I miss my smoothies!
I miss the their creamy texture. Their cold temperature. The way I could cram veggies (spinach!) into my morning meal without even tasting them.
This weekend, Ryan and I drove to our storage unit in hopes of locating our beloved Vitamix among the boxes.
Unfortunately the box labeled “blender” was nowhere in sight. There are likely a bunch of boxes stacked on top of it because it was deemed a “heavy” box that could support others as we were packing. Bummer.
So, another breakfast at the hotel buffet kicked off the workweek.
I used one of the pieces of whole wheat toast to make an egg and jelly sandwich.
It made me miss my favorite bagelwiches!
I smeared the other piece of toast with whipped butter. Bread and butter are one of life’s greatest creations.
Healthy Movie Theater Snacks
This morning I read an article from the Huffington Post that detailed “10 Movie Snacks to Pick Instead of Popcorn.”
The list included:
• Bottled water, club soda or Crystal Lite
• Flavor and Fiber Gnu bar or Chocolite Protein Bar
• Dry cereal: Fiber One, Kashi Go Lean or Puffins
• Low-fat mozzarella string cheese
• 100 calorie mini bags of popcorn
• 1-ounce of pistachios
• Baby carrots or sliced peppers
• Pretzels
• Fruit such as apples, strawberries or raspberries
• Roasted almonds 100-calorie pack
• Shelled, salted edamame
• A mix of almonds, raisins and mini marshmallows
• Jicama matchsticks, tossed with lime juice and chili powder
• Frozen red or green grapes
I loved the idea of bringing your own mini bags of popcorn, pretzels, edamame and pistachios. All salty and all totally delicious.
For some reason, I just cant wrap my head around packing a protein bar, carrot sticks or frozen grapes. I think that when I go to the movies, if I’m going to buy a snack, I want something salty. I can’t smell buttery popcorn and then eat an apple and feel happy. (Of course I can do sweet and salty during a movie. Peanut M&Ms + Popcorn = Heaven.)
When it comes to seeing movies in the theater, Ryan and I usually don’t buy any snacks because they’re so darn expensive. Well, I will bring in some change to buy candy from the 50-cent candy machines, but that doesn’t really count.
But I must say there’s nothing like movie-theater popcorn. When we do buy popcorn at the movies, we adopt the “no kernel left behind” philosophy.
One of my all-time favorite books, The Help, was made into a movie recently and is debuting in the theaters this Wednesday and I’m really looking forward to seeing it. I’m thinking I’ll pack my own mini bag of popcorn, perhaps with a few chocolate chips thrown in for some sweetness. Yum!
Questions of the Morning
- Do you buy snacks at the movie theater?
- What are your favorite movie theater snacks, both healthy and unhealthy?
I like the ideas you gave in this post! Movie theater food is SO expensive- such a rip off! For some reason I never bring my own food (not even a bottle of water). I feel like it’s cheating or something. Isn’t that awful?! I always end up spending too much money! Maybe I will have to force myself to take your advice and bring my own snacks next time 😉
Similar to your peanut m&m’s . . . try Reese’s Pieces with popcorn. DO.IT.NOW!
I don’t often buy snacks, but they hubby always buys Sour Patch Kids. While they’re packed full of sugar, I feel like they can’t be as bad as the buttered popcorn.
When we go to the movies we have a “popcorn for dinner” rule. We get a large tub and share it (and have been known to get a refill – no shame here!). Of course, we maybe go to 3-4 movies a year, so it’s a splurge worth making!
I’m definitely looking forward to seeing The Help! I’m a little leary since books never live up to the books (and it was SUCH a great book), but I’m sure it will still be decent.
Do you guys have theaters where you can have dinner? We have the Alamo drafthouse right by our house and we love going even if it is just for a snack!! They offer a full menu (pizzas, burgers, Mexican) plus popcorn, fries, etc and a full bar!!!
ugh, I could so easily go through an entire box of raisinettes during a movie.
…actually, I have. more than once.
now, I pack gummies. 🙂
I LOVE the salty and sweet of mixing chocolate with popcorn! When I was younger, I would mix my chocolate from Halloween with bowls of popcorn when I would watch movies…it’s sooo good! There’s no replacement for movie theater popcorn, but my wallet (and waistline) can’t always afford it, so I like to sneak in sour patch kids! Or, if I’m in the mood for chocolate, peanut butter M&Ms. I recently discovered peanut butter filled pretzels at Trader Joe’s, and those would make a PERFECT movie snack! (Good luck not eating the entire bag in one sitting, though!)
I always bring my own snacks to the movies! Sometimes I will pop my own popcorn or bring a Luna bar or Lara bar with me. My boyfriend alwYa buys popcorn but he loads tons of butter on it and I hate extra butter!
I actually don’t purchase movie treats! I always bring my own snacks (lollipops, granola bars) or purchase a Starbucks prior 🙂
hmmm…. I guess I’m a special snowflake here, ’cause I never buy/eat snacks at the movie theatre. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good snack… but eating them at the theatre rarely occurs to me. Especially popcorn (which is at least $8-10 for a small around here– yikes!).
I lovee eating in movies and usually take my own snacks. Although last time I gave into popcorn (sweet + salty) and kinda felt sick by the end of it- that’s me done for a while!
Is it weird to say I’ve been thinking about you lots recently? Thanks to xanthan gum, I have really been enjoying smoothies a lot and the texture always reminds me of your pics!
I always bring my own snacks since they are so expensive at the theater. Usually popcorn and skittles!
When I was younger and went to see movies with my parents, the go to was ALWAYS snowcaps though!!
I love taking the 100 calorie popcorn bags and a few chocolate kisses, so good!
We go all out and eat all sorts of candy. We usually go to the candy shop near the theatre – I usually gravitate towards anything chocolate!
We don’t usually buy snacks at the theater — mostly because we usually go to a movie after dinner and we’re full of food already! Plus the cost is crazy. I always bring water with me wherever I go, and every once in a while we’ll share a box of Milk Duds because they’re my favorite!
I was wondering when you’d start missing your smoothies. 😉 I don’t think I could live without mine!
I don’t like buying snacks at the movies, but my boyfriend ALWAYS wants to. If we do, it’s usually peanut butter M&Ms if they have them..which are wayy cheaper if you buy them yourself before!
peanut m&m’s, raisinettes, and popcorn is how I roll. You know, because I live on the edge.
I just read and finished The Help! I didn’t know it was coming out so soon! Oh man I’m excited now. Josh and I go to the movies pretty much every weekend and every weekend I order cheese fries…So unhealthy drenched in cheese and dipped in ranch hahaha 🙂 But SOOO yummy!
Totally agree that an apple just wouldn’t satisfy me at the movies…it just feels wrong, what can I say?
I rarely buy movie theatre snack just because they are so expensive, though if I do plan to splash out I’ll always split them with a friend (or two). Movie theatre portions are positively ginormous!
Ah…..I’m reading The Help now. Trying to finish it before the movie premieres. The only time we get movie snacks are when we have a coupon or gift card….otherwise you spend more money on concessions than the movie itself! If we aren’t getting snacks at the theatre, we swing by a gas station beforehand and grab drinks and Junior Mints or Reese’s Pieces. I never thought of taking healthier snacks but will plan to think about it next time! Thanks for the suggestions.
I’m totally with you on this one. Some of those things are just regular ole snacks, not movie theater snacks! Popcorn or a pretzel are my go-tos, but I usually bring my own popcorn from home, stuffed in a giant purse. I just can’t justify the calories of the buttered stuff when the one I make tastes just as good to me.
I always get popcorn! I only go to movies about twice a year, so I don’t feel bad splurging 😉
Those are great ideas, but the vast majority of movie theaters I’ve been to 1) don’t offer healthy stuff like that and 2) don’t allow you to bring in your own food! So you either have to sneak it in, or just don’t snack during the movie. I usually choose the latter – it’s too expensive anyway!
I don’t usually buy snacks at the movie theatre just because it’s SO expensive, but if I do then my go-to snack is the Flipz chocolate covered pretzels! 🙂 When I bring my own snacks from home it’s usually smart balance popcorn and some dark chocolate chips (I love the sweet and salty combo, can you tell?) 😀
I usually eat before the movies or bring my own snacks 🙂 BUT I was pleasantly surprised at an AMC the other day to find ‘lighter fares’ offered – it was a $7 package including a water bottle and either an Odwalla bar, light pop/baked chips or dried fruit crisps. While those don’t exactly scream delicious to me I’m happy to see that movie theaters are making an effort to offer healthier choices for consumers!
I’m seeing The Help this week as well! I can’t wait to see how the movie adaptation is. One of my favorite snacks to take that isn’t on the list are Blue Ginger Multi-Grain Brown Rice Chips. You can find them at Costco sometimes, but you really have to look. I cannot eat another potato chip now because I am so addicted to them. I know you can order them online, but I can’t remember where at the moment. They are salty, crunchy, and the serving size is huge and they are very low-cal, low-carb friendly.
I usually buy a snack at the movie theater or eat beforehand. I go maybe twice a year, so the expense is minimal. It’s a treat. If the theater says no outside snacks allowed, then I try to follow the rules. I know, I guess I’m lame like that. I’d rather get a movie from red box and eat whatever snacks I want at home. Then the options are limitless!
LOL who is taking jicama matchsticks to the movies?? hehehe
im such a sucker for movie snacks. I fully realize the markup on popcorn and soda is insane, but I have a hard time resisting it!!
If I’m craving something fruity it’s sour patch kids all the way (I usually sneak ’em in 😉 ). Another great sweet and salty combo is popcorn and milk duds – I don’t think it gets any better than popcorn, caramel and chocolate! 🙂
I used to always get the kiddie combo. It was the perfect snack because it came with M&M’s, popcorn, and a small drink for $3. Now that it is no longer 1998 and I try to eat much healthier than those times I usually bring a bottle of water and a Larabar or some trail mix! 🙂
100 cal bag of popcorn + a few shakes of Reese’s peanut butter hard shell coating (for ice cream) + swirl around to coat evenly = HEAVENLY
It’s hard to pass up an ice cold Icee at the movies!
By the way, I’ve been considering reading The Help for my next book club…is it an easy book to get into?
My favorite movie theatre snack used to be popcorn, but lately I’m lovin the pretzel nuggets! I’ve never really even thought about bringing my own snacks because I feel like movie theatre snacks are such a treat and a good indulgence every once in a while! Plus, you can’t beat movie theatre popcorn!
I love movie theater popcorn although I hate when my fiance pours a ton of butter on it. Ick! I usually try to get a few pieces of popcorn before it’s sopping in butter. 😉
SOOOOOO excited for The Help, the movie!!! I have only seen a few previews, but it looks like they did a good job casting the characters. I wish my mom and I didn’t live 2000 miles apart so I could go see it with her. I always bring in snacks and beverages to movies–I can’t pay $5 for diet coke.
I agree, there really is nothing like movie theater popcorn. If I get it though, it’s always a kiddie size. For the smaller portion and the cheaper price!
I love getting Raisinets. Makes me think of “Blazing Saddles”. 🙂
We usually get candy to share. The bf isn’t much of a popcorn guy, but if I go sans bf I will get a kids sized popcorn. Movies are usually date night, so one of us gets the tickets and one gets the snacks. I understand that the movie treats aren’t the healthiest, but I don’t think it’s going to cause anyone to blow up a pants size by getting a box of candy. Like you said – I could never bring in an apple and be happy with it. I’d eat the apple, then go out and get a box of Mike and Ikes or some popcorn.
I always bring my own snacks. For one, being vegan and a fan of healthy eating – there’s nothing for me to choose from except for bottled water. And two, i’m not paying 4 dollars for bottled water. 😛
I usually either pre-pop my own popcorn and put it in baggie along with my own water. Though the last time I went to the movies, I brought chocolate covered gojiberries 😉
Our theater uses canola topping that is only butter flavored, even though they ask “do you want butter?”. I am vegan too, and couldn’t believe I went without for so long!
I always pack homemade popcorn in quart size bags — its the perfect amount (and in my huge purse, I usually have one/person). Since I use an air-popper, I then add a little butter and salt at home — or whatever each person prefers! I love it, and I feel kinda good sneaking it in and saving $$$ and calories.
I rarely buy any candy at the movie theater because I just can’t get myself to pay that much for something I know costs much less. I usually skip snacks altogether and enjoy a wonderful dinner before or after!
If I am with my best friend she will always convince me into getting popcorn and milkduds and I suffer for it after the movie is done! 🙂
peanut butter m&ms + popcorn=heaven. Seriously. Now I want to go to the movies!
I LOVE Peanut M&Ms with popcorn, but stay far away as a Medium Sized Butter Popcorn can set you back about 600 calories!! EWWW. I usually bring in York Patties, raw almonds w/ dark chocolate, pretzels of ANY kind!
For movie theater snacks, I try to use the same rule I apply in restaurants–only order what you can’t make yourself or find easily any day of the week. I can get Twizzlers, Sour Patch Kids, M&Ms, etc. at any time in my daily life, so I don’t buy them (at their inflated prices) at the movie theater. I am not above sneaking them in though–there is a CVS very conveniently near our theater. I even once brought some sushi (veggie only–no stinky fish!) when I went to see Bridesmaids.
But movie theater popcorn with all that buttery goodness is not something I can re-create or easily obtain at home, so once in a while, the husband and I split a tub. But generally I try to hit the movies right after a meal so I don’t need anything to eat.
Our theater prohibits outside food (like the majority of them out there), but I have never seen the rule enforced (no bag searches, no ushers creeping through the aisles with flashlights). For those of you with strict theaters, how do they catch the scofflaws? I
I always bring my own snacks to the movies. As a college student, I can barely afford the insane movie ticket prices ($10?!). So to save a little cash, I pack my purse with goodies– why let all that giant purse space go to waste? Some of my favorites include apple slices, popcorn, and a PB sandwich. I save money and get exactly what I want! You can’t beat that 🙂
You are allowed to bring your own snacks to your theater? Here it is a major no go.
I LOVE theater popcorn, so when I know I am going I just do a veggies only dinner so that I can munch away without worrying about extra calories. I know it is still not healthy, but a treat is a treat!
As an aside, when I was pregnant movie popcorn was #1 on the things I craved, so much so that I saw many movies that I had no interest in going to (and loved most of them!). One night my hubby even drove across town to the theater with the best popcorn to get me a bag for my dinner!
I ALMOST never buy snacks at the movie theater. I say almost because if it is a BIG movie I have been waiting forever to see I will usually splurge and buy a popcorn to get the full movie experience =) Sometimes I do bring other snacks/candy and always a water. They charge like 5$ for a water these days, insane!!!!
Those are some good ideas for some healthy movie snacks.
My husband and I never buy snacks at the movie, because like you said Julie, they’re so DARN expensive!
My sweet faves: peanut butter M&Ms, chocolate covered pretzels, & mini Reese’s PB cups.
My salty faves: salty popcorn or pretzels (I’m more of a sweet kinda girl! 😉 )
You must try Orville Redenbacher’s natural Lime & Salt flavor! It’s amazing and the lime smell while it’s popping is mouth watering!! I snack on it at work about every other day.
Hands down Reese Pieces are one of the greatest movie snacks ever and we also try and slip in some apples and a side of Peanut Butter. And once in awhile the sour patch kids find their way into our bag as well. You all can have your popcorn, candy is where its at when it come to the moives
Junior Mints are my favorite movie theatre snack, but I agree with you that everything is WAY overpriced. It’s much easier to bring a bag of goodies from home. Next time I think I will steal your edemame idea!
Because prices are so high, I usually sneak in my own snacks. I actually like cut-up peppers because they’re easy to eat. Only problem is then you get that pepper smell. But–if I do buy it is always popcorn and I make it as unhealthy as possible. I figure I rarely splurge on it so I’m going to really enjoy it!