Well, in the words of my boy Nelly, things got a little hot in here this morning and the end result was a hot bowl of high protein breakfast quinoa.
I got the idea for this breakfast on Saturday after I made myself a hot bowl of steel cut oats with egg whites. I figured I could prepare quinoa in a similar way and make a delicious hot breakfast cereal that would keep me full for hours.
The end result was a beautiful, beautiful thing.
High Protein Breakfast Quinoa
Serves Two
- 1/2 cup quinoa (I love Feed Adam quinoa)
- 1 cup milk (I used 2 percent)
- 1 very ripe banana, mashed
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 2 egg whites
- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (optional)
- Combine quinoa, milk, mashed banana, cinnamon and egg whites in a pan on medium heat.
- Increase heat to medium high and, stirring constantly, allow mixture to thicken (approximately 10 minutes)
- Reduce heat to low and slowly stir in protein powder
- Divide quinoa into two bowls and enjoy
I had the idea to stir in a spoonful of peanut butter after I finished my bowl. Next time!
I got a little excited to share my breakfast with you this morning, so let’s back up a bit to cover today’s workout.
When Ryan and I arrived at the gym, I hopped on a treadmill and completed the following 30-minute treadmill run/walk interval workout:
Intervals have a way of making time on the treadmill pass by quickly, so you know I’m a fan!
Hope your Thursday is off to a good start!
Great treadmill workout! I might have to try that today!
I love it whenever anyone manages to squeeze rap lyrics into a post. =]
That looks like a great breakfast. I’ve actually — gasp! — never tried quinoa and never mixed eggs into my morning oats so I’ll have to give this a whirl!
Quinoa is delicious! It cooks really quickly, has tons of protein, and gets nice and fluffy 🙂
the fluffiness factor is probably my favorite part!
I’ve been trying to find a few more recipes to use quinoa in – I became bored with my usuals so I will definitely have to try this! Protein in the morning is the best 🙂
I have been wanting to try quinoa for breakfast. I feel like every time you have quinoa for breakfast I say that. But really I am going to try this over the weekend, it sounds fantastic!
Mmm peanut butter banana quinoa, sounds delicious! Would you follow the same instructions if you were to use oats instead?
yep – i’d do the same thing w/ steel cut oats!
My first thought when I saw this post was, I bet she put peanut butter in it!
I must be doing something wrong when I add eggs to my oats because to me, it just tastes too “eggy”. Even with added sweetener and bananas I can still taste the eggs and I can’t make myself like it.
I do want to try quinoa for breakfast one day, minus the eggs though!!
Quinoa for breakfast sounds good to me, but I don’t know if I can pull myself away from my oats.
Dang it, I keep forgetting quinoa is a breakfast option. Thanks for the reminder!
Great interval to get your blood flowing in the morning!
Mm this sounds good! I love subbing quinoa for oats, especially steel-cut because it cooks so much faster!! Have a great day Julie!
I love your workouts! I did your 50 min elliptical workout the other night, quite challenging! I noticed 15 mins into it that my feet were going numb, does this happen to anybody else on cardio machines? I run a lot and don’t notice it then, but it happens often on the elliptical or stationary bike.
yes! it used to happen to me a few years ago when i was wearing different shoes! apparently it’s quite common – i googled it before b/c it freaked me out. here’s more info.: http://www.livestrong.com/article/369291-the-link-between-numb-feet-elliptical-machines/
That happens to me all the time! Its so annoying. I think bad shoes are to blame for me though. I LOVE your 50 minute elliptical workout. You should do more elliptical interval workouts!!
Are you doing the first 2 interval sets individually? Or is that a typo in the second line (0-5 should be 4-5)?
oh no! it’s a typo! that makes me really wish i would’ve saved that graphic in picmonkey…
just fixed it! found an easy way. 🙂
I like the idea of breakfast quinoa, but I missed the chewiness of oats when I tried it. 🙂
Intervals do make time go faster on the treadmill. I’m a newbie runner, working off a C210K app on my phone, and earlier this week, I tried just straight walking and got bored really quickly, so yesterday, I went back to the app. Made the time fly by!
Intervals are definitely my favorite way to run on the treadmill! This will go in my rotation soon 🙂
Was the quinoa precooked? Or were you cooking it with the banana, milk etc?
not precooked! i cooked it with the banana and milk.
This looks delish. I’ve never thought about using quinoa at breakfast – good idea!
Oooo I love quinoa and that looks yummy! Only problem is I’m not a big fan of bananas. (Crazy, I know). Is there any substitute you would recommend??
Mmm that quinoa bowl looks delicious. Im going to try the interval workout to help with my 10 mile training plan. Do you recommend doing intervals on the treadmill to make my pace faster? Have a great thursday
This may be a silly question- but where do you get egg whites? :-\ lol
Mmm looks delicious! I need a hot breakfast.. it’s been cold here
love your Nelly shout out 😉 and I have never tried quinoa but it sounds really good. what brand do you use??
i like feed adam quinoa. i buy it through amazon and added it to my amazon store just in case you’re interested! 🙂 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00875YEUW?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creativeASIN=B00875YEUW&linkCode=xm2&tag=peanbuttfing-20
Huh. That breakfast sounds really weird… but because of that I just might have to try it! Haha. I have had quinoa for breakfast, but never like that. Love me some new ideas 😀
BAHAHAHA!! Ok Hot in Herre from Nelly just popped up on Pandora for me after I just read your post!!! LMAO!! Talk about ironic LOL! I love quinoa so I’ll have to try this as a breakfast option… Yum! 😀
So I LOVE quinoa – for dinner. I keep hearing rave reviews of it as a breakfast “cereal” but I’m nervous to try it!
Is it more like cream of wheat or oatmeal?
Sounds delicious!! A must try for sure! I am also bookmarking this treadmill workout. Looks awesome!
I have a friend who is gluten intolerant- sending her the link of this recipe asap 😀
I’ve never had quinoa for breakfast before! I’ll have to give it a shot!
This looks fab! I’ll have to try it for breakfast this week!!
I eat oatmeal like this pretty much every morning! Love it! I change up the nut butter I use! So good! On the weekends, it is usually an oatmeal pancake!
Thanks for the interval treadmill workout! Going to try it out the next time I do intervals in the treadmill!
PS – I love Sadie and her stories! She reminds me so much of my boxer Hana! Seems they may have some of the same expressions and behaviors! 🙂
oh my goodness, that looks so good! I’m going to have to try it! Question, how much (volume wise) is 1 egg white? I’ve been trying to figure this out for like a year now and I keep getting different answers!
I too love intervals–makes the time FLY by!
I don’t like quinoa cold (or pasta), so I am all about hot dishes!!
forgot to ask, what kind of protein powder do you use? do you see much difference between brands?
i love fitmixer and optimum nutrition gold standard 100% whey. and yes, i see a HUGE difference in taste between brands. 🙂
I never think to use quinoa for breakfast…thanks for the tip! I love the texture of quinoa and I think I would like it cold with yogurt and fruit as you mentioned. Thanks!
what time do you usually have your evening snack? also what do you usually eat, i would love to hear some suggestions from you! much love x
Love intervals on the treadmill! Have you tried buckwheat for breakfast? Similar idea to the quinoa…great with cocoa powder in the mix too!
Hi! I’ve just recently started following your blog and I love all of the great workouts you post. They definitely help beat the gym boredom that can sometimes set in. The reason why I’m posting is because I’ve noticed you’re a fellow lover of peanut butter and I’d thought I’d recommend one of my all time favorite brand and flavor. The brand is called Peanut Butter & Co. Its all natural and they have different flavors (3 that I’ve found) which are oh so sinfully delicious. I happened upon by chance when I was browsing the peanut butter eisle and thought I’d take a chance on it and boy am I glad I did! My absolute favorite flavor is the white chocolate peanut butter and the name speaks for itself, those two wonderful flavors combine in one jar… It’s GENIUS and Om nom nummy! They also have a cinnamon swirl and a chocolate dream which are also superb. I’ve found that they liven up many a dish with that little something extra, are great for baking, and make my spoon taste fantastic! Anywho the only thing is, is that I live in California so I don’t know where you would find it in Florida but I figured it was worth a mention so you could possibly look the next time your at a grocery store. If you have Fresh & Easy’s on every corner out there like we do here then I know you could find it there.
love love love the quinoa idea. I have been wanting to make an oatmeal type concoction w/ it, and this seems easy enough! thanks for posting 🙂
Oh I never have a problem remembering to top my food with nut/seed butters!
I had quinoa for breakfast this morning too! Such a tasty way to start the day.
The quinoa really sounds amazing!! Bet it would be great with almond butter + berries + maple syrup!!
I make oatmeal quite often for breakfast…but I have a silly question. What is the difference between the steel oats and just the quick oats? Please help!!
Oh and I saw a new fall ale today…Peanut Butter Ale! Totally thought of you!
Love quinoa for breakfast!
I don’t know if I could do quinoa for breakfast :S Does this one taste sweet? Hmm even though quinoa doesn’t have a very dominant taste at all I still feel like it’d be all wrong with sweet stuff and for breakfast! Haha! I’m too old fashioned 😉 Maybe I’ll try it, one day hehe.
Oh no. I’ve been wanting to try this for soooo long and I was disappointed. 🙁 Your recipe was great though. I mean the flavors blended well but the quinoa was just too crunchy for me. I don’t remember it being this crunchy when I eat it for dinner.
it’s definitely a different texture! perhaps cooking it for longer would help? but if you enjoy the smooth texture of oatmeal, it is definitely different.
Yes, I think I might try it again but I may try cooking the quinoa all the way through first and then adding a bit more liquid and the other ingredients more towards the end. I definitely don’t want to discount it for breakfast just yet because of its nutritional value and high source of protein.
Btw, I’ve been following your blog since the start of the summer and really love your upbeat posts and personality! I check in every day! Thank you!
The same thing happened to me- I felt like the quinoa was only half cooked and had too much crunch. The flavor was great though, so I think I’m going to try again, cooking the quinoa all the way first with the milk, and then adding the banana, egg, and cinnamon, and whipping it in. Thanks for the idea!
That sounds like a yummy breakfast. I don’t eat eggs, so I wonder if I can use chia seeds or something else to give it the same consistency?
Hi there, I’m a new follower to your blog. Over the past year I’ve changed my eating and exercise habits to become healthy. I’ve lost 40 pounds and need to lose 20 more to get to a healthy weight. I’m very excited to have found your blog and get some extra motivation! I found your blog because I’m obsessed with peanut butter myself! This quinoa recipe sounds so delicious, but I’m unfortunately very allergic to bananas! Do you think it’d still be ok if I omitted it? What a great website – I can’t wait to explore everything.
I love quinoa for breakfast! It’s one of my favorite things. It’s light, healthy and filling. So much better than oatmeal in my opinion. I have a few different recipes on my site for quinoa breakfast options.
I’ve recently been making quinoa porridge and it’s great! I’ll be sharing the recipe on my blog soon, so come over and check it out if you’re interested 🙂