I’m not sure what it is about Hobby Lobby, but I could browse around that store for hours and hours. I always find the most random things in Hobby Lobby that inspire me to attempt a variety of craft projects!
Ryan, on the other hand, can’t stand Hobby Lobby and I always say that Hobby Lobby to him is like Home Depot to me. I don’t know what it is about Home Depot, but just the thought of going in that store makes my brain shut down because I know intense boredom is about to ensue. Perhaps once we own an a house and I feel invested in decorating or updating our home things will change, but for now, that store is misery for me.
Since I knew Ryan wouldn’t want to pop into Hobby Lobby this weekend during our usual Sunday errands, I headed into the craft store after work yesterday to pick up a few things for my sister’s bridal shower next weekend.
My mom and I are in planning mode right now and I left feeling excited to get to work on a few projects.
Once I arrived home, it was time for dinner!
Another Blue Apron meal was on the menu for last night and Ryan and I really enjoyed the sweet and sour stuffed cabbage.
The cabbage was stuffed with a mixture of bulgur and walnuts and we ate every last bite!
I’m not sure if I’ve ever had bulgur before (I feel like I have, but I really don’t remember!) but I really enjoyed the chewy texture of the grain. It reminded me a lot of chopped-up wheat berries if that makes any sense!
Time to head into work to teach! I am also hoping to take a Zumba class today at some point. One of the instructors at our gym used to teach Jazzercise and her Zumba classes remind me a lot of Jazzercise which makes me happy!
Question of the Morning
- Is there a store out there that you absolutely despise going in to shop?
- Does your boyfriend/husband/partner despise shopping with you in a certain store?
Oh god, I can’t believe you support Hobby Lobby! They’re anti-woman and anti-gay, which you’d know if you read any news.
Easy Alex: I hadn’t heard that either and I read the news religiously. Do you have an article that you can attach to support that? I am just asking because you have me curious now.
sure – here’s the latest : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/28/hobby-lobby-birth-control-lawsuit_n_4680163.html
but this goes back months and months. basically hobby lobby is “christian” and would like to impose its beliefs on all of its employees (who are not, obviously, all christian).
Thanks for the article. I am always interested in these types of things so I wlil be sure to read up on this.
I wasn’t aware of this and simply like shopping there because of all of the craft supplies they have available. I am neither anti-woman or anti-gay and don’t want to give that impression on the least. I will update the title of this post as I can see how “Hobby Lobby’s #1 Fan” might make some people think I know about and support whatever decisions the company is making when I really just meant for this post to talk about the enjoyment I get from shopping in a craft store.
I’m not sure they are anti-women or anti-gay… They are a publicly Christian company (so you couldn’t have gone on Sunday anyway! they are closed… Which saddens me because there’s one by my church and I always want to run by after services!) and have taken many faith-based stances on certain issues, but I don’t think they are anti-anything. At least not to my knowledge.
Anyway! I love Hobby Lobby, or as my friend and I call it, the HobLob. It always makes me want to work on 90 million craft projects!
Julie, I’m sure most everyone knows that you are neither of these things. I hope you don’t let one person’s perceptions and interpretations get you down. I love Hobby Lobby as a place to shop while I strongly disagree with a few of their principles and what they try to impose. The two do not have to go hand in hand. Have a great day, Julie! 🙂
I’m pretty liberal and while I don’t like that some companies push their religious or political beliefs on their employees and customers, if I liked shopping at their store, I would still do so.
Really, most for profit companies aren’t nice – they’re out to make a profit, not to make the world better. They sell something I want, I buy it. The rich get richer and I get pretty new shoes.
Shop where you want and blog about it, you can’t make everyone happy.
Yikes. Put your claws down Alex!
Julie: I am 100% with you on Home Depot and I own a home. I hate going in there and I wind up just following my husband around. But, he also hates antique shopping with me so I guess that makes us even!
That dinner looks AMAZING! Seriously! And I HATE Home Depot. It’s like my whole body seizes up when I have to go in there because I know it’s going to be horribly boring. My favorite stores to wander around are Target (obviously) and World Market.
Forever 21! I can’t stand it, its just like overload for me. They are so big, so many clothes, so many people, I get anxiety just looking into the store from the outside!
Hahhha! That seriously made me LOL this morning.
Forever 21 overwhelms me, too!
Wow Alex – harsh commenting for the early morning. I would venture to say that if someone refused to shop at every establishment that was anti-this or anti-that, they wouldn’t shop anywhere.
You’re right it was totally too harsh. The tone was all wrong – I’m sorry about that.
However, I actually don’t support places that are so diametrically opposed to my beliefs. I still do plenty of shopping!
I want to find a Hobby Lobby ASAP! Hmmm I can’t think of one I despise. And I definitely got lucky, the boyfriend loves going into any store with me 🙂
I love, love, love Hobby Lobby! I was there last weekend and I always go by myself because my husband and our two boys hate it!
I am always on the hunt for some new meatless recipes and that one looks delicious! 🙂
I’ve been loving their vegetarian meals! So many creative recipes!
I HATE home depot. I think I have only been there a handful of times in the last several years. My husband is not a hobby store fan either though I really go into them much either because my crafting abilities are limited 🙂
My bf doesn’t mind any particular stores, but he does start to get annoyed after I’ve been in a store for an hour and am still not done browsing all the aisles, haha! That happens a lot in Target…
My husband is a general contractor…I hate…vehemently hate Lowe’s and Home Depot. It’s like his own personal Graceland and we have to spend all the time in the world in there, but as soon as I want to go to J. Crew he SHUTS DOWN and acts like it’s the worst possible place to be. So shopping with him is rarely enjoyable. I understand how you feel, trust me.
I too find forever 21 quite overwhelming, the same with Home Depot, I never know where to start!
I love Hobby Lobby too, and I’m thankful that we have one just ten minutes away from our house! My husband isn’t a big fan of going to Wal Mart because it seems to always be busy! I’m not sure if I have a store that I just hate going into though, I guess I’m a natural born shopper? 🙂 Oh and that dinner looks delicious! I need to check out that recipe!
So believe it or not, I’ve never been to a Hobby Lobby. I’m not even sure we have any around here. Maybe in PA. My husband hates going shopping in general, so I typically just do the shopping on my own. It’s much more enjoyable that way because otherwise, he’d be miserable if he’s with me.
I actually love Home Depot about 80% of the time! Of course, that may have something to do with the fact that I’m NOT dating anyone right now and Home Depot in my town has employs some pretty handsome men… 😉
My husband does not like to shop with me…period. He doesn’t mind going to Target and the grocery store by himself, but he complains the entire time we go together. Men!
Good thing you didn’t go on Sunday because I’m 99.9% sure that Hobby Lobby is closed on Sunday. At least the stores in Louisiana are closed then.
I’ve been owning my home for almost two years and I still despise Home Depot, Lowes and any other type of hardware store. My boyfriend on the other hand loves Hobby Lobby. I know, weird…but, he is a lover of DIYing.
You can check out one of his latest projects that I posted on the blog last night. I finished up the project with some mason jars and florals from Hobby Lobby.
I’m totally with you on Home Depot and Hobby Lobby. I love Hobby Lobby (and actually when we bought our house, David liked it too!).
Since we’ve owned a home, I appreciate Home Depot a lot more and don’t mind it at all. But I totally understand where you’re coming from because before we owned a home, I, too, could not stand it. My husband really doesn’t love shopping with me at any clothing or home decor stores! Ha! Every once in awhile, I’ll convince him to tag along, but I try to make those times rare so that it’s not too torturous for him.
I feel the same way about Home Depot! We bought a house recently and have been there wayyyyy too much in the last few months. I start off excited but after about 15 minutes in the store, I shut down. It’s too overwhelming!
I feel that way about Sam Moon. It’s a huge wholesale jewelry store in the DFW area, and it is always complete madness. I have major anxiety attacks in that place! I don’t think I’ve even walked in in years.
HATE BEST BUY. My boyfriend invested in a hella expensive / nice TV 2 years ago or something and I swear we were in Best Buy every day looking at TVs. He would go so far as to call and ask if I could stop at Best Buy by myself and double check which TV I liked better. Even if I go in now he is drawnnnn to the home theater center. I refuse to replace my TV because I figure I’ll reap the benefits of his whenever we move in together. Until then I will stick to my NON HD tube with a build in VHS player. High class in my house.
My BF loves shopping… In the game of life I missed out on that female gene that loves to shop. He typically is like hey we could go shopping… and I come back with or we could just stare at a wall… hahah DONT LOVE IT.
Gilt has a Blue Apron deal today and tomorrow, but you have to use their app to get it. Three meals for two for $30 (normally $60). The voucher is good until July 2014.
I hate having to download apps to get things, but reading your reviews of Blue Apron made me want to try it :).
I had another reader tell me about this, too! I can’t find it though! Do you have to download the Gilt app or the blue apron app?
It’s on the Gilt app. I found it in the City section. I have it set to my city, but I checked National and I see it there too.
Oddly enough, and completely against popular opinion, I’m completely on Team Ryan with this one. I can spend hours in Home Depot running around looking at all the new flooring/tiles/lights/tools/etc. something about the smell of wood in there gets me every time. Plus I love to reno things. I’d much rather build something amazing with a saw and hammer than glue 2 Popsicle sticks together. To each their own though. The one store I can not stand though are basically all furniture stores. Everyone always follows me around like vultures until I’m basically chased right out of the store. Woohoo online shopping!
I used to HATE home depot and lowes but once we got a house, it all changed. Now I don’t mind going if I have a specific need, but it’s not one of those places I go just to browse (that would be Target). The bf HATES most of the ‘girly’ stores ( charming charlie, claire’s, hobby lobby) so I ditch him whenever I go! I personally can’t stand luggage stores (samsonite) and -no judgement- dpeartment stores like macy’s or sears.
Malls tend to overwhelm me; and target on weekends; too many people! Fortunately, I have off hours and usually shop on weekdays with little stress 🙂 My boyfriend and I are pretty much on the same page about shopping; we both do most all of our shopping at target and are in and out pretty quickly. Every now and then I will run with him to an auto parts store but it doesn’t bother me because he doesn’t linger. If he did, it might be another story 🙂
Your dinner sounds amazing!! So creative!
I love craft shopping as well and you have inspired me to go this afternoon!
My husband and I love to go shopping together and I don’t think their is one store that we can’t stand going on in, except for Wal-Mart that is!
Bulgar wheat is cracked wheatberries! 🙂 Sounds like a yummy dinner! I love home depot sort of shops…especially the kitchen section!! And health stores were I inevitably spend a fortune!
Lol! Definitely didn’t know that!
That stuffed cabbage looks so good, omg! I feel the same way about Home Depot. It’s not quite as torturous now that I own a house, but home improvement stores, still not fun.
I hate going into WalMart!!! Oh my geeze, it takes FOREVER every time!! And believe it or not, my husband loves going into hobby lobby with me so he can look at the woodworking stuff 🙂
wal mart gives me anxiety.
I love Hobby Lobby too, and I didn’t take your post title to mean anything political. Craft store inspiration for the win! Can’t wait to see what you create.
Yikes! Sorry for the abuse you took early on in the comments!
You perfectly summed up both my feelings about Hobby Lobby and Home Depot! Ha! I’ve never thought of it that way before, but you totally nailed it! Looking forward to seeing what you cook up with all those craft supplies.
OMG I DREAD going to Home Depot or Lowes with my husband! He’s like a kid in a candy store there and I just sulk around while we go down each and every aisle. I think he feels the same way when we’re at Bed Bath and Beyond and I’m drooling over Le Cruset kitchenware.
i’ve never tried stuffed cabbage, but that meal looks absolutely delicious!
Oh man, Home Depot bores me to tears too!! But so does hobby lobby….I am so not crafty so I just walk in feeling SO overwhelmed. hah!
For some reason when I walk into a Walgreens, I get caught!! My boyfriend always warns me he doesn’t want to be long when we pull up! heeheehee..they just have EVERYTHING in there! 🙂
While I now like both Hobby Lobby and Home Depot / Lowes, I never used to like the latter because I always bored me to death looking at light fixtures and plumbing supplies. Now that I own my own home, I actually do enjoy looking through flooring and countertop samples, as I am looking to do some renovations. My fiance and I never really go shopping together though … if I want to pop into a clothing store to browse around, we’ll split up and he’ll run into Best Buy or something of the sort until I’m done. It works for us.
I have the same sentiments about Home Depot / Lowes. My boyfriend could spend hours in there getting ideas, and I just get overwhelmed and bored out of my mind.
Target is my boyfriends least favorite store I think. Mostly because he shops by a list and never ventures from the list, and when i enter a Target store, I am like a ping pong ball that can’t be stopped. I have to go to all of the different areas to see whats new: home storage, kitchen, bedding, the clothes, the makeup, and I always think of something i “NEED” that wasn’t on the list. My boyfriend hates it, but he’s very sweet about it. 🙂
Believe it or not my boyfriend hates going to Trader Joes or any outlet mall. He says I get distracted easy?? Haha
I absolutely can’t stand bargain stores, like TJ Maxx and HomeGoods. I have never found anything good in there, but people I know get the best stuff there!
Regarding Home Depot, I LOVE going in there, knowing where everything is, and not needing any help. I like to feel confident in there, as a woman, that I know enough to not seem helpless in a “man’s” store.
Haha-my husband feels the same way about Hobby Lobby as Ryan does. He actually reverts back to being a child if we’re in there too long and gets pretty pouty. I, only the other hand, can’t stand techy stores. Best Buy is ok…because i can go browse music and movies…but i hate anything like Radioshack or HH Gregg. i get whatever is the oppostie of “geeked out” when it comes to electronics….which i feel is weird these days, right?
Also–you will feel differently about Home Depot, Lowes, etc when you own a house. i promise. picking out things like faucets, paint, flooring, etc gets super fun when you know that you’re turning the space into your home.
I’m so jealous of your blue apron dinners…they look delicious. Do you know if they can accommodate food allergies like being gluten free?
I LOATHE going to Walmart and the boyfriend always tries to drag me there very sneakily. And I don’t even have an opportunity to get even with him because he’s the rare guy who just loves shopping. Not that it’s about getting even or anything… 😉
HAHA! My husband loves home depot and can spend hours browsing through there (for what i don’t know). He insists I join him so we can ‘spend time together’ but I refuse. The good part about it now? I found out I am allergic to polyurethane and can’t really be near it. He thinks I paid the dermatologist to say that. Maybe I did, Maybe i didn’t 😉
Keith and I have never been big co-shoppers. We’ve definitely done it before but it is a rarity. So I don’t think either of us minds going with the other person because we don’t do it very often.
I hate shopping in Hollister. The music is loud, it’s dark, and it smells like really strong perfume. It’s pretty much a sensory overload and it gives me a headache every time.
I totally agree – Home Depot makes me cringe. Hobby Lobby, however, is like a big ol’ playground. That stuffed cabbage looks excellent! I keep hearing great things about Blue Apron meals. May need to try them one day!
We own our house, but I still hate going to Home Depot…I just can’t stand it! 🙂
I can’t shop at Walmart! My husband and I hate going there so if we ever have to get something from there we both try to get the other person to go by themselves!
I can spend hours in Target, however!
I can practically hear my boyfriends eyes roll to the back of his head when I make him go to any of my stores that I can get lost in for hours like Pier 1 Imports or Michaels Crafts.