I made it back home to North Carolina around 11 p.m. last night. I am feeling quite sleepy today, but I hope some energy kicks in soon because I have a class to teach at the gym at 9 a.m. I’ll be sure to fill you guys in on my chilly and wonderful trip to Minnesota soon, but for now, I just wanted to say a quick hello before the day begins!
Ryan and Sadie picked me up at the airport last night and Sadie went a little crazy when I hopped in the car! After almost a week away, I really, really missed those two so much.
They’re basically the best.
I think I said, “I love my bed” about 10 times before we fell asleep last night. There really is nothing like the comforting feeling of curling up in your own bed at night, right?!
Since the class I’m teaching at the gym today will double as my workout, there was no need to wake up early and I slept in until 7 a.m. and it felt fantastic. I woke up with a grumbling stomach only to stumble down into the kitchen to open a fridge and a pantry that left a lot to be desired. A trip to the grocery store is high my list for today!
After snacking on a few handfuls of Moose Munch (breakfast of champions right there), I decided to throw together a bowl of protein oatmeal that I made with almond milk, peanut butter, oatmeal and chocolate protein powder.
Served with a juicy pear on the side!
The protein powder I used in the oats came from a packet of Tera’s Whey I purchased at Whole Foods a few weeks ago.
I think protein powder sample packets are the way to go when you want to try a new flavor but don’t want to drop down the big bucks and pay for a large tub you may or may not enjoy. (Verdict on dark chocolate Tera’s Whey: I liked it a lot!)
And yes, that is snow outside our window! It’s currently 14 degrees in Charlotte and though we aren’t supposed to get any snow today, I’m glad some of it decided to stick around so I could see it when I arrived back home.
Time for me to change and head out to the gym! I hope you guys have a wonderful Thursday. Thanks so much for stopping by the blog this morning!
I love to visit my family- but there is nothing like coming home to your OWN bed! So comforting 🙂
Love that nail polish! Glad you made it home safe to your little family, that picture of you and Sadie is the cutest!
I agree! Sample packets all the way! It’s such a horrible feeling when you buy a big container of something only to find out you don’t like it. Welcome back home and enjoy the snow!
Such a sweet picture of you and Sadie! It is always so nice to come back home after being away.
There is nothing better than your dog being so excited to see you come home!
Agreed 🙂
Protein oatmeal, yum! Stay warm out there, and welcome (back) to the snow! 🙂
Sample packs for protein are the best! Nothing like buying a whole tub of protein to find out the taste isn’t so great. Ack! Can’t wait to hear more about your Minnesota trip! 🙂
nothing like your own bed…. and the ones you love with you! stay warm and cozy <3
I love traveling, but coming home is the best feeling! Can’t wait to hear more about your trip!
Tera’s Whey is my favorite. I generally buy the unflavored so I can use it for any smoothie. I have bothered the vanilla and chocolate, but they’re too sweet for me. I guess I’m not a fan of stevia. Just a tip, I purchased Tera’s Whey at tj maxx for half the price!
Awesome!!!! Thanks for the info!
that is definitely the best feeling ever… coming home from a trip and getting back in your own bed! love it!
Girl, on our last vacation in the fall, I was literally in tears over the uncomfortable bed! We only had one good bed in 10 nights so I just bought one of those inflatable bed thingys that hardcore campers use to use on uncomfortable beds. I just can’t endure more back aches on vacation. So yeah…TOTALLY get that wanna make out with your bed feeling you get after a week or more away! 🙂
There is nothing like your own bed. The best!
Les Mills has been offering free samples of their protein powder on their website for quite some time. Both flavors are awesome!
Oooh!! I’ll look it up when I get home and give it a try!!
I’ve been traveling a ton lately, so I understand that coming home to bed feeling! Hope you had a restful day!
I’m the worst when it comes to buying huge tubs of protein powder only to hate it.. I have a ginormous thing of Cookies and Cream right now. How could that not be delicious!?
Where did you get that knit sweater? Love the pattern!
I love that picture of you and Sadie! Coming back home after a while away is the best feeling!
YAY glad you got to see the snow!!!
I totally agree, there is nothing better than sleeping in your own bed after being away for a while.
Your trip looked so fun! Also, that picture of you and Sadie is the absolute sweetest! <3
I can’t believe I never thought to buy the sample packets of protein first! hah I just bought a HUGE container of Cookies and Creme protein (because that sounds absolutely amaze balls right?!) and I’m not even sure how I feel about it. I feel like I’m trying to convince myself that I like it, yet failing miserably haha. Glad to see you made it home safely!
Glad you had a good trip! I agree, there’s nothing better than your own bed!! 🙂
I wish we had some snow to stick around too….I’m in Chicago and all we have is below zero temps…brrr!
I say I LOVE MY BED nearly every single night. Outside of eating breakfast, crawling into bed is my favorite thing to do! Welcome home!
Organic and grass fed sounds good! There is nothing like your own bed! Hope you get a few nights running in it!
I’m a sucker for protein samples too. I always stock up when I’m at a race expo! 🙂
It been so cold here (South Carolina) too!! It’s soooo weird for us!
Snow is definitely fun but only for a month or so. Then you can’t wait it to melt! I’m glad you saw some though.
I wish more protein powders came in sample packages!
I always say sleeping in your own bed and showering in your own shower are some of the BEST things. Love dog cuddles too!!
I love your slippers or boots or whatever they are ha!!! I’m glad you made it home safe and sound 🙂
14 degrees?! Yikes!
We just moved last week from RI and I was devastated to see the snow followed us here!!! Haha, joking aside, I am glad I am no longer dealing with the multiple FEET of snow up north 🙂
I just had sample packs of chocolate Shakeology! By far my favor chocolate that I’ve tried. How was the Tera’s Whey? Chalky at all?
I’m obviously not Julie, but I can say that Tera’s Whey is absolutely not chalky. I love it, it blends so well. It’s pricier, but with a very clean ingredient list and it’s DELICIOUS.
I definitely like protein powder samples. There have been a lot of times when a powder sounds good but then leaves a lot to be desired when I actually have it.
I love my bed too! We have a Tempur Pedic which I think may have spoiled us to anything else in the world. I can tolerate other beds, but there’s nothing like coming home to my own!
the hubby and 4-legged friend is, in my opinion, the great welcome home committee.
That is the chocolate protein powder that I use. I really like to use it to make banana split smoothies =)
that sounds amazing!
I’m so over the chilly winter temps! My dog is a super thin coat mutt who resembles a miniature pinscher. He just freezes outside this time of year despite outfits/coats I put him in. Poor guy hasn’t had a walk in forever due to the ice and snow we have. When is spring?!?! Your dog is precious, and the top picture is so sweet of you too. 🙂