Here it is!
My home office!
My office definitely doesn’t have a “designer’s touch” because, let’s face it, I’m no interior designer by any stretch of the imagination, but I am really happy with my new work space.
It’s simple, bright, efficient and it makes me smile.
It’s the only room in the house that I felt like I could make as girly and “cluttered” as I wanted to because it’s a space that’s basically all mine since I am the only one who uses it day in and day out for hours on end.
Some of my favorite things include…
The antique bucket pictured above that came from my grandma’s house, sitting on a yellow dining tray that was a wedding gift from one of my best friends and bridesmaids, Leah. (You may see a recap of her wedding here.)
And this birdcage that served as a card collector on our wedding day!
I also love this neat race medal display that I got as a Christmas gift last year.
Oh and my desktop background is pretty darn cute, too.
The yellow cart to the right of my desk was one of my first DIY home décor projects when I graduated from college. I bought the wooden cart from a garage sale and spray painted it yellow.
All of the office furniture is from IKEA, except for my chair, the yellow cart and mini yellow table by the window.
I am using a quilt made of old sorority t-shirts as a chair cushion. The quilt is very similar to the one we gave my friend Leah at her bachelorette party.
Another fun DIY project in my home office is the framed fabric by the bookcase, which I plan to used as a dry erase board with a list of my daily to-dos.
One guess where I got that idea. Yup, Pinterest. That site is a goldmine, I’m telling you.
The fabric in the frame is actually leftover damask fabric from our wedding escort boards.
Again, it’s definitely not the home office of a design professional by any means, but I know I love seeing the homes of other bloggers and figured you guys might enjoy a sneak peak into my workspace.
The next big project is finishing off our living room!
Question of the Afternoon
- What is your desktop background?
my desktop background is my cute baby kittens face under a pair of jeans tossed on the bed! he was so tiny then! Only 2 months ago!!!
aww! i bet i would love that pic!
The office looks great! I love the touches of yellow…I could def work in there all day!
I love your office! It’s really cute.
Right now I only have a work computer and the background is a generic one. I probably should change this actually. Thanks for the inspiration! 🙂
Super adorable!!!
And I LOVE the idea of making a quilt with sorority shirts! I’m graduating in December and I needed a good way to make use of my sorority shirts (because I don’t want to throw them away!)
if you need a good quilt maker, definitely email me or send me a message on twitter and i can give you the email address of the woman who made mine! 🙂 she lives in orlando which would hopefully be perfect for you!
LOVE the yellow accents. You did an amazing job with all the personal touches. Have you ever thought of painting your chair yellow or some other accent color? I have a home office too, want to come decorate for me!? 😉 Have a great day.
a yellow desk chair was actually the one thing i REALLY wanted but couldn’t find (errr… i couldn’t find one in my budget).
Your office is adorable!! I love the color of the “wood” Ikea products, and the yellow goes perfectly. I like the idea of painting your chair yellow…it seems to be the only thing that is just slightly off. It also doesn’t look that comfortable for something you’ll be spending all day in! You should try office supply stores for their sales to see if you can snatch something up within your price range.
There are really nice faux-leather chairs at ikea… we got one for our office and it must’ve been no more then $80 but is so comfortable!
Omg I am loving the office- so welcoming and I really like the personal touches! One question though- is that chair comfortable to sit on all day?
My desktop pic is of my mom, bro, sis and me which was taken over the summer in Prague during my cousin’s wedding!
shockingly it is! it was a temporary fix at first and then i actually grew to really like it!
Your office space looks so light & inviting! I especially love the hints of yellow & the Ikea furniture 🙂
It’s beautiful! I can’t wait to have room for a home office!
I love the custom keep calm poster! The background on my laptop is the sunrise over Lake George, which I think is about 45 min from your new home 🙂
It’s a great office Julie—I work at home too, I need to do some serious revamping! 🙂
My desktop is Maui at night—I love the sparkly lights of the hotels along the water. It’s my motivation to save up money to go there, haha!
I think it looks REALLY cute- you did such a nice job! I work from home, too and would love this kind of office. 🙂
a photo of me and my boyfriend =)
I saw this on Joss & Main today & thought of you. It says you are the peanut to my butter, the best to my friend, the milk to my cookies! Great for the new home 🙂
I really love the pop of yellow in your office. I love yellow tooo and the color makes me happy. It’s like a pop of sunshine in every corner of your office. It’s going to be happy space instead of stressful one.
Great job on making the room personal…which I think is way better than a cookie cutter looking office that looks like it came out from a catalog.
Your office looks wonderful! I love how bright and cheerful it is! My desktop background is a pic of my sisters and one of our family’s dogs!
Love the “whiteboard” idea! We are currently rearranging our house to accommodate a nursery, and when we setup our new office I will have to make one of these for both sides of our desks. Much better looking then a traditional white board!
My desktop background is a picture I took while in Mexico a few years ago. If I can’t be on the beach with a margarita in hand, I can at least pretend to be! The beautiful green/blue water and rocks make me so happy!
Pretty! So cheery and yellow. The quilt is such a cute idea – I’m a senior and I have sooo many sorority shirts, I’m sure I’ll still wear them every now and then once I graduate but thats a great way to put the rest to use..
This looks like such a great space to work in! Lucky you 🙂
Ditto! I would love to have an office…or a spare room for that matter 🙂 I have a kitchen table that serves many functions right now – and it’s not good to always be near the kitchen! That’s what you get for living small I guess.
I like the simplicity of your room though – and how TIDY it is.
It looks gorgeous! I think its very stylish. This makes me so excited to move apartments soon and get decorating. A home office area is something me and my boyfriend (both lawyers) are really looking forward to.
At home its of a big hill in the woods I climbed and at the office its just blue. I know some people who managed to put up better backgrounds, but its not easy. I need some cute animals stat!
looks professional to me 🙂 super cute!
Love the new office. I like your style. My current desktop background is a picture of my kids with their best friends in front of our church.
I love it! Amazing job Julie! LOVE those yellow vases next to the birdcage. And I NEED to get myself one of those race medal displays!
LOVE! Again, would you please help me decorate my house? 🙂
So so cute! And so you! 🙂
I am about to decorate my own home office in the next month or so and I love seeing other people’s ideas! May have to steal that dry erase board idea!! Loving this one from Pinterest, too. It appeals to the type A in me!
I think your office is adorable! As long as you can work in there that is all that matters!
My background at work is just a generic one, but at home I change it up: sometimes it is pictures of me and Jason, sometimes my nieces and nephew, and sometimes my sister’s bulldog 🙂
Love the new workspace! It’s bright and cute and very spacious! The framed fabric DIY dry erase board is awesome and I def plan on snagging it 🙂 My backdrop in our office is six 6″ cork board pieces. I love it because I can hang all kinda neat things up there!
Wow! I absolutely LOVE it! Yellow definitely brightens the spirit and is the color of intelligence, so I know all your work will be magically written!
Just one thing… did you ever think about pulling the desk away from the wall and flipping it around so you can see your whole room while you work? I use to have my desk facing the wall and I found it rather depressing after awhile, plus… the rest of your room is too darn cute not to look up at while taking a breather!!
I love how colorful your office is! So yellow and cheery 🙂
My desktop background is the Tone it Up monthly workout plan. Lord knows I don’t follow it haha but I just like having something fitness-y as my background.
At work, it’s a shot of a New York newstand; at home it’s a Tampa Bay Cubs flag flapping in the wind. I took both of them, so I happen to love them!
Wow! I love all the yellow accents!!! I change ours all the time but the latest is a family pic taken on the beach in Destin, sans pup, unfortunately. 🙁
I love that collection from Ikea, Hemmnes right? Or something like that haha! I might get the same for when my daughter gets old enough to share a room with her sister…hopefully the next few months. I DESPERATELY need a space lol!
Super cute 🙂
you got it! the gray color from the hemnes collection. 🙂
I’m eyeing the white (if they have it). I bought the white book shelves about a year and a half ago and need a desk 🙂 It can’t come soon enough :D.
So pretty and bright! I always find that a brighter space is much more conducive to doing work! Enjoy it! 🙂
LOVE it!! My desktop background is always a picture of my nieces, I just can’t get enough of them!!
My desktop background is a picture of my cat when she was a baby kitten. Its so fun and cute to look at everyday, especially since she’s 6 1/2 years old now. 🙂
Love the framed fabric marker board idea! it looks so nice.
I LOVE IT!! loving all the yellow!
Aw, Julie it’s really pretty!!! I would gladly work in that office :D. I love your desktop image of Sadie!! So cute! My desktop background is currently a picture of a tropical beach somewhere….I’m about to change it to a “fall scene” of some sort.
The desktop pic of Sadie is so cute! Mine is a pic of my husband and I in Mexico earlier this year. It used to be my dog 🙂
The yellow is such a fun accent color in the office, looks great!
The yellow is so beautiful – I love a bright and cheery space, especially since you spend most of your day in that room. Love that rug too, the colors look great together!
Our office is painted bright purple and I love it! Our computer desk is a desk my husband built from scratch (he’s a carpenter by trade 🙂 ) and I love it so much. I still need to decorate it a bit more, but it also serves as my yoga/workout room!
My personal desktop at home is a picture of Red Velvet Cookies with white chocolate chips.
The ol work PC has the night skyline of Indianapolis taken a few streets from our apartment on the canal
I love it. Yellow is my favorite color. I need to decorate more with it!!! Have a great day.
P.S. I love your desktop background too!! 🙂
absolutely loving your “keep calm” poster!! and that tray underneath the bucket with your magazines is too cute. home decorations are my favorite, yours look great!
I love your office! The yellow really makes it look fun to be in which is perfect since you are there so much!
I will be posting pics next of our home office on my blog next… Our’s is definitely a lot more darker. It’s more my husbands office, so its more of his taste (with my approval of course). We got our bookshelves from Ikea too!! They actually look the same style as yours but darker. Great minds think alike 😉
I have a silly question. Is one of the pictures upside down? I didn’t know if they were supposed to be like that or not. I just noticed one has blue at the top and one has blue at the bottom. They look like the same picture to me so maybe you did that for a reason. If you wanted them to be like that, they look fine. I was just wondering. I’m just a “little” crazy. LOL.
yep! they’re the same picture and i wanted them to simply be opposite!
I thought so. They look great the way you put them. Now I know why my husband does the decorating. I wouldn’t have thought to do that!!!
Ohh I love your home office! You added some really special touches and it looks so cute! I especially love the cheery yellow color! My desktop background is one of the most gorgeous pictures of London that a close friend took for me!
Great job!I forgot how much work yet how much fun decorating is! I just moved and worked all weekend to decorate my bedroom!
My desktop background is my sweet beagle-baby.
I received a similar medal display that reads “Always earned. Never given.” for Christmas a few years back. After I had completed too many races to hold the medals on it, my dad built an awesome medal rack that accommodates a TON of medals.. such a sweet and thoughtful gift!
Oh my gosh! I LOVE it so much! What a beautiful, fresh, breezy, girly, light worspace – I really do love everything about it! 🙂 I may have to get you to come and set up MY home office when I get one, lol! 😉 Those pictures on the wall are gorgeous – and I particularly love your keep calm and love pbf poster…awesome! 😀
My desktop background is the Lululemon manifesto – I find it so inpsiring and uplifiting to read every time I sit down at my computer 🙂
Did I say I love your home office yet?!?! 😉 xyx