Good afternoon! Today I have a fun guest post to share with you guys from Kathryn, the blogger behind Chicks Dig Running! Kathryn is an avid runner – she competed in the NCAA Division 1 National Championship in cross country for the University of Florida – and has a bachelor’s degree in food science and human nutrition from the University of Florida and a master’ s degree in health science from Nova Southeastern University. Today she’s here to chat about pre- and post-exercise fuel!
I hope you enjoy! Thanks so much for stopping by PBF, Kathryn!
Guest Post: Chicks Dig Running
Hey everyone! My name is Kathryn, and I am an avid eater, exerciser, blogger, and reader of Peanut Butter Fingers. I have really enjoyed reading Julie’s posts since I discovered her site and I was ecstatic when she agreed to let me do a guest post. On my blog, Chicks Dig Running, I write about running, nutrition, health, self confidence, and I throw in a little life here and there. Since Julie writes about all kinds of fitness classes and activities (putting one-trick ponies like me to shame!), I am going to chat a little about how you can tailor your nutrition to your exercise on a daily basis.
Before we get started, I just want to let you know that I am neither a registered dietitian nor a personal trainer. I have a bachelor’s degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition and a Master’s Degree in Health Sciences. All of my information here is gathered from textbooks and peer-reviewed journal articles and studies. Meaning, I can’t charge you for this advice but it’s legit!
The basics of sports nutrition are pretty easy to grasp: Carbs before a long run, protein after a hard workout, blah blah blah. But most fit gals these days are exploring all kinds of exercise methods, and that means a whole new set of rules to figure out! We won’t get too technical here, but here are some guidelines for how to fuel and re-fuel for a few of your favorite kinds of workouts.
This centuries-old favorite does wonders for your muscles, ligaments, balance, and stress levels. There are many types, though, and each type will require different considerations.
If you are doing hot yoga, the most important thing to consider is WATER! Start hydrating the day before your practice, and drink plenty of water before the class. It’s also important to have something in your tummy so you don’t get light headed, so snack on something light an hour or so before the class. After the class, be sure to drink water and also take in some electrolytes to prevent dilution of the important minerals in your bloodstream. After heavy sweating, too much water can be just as harmful as not enough water. Coconut water, a low-sugar sports drink (like Nuun), a fruit smoothie, or a glass of milk will do the trick. All of these contain sodium and potassium, the important electrolytes lost with sweat.
When you do more strength-building yoga, like Hatha or Ashtanga, your muscles are working hard. When your muscles are challenged, you need to give them protein afterwards to rebuild. In order to gain strength from all your hard work, grab a snack with lean protein as well as some complex carbs. Some good post-yoga meals would be: an egg on whole grain toast, oatmeal with a scoop of peanut or almond butter, turkey on a whole wheat wrap, or whole grain pasta with grilled chicken.
Barre class is one of those tricky ones: it doesn’t look that hard from the outside, but boy do you feel the burn when you’re the one doing it! Although not highly cardiovascularly challenging, barre classes work select muscles to exhaustion. For these classes, you will definitely want to get some protein in afterwards. You may not be covered in sweat afterwards, but you definitely put some work in! Rebuild muscles into those beautiful new shapes by munching on some lean protein afterwards. Since you’re not getting a ton of cardiovascular work though, you want to keep it light and lean so you don’t undo all the hard work you just put in. Ideas: hummus and carrots, a small serving of grilled fish, or a low fat protein shake.
High Intensity Interval Training is rapidly gaining popularity as a powerful combination of a calorie-torching cardio workout with muscle-sculpting weight training. One lesson I learned the hard way is: Do NOT eat a heavy meal before this class! It’s full of jumping, bouncing, and rapid movements. The first time I went to a HIIT class I scarfed a quesadilla beforehand, not knowing what I was in for. I then spent the majority of the class trying to ignore the sloshing around in my stomach during the jumping jacks, mountain climbers, and wood chops. Go light on your pre-workout meal.
A little pre-workout caffeine could also be helpful by waking you up for this high-energy class.
As long as it’s not too late in the day (to interfere with your sleep pattern later), caffeine can be beneficial to your workout. It aids muscular oxygen uptake and delays fatigue. And, of course, be sure to refuel after with a protein-and-carbohydrate snack. Aim for a ratio of 4:1 of grams of carbohydrates to grams of protein. Fun fact: Chocolate milk fits this ratio almost perfectly and has been proven to be an excellent post-workout snack!
Ah, my personal favorite. Even as I try other classes and workout methods, running will always be my first true love. As I have found with myself and other running friends of mine, what your stomach can tolerate before and after a run is very personal. I can’t eat anything for hours before a hard workout or race without feeling sick. On the other hand, I’ve witnessed girls snacking just before going to the starting line without any issues. Experiment, and stick with what works. I have been eating the same pre-race meal for 8 year, because it works. I like quickly digesting carbohydrates (and some strong coffee!) before a run, and a more substantial protein-packed meal afterwards.
If you’re training for a race, be sure to find what works before the day of the event. Practice at home, and try different varieties of snacks before, during, and after your runs. Some people love energy bars and gels, while other prefer a more natural approach like apples or bananas. And be sure to get that 4:1 carb:protein snack in afterwards! You may not be lifting weights, but your muscles are working hard and breaking down (in a good way!) while you run. They need carbohydrates and protein in order to rebuild, which in turn makes you stronger for your next sweat sesh.
I hope this information was helpful to all of you fitness fanatics out there! Be sure to stop by for more nutrition and training information.
Question of the Afternoon
- What are some of your favorite foods to eat before and after a workout?
I too cannot eat anything before a long run or a tough workout or I get very sick. I have a super sensitive stomach though and severe acid reflux, so I am sure that is a big part of it. Thanks for sharing what works for you!
You’re welcome! I totally feel your (tummy) pain. Everyone’s system is unique so it’s important to find what works for you and stick with it!
My absolute favorite food to eat before a long run is sweet potatoes. They’re my go to marathon fuel! I actually wrote a blog post today about nutrition for athletes. Great minds think a like! 🙂
Thanks for sharing! Love your blog!
I couldn’t agree more – I’ve tried every workout under the sun and always come back to my true love which is running. I tried Gu and it did NOT go well. I always see runners downing it during races and cringe because my body reacts so badly to it. You really do have to stick with what works best for YOU and def try it out before race day =).
Oh I know! Maybe this makes me a bad runner, but I just don’t get Gu. The consistency is too much to handle!
Great post! I do a variety of workouts (bootcamp, yoga, roller derby) and struggle with hunger levels. Calm mornings I eat far less, high intensity mornings I can never pack enough food!
Whoa! Quite the variety! Keep up the good work!
I like Kind bars, nuts or a slice of Ezikial bread before a workout. After my favorite way to re-fuel is a protein shake. Thank you for the guest post, Kathryn!
You’re welcome! So glad Julie let me share. I love Ezekiel bread, too! I have it every morning with my smoothie and it’s a great mid-afternoon snack, too.
Oh HIIT is my favorite on the list! I usually workout after breakfast, but i let it sit for a few hours! My current fav is Greek yogurt with a Quest bar and a BIG mug of coffee!
I loved the tips of what to eat specifically tailored towards your workout. My go to after workout snack is either some yogurt or a protein shake. Normally, I’m not hungry after working out, but I know that refueling after a strenuous workout is so vital to the body and recovery.
Great info!!! So happy to have now discovered your blog! 🙂
Can’t wait to see you around CDR!
Love this! I like to eat an apple and some trail mix before weight-lifting, and if I’m teaching or doing a heavy cardio session, I usually also have some Greek yogurt or cottage cheese for some fluffy carbs as well. I ALWAYS refuel with a protein shake. I’ve also made the mistake of eating too much for a hard HIIT workout, and now I make sure I’ve got more than an hour to digest. I’m heading off to teach a new Les Mills BODYATTACK class tonight, so it’s almost fuel-up time! Thanks for featuring this lovely guest.
Glad you enjoyed the post! Hope the class went well!
Great article with great advice, Kathryn. I’m not a runner but a speed walker/hiker. I grab a Greek yogurt about an hour before I leave in the morning. This gets my metabolism going and also gives me just a little something in my stomach because I net nauseous without food. Protein powder/almond milk smoothie following.
I still NEED to try barre classes! but my favorite snack before running would have to definitely be peanutbutter toast 🙂
Great post, Kathryn! I’m a very light eater before my run workouts – typically just Vega pre-workout energizer because I run really early in the morning and am never hungry when I get up. Before races, I’ll usually have either dry cereal or a Simply Bar and an apple and it’s worked like a charm for me every time. I totally agree with you on the pre-run nutrition for HIIT workouts – definitely don’t want a lot of food bouncing around in your stomach!
Glad you enjoyed it! Yeah, eating too much before a HIIT class is a mistake you only make once!
Thanks for a fun, informative post!
I love running, and the name of your blog is adorable. So true. We really do dig running.
I can’t wait to read more of your blog!
You have a beautiful smile by the way. 🙂
Awe, thank you so much Shelby! That made my day! Hope to see you around CDR in the future!
GREAT POST! It was easy to digest (wink wink) and really good food for thought…. okay enough with these analogies… really this was wonderful information for all of the exercising world. Some things to really consider before and after a workout., especially since we are in such a rush most of the days we have to make sure to fuel up so the hunger and fatigue won’t catch up with us later in the day! Thanks from a Gator girl too!Chomp chomp!
Glad you enjoyed the post! I hope all of the info was helpful!
Thank you for this post! I was just looking up pre and post workout snacks yesterday because I am getting bored with what I’ve been eating. I eat try to avoid dairy, gluten and animal protein and I have been in a rut with my usual apple or banana and peanut butter pre-workout snack. Do you have any other suggestions?
I really like roasted nuts, especially some salted almonds, as a good protein-filled snack that doesn’t leave you feeling sluggish. A little lighter snack (like before a run) could be some dried fruit. It usually has a good amount of sugar in it, but you can use the carbs if you’re going to be doing some cardio. Another vegan fave of mine is hummus with veggie sticks, but it is a little heavier so I would advise eating it at least an hour before a workout. If you like fruit pre-workout, have you tried mixing it up a bit? Some strawberries, a sliced peach, or a sliced mango would give you a little fuel, some hydration, and are easy to grab quickly!
Thank you so much! This helps. 🙂
Kathryn!! How refreshing to see you make a guest appearance on PBF! I think that your website is adorable and I LOVE reading all of your great tips and suggestions for fitness and health! Thank you for an excellent (and informative!) blog post. I enjoy all of the activities you mentioned above and it is always a good reminder to change up my eating habits depending upon what exercise I intend on doing that day. I too, cannot eat anything before a marathon or other long run. I usually go with a little crunchy peanut butter on celery sticks before an exercise class and I end all of my hard workouts with a good source of protein (usually fish), brown rice, and tons of veggies. I am also known to indulge in my favorite frozen yogurt after a race (got to get that calcium in!). 😉
I hear ya on the Calcium! That’s how I justify crazy amounts of chocolate milk 🙂
Thanks for this post!! I take barre classes and have been a little torn on how to fuel afterwards. as like you, I’m typically a runner. Great info, thanks!
You’re welcome! It’s certainly an adjustment to figure out how to re-fuel after new workouts but you’ll get the hang of it! Plus you’re gonna LOVE your abs from doing barre, it’s the best!
Great post! I can’t wait to read more of your blog, Kathryn!
I just recently got into running and I feel so sick if I eat anything big before a run. I usually just stick with a banana and maybe a little peanut butter.
Welcome to the best sport! In my opinion, anyway 😉
I have always had trouble with bananas and peanut butter, they tend to stick around a while due to the protein and fiber content. If you’re feeling sick, I would advise either eating that combo a little earlier or going with something more easily digestible like some oatmeal or whole grain toast. Or, if you want to stick with fruit, try a sliced apple or some melon since they have higher water content and will digest a little more quickly.
Thanks for the advice! I’ll definitely give that a try.
Kathryn, thanks for the great information. I totally agree when you say (specially for running) that the pre- and post- meals are so personal and you have to find what works for you. It couldn’t be totally different that someone else.
I love any type of smoothie pre- and post- workout and customize the nutrients to fit my needs depending on my mode of exercise and the intensity.
My pre-race meal is always PB toast with banana and a drizzle of honey. About 2 hours before race time works me.
Thank you for your post, Kathryn! I have been trying to switch up my pre-workout fuel recently and this post was very helpful. I definitely find that I need to keep it light before HIIT workouts and runs. Bananas are usually my go-to, and I follow it up with a protein packed snack or meal post workout. Proper fuel is soo important because it can really effect the productivity of your workout. I overate before my run today and definitely felt the repercussions during and after. Ugh.
Thanks again and I will be sure to check out your blog!
I love eggs & fruit a couple of hours before a workout!
Before a run or race, I always eat some form of toast with peanut butter and a half a banana. That’s been my go to for awhile now and I stick with it because it doesn’t seem to give me problems!
I can’t eat anything at all before a workout or I will get sick. Even if it is just an apple before a 1mile run. Not a good mix for me. But afterwards I usually make a protein smoothie or an egg and avocado sandwich. yummm 🙂
Great Post, so informative =0)
I workout in the early AM and always have a couple bites of a granola bar before my workout. It’s just enough to get me going for my workout (either Barre or HIIT) after my workout I have a bowl of overnight oats with chia seeds, hemp seeds & almond butter followed by a cup of Coffee!
Thanks again Kathryn
Glad you liked it! You’re much more patient than me with the coffee, it’s the first thing I go for in the morning!
Her hair is DARLING!!!! I hope she doesn’t mind I pinned this post just for that reason. 🙂
Aw thank you Suzi!! That’s going to make my hairdresser laugh, I always subject her to my “Hair” board with about 500 pins on it when I sit in her chair!
Ok, so off topic, but WOW, you look SO much like actress Maggie Grace (from LOST fame)!! I cannot be the first person to say that! (Huge compliment, by the way)
Thank you so much Lauren! That is a huge compliment!!! I’m blushing 🙂
So informative. I run before barre class, so I start my day with a banana and coffee and eat HB eggs with a green smoothie after class. I do a lot of long distance runs and bring dried apricots with me and have had good success with them.
I love a good green smoothie after a run, too! I feel like I’m putting all the good stuff back in. I love dried apricots, too! I can mow down a whole bag in an afternoon, I have to hide them after I have a few handfulls.
What a phenomenal guest post! I really enjoyed the separation of each exercise and it’s benefits. I do CrossFit twice a week, and I try not to eat right before the class, otherwise I’ll feel sick, as you said with your HIIT workouts. After my class, I always try to fill my body with proteins. Thanks for the suggested foods!
Glad you enjoyed it Veronica! I hope the information was helpful!
Hi Kathryn! haha, this is awesome!! I am definitely in the category of “been running for like 10 years and still trying to figure out my nutrition” … oh I’m the only one in this club?! 😉 Doesn’t help that I’m not consistent with my running. But these are great tips, and I hope to figure out what my belly can handle before/during/after.
Awesome post!
I’m a relatively fit recent college grad kind of stuck in a rut. During my undergrad (at the University of Florida, go Gators!), I got up to a point where I could run five miles with relative ease. My ultimate goal was to run a half marathon. I stopped my final spring semester at UF and I started up again and it seems that just making it to two miles takes every bit of energy and stamina that I have. I really want to get back to the place where I can run at least four miles without huffing and puffing – I moved north after graduation and with winter impending, I want to get to that point before I subsequently have to battle icy winds.
Any tips? I’m certainly going to implement some dietary changes and use this post as a jumping point!