A fabulous, and fabulously delicious, Mother’s Day Tower of Treats from Harry & David!
When Harry & David reached out to me about a Mother’s Day giveaway, I had no problem selecting the Tower of Treats to feature on the blog. I wanted to find something that included some indulgent sweet treats (Moose Munch!!!) as well as the company’s unbelievably delicious pears. The best of both worlds!
This gift basket includes:
- 5 Royal Riviera Pears
- Milk Chocolate Moose Munch Popcorn (6 oz.)
- 4 Lemon Lavender Cookies (0.32 oz. each)
- Raspberry Galettes (5.25 oz.)
- Original Baklava (5 oz.)
- Dark Chocolate Cherries (4.5 oz.)
- Chocolate Toffee Almonds (6 oz.)
- Assorted Truffles (4 oz.)
One PBF reader will win this tower of treats to send to their mother, grandmother or a special mother in their life.
To enter this giveaway, comment below telling me who you would send this to and why they deserve something extra special this Mother’s Day!
I will randomly select one winner on Monday, April 29.
Good luck!
I know that there are a lot of people who feel the same way, but seriously, my mother is a saint. I do not know a better person than her. And I have not spent a Mothers day with her since I got married (my husband only has his mom, so we always spend Mothers day with her and then spend Fathers day with my parents). I know that my mom would like to have us there each Mothers day, but she is so selfless that she always assures me we should spend it with my husband’s mom. I would love to be able to send this to her since we won’t be there this year.
I would love to win this for my mom staying in Connecticut….
If I were chosen to win this giveaway I would give the basket to my lovely mother(: My mom is probably the best mom in the world. She is always there for me, makes the best food, and never fails to be a strong roll model for me spiritually. She had extremely high cholesterol and recently she decided to change her lifestyle to a more healthy alternative. She has lost twenty pounds and continues to eat well and work hard! I couldn’t be more proud and to show her how proud i am of her and how much I love her I would give her this basket!
I would give this to my new mother-in-law, to win her over with sweets, haha. Seriously, she is one of the most giving people I know, and truly deserves to indulge a little!
I would love to send to my mom – now a new grandma! – from my almost 5 month old baby girl.
I would love to send this to a family member who will be celebrating her first Mother’s Day. She delivered twins on the Friday before Easter.
My mom deserves the entire world…& especially a Harry & David tower of treats!
For my lovely Mommy who has stood behind me regardless of her opion of my choices. There was ususally an “I told you so.” involved afterward but she has earned that right.
I’d send this to my mom, who has been my #1 supporter all my life.
I would definitely send this to my mom. I live 1800+ miles away from my family, and I think this would be nice to send to her to say I miss you!
As I get older, I’m surprised by how much I still need my mom. I talk with her almost daily, value her friendship and look up to her. She is an inspiration of what I’d like to be as a mother and grandmother. This basket would be a great way to make her day!
I would love to win this for my mom for Mother’s Day. She loves Harry and David, and this would be such a great gift! My mom has always been so supportive of me and is always there for me no matter what.
I would send this to my Mother-In-Law, Ellen. She is incredible supportive of her grandchildren and she is just absolute wonderful in every way.
I would send this to my mom. She does everything she can for all of her four girls along with all the grandchildren that she now babysits. She is an amazing person! So proud to call her my mom!!!
Can I choose me, because it sounds so yummy??? No, I would send it to my mom, who is currently en route to help me as I deliver baby #3. I never could have survived the transition to motherhood without her support and encouragement!!!
SUPER MOMS!! Both of you! 🙂
I was just looking at the catalog the other day. This would be perfect for my mother for Mother’s Day!
While I lost my mother after her five year battle with cancer in September, I would send this to the women she worked with at my old high school (Palos Verdes Peninsula H.S.) They have been more than supportive of me, my mom, and my family through all the good, bad, sad, and joyful times. They are my “adoptive Moms”.
(I’m not writing to tell my “sob story”of my loss…I was going to send them a big batch of cookies and brownies and a big boquet of flowers anyway….this would sweeten their surprise! #donttakeitthewrongway #thankfulfortheopportunitytowin #iguessimalittlesensitive?) 🙂
I absolutely adore my mother, but I think I would have to be a little selfish and split this lovely package with her. I mean does she really need THAT much chocolate? he he he.. What a wonderful treat 🙂
I’d send this to my mother of course! She has been there for me through everything and I love her dearly!
I would send this to my mom because she is AMAZING!
(and we work together so hopefully she would share with me 🙂 )
It’s hard to decide – my Mom, mother in-law or grandma would be more than deserving of this prize and I know they would each enjoy it! I would give it to one of the three, for sure.
Of course I would send this to my mom for the holiday! I just moved across the country, so it would be nice to send her something from the opposite coast!
I would definitely give this to my mom! She would totally love everything in this awesome tower of goodies!
I would love to give this to mom for mother’s day. She recently watched my great dane for me for two weeks while I studied for a big upcoming exam!!!
This should be sent to me…sounds rather bold, but a year ago I got divorced and lost everything because I could not afford to hire an attorney. My ex got my car, house, furniture, etc. I moved out of state to find a job and could not take my daughter with me because I could not afford to take care of both of us. I lost my job this past October and my unemployment just ran out. I am fortunate to be living with a friend who feeds me and helps out but my daughter (who I adopted from China) is without her mother except for overnight visits twice a month. I hate it! I am praying everyday for a change!
I would send it to my wonderful mother. Last Mother’s Day my mom got a phone call that my father had passed away. She had to make 3 calls to each one of us kids to tell us that on Mother’s Day. I can only imagine how horrible that was for her. I hope this Mother’s Day is a good memory.
My first thought was to and it to my mother, but I might send it to my grandmother. She is an incredible woman who is always always thinking about her kids, grandchildren, and great grandchildren and how she can help them. I love her!
What a great giveaway for Mother’s Day. This would be something extra special that I would love to give to my Mom and her Mom, who just turned 94 last week. It is great to be able to celebrate 4 generations again this year with my Grandma, Mom, Myself and my daughter. There is nothing more special than MOM!!
I would so give this to my 91 year old mother. Both her and my 94 year old dad love getting gifts and they both live to eat! They are big fans of Harry and David. It would really make my mother feel special!
I would definitely give this to my mom. She usually asks that we not spend any money on her for Mother’s Day, so this would be a great surprise!
If I were to win this giveaway, I would give it to my fabulous sister who is due with her first child, a baby boy soon!!!! She is going to be an incredible mom and deserves a little pampering this late in her pregnancy!!!!
I would love to send this to my mom. She’s bad a difficult past few years and I know it didn’t help once I moved out of state. I know Mother’s Day isn’t the same for her now that two of her children live so far so I would love to send her something this special.
My mother would love this! She has been enjoying Harry & David’s products for about as long as I can remember. She’s a truly special lady and it would make her day!
I of course would send this to my mom for mother’s day! She is so amazing and deserves something delicious like this!
I would send this to my mom! She is always concentrating on others and rarely gets herself something special. She LOVES Harry and David so this would be perfect.
I would love to win & I would have it sent to my Mom. I appreciate & love her so much & she is very sweet so a “sweet” gift would be perfect!
I would send this to my awesome mom. She has been planning my entire wedding while I’ve been busy working on my PhD, and I love her for a million reasons.
I would send this to my sister, Colleen. Growing up and to this day she has been such a “mother” to me. She has the biggest heart and loves me unconditionally and would help me with whatever I needed. She is the most compassionate, wonderful, loving, caring person I know. To watch her with her own children makes me strive to be as good of a mother as she is one day. I love her so much and would love to surprise her with this.
My mom!
I would surely give this wonderful gift to my mother. She gives and loves unconditionally and deserves this and so much more. She takes care of my grandmother and everyone else. She never thinks or puts herself first, always the needs of everyone else. This would be a sweet surprise for her.
I would send this to my mom who is incredibly giving. I left for college this year and she has sent me countless packages and cards in the mail. She has always been there for me no matter what!
My mom doesn’t believe in spending money on sending flowers or cards, so this would be perfect for her!
I would definitely send this to my mom. Shes going thru a nasty divorce and could use a bright spot in her day 🙂 Either way, I hope all the moms have a great mother’s day!
I would give this to my daughter. She is an amazing mother to my 2 grandkids.
I’d love to send this to my wonderful momma 🙂
I’d love to send this to my mom, she always refuses anything we get for her to show our appreciation, but she’ll always appreciate spending quality time with us in additional edible treats!
….because every mom deserves a Harry & David Mother’s Day Tower of Treats!
I would give this to my mom. She has honestly given up so much for me and I don’t think I could ever repay her.
My mother passed away in January…but I woud give this to my sister who always looks out for me and loves me unconditionally as I do her xo
I would love to send this to my mother! Without going into great detail (because obviously everyone thinks their own mother is the greatest), she has always been there for me – through the good times and the bad – and I haven’t always been the best daughter. She always knows how much I appreciate her though!