Back in March I gave up sweets for Lent. I defined sweets as basically anything I would consider dessert. For example, ice cream = sweets, granola bars = not sweets.
Well, guess what? We’re on the home stretch, my friends! Only three more full days remain until I can dive, face first, into a bowl of ice cream!
I already requested fro yo for dinner on my birthday on Wednesday and I can’t wait!
As I expressed on the blog before, eliminating desserts and most baked goods/frozen treats from my diet affected me differently than I anticipated. Often times I didn’t find myself craving a brownie… I wanted something salty and greasy!
Well, those strange cravings raged on again today.
After work, I swung by the grocery store to pick up some goodies when I saw it.
A bag of Dorito’s.
Though I’m budget-conscious, I definitely fall victim to impulse buys every now and then, but typically those impulses smack me in the face when I walk by the bakery. Must. Have. Oreo parfait.
Today all I wanted was a bag of fantastically cheesy chips… and that’s just what I got!
Did I wait until I got home to open the bag?
Puh-lease. You’re lucky I waited until I got back to my car! I have a habit of opening food in the grocery store and snacking while I’m shopping. It drives Ryan crazy.
Since the bag was a “Hunger Grab” and I didn’t want to take in nearly 500 calories of chips right before dinner, when I arrived home, Sadie got to be my chip assistant and polished off some of the Dorito’s as well.
She was a happy camper.
(Details about the outfit above can now be seen on the Fashion page. No bathroom picture today!)
Since I’m convinced that eating 5 million chips still wouldn’t make me feel full, the half of a bag of Dorito’s did nothing to affect my appetite, and I was ready for dinner at the usual time after a nice evening walk with Ryan and Sadie.
On the menu for tonight: A smoothie!
I know, I know. Another smoothie?
I made my smoothie after posting this confession on Twitter.
I am honestly shocked at just how often I want smoothies. I love variety in my meals and usually get bored really easily, but for some reason I am all about the smoothies lately.
I wonder if it has any correlation to me missing ice cream and fro yo? My chocolate smoothies are the closest thing to frozen sweetness, after all.
In tonight’s mix:
- 1 1/2 c. almond milk
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
- 1 tbsp. peanut butter
- 1 tbsp. ground flax seed
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 1/2 tbsp. cocoa powder
- 1 large handful fresh spinach
- 2 pinches xanthan gum
Git in mah belly!!!
Now I’m off to fold some laundry and hopefully hop into bed a little early. When we wake up it will be Friday! Woo!
Hey Julie, Lent actually ends on Saturday so you can start eating your sweet treats then 🙂 I remember last year I was so disappointed when I realized I waited an extra 24 hours before I could start eating chocolate again! Haha
although maybe that means it ends saturday, and we wait until sunday to break the fast? so confusing…
yeah i’ve read different articles that explain it in different ways. i always say that easter is the end to play it safe. 🙂 i can’t wait!
I gave up sweets this year too – I’m not kidding, I’m shocked I’ve made it so far! I have a raging sweet tooth. I usually go with Easter too, but tomorrow is my birthday AND a bridal shower!! I’m considering letting myself off early for good behavior? On the other hand, I am SO close!
I’m on a smoothie kick too! Maybe it’s a Florida thing because it’s so dang hot all the time!?!?! 😉 I may have a smoothie for dinner. I just got back from a run and I’m a hot, sweaty mess!
I’m so excited for you to be able to have your fro yo again!!
I wouldn’t have lasted this long, you’re a hero!
That smoothie looks amazing I seriously need to try it asap… do you know if guar gum acts the same as xanthan gum?
i’ve never used it personally, but i’ve heard it acts as a thickener, so i would assume it acts in a similar way.
Here’s some info about the difference.
Guar gum is better for cold things like ice cream while xanthan gum works best in baking. But acid can mess with guar gum so if you were to make say, a citrus smoothie xanthan gum would work better.
They are used a lot in gluten-free cooking. Although some of us who are gluten-intolerant are also xanthan/guar gum-intolerant. Which just makes trying to be normal another pain.
Hope this helps 🙂
I had a Doritos snack attack this evening as well. I picked up the bag when I ordered my sub at Subway for dinner. Yummy! Also, happy early birthday. It truly is a small world because my birthday is on Tuesday, no lie. Enjoy celebrating!
I haven’t had Doritos FOREVER. Definitely craving them now though!
I have been loving on smoothies a lot lately too! I think its the vita mix I recently got that makes me want them, so much better now!
I like doritos but I LOVE my cheetos the best! In fact I might have some now , you got me craving cheese yums!
OH I know JUST how you feel about this last little stretch before Lent is over!!! I gave up dairy, and I have also been dreaming about savoring a massive bowl of ice cream. I can’t wait!
I love doritos — if you’re going to get cheesy salty chips, get those!
And I’m with you on craving smoothies — especially since it is getting warmer, I want COLD foods!
How interesting that you’re craving greasy and salty now that you’ve given up sweets! I always crave salt… and maybe it’s because I don’t have much of a sweet-tooth? (besides chocolate, of course, I love me some dark chocolate!)
Also! I am a fan of smoothies year-round (just like how I’m a fan of hot chocolate year-round)… Not odd at all, right?
Man, I’m glad I’m not the only one who has INTENSE cravings. When going through the grocery store, I crave like 80 things at once!
I, too, have been craving smoothies more often than usual and I didn’t even give up sweets for Lent! 😛
Reason number 50468 that I need a Vizla: sharing my splurges.
Love me some Sadie.
Nacho cheese doritos are the best chip ever!!!
that’s funny that you’ve turned to craving salty things. I think that even if gave up sweets I would still be programmed to love sweet forever 😛
i think we share the same addiction to smoothies=) looks great!
now i want to make a smoothie!!!
Haha, even though I wasn’t raised Catholic, I started doing Lent when I was in Catholic high school, so for me the last day has always been sundown on Maundy Thursday- aka TODAY!! Just ate some tiramisu. Clearly I take the easy way out…
I totally agree with you on this one, I would have subbed smoothies for fro-yo and ice cream. I definitely want a Vita-mix now 🙂
Ahh doritos.. I have not had those cheesy little goodnesses in a very long time.. you may just have sparked a craving in me! 🙂
I’ve been all about smoothies lately as well. I had one for breakfast and then again for dinner. I tried the doughboy smoothie from Kath and it was amazing.
Doritos are also one of my main weaknesses. They are in every vending machine at work so if I get hungry and happen to have 80 cents.. forget it.
I gave up meat for Lent so I am ready for the 40 days to be up! I’m starting to sweat soy!
Doritos-drool…. they are absolutely my favorite chip! Ever tried them on a sandwich? Oh baby, you can’t go wrong with adding that amazing flavor and crunch to any kind of sandwich 🙂
your dorito-face is adorable hahaha! my favorite used to be Cooler Ranch mini-bags that my mom would put in our school lunches.
p.s. yay for bday week soon! mine is the 26th 🙂
I’m not a big Doritos fan, but get a Tostidos in my home and I’ll munch them all up!! I always enjoyed a nice smoothie for dinner on warm nights, the problem is now that I live in Montana now there aren’t any warm nights.
You made me kind of wish I had eaten a smoohie for dinner!
I bet you the no sweets thing really is what is amping up you smoothie craving. They look so good though that I wouldnt’ blame you for craving them after Easter, too!
It’s nice to see a health blogger eats foods like that here and there like most normal people do 🙂 makes me feel like it’s “OK” when I do the same once in a while.
Enjoy your long weekend! 🙂
Wooooo face diving into froyo! Can I join?! I’ll bring sprinkles and gummy bears!
I am totally a car-snacker too. Although I don’t have a husband to drive nuts doing it, I’m sure it bothers the cars next to me when I stuff my face oh-so-attractively 😉
Enjoy your night!
i’m addicted to smoothies too! I have AT LEAST 2 every day. Sometimes up to 5. The only bad part is it makes me superfull so on those days i pretty much eat fruit protein powder and veggies. 😛
I must admit that I think you are the reason I now eat my smoothies in a bowl! More like the reason I started eating smoothies everyday! It totally helps my ice cream/ fro yo addiction!!
Doritos are a weakness for me every now and then too….yum! 🙂
Oh gosh you have to suffice your cravings sometimes, right?! Doritos are amazing thing to do the job too 🙂 Hot cheetos are my guilty obsession hah! Thank goodness I can stop myself though once my mouth gets on fire. I make sure NOT to have water around so that way I’m forced to stop haha!
Haha I do the same with snacking before paying. Sometimes you just gotta go with the craving- I haven’t had Doritos in forever but just looking at them reminds me how delicious they are. And for what it’s worth, that looks like a pretty well-rounded dinner to me!
I’ve never had Doritos, but then again I hate cheese so no surprise there, but I totally fall victim to Pita Chips and wheat thins and petzel things and I could go on with the snack foods. Most especially the ones you can dip.
That picture of you in the car is EXACTLY how I look when I eat doritos. I have this habit of licking the doritos seasoning off and then eating it once I’m done.
I can’t get over how cute Sadie is! Love the dress too
LOL I love that Dorito picture, that made my evening! I am a beast when I give into my cravings – let me at it! 🙂
I’m the same way since I gave up soda for lent. I find myself craving more salty things over sweet. We’ll see what happens when Diet Coke gets re-introduced! 😛
Isn’t it so strange!?
What my family has always done on Easter Sunday is go to church and confession, walk the stations of the cross (we’re Catholic) and get blessed by the priest. It takes up a good three hours with everyone in attendance. Then we go home and break the fast with prayer. That’s when I would gorge out on what ever I had given up for Lent. That would typically be about 12:00 PM. My family has done this for years, so I would say start at that time. Happy Easter!
I love smoothies!!!! Eat what you love, girl 🙂
I’d like to thank you huge for you and your fabulous blog! I found it a couple months ago and have been a daily reader since! I love your pics especially your silly smoothie faces 🙂 Keep up the amazing work girl!!! Happy Easter!
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I’m so glad you found me! 🙂
Oh you’ve been so courageous! Sometimes sweets can become addictive and it’s hard to cut, but after a while, you stop the craving. But be careful when you’ll have it back, I often have a bellyache when I eat too much sweets!
You have me addicted to smoothies…every morning post run..I gotta have one!!! The only problem is im in Toronto and its still kind of cold so i sit in my kitchen all wrapped up in sweaters with a hat to boot!! Needless to say my boyfriend thinks im nuts…
Nice job and making it through lent! Ok I have to try one of your smoothie recipes. I never make them but you inspired me to start!
I have had to give up all sugar…think fruits, sweeteners like stevia, and any wheat or grain products (oh and dairy just to make it that much more difficult). I have many food intolerances (wheat, fructose and dairy) and was ADDICTED to sugar.Even though it made my stomach hurt and my body retain water and swell, I still ate it! I feel better now, but I TOO find myself craving salt and fat.So I’ve been eating eggs, avocados, coconut oil and nuts, and I feel better. Question? Have you noticed any changes since cutting back on sweets (other than the grease/salt cravings?)
I can’t remember the last time I had Doritos! They are so good! 🙂 Love those smoothies. I think they look fabulous!
OMG, Julie, if that picture of you eating the Dorito is how you actually eat them, you’re the first person I’ve ever seen eat them the same way I do! I always go cheesiest side down, then sort of lick off the cheese dust before I actually bite the chip. Weird? Maybe. Delicious? Yes. And if you don’t actually eat them that way, then I’m even weirder! 🙂
Ever since reading this post last night, i cannot stop thinking about Doritos!! Funny story: Hopped into bed last night with hubbie, and he kept saying that he wanted something eat, but didn’t know what. I said yeah, i feel like i’m missing something. And we both looked at eachother and said we wanted Doritos! Thanks to you know who!! =]
Have a great day! xoxo
Thats so interesting that you crave salty when you gave up sweets! I gave up chips & fries and have developed a huge sweet tooth which i’ve never had before!! I’m excited for Easter so i can stop wanting candy haha 😀