Happy Friday! How about a giveaway to kick off your Friday morning?
If you adore high-quality fruit, today’s giveaway will be right up your alley.
Back in October I had the honor of touring the incredible Harry & David orchards in Medford, Oregon with a handful of other bloggers. It was a truly unforgettable trip and I fell in love with the company, their delicious food and beautiful Oregon!
I’ve stayed in touch with the folks at Harry & David and was awfully excited when one of their incredible gift baskets showed up at my doorstep last Saturday.
The basket was the company’s Fresh Fruit Basket Deluxe and I immediately pulled all of the different kinds of delicious fresh fruit out of the basket to check out the goods!
As of this morning, Ryan and I have made our way through 90 percent of the basket and were, once again, impressed with the high quality of the fruit Harry & David delivered. Every single piece of fruit was blemish-free and full of flavor.
Naturally the company’s pears deserve a lot of praise, but I was particularly impressed with the quality of the mango, kiwi and pineapple in this basket!
I swear this stuff is like fruit candy. So sweet!
As for the gift basket itself, you better believe I kept it. We’re now using it as a pretty way to store towels.
And now here’s your chance to win your own Harry & David Fresh Fruit Basket Deluxe!
In the basket:
- 3 Royal Riviera Pears
- 4 Apples
- 2 Kiwi
- Papaya
- Pineapple
- Baby Bananas
- 2 Limes
- Avocado
- Mango
To enter this giveaway, please leave a comment below, telling me what fruit you’re most excited to try in the basket, or, if you’d like to send the basket to someone else as a surprise, please comment telling me who you’d send it to and why. I will randomly select a winner on Monday morning.
Good luck!
Anne says
Love mango but I will have to say papaya because I have never tried it!
Sharon says
The pears and pineapple! All of it looks delicious, though.
Lindsey says
I would love to find out for myself what all the buzz is about their pears!!
Jen Eaton says
I LOVE fresh pineapple & pears, so those would make me most excited. But I am a big kiwi fan & have a hard time finding it fresh in the grocery store so that would be my fav.
Crystal says
Ive never eaten a papaya….sounds delicious!!
Abby says
Pears and pineapples…two of my favorites!
Heather says
Oh I’d love to try the kiwi’s!!
Lynn says
I received my first Harry and David basket for Christmas from a friend this year. The only thing I knew about them prior to receiving the basket was that the baskets typically included fruit and were a little pricey. However, after eating the most amazing pears I have ever had, I now get it. Everything that came in our basket was amazing. My 2 year old could not get enough of the pears. I think we ate 6 of them in 3 days. The sad part was explaining to him while at the grocery store that the pears we buy at the store will never be as delicious as the pears from the basket!
Lizzie says
So hard to choose! Buuut, I would definitely have to say the baby bananas. They are so hard for me to find, and I can always count on myself buying a not-so-tiny (hehe) bunch whenever they finally do appear! Perfectly-sized for smoothies and Banana Peanut Butter sandwiches! (I’m sure you know what I mean :))
Lindsey says
I would LOVE to win this basket for my Mom! She has been really sick recently and she says all she feels like she can eat is fruit, so this would be awesome for her to recover with. Harry and David is awesome!!
Emily says
I live in Oregon and have never had any Harry and David fruit! I’m dying to try these pears!
Jill says
Oooh, I love Harry & David fruit. I would probably be the most excited to try the pineapple. It’s my favorite fruit and you just can’t beat a juicy, sweet, fresh pineapple.
Meghan says
Its hard to decide between avocado and pineapple. I cant get enough of either
maija says
i have no idea what it is, but the first thing i’d bust open is whatever is wrapped in gold foil. it must be special!
Kate says
Mmmm that pineapple looks really good and fresh!! I love kiwis too!
Melissa G. says
I love Harry & David pears. I love all fruit, though, so this is my dream giveaway.
I might have to give it to my mom, however. She has had a horrible sinus infection (true infection) that has taken two surgeries to solve. She hasn’t been able to smell or taste ANYTHING in over a year. The second surgery was successful, but she’s still just getting her taste back. She can taste extremely sweet things, like fruit, though, so this would be nice to share with her.
Darci says
I would love to try their pears! I have heard so many great things about them!! The entire basket sounds delicious.
Micole says
I would love to try the H&D pears, they sound so amazing!
Julie Spence says
The pears!!! I love all kinds of fruit though… I’ve never tried harry and david before but I think I would love it all!!
Maggie M. says
I’d send it my mom’s way – she deserves a sweet treat like this. And I know she’d love it all!
Devon says
Yummm definintely the pineapple!
Stephanie says
I love Mango and pineapple!
Danielle says
I would love to try the pears! I have heard so much about them!
Beth says
The pineapple looks SO good. Looks like the perfect winter pick-me-up!
Jane says
The pears! I love Harry and David pears, they’re always so awesome.
Annie says
I would love to try the pears! I had Harry and David pears once before, years ago, and they were the BEST! I would share the basket with Mom as we are both working on keeping our new year’s resolutions to eat healthier and encouraging each other along (and have both lost over 10 lbs in January!)
lauren says
Oh, the pears!! I allllmost got myself some at christmas time when they were on sale, but I couldn’t pull the trigger 🙂 I’ve heard great things about them!
Marisa says
I haven’t had papaya in forever! That would probably be the first one I break into or maybe make a fruit salad with all of them 🙂
Lauryn says
It all looks soooooo good! Pineapple is definitely my number one choice!
Kristy says
Ooo.. I would be most excited to try the pears because I have never had a Harry and David pear before! 🙂
Kristin says
I have a hard time eating enough fruits and veggies–but I would eat PEARS all day long if I could! 🙂
Lindsay says
Avocadossss! 🙂
Veronica Pazanin says
It’s Harry & David. . . the pears are ALWAYS my favorite! All of their food is truly top of the line. Thanks for the giveaway!
Sonya Borgen says
Would love to try the pineapple! They are really hit or miss at the stores near me, and they are one of my favs!
Meghana says
I love pears!!!! I’d love to get to try one from this basket 😀
jill says
I wabt to try the kiwi. I just kearned you can eat the skin.
Tessa @ Amazing Asset says
Their fruit is absolutely delicious! I tried a few selections once and I was sold upon the first bite 🙂 I would love to try the pears, I heard they are famous for them!
Mrs. Z says
I have had the opporutnity to taste their pears and would love to have another taste! 🙂 YUM!
Brooke says
I can’t wait to try the baby bananas and pineapple
Kacie L says
I think it all looks wonderful.
Jennifer says
The pineapple looks amazing!
Monique says
Fresh, juicy pineapple is my favorite fruit; the whole basket looks delicious!
Kara Mitchell says
The pears are my favorite so I would love those, but I’m most excited to try the avocado! A good avocado makes a huge different in guac 🙂
Abbey says
What an awesome giveaway!
Truth: I have never eaten a pear, papaya or avocado. Eeek! I loooove fruit but I am so. bad. at trying new foods. Makes me anxious! But I’d love to try them all out if I got them fo free in this basket! 🙂 Thanks!
Kristina @Run and Assimilate says
Definitely the pears! I would send the basket to my boyfriend who has been working his behind off at his new job!
Sarah G (Inklings Read) says
I would look forward to the pineapple the most for sure! I love all things tropical – especially coconut and pineapple! Thanks for this great and healthy giveaway opportunity 🙂
Pam S says
As much as you mention how good those pears are I would love to try them! but if I won I would send the gift basket to my mom 🙂
Kristina says
I would love to try them all!! But I love pineapple and mangos!!
Brooke says
Yum! I want to try the pears. They are my favorite fruit!
Luvena Cervantes says
OH they ALL are GOOOOOD!!!!!!!!! My favs though would be Avocados and pears. I have never had papaya or baby bananas so these would be great to try!!!!! I know they would be the best from H&D. Thank you for the post!!