Happy Friday! How about a giveaway to kick off your Friday morning?
If you adore high-quality fruit, today’s giveaway will be right up your alley.
Back in October I had the honor of touring the incredible Harry & David orchards in Medford, Oregon with a handful of other bloggers. It was a truly unforgettable trip and I fell in love with the company, their delicious food and beautiful Oregon!
I’ve stayed in touch with the folks at Harry & David and was awfully excited when one of their incredible gift baskets showed up at my doorstep last Saturday.
The basket was the company’s Fresh Fruit Basket Deluxe and I immediately pulled all of the different kinds of delicious fresh fruit out of the basket to check out the goods!
As of this morning, Ryan and I have made our way through 90 percent of the basket and were, once again, impressed with the high quality of the fruit Harry & David delivered. Every single piece of fruit was blemish-free and full of flavor.
Naturally the company’s pears deserve a lot of praise, but I was particularly impressed with the quality of the mango, kiwi and pineapple in this basket!
I swear this stuff is like fruit candy. So sweet!
As for the gift basket itself, you better believe I kept it. We’re now using it as a pretty way to store towels.
And now here’s your chance to win your own Harry & David Fresh Fruit Basket Deluxe!
In the basket:
- 3 Royal Riviera Pears
- 4 Apples
- 2 Kiwi
- Papaya
- Pineapple
- Baby Bananas
- 2 Limes
- Avocado
- Mango
To enter this giveaway, please leave a comment below, telling me what fruit you’re most excited to try in the basket, or, if you’d like to send the basket to someone else as a surprise, please comment telling me who you’d send it to and why. I will randomly select a winner on Monday morning.
Good luck!
Amanda B says
Pineapple- it’s my favorite!
Kari says
Ohhhh, I would love to try the pears!
Jennifer @ Healthy Wifestyles says
I am so excited for the mangoes!!
Brittany says
I would love to try all of the fruit, but especially the pears! I’ve heard countless good things about these pears, but have yet to try one. I’d love to send this to my mama in Texas though. I’m in Florida for college, and she’s been working really heard to start eating healthy – I’m so proud of her! I think this basket would be a perfect, sweet gift to give her that extra encouragement that she needs and let me know that I’m thinking of her.
Taryn says
I would love to try the pears! I love pears but rarely buy them.
Jana @ Happy Wife Healthy Life says
The avocado is the most intriguing to me…! I love a good guacamole dip! If I won though, I would want it sent to my mom! She is the absolute best and I think a fruit basket delivery would make her smile! 🙂
Emily says
Ever since I read your words, “fruit candy”, I can’t stop thinking about that pineapple!!!
Jordan K says
Harry & David baskets seem so wonderful. I’d love to try the Royal Riviera Pears!
Katrin says
I love pineapple, but since I am cutting out sugar rigth now, I would love to send this to my sister-in-law Karen in Colorado, who is training for our Tough Mudder race this fall. I bet she would really apreciate such a wonderful pick me up in mid-winter! 🙂
Katie G says
Definetly the pears..I have heard such good things about them but have never tried them myself.
Ellie B says
The pears. I have dreams about those pears.
Also, the avocado intrigues me! I am a huge fan of avocado and based on the quality of Harry & David products I am sure I would not be let down.
Tasha says
I would love to try the papaya! The ones at the grocery store are never all that good.
Emma says
I’ve had their pears and they are deliscious! I’d love to try the mango and papaya.
Andrea says
Hello, Pineapple of course! Although any fruit would be nice, this cold winter in NY is starting to make me go crazy!
Megan says
I love the pears and so does my 9 month old!
Holly says
I love pears, and have heard amazing things about the Harry & Davids pears! I would love to see for myself what all the fuss is about!
Tanya says
I love pears, but I bet they taste 100x better wrapped in gold! 😉 Hope Sadie is recovering quickly, and happy Friday!
Kristina says
After how much you’ve raved about the pears- they are the fruit I’m most excited to try!
Nicole says
The pears sound amazing, but I think that I am most excited about the baby bananas!!! I love all fruit so the whole basket sounds incredibly yummy!
Amy says
A Harry and David mango??? Drool. I would LOVE to check one of those out! 🙂
Amanda @ Eat More Rabbit Food says
I have heard so many great things about the pears! I would love to try them! 🙂
Marci says
The pears for sure!! I also love mango, and I’m sure it’s delicious!
mary says
I’d love to try the mango!
Meghan says
Pineapple is my favorite – but my daughters love all fruit so I am sure we would all enjoy it.
Andrea says
I would be excited about the mangos and the fresh pineapple! If I could send one to someone I would send it to my hardworking mom!
Gila says
I would love to send the basket to my cousin and her husband who have taken such great care of me since I moved to NYC. She is entering her final month of her pregnancy and I bet this would be the BEST surprise for the two of them before the little one comes along.
Michelle D says
Pears! I definitely don’t eat them as much as I should!
Brittany says
I’ve never had a Harry & David pear so I would love to try one!
Kaitlin @4loveofcarrots says
I love this giveaway!! I adore mangoes and pineapple and harry and david certainly do have delicious pears! The whole basket would make me one happy camper!
Caitlin says
Can’t decide! I just love all fruit so much!
Wendy Holmquist says
Avocado. Did not realize they had avocado. I would send a basket to my business partner and dear friend Julie.
kelly says
Pears! I love pears, but they are so expensive this time of year.
Emily @ FitMamaInTheCity says
Papaya! I’ve never had it before 🙂 And I would deff be selfish and keep the basket for myself. Because
Michelle @ Lifewithacrazypup says
Pears!! Mmmmm!
Ruthie says
Baby Bananas! So cute!
I’d send the sweet fruit to a friend who has had an especially sour week. Thanks, Julie!!
Kristine says
Yummy!!! I would definitely be enjoying the pineapple, my fav!!!!
Beth Sheridan says
Living in Kentucky, it’s REALLY hard to find good produce in the winter especially, so I would be SO excited to try any of the fruit in that basket! I don’t think I’ve ever had a mango, so I think I would be the most excited about that. And on a side note, I have a Sadie of my own and couldn’t imagine going through what you’ve already gone through with her….I mean, I know they’re not people, but they ARE!! So glad she’s doing better 🙂
Heather says
The pears! Reading your rave reviews has my mouth watering!
Katie @ running4cupcakes says
Just hearing you talk about their pears make me want one!
Tessa says
Honestly, the apples! They are my fave!
Robyn says
I always think of Harry and David for the pears, but never really thought about them in terms of other things! So, I’d love to experience their avocado. I’m sure it is just delicious, creamy and perfect! I have the WORST luck hand-picking avocados, so I really am curious about the perfection that H&D is sure to deliver!
Robin says
The pears!!!
Ashley says
Harry and David pears are my favorite!! I’d love to send this to the beau as a surprise!
Sierra says
Most definitely the mango – my favorite!
susanna says
the pears!!
Heather (Heather's Dish) says
I had my very first Harry & David pear this past Christmas and it was heaven – but pineapple always wins in my book!
Emily A. says
I’m most excited for the pineapple! Yum!
Kelsey M says
I am most excited to try that pineapple! Yum!!! Thank you for the chance!
Katie says
Ever since I went to the Dominican Republic for my honeymoon in September I have been wanting some really good, fresh Mango and Paya!
Holly says
I’ve never had Harry & David products! I’d be super excited to try their avocado!! My sons favorite food is still avocado as it was one of the first solid foods I ever fed to him as an infant!! We love it plain or I do make a killer guacamole so I’m told {blush}… Thanks again for your blog!