Today’s giveaway is coming to you from my friends at Reebok!
You guys are most likely well aware of my affinity for Reebok and their awesome fitness apparel and athletic shoes. (They’re also incredibly generous and have contributed to both my Girls On The Run team and my LIVESTRONG at the YMCA group in the past which makes me love them even more!) When I reached out to Reebok about my Happy Holidays Giveaway Week, they were kind enough to offer two awesome giveaway prizes.
One PBF reader will win a $250 Reebok gift card and a runner-up winner will win a pair of my beloved Skyscapes in the color of their choice!
As I’m sure you know by now, Skyscapes are pretty much the best thing going and are the most comfortable, lightweight pair of casual shoes I own. I wear them all the time and have yet to meet one person who has them who doesn’t think they’re the best!
As for the $250 gift card, you can spend it on whatever you want!
Here are a few items that have caught my eye, some of which I already own and love…
Sports Bras
Cloud Bra // One Series Strappy Bra // Positive Yoga Bra
Studio Burnout Crew Neck Pullover // Positive Tank // One Series 1/4 Zip
And of course my new favorite super comfy YO-GA Hoodie…
The YO-GA Hoodie is the cowl-neck hoodie I wore to brunch last Sunday.
I bought it through RueLaLa three weeks ago and have worn it an embarrassing number of times since!
Own Spark Capri // Glitch Leggings // CrossFit Chase Capri
To enter this giveaway, please leave a comment below, telling me about your favorite workout of the moment! Are you enjoying hot yoga classes? Is CrossFit your jam? Are you rockin’ it out to at-home workout DVDs? Let me know!
I will randomly select the two winners on Friday!
Good luck and Happy Holidays!
I love my Tone IT Up workout videos!
I’m really loving Nike Training Club. All of the workouts are amazing and I’m always soaked in sweat by the time I’m done.
I’m loving yoga right now! It’s not bikram, but with the heat blowing full blast you definitely still sweat A LOT.
Living in South Carolina, I’m enjoying our ‘winter’ 50 degree weather and running outside (as much as I can until we truly hit some cold temps)!
Crossfit is my JAM! All day, every day 🙂
Currently loving my (very) early morning winter runs with my husband. We get to watch the sun come up every morning while the rest of the town sleeps!
Oh I need need need this! I have been stalking the Reebok site lately trying to decide on what to order!!! Running is always my jam but I am trying to get myself into more Crossfit the sake of saving time with quick and tough workouts!
Right now I’m really into HIIT class! It is always a super tough workout and I usually want to die during the class but afterward I feel amazing. I feel like it is a good mix of cardio and weight lifting…it’s like a all in one workout class!
Doing lots of walking!
Still loving my spin classes. I found a bike I LOVE and it makes my workout so much better! A great teacher is always perfect motivation too 🙂
At-home circuit workouts!
I’m loving strength training and intervals on the stair master! I used to dread the stair master, but I love challenging myself with it lately!
I’ve been doing zumba and trx classes at the gym!
Since I am no longer marathon training i have been LOVING going back to body pump and spin class! I forgot how much I love them and need to remember to incorporate them more into my training plan for next time!
I joined ClassPass in NYC which is great, because I get to try so many different classes!
I’ve been wanting to get into CrossFit but it’s too expensive right now, so I’m sticking with my apartment’s gym (not the best, but I can still get a good workout in!). My favorite workout right now is a couple ab circuits I’ve found/created.
I’m currently loving bodypump and spin class. I try to do each once twice a week if I can fit it in!
I’ve been doing hills on the elliptical lately. Killing my legs! Love it.
I’m loving hopping on the spin bikes at the gym lately! While I don’t do the classes (yet!), my boyfriend and I will go in the spin room while there aren’t classes going on and create our own spin workouts.
Been crossfitting for a year and a half and still love it every day!
i’m loving my early morning runs! living in the central time zone is awesome (moved from eastern last year) because i can run before work and it’s cold and just perfect out as the sun rises 🙂
I just started hot yoga a couple of months ago, and I am loving it! Can’t stop. Won’t stop.
I’m really loving any kind of HIIT workout right now!
Currently loving BodyPump!
Hot yoga is my everything right now. Not only is meditative and relaxing but you leave feeling like you had such an intense workout. I’m really wanting to try Pilates at some point. Or wish there was a barre class near me
I’ve been doing kettlebells and elliptical lately. I usually run and do body weight exercises, but this has been a nice change!
Running is my jam and always will be. 🙂 Although, right now I’m also enjoying spin classes and bootcamp.
I’ve been really focusing on strength training lately. I’m definitely seeing some progress!
For the past two years I have been completely addicted to Crossfit. I am there 3 to 5 days a week. On the days I can’t make it to Crossfit, I like to run outside.
orange theory – great mix of weights and cardio
I am really loving some good ol’ fashion weight training! I’m talking basics here: squats, deadlifts, presses, pull-ups… I love getting in there and being able to add an extra 5lbs or do an extra few reps!
I love Zumba and Bollyx! Basically any type of dancing is my thing.
There is a small studio in my town that does barre classes and i’ve become obsessed but when I don’t feel like leaving the house I do youtube workouts from the blog tone it up!!
Since breaking my toe on Thanksgiving, I haven’t been doing much of anything but walk my sweet dog, Ralfie! However, once I re-coup, I will back to running & strength training DVDs!
I’m loving HIIT workouts- either videos I find online or creating my own on the treadmill!
I’m loving spin class right now as well as my runs as always!!
Always a fan of YOGA!
I’m digging just taking walks right now. More formal workouts are getting hard to fit in as the calendar fills up but I can always get a walk in.
My favorite workout is definitely body pump! I’m going to be so sad when we move on from 91 – I love all the songs!
I’m getting back into running, and loving it!
My favorite workout is yoga.
Running is my go to, but my favorite workout is BodySculpt class at the gym!
Running and barbell – as always.
My favorite workout’s right now are Orange Theory Classes and Barre classes!
I’m loving any workout but especially the zumba classes, it’s always a fun time with my sister!!
I love the Kettle Bell/ Cycling class right now. It’s an awesome mix of weights and cardio.
Been loving a cardio intervals class at my gym for almost a year now. Best thing ever.
Still enjoying the outdoor runs along with some at home circuit workouts!
Im loving HIIT workouts lately- never monotonous!