This evening, as I was chopping vegetables in the kitchen, Sadie kept watch over our house on the screened-in porch.
She has a habit of pacing around the porch, smelling the air and irrationally freaking out over Bob Barker, the floating pool toy. This evening, however, she went bananas and started barking excessively while pointing outside like the little huntress she was bred to be.
I walked onto the porch to see what ferocious predator wandered into our yard and spotted the evil beast.
Another turtle! This one was much bigger than the little turtle Sadie found two weeks ago.
I let her outside to sniff the turtle and she ran right over to it to say hello.
And then this happened:
An interesting scent underneath a tree = Instant box turtle boredom
The box turtle moved surprisingly fast out of Sadie’s way once she lost interest. Speedy lil’ guy!
Dinner this evening was homemade chili!
I know this is an odd dinner for the middle of summer when it’s 90+ degrees outside, but a chili craving hit me around 5 p.m. and I just went with it.
To make the chili I combined the following:
- 1/2 yellow onion, chopped
- 1 yellow squash, chopped
- 1 can diced tomatoes
- 1 can kidney beans, drained
- 1 pound lean ground beef
- Chili powder
- Cumin
- Garlic salt
I love one-pot meals because they’re not only easy, but clean up is a breeze!
Time to watch The Bachelorette. Home town dates tonight! Bring on the crazy!
Oh my goodness! First, your blog is fabulous! And second: this chili sounds delicious! I am archiving the recipe now! 🙂
My dog would never have even noticed the turtle in the first place. He’s an awful hunter. Haha Thank goodness, because we have a ton of rabbits in our neighborhood!
The chill looks awesome. I can’t wait to make myself. Almost 8pm time to watch the Bachelorette.
That’s funny that you had chili because we did too! I made white bean chicken chili in the crockpot. I thought it was kind of a weird, hot day to have chili but you can’t help when the craving hits 🙂
I had the same exact meal too! It was my husbands request.
That’s funny… I made a one-pot meal for dinner tonight, too! Even though it’s sweltering over here.
Can I just say… I LOVE Sadie. I started reading your blog a few months ago, but I like to look at your Sadie archives. She cracks me up every time! My dog is the same way… he gets all excited when he sees a cat, and then he’ll run up to it, and then get sidetracked by a tree or bush. The cats around our house are so used to his DADD (Doggie Attention Deficit Disorder), that they don’t even move when he comes barreling towards them. 🙂
That’s so cute!! Sadie is such a sweetie!! My favorite posts are when Sadie cute little face is in some of the pics…she cracks me up! 🙂
We showed Teddy a turtle once and he wasn’t interested at all haha. I’m so upset I can’t watch The Bachelorette tonight! Hometowns are my favorite!
I am excited for home town dates tonight, too!! Who do you think will be the final two? My gut says Arie and Jef though I really LOVE Sean!!
The chili looks good even if it is hot outside. Sometimes you just have to satisfy a craving!!
That is a big turtle! Maybe now that Sadie got to say hi to one, she won’t freak out the next time? Probably not!
I have no problem cooking foods like chili in the summer. I figure I’m staying cool in my A/C, so what’s the difference? 😉
We call our dog the “guard pug.” He barks at anything & everything but he’s a pug so what is he really going to do?!
I had a chili craving on Saturday and had some amazing chili at The Atlanta Bread Company! 🙂 Sometimes you just got to give the body what it wants!!
I know what you mean about the weird weather cravings…I had a craving for a big pan of roasted vegetables yesterday — and I live in Sarasota! 😀 Haha.
Sometimes when you can’t resist, you can’t resist.
Cute turtle story.
That looks a gopher tortoise….a threatened species here in Florida! Very cool! Those guys have lost a lot of habitat over the years, so I’m glad to see your backyard is a safe haven for one!
This post is awesome. Sadie + box turtles + chili + Bachelorette = AMAZINGNESS.
I always seem to crave foods that aren’t necessarily ‘in season.’ Soups and chili always sounds good to me during the summer and so does pumpkin (which makes it seem like I want summer to end so fall can start–not true), then in the wintertime I always want fresh strawberries and grilled food. What on earth…
Funny story that I know you’ll appreciate:
I’m staying with my dad because I lost power this weekend (crazy storms in MD!) and still haven’t gotten it back. I went to my grad class, came back to his place, and noticed he was watching The Bachelorette. When I told him that I was judging him, he responded with: “You watch The Real Housewives of Everywhere. You can’t judge me.”
The man has a point!
ohhh that chili looks amazing! you have me craving it now woman! sadie and the turtle is hilarious. my little boston terrier Huxley encountered a frog the other day for the first time (he is 12 months old) and it was quite the same – and hilarious.
hostin a big group giveaway if that sparks your interest! link:
enjoy the bachlorette – i can’t wait!!!
Hahahaha about the beast turtle! My dog always chases birds and unfortunately a few weeks ago managed to catch one. I cried. My husband refuses to watch the bachelorette so I have to wait til tomorrow!
That story is too funny about Sadie and the turtle! How ironic that on Saturday morning I go to take my little (3 years old) guy out to use the bathroom (note he woke me up to go outside so I was still 3/4 asleep) and as soon as we got into the yard he starts lunging and barking like crazy! I start looking around frantically trying to find a cat or squirrel…found nothing. Then I saw the turtle scooting his way across the street. I didn’t want to let my guy go to check it out since I was scared that he’d scare him back into his shell and a car would come wizzing by without realizing it was a turtle. So I tried pulling my dog to another part of the yard to do his business. When we went back to the house, the turtle had safely climbed the curb and was chilling in the tree shade. Dogs are toooo funny sometimes 🙂
Hey there! I love your bog! Iread it every day (I check mutiple times! LOL) classic lurker style!
I had that chili craving so I had vegetarian chili for lunch and dinner….. And it’s 18 here! Craziness but it ht the spot sure! 🙂
I almost put chilli on the menu for this week but took it off because its so darn hot! But i guess we will be eating in the AC so i think i may just put it back on there~
ive been craving chili too! i was worrying that i was crazy for wanting it in this scorching heat….but im thinking that i now HAVE to have it soon 🙂
I love chili no matter how cold/hot it is out. Yours looks extra chunky! That’s always a plus. And our cats are the same way with little bug critters. They start to bat the bugs and it’s sooo cute!
That chili looks yummy! That turtle is huge! Is it a box or snapping turtle?
I totally crave chilli in summer months. And have been eating pumpkin frequently the past few weeks. A little out of season, but still delicious.
I am new to your blog and wanted to let you know how excited I am to have found it. My husband deployed in Febuary and I have lost 54 pounds since then. I am not stopping. I want to surprise him when he returns this fall. So excited to find some new ideas on your blog
Sadie is so cute! I’m so glad she was on the scene to keep you safe! ;p
I make stews and such in the summer a lot! I’m in the A/C so it doesn’t bother me. I also consume ice cream in winter 😛
There is never a wrong time of year for chili! I love sadie, she’s so cute!
Maizey goes nuts over turtles too. Except she paws at them with her Boxer paws!
I’m totally craving chili now. hahaha
I’ve been craving chili lately too, but every time I think about making it, I dismiss it because it’s 100 degrees out! But I think you’ve inspired me to just go for it.
Thats a big turtle! What a random thing to have roaming around your yard
You can never predict what you’ll crave- I’ve learned that! By the way, I love that bowl you used for the chili- amazing color! Sadie is too cute! Have a great holiday!
Haha, I’m pretty sure my dog would have totally attacked that turtle. She freaks out when she doesnt understand things that are moving. haha.
Your chili looks amazing. I cook chili often in the summer and winter since I can cook it in the crockpot which doesn’t heat up the house. Sadie is soo cute.
How much chili powder, cumin, & garlic salt do you use? Sorry I am horrible about guessing I always have to know exactly, lol!