I’m not sure what it is about Hobby Lobby, but I could browse around that store for hours and hours. I always find the most random things in Hobby Lobby that inspire me to attempt a variety of craft projects!
Ryan, on the other hand, can’t stand Hobby Lobby and I always say that Hobby Lobby to him is like Home Depot to me. I don’t know what it is about Home Depot, but just the thought of going in that store makes my brain shut down because I know intense boredom is about to ensue. Perhaps once we own an a house and I feel invested in decorating or updating our home things will change, but for now, that store is misery for me.
Since I knew Ryan wouldn’t want to pop into Hobby Lobby this weekend during our usual Sunday errands, I headed into the craft store after work yesterday to pick up a few things for my sister’s bridal shower next weekend.
My mom and I are in planning mode right now and I left feeling excited to get to work on a few projects.
Once I arrived home, it was time for dinner!
Another Blue Apron meal was on the menu for last night and Ryan and I really enjoyed the sweet and sour stuffed cabbage.
The cabbage was stuffed with a mixture of bulgur and walnuts and we ate every last bite!
I’m not sure if I’ve ever had bulgur before (I feel like I have, but I really don’t remember!) but I really enjoyed the chewy texture of the grain. It reminded me a lot of chopped-up wheat berries if that makes any sense!
Time to head into work to teach! I am also hoping to take a Zumba class today at some point. One of the instructors at our gym used to teach Jazzercise and her Zumba classes remind me a lot of Jazzercise which makes me happy!
Question of the Morning
- Is there a store out there that you absolutely despise going in to shop?
- Does your boyfriend/husband/partner despise shopping with you in a certain store?
Yea my husband does NOT do craft stores either! However, he especially hates going to the GROCERY store with me! He says I wander too much n take too long “reading n looking at things”! Yet, he does love when i bring home new foods that he misses out on as he zooms in and out lol
I have a love/hate relationship with bed bath and beyond….I get overwhelmed with all the products and I want to look at everything! lol.
my husband hates shopping with me in general but I think he dislikes stores that don’t provide a “man chair” for him to sit on ;p
I also despise Home Depot (minus the candy section near the isles…that’s where I go). My husband normally likes to go and get a ton of gardening things a couple time a year and wants my opinion. He’s so sweet and wants me involved but I just dread those days!
Have you ever had tabbouleh? It is made with bulgar wheat, tomatoes, parsley, basil and cucumbers and it is delicious! That’s the only time I’ve ever had it, though!
I’m with you on Home Depot! Every time I’m in that store I feel like I’m going to fall asleep standing up.
Home depot, UGH. THE worst. Also, Frye’s – I’m not sure if it’s just a northwest thing but it’s basically a huge electronics store and just thinking about it makes me bored.
I feel like I am pretty chill when it comes to going into almost any store, but I definitely don’t enjoy going into stores like Lowes and Home Depot. Maybe it’s because I don’t have a house either ha! My husband hates the mall, and pretty much any clothing store. He is a good sport about going with me sometimes, but I can tell that he is miserable haha!
My husband is not a fan of Forever 21, he cannot stand to go in there. Even though I must admit, I get slightly overwhelmed when I go in as well.
I feel your pain going to Home Depot, or any stores of the like. I don’t know what half of the stuff is for, nor do I want to know! So my fiance’ stopped at Lowe’s once, and I looked at the most expensive kitchen cabinets, counter tops, and appliances. He has never taken me back! LOL My plan worked!
Walmart! I can’t stand going there….too many people, too many things, too many everything!!!
my boyfriend does not like grocery shopping with me. I like to browse and have fun.. he’s an in and out kind of shopper!
I have actually been reading a lot of cabbage roll recipes lately, I must search for a veggie one like you described.
I don’t really love going into stores with lots of car parts and tools, but that’s just how it goes sometimes 😉
Have you ever had Tabouli? I love it! It’s a zingy grain salad dressed with lemon, parsley and mint. Bulgar is the primary ingredient.
omg, I could spend hours in hobby lobby. I love that place!
My fiance likes to go to Lowe’s (like Home Depot) and walk up and down EVERY aisle “just in case we need something.” Even though we just bought our first house last spring, I still don’t like spending more than 10 minutes in there, I get bored too!