Oh hey! Fancy seeing you here!
I hope your Wednesday is off to a promising start.
Just in case you’re moving a little slow this morning, I thought you might find comfort in the fact that you are not alone.
Someone else is moving at half-speed this morning.
I really need to take a video of my mornings with Sadie. She’s ridiculous.
First, Sadie barks at the back door to try to convince Ryan to play hooky and stay home from work. She is never successful and once she hears the garage door close, she gives up and returns to the kitchen looking defeated.
I then give her a kiss and a treat and she stands there watching me until I head into my office. She walks behind me, but doesn’t follow me into my office. She just stands in the doorway, looks at me like I’m a huge disappointment and gives a dramatic sigh before turning around to lay on the bed on the guest room. Her exaggerated sigh is way too amusing because it just sounds so human.
Today’s workout was another power circuit workout from Tina’s Best Body Boot Camp. When I was done, I took some time to stretch and went through a bunch of my favorite hip stretches.
As I was chillin’ in pigeon pose, I started to think about yoga. It has been a while since I’ve taken a yoga class and I think my body is beginning to crave it again. I don’t love the yoga classes that my gym offers (I miss the yoga classes at the Downtown Orlando YMCA!) and classes at local studios are rather expensive, but I think I may shop around for a discount package and try to integrate it into my routine again once BBBC is over. I miss it and know it’s so good for my body.
First, a cup of coffee.
And some eggs!
As I scrambled up my eggs this morning, I stirred in some leftover grits and shredded cheese and loved the creamy, pillowy texture the grits gave to the eggs.
A delicious way to start the day.
Question of the Morning
- Pet owners: Does your pet do anything that strikes you as oddly human?
Ryan and I always laugh at Sadie’s dramatic sighs. She also hugs like a human and puts her two paws on our shoulders.
My dog literally watches basketball whenever it’s on TV. He doesn’t do it with anything else, but when basketball is on, he hops up on the couch and watches intently. He even looks away whenever the commercials come on. It is the weirdest thing. Typical boy…
ha! i love that he looks away when commercials are on. too funny!
I understand the feeling on yoga. The classes at my gym are less than stellar and make it hard to WANT to go. I’ve been doing some YogaDownload.com sessions at home but sometimes you really need the in-person yoga vibe and adjustments to keep you in check. A nearby studio offers a first time $5 class so I really want to try their classes and take advantage of that deal!
I don’t think I’d do yoga, just because I spend so much time laughing at myself in the funky poses! I can’t take it seriously! Bentley will stare at me in this freaky way that I’m POSITIVE means he can see into my soul. It’s WEIRD.
What a tiny little bowl of eggs! We have those same bowls.
duralex? it’s actually a glass tupperware container! all of our dishes are in the dishwasher. 🙂
My neighbor’s dog throws up in the bathroom tub. I know that sounds nasty (and it’s only happened 3 times in all the 10+ years she’s had her) but I think it’s ridiculously considerate! When we had an old cat who threw up hairballs, she would ALWAYS go on the carpet to do the deed. Even if you picked her up and put her on the linoleum, she’d wait until she walked back over to hurl. Not a lot of fun. So I always thought it was really human that her dog was smart enough to walk down the hall into the bathroom tub. Kinda crazy if you ask me!
My dog sighs, too. If he really wants to play and tries to bring a toy over, but I’m busy and for some reason can’t/don’t want to partake, he will take his toy back over to his bed, lay down with his back turned to me, and then just turn his head to face me and sigh. Breaks.me.every.time.
this made me LOL. dogs can be so dramatic. sadie does the same thing.
Bentley sighs when you won’t play with him, it’s too funny! He reminds me of a toddler that’s pouting.
My fiance and I have a year old Pitbull puppy and we were just saying last night how one day this dog is going to be replaced by a toddler but at least we’re prepared because he acts like one. He is 50 lbs and sprawls out across us on the couch, plants his feet and throws tantrums and he does the sigh too when he is annoyed or bored!
I’m living in an area with next to no yoga too. My friend recommended yogaglo.com and I’m really loving it. It has classes from advanced through beginner so I can find a kick butt workout at any length. I recommend it!
How do you cook your scrambled eggs Julie? On the stovetop? They always look so fluffy.
yep! i just pour a bit of olive oil in a pan and almost always add milk. i think milk makes them a lot fluffier!
My dog is a beagle and will only play with dogs bigger than him. He looks at smaller dogs like they are from another planet. So when I take him to.the dog park most times he will jump up on the bench next to us and watch the other dogs with us.
I’m pretty sure my dog Axell is human! She sleeps in bed with her head on a pillow in between my husband and I and I don’t think she has ever laid in the floor like a normal dog. I love it though she’s my little girl!
I wish I could upload the video of this….my husband was able to teach our dog to open the fridge and get a beer! It’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. If there’s any possibility of praise and a treat, Tucker will learn. His ability to understand commands is scary. Though he certainly went through his terrible two’s which I’ve posted about here – http://talkativetlc.blogspot.com/2012/03/terrible-twos.html
Yes! My cats, but especially one of them, is constantly doing child-like things. It’s both adorable and hilarious at the same time. Good luck finding some good yoga!
Sadie sounds hilarious. Her morning routine is amusing.
Last night, my dog was just sitting there and then farted… loudly. She turns her head and looks at her own butt and then at my husband like “what the heck was that? was that seriously me?”. She then did that THREE MORE TIMES. Fart – look at butt – look at husband. She’s this cute little 9 month old puppy and, i swear, the majority of her farts are audible. It’s hilarious.
Haha Kona does the dramatic sighs too. And sometimes she “talks back” with attitude. like I will say something to her or tell her to do something and she will just look at me at bark like she is telling me no!
My cat knows a schedule like the back of her hand! It is so entertaining. She knows exactly when we should be going to bed, and stands at the top of the stairs and cries until we get up to head to bed. She is a stinker! I would really like to try some yoga. I have a hard time doing it because I am so used to a fast moving, high heart rate workouts, and usually give up. I think I need to find a class I really enjoy!
sadie puts herself to bed, too! so funny! when we lived in our old apartment and had stairs, her slow walk upstairs to our bedroom seemed do pathetic and dramatic and always made us laugh.
My lab/boxer mix, Phoebe, does what only can be described as a groan. It is so loud and long and very “woe is me”. It’s hilarious. My boyfriend and I crack each other up by doing the “Phoebe groan” whenever it seems to be an appropriate response.
My dog does the big sigh, too! We also laugh a lot when we know she’s tired but she holds her eyes open to stare at the TV with us. It literally looks like we are all enjoying the show.
Yay for yoga!! I think you would enjoy ashtanga yoga, it is challenging and strength building for sure. Haha as for our dog Lizzie,,,,she’s silly 🙂 but she will talk to you when you ask her how her day was haha. Have a good Wednesday!
Louie does so many things that seem human. I would say he is a human with OCD. Whenever I move things in the house, or add something new, he discovers it within minutes and barks at it until I assure him it is okay. The thing that really shocked me recently: I have 3 different colored laundry baskets with a blue one on the outside where Louie can see it. They got rearranged with the black one on the outside and Louie discovered it was the wrong color and barked till I moved them back in order. They all look exactly the same, just different colors. Crazy!
Every once in a while my German Sheperd gets his gums stuck on his teeth so all I see is this big goofy grin! It’s hilarious!
Both of our bulldogs do some human like things! Bubba and Irene both have this very dramatic sigh, I’m sure is about the same as Sadie’s! Irene winks alot and she hugs like a human! Bubba will sit like a little boy, legs out right on the haunches. too cute! 🙂
Gosh I love your Sadie stories – they make me smile! Abby seems to understand what we are saying more then a think a typical dog would. . . and she is too smart! She always knows that we are going to leave, even before we do any typical getting ready to go stuff and she knows when we are having dessert and goes to her treat drawer (yes – she has an entire drawer dedicated to her treats!) to get some “dessert” too!
My dog Rylie lays in bed every morning under the covers, with her head on my pillow. I always put a sweater/fleece/doggy sweatshirt on her so she isn’t cold during the day, and I swear she is like a human baby! She lays on her back while I dress her and doesn’t move or struggle at all. It’s the cutest/funniest thing ever.
My dog olive is such a princess. she cries when she wants to go to bed and if there isn’t something soft for her to jump off of she will cry until we put something down. She also carries around teddy bears and a stuffed moose like they are her babies 🙂
Gracie, my Jack Russell, is the champion of dramatic sighs. And just like Sadie, she gives us hugs by putting her two paws on our shoulders. She also watches tv and cocks her head when she hears funny, squeeky noisy or hears dogs barking. She even watched the Westminster Dog show-it was like she recognized the animals as her own 🙂
Ohhh, that sweet Sadie! What a lover!! 😉
hi! I was wondering if you use egg whites or just regular eggs? One minute eggs are not good for you, the next they are!
Aw Sadie is so adorable! My dog makes the same sighs. My favorite thing my dog does is when he wants something that you are eating, he will sit and give you that face that says look I am doing what I am supposed to be doing now gimme some of that!
Yes! My dog Maddie has eyebrows (literally) and they are SO expressive, she can give you a shifty look, a sad look, anything! It’s hilarious! She also smiles, I wish I could post a picture of it, whenever we break out the bacon- I’m talking showing teeth and open mouth, the whole bit. She also is expressive with her sighs, if she doesn’t get some of whatever it is we’re cooking she’ll lay down on the floor with a huge sigh and raise her eyebrows like, “well did that work?” Haha she’s basically a human in a dog’s body.
oh my gosh you MUST get Sadie’s sigh on video! My brother’s golden retriever sincerely believes that her front paws are hands (we’re also pretty sure she thinks she’s human because she prefers people over other dogs) and she tries to use them like hands! It’s the funniest thing. One day she’ll realize she doesn’t have thumbs.
My parent’s dog, Maggie, is hilariously human. She’s like the mother of the house. When the other pups are barking or need to go out or follow along, she’ll go over to them, nudge them with her head, give a bark or two and walk two steps away, stop, and wait for them to follow. She repeats this until they do what she wants them to do! She also does this with humans when she wants something 😉
Our yellow lab is hilarious… He uses his paws like they are hands. He holds down his bowl when he’s eating, and he’ll lay on his back and hold onto his toys with his paws above his face. It cracks me up every time! He’s always making us laugh.
My dog is just freakishly smart. It’s a little unnerving sometimes because he will look at you and you just know he knows exactly what’s going on. Very strange!
Is there a CorePower yoga studio near you? They have a groupon going on right now! I just missed it when I purchased my membership at full price lol.
My two boxers give the most dramatic sighs right before they fall asleep at night! As though it’s been such a rough day of sleeping and eating! They also sit on the stairs with a front leg propped up like they’re “just chillin.. no biggie!” It’s hard to explain, but it’s so funny!
My dog thinks he’s a person likes to sit like one in big comfy chairs, especially leather arm chairs. He’s about the size of a small person at 100 pounds, making him look extra ridiculous as he tries to get comfortable in a chair.
How many eggs do you scramble? Your breakfast looks SO good!!
Kostas sighs–a lot. We call it his “harumph”. Like he’s so disappointed or just exhausted by us!
Our pup has those ridiculous sighs as well. Whenever we try to kiss or hug goodnight, he has to get right inbetween us so he gets his kiss as well.
Every morning, when my fiance’s alarm clock goes off (he leaves for work before I do), our dog gets up, shakes, and waits at the end of the bed while my fiance gets ready for the day. Once he gets his goodbye rubs and kisses, he crawls right back under the covers with me. Every morning. It’s so cute. One morning, the alarm went off (forgot to turn it off on a Saturday) and our pup was so confused why no one was getting up and started nudging my fiance to get up for work! It’s crazy how smart dogs can be 😉
Have a great day!
This might be kind of crude but whenever aspen farts she looks at her behind and gets up and leaves the area !
Just the other night as we were watching The Bachelor our dog sat down right in front of the TV (he never does this) and just stared at the screen, as if he was actually watching it! And then once I said something to him he jumped on the couch and continued to watch it like a little person! He also wraps his paws around your arms and when he’s tired and you’re holding him, he will lay his head on your shoulder like a baby. He definitely doesn’t know he is a dog 🙂
Haha, I’d love to see video of Sadie. My dog, Iggy, sighs like a human, too. I sometimes wake up to him laying on the edge of my pillow like a human. My hubs and I joke that Iggy is actually a shape-shifting human (think Sam Merlotte on “True Blood”) who got stuck in dog form!
Yes, Otis cries like a human baby…
My dog definitely does a dramatic sigh every time he lays down somewhere. He also sits at the table during dinner (we may or may not have raised him with good doggie manners…haha) because he thinks he’s part of the human family. He also L.O.V.E.S. potatoes, so whenever we have any sort of potato dish he will whine and whine and whine until he gets the pot they were made in. What a diva.
My dog Bella takes my spot in bed every morning while im getting ready for work. She literally lays her head on my pillow and takes up the entire side of the bed like a human. I even catch my boyfriend cuddling her! Its so funny. 🙂
We have a lab who is oddly human. He’ll let out big sighs (like Sadie!) and give us looks when we says something (like what we call “Mom, REALLY?”).
He also has a propensity to eat things he’s not supposed to so from time to time he’ll have a dinner of rice and chicken broth. EVERY TIME he gets that and sniffs his bowl, he’ll turn around and give me a dirty look.
I was just thinking today that I want to check out a new yoga class at my gym. I’ve tried one before but it was too slow for me, they offer other ones too so I think it’s time I tried to fit them into my schedule.