I polished off the last of the crock pot garam masala chicken and chickpeas for lunch today.
Let me reiterate how much the dollop of plain Greek yogurt (or sour cream) adds to this dish!
I also had a cup of yogurt on the side for a little sweetness.
Highlight of the Day
Like billions of other dogs out there, Sadie’s excitement level goes through the roof whenever someone she loves walks through the door.
When she hears the doorbell or the garage door open, she runs around in circles and grabs a toy from her toy basket to bring to her new visitor. The joy she feels absolutely radiates from her wiggly little body.
Yesterday evening I told Ryan that it’s pretty clear to me that the moment he arrives home from work is the highlight of her day. She knows that once Ryan is home, we’ll likely do something outside with her and that makes her one happy little camper. Her exuberant joy never fails to make me smile.
When I started to think about the highlight of my day, the moment that first popped into my mind was the moment Ryan and I crawl into bed at night. I love slipping into bed after I’ve brushed my teeth, knowing that the day is officially over and we’re ready to just chill out and relax.
Now I ask you…
Question of the Afternoon
- What is the highlight of your day?
- Is there one particular moment you find yourself looking forward to on a daily basis?
In addition to the moment I crawl into bed at night, I also love breakfast time on the weekends.
I get legitimately excited for my morning cup of tea. It’s kind of ridiculous how much that whistle of the kettle makes me happy! Any morning with no tea is destined to be a grumpy one.
I also think it’s our yellow lab’s favorite time of the day when my husband walks in the door. They are truly best buds, and it’s so cute to see him so excited to see his dad. My favorite time of day is probably the early morning – eating breakfast, sipping my coffee, doing my devotions, and reading a few blogs before getting a start on my day helps me wake up and prepare me for the upcoming day. I also love when my husband walks in the door from work!
My moment is definitely when I walk in the door after work. The house is quiet, and I get to fix an afternoon snack and relax for a few minutes before I start my workout.
I have two, one is eating supper with my husband. Two, crawling back into bed at night after using the bathroom, it is always comforting to see my husband sleeping and knowing I am safe with him. I am sappy what can I say. 🙂
I love that moment, too! That is after I gather the courage to walk through our dark house to get to the bathroom lol I miiiiiiight be a little afraid of our old, creepy house!
The highlight of my day is the time at night when my fiancé, my dog, and I are finally settled in with no ‘to dos’ left undone. We always watch one rerun of King of Queens and Dan has modified the theme song so that it depicts our relationship. It honestly makes me laugh each time he sings it.
The highlight of my day goes as follows:
12:00- lunch with my Mom (we work for the same company)
4:30- off work!!
5:30-6- my boyfriend gets home which makes both me & our dog excited
7:00- couch time (aka I last about an hour then fall asleep until we go to bed, which makes it less exciting since I’m pretty much a zombie :))
coffee in the am, and going to bed in the pm! 🙂 SO glad i’m not the only one!
I also love slipping into bed at the end of the night. Another highlight would have to be waking up in the morning enjoying a cup of coffee and breakfast.
Oh, I love this! I really love hopping on my bike and riding home from work. It’s the best feeling to just a few (a lot of) deep breaths and unwind as I’m pedaling back. I live on the water so I get to look out and see boats and runners and bikers going along. So peaceful.
Naptime for the baby!!!!! The only time we actually get “off” during the day. Then tea and bedtime for me. I get to read a bitn(I NEVER have the time during the day), and then just chill. Love it!!
Me too! Morning is my relaxing and recooping time. I hate when I wake up late so I don’t get to enjoy it.
I’m such a morning person… The highlight of my day is early in the morning drinking my coffee either on the couch watching the news or reading things online. I just love that moment before the day starts and it’s quiet and relaxing…. I look forward to it every night!!
sipping my morning cup of coffee (or tea) is a simple highlight for me, too. 🙂
I also love the mornings, especially on the weekends, or on a day I do not have to work! I love making a pot of coffee and enjoying it in a porcelain mug, as opposed to the travel mugs I am forced to use midweek. I also love browsing pinterest for new recipes or ideas while sipping my cup of joe!
That’s so fun Sadie gets so excited. Hah!
Fav moment is definitely when my husband comes home from work too! We spend some time chatting & hanging out. LOVE it. 2nd fav: any time I teach my fitness classes 3rd: any time I get to relax/kickback by myself or with my man (movies, reading, going out)
Mine is a a tie between eating breakfast in the morning and the feeling of accomplishing my last to-do for the day. The thrill of deciding what to eat for breakfast is so exciting to me for some reason. I would have said that I love climbing into bed at night, but sometimes my mind races with all the things I meant to get done that day that just didn’t happen. Therefore, that feeling of relief when I actually accomplish everything is the highlight.
I’m so glad you posted this recipe! I’ve been trying to incorporate the crock pot at least once a week – this looks great & I love Indian!
Highlight? At the end of the day, when I crawl into bed with my book. I also love to wake up to hearing my kids playing nicely together in their rooms 🙂
Oh, I am sooo with you! When I finish my workout… take a quick, hot shower, put on my robe and climb into bed to watch a show or movie with my man and two dogs. So warm and calm, and knowing I had a productive day. Such a good feeling!
This is my absolute favorite time as well! Cuddle time with my guy and pup and a few shows from the DVR after what is usually a long, busy day. Also the smell of soap and a cold glass of water. It’s the simple things.
Yogurt and Persian/ Indian food is unbelievable. I just tried with my husbands fam. Everyone agreed it is to die for! Highlight of my day is it being cold out!
I think the highlight of my day is when I get home from running. You just can’t beat that feeling. Although your highlight is way cuter than mine 🙂
The moment I get home after work and I can finally relax after running after my third graders all day! Teaching is exhausting!
The highlight of my day is getting home in the evenings and putting on warm, comfy clothes. After a long day at work + gym + waiting for the bus and walking home in the cold, that is the best feeling ever.
On a school day, the highlight of my day is lunch! I like having the break, as well as eating my salad or leftovers.
On a weekday, it’s waking up a little early and reading with coffee in hand. Doesn’t get much better!
I guess the highlight of my day would be clicking off the “open” sign at my store at the end of my day. I wait 11-12 hours for just that one moment, 7 days a week. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, I love having my own business, but I just know that once that sign goes off for the day I don’t have to talk to anyone or handle problems or hold my bladder for hours on end. I’m free just for a couple hours to enjoy doing absolutely nothing until I go to sleep to wake up and do it all over again.
what kind of business do you own? that sounds like an amazing (yet very demanding and difficult) challenge. i hope you sleep well tonight!
Thank you, Julie! My husband and I own a video rental store in a small college town. Some days it’s tough when I am super busy and I don’t have my husband to help since he took another job to help with the bills. I am very grateful for all the success that we have had over the last couple of years, but I could really use a vacation soon 🙂
i hope you can find some time to break away and relax a bit. it sounds like a very demanding job!
I love crawling in bed with my boyfriend, definitely the best part of the day. Close second, playing with the dogs and having morning coffee 🙂
Definitely would be seeing all my friends at school:)
The current highlight of my day is walking into my baby daughter’s room first thing in the morning and having her greet me with a big smile and a hug. A close second is the quiet time to catch up on reading and drink coffee before the day gets hectic 🙂
My favorite part of the day is my morning coffee. Right now I am doing my first Whole30, so I have had to drink it black. Not near as enjoyable as my flavored creamer. Day 31 – I look forward to going back to my creamer:)
Hey Cindy,
Have you tried almond milk? That’s paleo so I think it’s also allowed on Whole30. Just a splash of the vanilla one should do the trick. 🙂
Highlight of my day is different every day..sometimes breakfast, sometimes a nice comment or email from a reader or a funny lovable moment with my niece…today it was getting in to bed though, an early night, catching up on blogs with a cup of warm hot chocolate and homemade brownie 🙂
So the highlight of my day is when my kids come home from school. In fact, my daughter says I am like a puppy because I run to greet her with a big smile on my face, hug her real tight and ask her lots of questions. I sound like the human version of Sadie! 😉 I have always loved getting into bed at night as well. My husband teases me about it. Sometimes I actually say out loud…I love bedtime! Now that I have Louie (our Shih Tzu puppy) there is usually a highlight of the day that includes him. He really makes me laugh!
Snuggling up on the couch to way a movie with my husband. And of course seeing me little Yorkies’ tails wag when I get home from work.
I have been doing CrossFit since May, and I got my first unassisted pull up today! Definitely my highlight.
I agree, laying down for the night is one of the things I look forward too most. Me and my Husband both work from home, but we are not allowed to talk about work while in our bedroom. It is a rule! It is the one place I can escape from work!
When I get out of bed and my dog comes running to me with a wiggling nub of a tail is definitely the highlight of my day!
The highlights of my day are the moments immediately following a good workout, the time spent walking my dog with my boyfriend & his dog, & crawling into bed to chill with a book!
I really look forward to my husband coming home from work so we can spend time as a family (and I get a little help with our son, Noah 🙂
unfortunately for my boyfriend the highlight of my dogs day is me coming home, Brady gives him a pretty fantastic hello but immediately runs back to me and jumps up almost to say “I missed you so much even thought I just spent the past 2 hours with you!” My favorite moment of the day is when I leave the gym in the morning, I always say to myself “mmm, coffee time!” I do also enjoy getting into bed
I think this has been one of my fave comment feeds to read lately- the wonderful, simplicities of life to which we can all relate!!
Crawling under the warm covers in my sometimes chilly sorority bed room is one of my favorite moments too! But I also LOVE breakfast 🙂 especially after a successful yoga practice at home 🙂 I love mornings when I have enough time to sit, eat and relax a little before I officially start the day. Hope your day is going well 🙂
Hmm good question! Breakfast is always a highlight, because I enjoy it so much. 😉 And the moment when I walk into my house after work is a highlight. And then on the nights when my husband and I can just cuddle on the couch and watch TV … those are the best moments of them all!
I love how puppies (I call all dogs puppies, regardless of age) get so super excited, come up, and wag their entire back halves with excitement. The part of the day I most look forward to is lunchtime because that is when I work out and it means I’m half way through my work day! I know that sounds rehearsed but it’s true.
Being a student, at the end of the day I am always left with the feeling that I just haven’t done enough there’s always something I could be doing (readings, assignments, etc.)!
Lately, though, I have committed myself to turning off my laptop and phone by 10p.m. and just reading until I get sleepy. It’s become something I really look forward to every day, especially on the crazier days! Definitely a highlight!
The highlight of my day lately has been bed time too! I have had long, stressful, and busy days lately with school and work starting up again and trying to fit in my half marathon training!
I have been adding a dollop of greek yogurt to savory dishes lately and love it! I think the highlight of my day is having a cup of coffee while reading blogs in the morning, or changing into sweats the end of the day and cuddling up with my puppies on the couch.
I agree the moment I can slip into bed is a great finish to my usually busy days! Although I try not to rush the days sometimes when I wake up all I can think about is getting back into bed :-p
Another note! I noticed you were having stonyfield yogurt! I live one town over from the stonyfield factory! When you visit you get to try all sorts of yogurts! It’s a lot of fun…one of my favorite yogurt brands!
My parents’ dog is the same way, it always makes me feel loved walking through the door. The highlight of my day is typically sitting down to a nice relaxing breakfast with something to read after a good workout.
This is just one of my favorite parts of the day – if I wake up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night & see on the clock that I still have several hours to sleep 😉
I always look forward to breakfast. I think I go to sleep every night just so excited to wake up and eat. 🙂
I LOVE to eat, so I think that the highlight of my day is breakfast and dinner! Lunch is usually if I can get it, so it’s never that exciting. 🙂 Another great part of my day is the same as you… sliding into bed with my hubs. 😉
Such a sweet post! Every night when I go to bed, I think about the iced coffee I’m going to pick up on my way to work the next day. What can I say, I love my coffee routine! I also love watching CBS Sunday Morning with my boyfriend every weekend. We live about an hour apart, so weekends are sacred 🙂
Did Sadie every decide the winner of Mommy/Daddy 2012?
daddy 2012 took the win. sad day.
I love after I workout in the morning and get to sit down and enjoy my cup of coffee + protein powder while watching Kelly and Michael.
Also, the moment I get Elmo up in the morning (He sleeps in his own room hahaha). He is so happy to see me it makes me realize I’m living for someone 🙂
Hahah oh Sadie.. How can you not love that little vizsla face?