A fabulous, and fabulously delicious, Mother’s Day Tower of Treats from Harry & David!
When Harry & David reached out to me about a Mother’s Day giveaway, I had no problem selecting the Tower of Treats to feature on the blog. I wanted to find something that included some indulgent sweet treats (Moose Munch!!!) as well as the company’s unbelievably delicious pears. The best of both worlds!
This gift basket includes:
- 5 Royal Riviera Pears
- Milk Chocolate Moose Munch Popcorn (6 oz.)
- 4 Lemon Lavender Cookies (0.32 oz. each)
- Raspberry Galettes (5.25 oz.)
- Original Baklava (5 oz.)
- Dark Chocolate Cherries (4.5 oz.)
- Chocolate Toffee Almonds (6 oz.)
- Assorted Truffles (4 oz.)
One PBF reader will win this tower of treats to send to their mother, grandmother or a special mother in their life.
To enter this giveaway, comment below telling me who you would send this to and why they deserve something extra special this Mother’s Day!
I will randomly select one winner on Monday, April 29.
Good luck!
I would love to give this to my mom when I see her shortly after Mother’s Day. Yum!
The first person that comes to mind is my own Mother. She is always so giving and rarely does anything for herself. My father’s cancer has returned in the last year and she cares for him around the clock. She loves Harry and David and would enjoy these amazing treats to munch on throughout her day.
I would give it to my mom because she has helped me through so much and been there with me even through this past year when I was sick.
I would give this to my mother she is a strong women who will be going in to an operation soon no matter how run down she feels and how sore she is she has always put me and my sis and her husband 1st. I’ve been having alot of health issues these last two years and she had been by my side through it all it could have been from helping me get dressed to going to the store and carrying all the bags I would love to be able to give her something like this to show her how special she is to me and how much I love you and am thankful for her and I couldn’t have asked for a better mother
I would definitely love giving this to my mom! She has mailed me Harry and David goodies on several occcassions over the years so I know she likes it, plus I’d love to give her something special for all of her help planning my upcoming wedding with me from a far!
I would love to give this to my mom because she seriously never gets anything for herself!
I’d give it to my momma for Mother’s Day! She takes great care of my gma and is incredible.
I would give it to my mom because she was crucial in helping me plan my wedding this past year.
I would give this to my Mom. She is the most self-less woman I know. She is a K-5 music teacher in an impoverished area. Everyday she would make sure my sister and myself (and my dad too, he’s child #3) had our things ready and a lunch for school. She would teach all day, and then come home and make sure we were taken care of too. Always putting us before her needing or wanting to relax. I took her for granted. I’ve put her through hell and back in various ways, but she has never stopped loving there, being there for me, and being my best friend. Now I try to show her how much she means to me and how much I appreciate her, not only on Mother’s Day, but every day ♥
I would love for my mom to have this, she is the most selfless person I know. She does everything and anything for her kids. She is a very special mom, she is a mother to 5 kids, two who are adopted, one who has mental disabilities, and two girls! She currently is dealing with the two youngest starting to go through puberty and insist that puberty and menopause shouldnt be allowed under the same roof haha. She also does everything for my sweet brother Dane who is mentally disabled he is 27 but mentally about a 5 year old. He is always wanting to be like everyone else having a job, a girlfriend and being some sort of pro athlete 😉 She does her best to fight for him to make all his dreams a reality. She recently bought him a dog and they are training her to be a therapy dog that he can take around as his job to hospitals and senior living centers and even to see the other people with disabilities. She really is our hero and in my eyes the best mom anyone could ever ask for! Sorry this is so long haha It was hard to not go on and on about her, she is that great!
My mom. She helped me through my cancer treatments. That meant the world to me.
I would give it to my mom. She has always been there for me, ready to listen, laugh and cry with me, ready to love me and I am so grateful for her!
My sister-in-law is pregnant with her first newborn. Due date; April 30, this upcoming mothers’s day will be her first as a mother, I would love to give her the basket as a Mother’s day gift. Perfect timing for the busy little family !
I would love to give this gift to my mom. I have never met a more deserving person. Over the past two years, as I have struggled through anxiety, issues with eating, ending a long-term relationship, issues with my friends and my transition from a college student to an independent adult, she has been a never-ending source of support. She has listened to my cry, complain, whine, debate and deliberate with the utmost patience and given both her advice and opinion. She has shaped the person I am today and I hope I can be half the parent she has been. Even when I chose to defy her and ignore her advice, she continues to love and support me despite our disagreements and differences. Everyone deserves to have someone in their life like my mom.
I would of course give it to my mom because she has been soooooo supportive of me this past year and I can’t thank her enough for being so awesome!
this would definitely go to my wonderful mom.. she is the glue that holds our family together. No matter how sick or tired she is ,.she’s.always there for us.. works two jobs to help my sister and I pay for school.. always wanting the best for us.. love her
My best friend is celebrating her first Mother’s Day this year, and I’d love to make it a special one!
No doubt in my mind this would go to my momma! She is the sweetest, kindest, most gentle person! She is also bearing a lot on her shoulders right now…her brother is losing his battle with cancer…so I am sure this would put a smile on her face. Along with some flowers and spa day =)
Hi Julie! I would love to give this to my Mom who has always been there for me. It’s been over 12 years since my Dad passed away and Mother’s Day and my Dad’s birthday are just weeks apart, so it’s always a hard time of year for her. I would love to be able to give her something really great for Mother’s Day this year to show I love her and appreciate her. Thanks!
I’d give this to my mom, she’s the best mom – for me. I used to push her away during high school and then I hit college, and then the real world and I haven’t found a better friend or someone I could trust more than her. She loves H&D pears so I know this would put a smile on her face 🙂
I would give this to my mother, one of the most amazing women I have ever known. My mother’s, now in her fifties has taken on the responsibility of raising four of her grandchildren (all under the age of nine) while maintaining her full-time job. She is always on the go, never relaxing, and always putting others before herself. She is truly amazing and I cannot think of a person who deserves this more.
This would be a perfect gift for mom! She is a great entertainer, and this would be the perfect gift set to take some of the pressure off putting together ‘a great spread’ for the family!
I would send this to my incredibly selfless mother. She is an amazing woman, and has taught me so much about the kind of mother I hope to someday be!
My amazing mom! She is the only present grandparent for my four children. That’s a lot of memories to be responsible for!!
I would give these to my awesome mom! She is my running buddy and we’ve been training together for over 2 years now. Seeing her run her first marathon at 49 inspired me to take my running to the next level. She’s been by my side from my first 5k through my first full marathon last month. I don’t think I could have done it without her!
I’d give it to my Mama because she is my world and my best friend. She’d love it! 🙂
I would love to give this basket to my mother. She is my absolute hero and I feel like she would need something like this now more than ever. Since the beginning of the year, my mom’s world has been turned upside down! She lost her dad (my grandpa) and now her sister within 3 months of one another. Along with being so strong and handling ALL of the details and legal matters that follow those tragedies, she has also taken on taking care of my grandmother, who has severe dementia. My mom has put her life completely on hold to care for my grandma full time, which would not be an easy task for anyone, but especially my mom. She is not the type of person who has ever been tied down and she is anything but a homebody! But because of her love and selflessness her life has resulted in just that. My mom can’t leave my grandmother for more than 5 minutes in a room alone. Nothing would be more joy and a little relief to my mom than this basket! I hope to be half the woman she is one day!
I would give this basket to my mother because she deserves it more than anyone I know. My mom has been a single mother for 18 years now, and has not had an easy time. My dad passed away from leukemia at 41, leaving behind a wife and two young kids. It has definitely been a struggle for her, but she has been an unwavering tower of strength and love for which I will always be eternally grateful for. She has made so many sacrifices for my brother and me, and has done everything in her power to give us a beautiful life. No one deserves this little treat more than her!
I would definitely send this to my mom. She is the most fun, giving and loving person I know, one of my best friends, AND she LOVES Harry and David 🙂
What a wonderful basket! We are planning to do a joint family dinner for mother’s day, so I would share the basket with my mother and mother-in-law when we meet up for dinner!
I would send this to my mom. She’s an amazing and loving woman who has been through so much and stayed strong through it all!
I’d definitely give this to my mom – she has supported me so much all through high school and college (:
Hi Julie…
I would give it to the #1 mother in the world….and that beautiful women is my mother Rosette. she is such a strong women and she has done such an incredible job raising my sister and I. My mother is a single mom and she worked 2 jobs to make sure her children will have a good life.She’s my biggest fan and she’s always encouraging me to be the best i can be. This gift would make her day and she would really appreciate it.
Thank Ypu,
Sophia S.
This would be great to send to my mom! I miss living so far away from her!!
What a fun gift! This gift would have to go to my mother-in-law who has just learned she is facing uterine cancer and an unknown area on her pancreas(she will have an MRI tomorow). We just found out yesterday. Thankfully she has gotten scheduled for surgery two days from now because this is an aggressive cancer. The whole family is waiting news once we all are informed how progressed it is.
She has such a gentle, calm spirit. We know God is with her.
She should be able to eat what she wants once she has an appetite!;-)
I would love to give this to my mom. Even thought she lives on the other side of the country, she does so much for me and I can picture the smile this would bring to her face. 🙂
Without question, I would definitely send it to my mom, because she is always there to support and encourage me, listen without judgment and just an overall beautiful person. Receiving this package would surely brighten her day!
My mom definitely deserves this gift!
I would give it to my mom for mother’s day
I would love to give this to a friend who is a great mom of 2 girls and 3 developmentally disabked guys who is facing her own health crisis right now and is going in for testing this week.
I would send this to my mom! She is currently working 2 jobs, neither of which she really loves, in order to make ends meet and continue to run a house and provide for me and my younger sister. She almost never gets a break and she works so hard, so she deserves to be spoiled a little bit! Plus I won’t be able to celebrate with her in person this year since I am studying abroad, and I would love to be able to show her how much she means to me and how much I appreciate her even from far away!
I’m actually going to be with my mother on Mother’s Day this year, which is the first in see rail years! I know he would love every single one of those treats in the basket!
She, not he. Just so there is no question. 🙂
Gosh, SEVERAL, not “see rail.” I swear I am not drinking.
I would send this to my mom. She is the rock of my family who has kept us together through the hard times were it seemed like we weren’t going to stay together. She is the hardest worker I know, because she has three jobs, takes care of the family, and still manages to look a hot momma! She is my best friend for we hangout all the time and are freakishly close! I could not imagine my life without here, because not only would I loose a mother, but my best friend.
I would give this to my mom. She is always there for me when I need to vent, and she always is willing to help out her children.
I would give this to my mother. She’s the best!
I would give them to my mother for being one of the world’s best Moms and grandmothers!
I would give this to my mom 🙂 Mothers day this year is my husband and my one year anniversary, so I would love to surprise her on all of our special day with this!
I would send this to my mom for sure! My parents live 3 provinces away and it would be great to send her something special 🙂
This looks delicious AND beautiful. I would love to give this to my mom who’s dropping everything to come to FL and take care of my toddler and infant while I recover from surgery. We’re probably going to drive each other nuts so a nice gift is definately needed this year.
I would love to give this to my mom. She does everything for everyone and is just the best! And with her sweet tooth, this tower wouldn’t stand a chance.