turn your entire torso!
I’ve heard the same thing about colors. Which is why a lot of restaurants are painted red, because red color is said to increase appetite. As I’m still dieting, I’m glad that our kitchen is a sunny yellow instead of red, hahaha. And I think those oats looks delicious! (Maybe it’s a blogger thing?)
Dark colors are ok when they involve chocolate! 🙂
Totally agree.
I was debating whether to have hot oatmeal or oats with yogurt for breakfast tomorrow! After seeing yours and Gabriela’s breakfast, I am kinda sold on the latter 🙂
Those oats sound yummy regardless of what color they are! 🙂 I hope your neck feels better!
haha oatmeal always looks good to me I don’t care what color it is 😉
I’ve heard about the color thing too but have never given much thought to it.
Ouch about your neck. I hate it when that happens. Sorry, but it is kind of funny 😛 I hope it un-cricks soon!
oh gosh i can tell those oats are yummy.. id say 99% of my food looks like bird poop anyway!
ahh hope your neck sorts it self out! i see a great excuse for a massage!!!
That happened to me two nights ago! I woke up and it felt like someone had been bending my neck in half all night. So not fun 🙁
Sometimes the ugliest foods are the tastiest ones! Sorry to hear about your neck – maybe someone needs to book a massage…. 😉
haahah, Julie, I love the Derek Zoolander reference. every time someone tells me they can’t turn left (or that they did turn left), I quote the movie.
I’m so much fun to be around. 😉
AND.. I wonder if you have the same cavity problem as my family! the issue with me (and my fam) is that we have very deep crevices, or “deep dips” in our molars. So, where most peoples teeth are pretty shallow in the middle, mine are shaped so that its really easy for food to get stuck in there and for it to not come out.
therefore, I’ve had lotsa cavities too. it’s not our fault.. stupid teeth! 🙂
I am definitly going to try them overnight oats… looks good to me, no matter the colour 🙂 Although, now that you bring it up I can see why that theory works!
Definitely more cocoa brown than gray! And the bright colors in your kitchen make up for it 😉
I feel for you! I must have slept funny the other night too because I’ve had a crook in my neck and shoulder since Sunday. I saw a physio today and she said it’s a sprain and it’s really inflamed! It’s so painful, hope it goes very soon. Hopefully yours isn’t as serious and corrects itself. Happy Tuesday 🙂
I love the little bowl you’re using!
Oooh I love your necklace!
Hope your neck feels better soon!
Oats (or anything) that color mean chocolate’s involved, and there’s nothing unappetizing about that!
I hate neck cricks! All you did was sleep, and you get rewarded with a neck crick? No fair!
Not all about the looks 😉 hahah
I love adding cocoa powder to my breakfasts. Something about feeling like youre starting the day with dessert makes everything that much better!
My oats kinda looked like that today too but tasted great. Plum cinnamon oats with chocolate PB … so good.
The chocolate definitely cancels out all ugliness. 🙂
And I agree, a massage is just what you need – either booking one or convincing Ryan to work it out for you haha.
Can you taste the greek yogurt in those oats? I just recently ruined my love for greek yogurt… I added pumpkin butter to it and it tasted so nasty!!! Neck cricks are the wosrt…. luckily I havent had one in years!
I’m going to make this for my breakfast tomorrow! Thanks for the recipe 🙂
Oh I hate it when my neck is jacked up! Hopefully it works itself out as the day goes on!
I started making cold oats and leaving them in the fridge overnight and my roommates were completely wierded out. I assured them that they were absolutely del-i-cious and low and behold, they are now hooked! Don’t judge a book by its cover (or a bfast from its color), eh?!
OUCH! I hope your neck feels bette soon!
The grossest oatmeal bowls are ALWAYS the best ones!
I think I’m going to have to give this “overnight oats” idea a try!
Ahhh sleeping wrong on your neck is the worst!! Good luck working it out today!
It doesn’t matter if the breakfast looks good! Taste is the most important thing! 🙂
Maybe there’s something wrong with me… but I tried to make the chocolaty overnight oats twice and they were gross 🙁
I did similar overnight oats the other day. BUT I used cooked steel cut oats and you won’t believe the chewiness of the bowl when it’s ready! I know you like texture like I do, so you would love it.
I did 1/2 cup almond milk in the mix too…it was the right consistency, not too thick.
I love the Zoolander reference! Sorry about your neck.
I like overnight oats too, but I have a little problem where I am not patient enough to wait until morning, and I end up eating them semi-raw as a midnight snack.
Wow, the oatmeal looks great! Well until you added the extra milk, 😉 I love chocolate oats, gotta love that chocolatey brown color.
I hope your neck feels better!
Love the zoolander reference 😉
that’s really interesting about the cooler colors making people think of undercooked foods ! i hadn’t thought of that before.
hope your neck feels better soon. stretttttcccchh.
I finally tried adding protein powder to my oats, and it was delicious! It’s also keeping me full for a really long time, so that’s great too. You always have such great tips on here!
Hope your neck feels better soon.
Random question — how often do you have to return things when you buy them from ruelala and other online sites. I’m always so afraid to just randomly guess my size. I feel like it would be a giant pain in the a to return a ton of stuff!
The gray oats are not turning me away! I love adding chia seeds to oatmeal. Its my new old trick!
I love overnight oats, gray colored or not! I think some of my tastiest meals haven’t always been to visually appetizing 😉
your oats look fab to me! I think the color is gloomy but the combo is yummy! Ughhhhh! Hope your neck feels better, I have done that before : p
i’ll have to give overnight oats another go since we just got more greek yogurt. i used just almond milk the last time (which was also my first time) and it just wasn’t doin’ it for me!
enjoy your tuesday!
overnight oats look good and I want to try them! do you cook the oatmeal before letting them soak overnight?
LOVE zoolander!! 🙂
you need to see a chiropractor! they can work wonders on your “neck crick” situation. that, and a massage and you’ll be good to go!
Zoolander is my all time favorite movie…can’t wait for Zoolander 2 to come out!! ; )
I laughed like a fiend at the Zoolander reference! “Mer-man… Mer-MAN!” Aahahhaah.
My overnight oats always end up looking like a baby’s diaper, so I’m not one to judge. A very well-fed baby’s diaper, but a diaper nonetheless.
Haaaa I love this! the “mer-MAN” line is probably one of my all time favorites from that movie… so melodramatic! And that’s toooo funny about your oats looking like a well fed baby’s diaper. i can totally relate with mine!
I’m lovin’ your outfit today, girl! And as long as the food TASTES good, it hardly matters what it looks like 🙂