Happy Friday! How about a giveaway to kick off your Friday morning?
If you adore high-quality fruit, today’s giveaway will be right up your alley.
Back in October I had the honor of touring the incredible Harry & David orchards in Medford, Oregon with a handful of other bloggers. It was a truly unforgettable trip and I fell in love with the company, their delicious food and beautiful Oregon!
I’ve stayed in touch with the folks at Harry & David and was awfully excited when one of their incredible gift baskets showed up at my doorstep last Saturday.
The basket was the company’s Fresh Fruit Basket Deluxe and I immediately pulled all of the different kinds of delicious fresh fruit out of the basket to check out the goods!
As of this morning, Ryan and I have made our way through 90 percent of the basket and were, once again, impressed with the high quality of the fruit Harry & David delivered. Every single piece of fruit was blemish-free and full of flavor.
Naturally the company’s pears deserve a lot of praise, but I was particularly impressed with the quality of the mango, kiwi and pineapple in this basket!
I swear this stuff is like fruit candy. So sweet!
As for the gift basket itself, you better believe I kept it. We’re now using it as a pretty way to store towels.
And now here’s your chance to win your own Harry & David Fresh Fruit Basket Deluxe!
In the basket:
- 3 Royal Riviera Pears
- 4 Apples
- 2 Kiwi
- Papaya
- Pineapple
- Baby Bananas
- 2 Limes
- Avocado
- Mango
To enter this giveaway, please leave a comment below, telling me what fruit you’re most excited to try in the basket, or, if you’d like to send the basket to someone else as a surprise, please comment telling me who you’d send it to and why. I will randomly select a winner on Monday morning.
Good luck!
Katie says
I would love to try the papaya, because that may be the one fruit I have never tried. But I have a friend in mind that I would send it to who just lost a loved one.
Kelsey says
Yum!!! The pineapple or the pears – I can never find good ones at my local store and these look like the best ever!
Stephanie says
I LOVE pears! And pineapple! I be pretty excited to eat anything from that basket 🙂
Alissa B says
I’d be ecstatic to try their pears and I would send it to my brother and sister-in law who’s preemie baby is still in the hospital at 10 months old due to her being born at 25 weeks.
Danielle says
I love Harry and David!! I would be most excited to try the pineapple!! I have only had the apples and pears before, both of which are DELICIOUS! But pineapple is one of my favorite fruit, so I’m sure I’d love that too!!
Laura says
Is it weird to say I’d be excited to try everything? I’ve only ever had their incredible pears
Maddie says
Baby bananas – what?! I would love to try those! They look adorable and delicious 🙂
Sara says
I absolutely love a good mango, and have trouble finding really good ones here in Minnesota. So, I would LOVE to try the Harry & David mangoes for sure!!
Jenny says
Kiwi!! Yum-o!!!
I love following your blog!
Mia N says
I LOVE Pineapple so that looks AMAZING to me 🙂
Priscilla S. says
I most definitely have to try the pear and pineapple. Love that you repurposed the basket!
Ruth says
My fiance’ and I are total fruit bats. I buy so many apples each week and they’re always the first things to go.
I’d be the most excited to eat the pineapple. Yum!
Sarah says
The pears! I’ve heard SO many rave reviews about Harry&David pears, but have yet to try one. They look delish!
Maggie J says
Yum that pineapple looks amazing 🙂
Emily says
I would love EVERYTHING! However, I’d be most excited for the pineapple! Love it grilled–YUM! 🙂
Deanna says
The Royal Riviera pears. I had one yeeaaarrrs ago and it was ah-maz-ing.
Monica G. says
Look at those kiwis! Beautiful. I would eat them first 🙂
Laura G. says
Papaya! I’ve never had one. I’d share it with my boyfriend, as we are learning to eat healthier and better ourselves overall.
Ella says
I would love to try the papaya.. ive never had it!
Allison says
Papaya, most definitely! I went on a cruise once and had fresh papaya juice and it blew my mind. I’m starting to train my boyfriend and try to help him out with making better choices about the food he eats, so it would be awesome to get this to introduce him to some new, quality fruits 🙂
Starr says
I’m excited for pears because it’s winter and pears are my faaaaaaaavorite winter fruit. 😀
Tara says
I would send the package to my parents to encourage sweet natural treats a part of a healthy diet!
jen s. says
oh my goodness! sounds like an amazing mix! i would love to be able to send this to my grandmother in vermont as a way to warm up her winter with yummy tropical fruit :o)
Megan says
The pears are infamous – so I’d definitely be diving into those first!
Tara says
I love harry and david pears!!! My grandmother used to send me the fruit of the month when I was a freshman in college, and I haven’t had one since!!
Catie says
i LOVE pineapple… and everything else in the basket! but i would definitely be most excited about the poineapple! 🙂
Jenny says
I would love to try the pears, mango and avocado, but if I won the basket I would want it sent to my boyfriend in Philadelphia. He’s been trying to save money and fresh fruit is a luxury so he doesn’t have it often. I know the smile on his face would be HUGE!
cyndie says
I would love to try the mango, I never buy them because they are too expensive!
Kayla N says
Oh my goodness. The pineapples just sound delicious!
monique breard says
The pears….would love to try those!!
Christina W says
I’ve been wanting to try their pears forever!
Cassie D. says
I would love to try the pears – I have heard amazing things about them, but have never tried one!
Megan says
I love pineapple!
Laura says
I love mangoes! But all of the fruit looks delicious!
mary says
Papaya and pear it is!!
Brandy says
I would love to try the pears! I have never had a Harry and David pear! My husband and I eat a ton of fruit, so the variety would be great.
Emily says
I’m excited to try the Papaya. I don’t think I’ve had a really good taste of one since Hawaii when I was young 🙂
Amber says
The pears! I can’t find them where I live 🙁 And I’d be even more excited to share it with my boyfriend! We just started the paleo diet so we can have all the fruit we want BUT, not a lot is good in our local stores at the time.
Bridget says
I would be excited to send this to one of my sisters =) either as a yay!!your engaged gift or yay your having a baby! So many events coming up! =)
stephanie russell says
The pineapple looks amazing! I could eat the entire thing in one sitting!
Nicole says
I can’t find good pears here! So that would be fantastic. I’d also be really excited to try the papaya!
Trish says
I’ve never had mango before! I’d love to try something different!
Ally says
I love love love mangoes and avocados and have had the hardest time finding good ones around me (well, any fruit really).
Sylvia says
The pears and papaya sound deeeee-licious! I may have to arm wrestle the kids and hubby for them!
Nicole says
I would love to try the pears and mangoes. My husband and I recently started eating healthier, but nice fruit is definitely a luxury with 1 income and 2 little ones. I would keep the package for ourselves, but address it to my 3 year old son, because he LOVES getting packages, and the only food I can get him to eat consistently is fruit.
Jonna Green says
Hi, I would love to try the pears (but everything sounds delicious). I would actually love to send it to my wonderful neighbors who live across the street from us. They are surrogate parents to us as well as wonderful friends. They are absolutely the most giving and selfless people, always doing for others! Thanks for the chance.
Chelsea says
I would want to try the apples the most because they are my favorite!
Laura says
I would love to try the pineapple!!
Katie says
MMM Harry and David! I think I’m most excited for the mango! It is so hard to find ripe in season mangoes. Fingers Crossed!
Kellie says
I LOVE LOVE pineapple