Not one to pass on sweets, I enjoyed a Valentine’s Day cupcake and a serving of the most amazing banana pudding made by my boss’ girlfriend.
I typically think banana pudding is pretty nasty, but this pudding was unreal! Apparently my boss’ girlfriend followed this recipe to recreate the banana pudding from Magnolia Bakery in New York. I now have the recipe bookmarked to make myself. I just need an occasion to make it because I know having a big bowl of banana pudding in our apartment for just me and Ryan to enjoy would be trouble!
After satisfying my sweet tooth, I enjoyed a lunch packed with protein and veggies.
Lunch = Tuna salad served on top of a bed of cabbage with sliced red pepper
After all the sugar I consumed this morning, I was happy to get some more nutritious fare into my body.
His Celebrity Crush
To continue the love talk from this morning, I have another fun question for you guys to answer this afternoon…
Who is your current or past significant others’ celebrity crush? Do you think they look like you?
Ryan’s celebrity crush is Jessica Biel and I’m not delusional enough to think that we look alike at all. But, she does have a booty, so at least we have that in common. 😉
I would love some of that banana pudding right about now!
I seriously need to stop reading blogs, because everyone has such tasty stuff for Valentine’s!!!!
His crush is along the lines of Kirsten Dunst and Drew Barrymore – the quaint, ‘not perfect’ looking, quirky ladies. I’ll never understand it… !?!
thats such a good idea w the tuna salad ill have to try it with cabbage, yum!
I’ve totally never thought to ask, but I always had a soft spot for Gerard Butler, and Arc TOTALLY reminds me of him. They have the same build/eye shape/nose! I didn’t realize this until much, much later.
Banana pudding sounds deeeelish!
i LOVE nanner pudding!!! you got some great treat! and did you purposely make your red pepper look like a heart?! love it! dont have a sig other… BUT MY celeb crush= channing tatum ohh YES!
actually, no, i didn’t! cool. 🙂 and yes, channing tatum is delicious.
His celeb crushes are Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, and Miley Cyrus… really random and none of them look like me…. weird. haha. Men.
Jessica Biel seems unpleasant at times, aka nothing like you.
At least our men have good taste! Mark likes Elizabeth Hurly. And Scarlet Joe. Lol Can you really blame him?
You and Jessica are also both pretty sporty, so there’s another common trait! My boyfriend really likes blondes like Scarlett Johansson and Cameron Diaz. I suppose I have the blue eyes in common with Cameron and fuller lips with Scarlett, but there are very few similarities between me and them. I used to be a little put out by it before I realized that I tend to have celebrity crushes on pale British guys – the exact opposite of my boyfriend! So who am I to complain?
OMG. Is that a Publix cupcake? I miss those things. They are seriously the best.
it is!!! i LOVE their icing!
i was disgusted when my *EX* started naming his celebrity crushes and told me “yea, well i like them rail-thin”
ehhh. i guess he’s your “ex” for a reason!
Mine: James Marsden.
I honestly have no idea who his is! It used to be our local weather girl until she got a horrible hair cut – and now I think he’s over her. I’ll have to ask him!
His: Rashida Jones & Blake Lively (like total opposites too!)
Mine: Mark Wahlberg…always & forever. Be still my heart! LOL! 😀
His: Jennifer Aniston and Jessica SImpson.
Mine: Ryan Reynolds 100% 🙂
My ex liked Britney Spears, who looks nothing like me. My boyfriend now likes Megan Fox who looks a little more like me. We both have dark hair and light eyes, but I have curves and she is teeny tiny!
I have a random question: Did you instantly like veggie bacon or was it something you had to acquire a taste for? Does it really taste like bacon?
Happy Valentine’s Day 🙂
i think it tastes a LOT like bacon! the texture is where it’s different. ryan likes it a lot too and he’s a serious meat lover, if that helps!
I agree! I am a vegetarian, so maybe my word doesn’t count as much, but my fiance also loves it and meat is his staple dish. I’d definitely give it a try!
That banana pudding looks so good! So does that cupcake! Yummy!
My boyfriend likes the two stars of Gossip Girl, Blake Lively and Leighton Meester. I look nothing like Blake Lively and Leighton, her and I have the brown hair going on and fair skin. That’s about it. 🙂
Nate LOVES Keira knightly…so much so that he named our dog after her (only when I told him we wouldn’t name a human baby after her)!
Hilarious that you asked this question. My main squeeze lova lova looooooves Salma Hayek. (Note: I am 5’2, blonde, maybe a Bcup on a bloaty day and possess zero sassy, latino vibes like her) We’re practically twins!!
multiple boys I’ve dated have liked Jennifer Aniston. shame, ’cause I don’t look a thing like her!
p.s. did you know some recipes for banana pudding incorporate sour cream?! it sounds crazy, but I SWEAR it gives it that “oomph” (or YUUUUUM) that some banana puddings seriously lack.
My husband’s celeb crushes are Jessica Biel and Fergie. Now as for Jessica, we don’t look alike, but we share in common the athleticism and the booty. As for Fergie, I look nothing like her, and in the nicest way possible, let me just say…thank God.
omg this made me laugh out loud! you don’t even want to HEAR what ryan has to say about fergie. let’s just say he thinks she’s not exactly a “she.”
LOL…not exactly a “she”…that is PRICEless. I’ve expressed similar doubts, but my hubby absolutely insists that she’s attractive, 1/2-inch forehead and all. I say the only hot thing about her is her husband.
Not a big Fergie fan myself, either, but I have to admit she has amazing legs!
I LOVE that you said the only hot thing about her is her husband!!!
MMMMMMMMMM….I could look at him ALL DAY!!!!!
Me: Channing Tatum, Michael Vartan
my husband: ME (he insists I am a celebrity), Reese Witherspoon, or Keira Knightley.
My husband looks nothing like those men but he does have very chiseled features as they do. And I have blonde hair/blue eyes as Reese does.
Love cupcakes for V-dAY!!!
Happy Valentine’s Day! I love reading everyone’s celebrity crushes. Do you find that they have changed so much from even 5 years ago? I find now that I am married, my crush criteria has become more picky haha
i think mine have changed! i mean i used to like JTT… 😉
My fiance’s crush is Drew Barrymore! He loooooooves her.
My type is a guy’s guy as well, someone whos taller then me (I love that “safe” feeling I get when I hug my fiance… knowing he can protect me), someone who’s fun to be around, someone who’s goofy!
My type of guy is my fiance 🙂 that’s it thats all!
Happy Valentines Day 🙂 🙂 🙂
My boyfriend’s celebrity crush is Eva Mendez, she is Latin like me 🙂
My celebrity crush is Mario Lopez luv his abs!! DROOL!! lol
she might be my celebrity crush, too. she’s gorgeous!
My boyfriend also has a thing for Jessica Biel. Too funny because I don’t look a thing like her either. But then again, I was told that he has a thing for blondes..which is funny because i’m not a tiny bit close to having blonde hair. 🙂
sometimes i’m convinced guys don’t really know what they want! ryan used to say he preferred brunettes… but all of his girlfriends were blonde. hmmm.
My husband’s is Jennifer Anniston….no resemblance to me!
hands down JOHNNY DEPP! He is the only man who can pull off a pirate role and look damn good in dreads and eyeliner!
girl crush: gisele bundchen
she’s a goddess
Hee hee. Cute post. I have seriously been craving a cup cake all day but haven’t gotten my hands on one yet. But, the day’s not over! Perhaps I’ll indulge in one tonight.
I don’t think my husband has a celebrity crush…I’ll have to ask him…I agree Jessica Beil is cute and she DOES have a bootay.
Happy V-Day! I’m checking out the banana pudding recipe STAT.
I WISH Jessica Biel was my husband’s celebrity crush, because people always say I look like her! Unfortunately I think he’s more of an Eva Mendes type….exotic, foreign, big boobs, etc….I possess none of these….but luckily he doesn’t seem to mind 🙂
My boy loves Angelina Jolie…he says there are times I look like her but I don’t see it at all…I think that’s just wishful thinking on his part 😉
I WISH Jessica Biel was my husband’s celebrity crush, because people always say I look like her! Unfortunately I think he’s more of an Eva Mendes type….exotic, foreign, big boobs, etc….I possess none of these….but luckily he doesn’t seem to mind 🙂
If I had to pick my own celebrity crush — hands down Taylor Kitsch aka Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights. Hottest cowboy ever.
Eve n though my boyfriend never admits his crush, he just says no one, I think he likes anne hathaway cuz he loves the devil wears prada and begged to see her new movie with jake gyllenhaal.. We Both have brown curly hair and big teeth!
I love Jessica Biel! My celeb crush is Clive Owen.
Cute! My boyfriend’s celebrity crush would be Natalie Portman. She is miniature with long, dark hair. I’m tall with short blondish-red hair. Funny!! But then again, my celebrity crush is Gerard Butler and my boyfriend looks more like Adam Sandler (but I love Adam, too!).
My husband loves Christina Aguilera. I look nothing like her. Not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. 🙂
I love Robert Downey Jr. *heart flutters*
I saw a peanut butter filled cupcake in Magnolia Bakery. I was with a friend who also reads your blog and we both thought of how you would love it!
My boyfriend loves Olivia Wilde from House. I agree that she’s gorgeous! And I loooooove Leonardo DiCaprio. I have since I was seven!
Bahaha — I love your Valentine’s Day note in your calendar. Such a girly girl!!
My ex boyfriend had a crazy crush on Megan Fox, to the point where his computer background was a picture of her in her underwear. Note that he is an EX boyfriend….
Love this! My husband in high school had a huge crush on shakira and now Sofia Vergara (Gloria on Modern family!) He likes them “brown” and booty-ful…just like me! haha!
My fiance loves Natalie Portman…yeah, I am not even close, but at least he has good taste! 🙂
I definitely need to get to Magnolia and try that pudding!
My fiance is in love with Katy Perry…which always confuses me because we are total opposites. Men….
my fiance’s celeb crushes are jessica alba, megan fox, adriana lima, and kate beckinsale…oh and grace park.
My boyfriend’s celebrity crush is Rachel McAdams. But she’s mine too, so it’s cool.
A bunch of guys I know have a crush on Emmanuelle Chrique (Sloan from Entourage – who is pretty much my girl-crush), Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Kathryn Heigel and Evangeline Lilly (from LOST). Clearly these are boys I watch TV with. haha
Ohhh that cupcake’s callin’ my name!
My bf’s celebrity crush is Maria Menunos. I look nothing like her, but that’s ok! LOL!
Ben’s celeb crush is Jennifer Lopez. This makes me feel a teeny bit better about having a huge butt.
My ex’s crush is Mariah Carey and I know I look nothing like her and I certainly can NOT hold a note to save my life.
My celebrity crush = Johnny Depp