So, why oh why would I think I could make homemade nut butter this morning and enjoy “just a little bit?” I actually intended to enjoy a yogurt bowl with a bunch of mix-ins this morning, but that got scrapped once this…
Turned into this…
I think I had 20 nut butter fingers. No lie.
I made the homemade nut butter by pouring about a cup and a half of Planters salted mixed nuts into my food processor and pulsing them on high until they formed a thick paste. It took a while, but eventually I had a delicious batch of homemade nut butter that I basically inhaled.
I actually used the nuts to make the nut butter because I was really irritated that this can of “mixed nuts” that was supposedly “less than 50 percent peanuts” seemed to be comprised mostly of peanuts and almonds. I think there were three pecans in the whole dang can! At least peanuts and almonds make a delicious nut butter.
Plus, we clearly need more nut butter in our house. 😉
Since my homemade nut butter basically took over my breakfast, I kept my main meal rather light with a cup of black cherry Chobani Greek yogurt (amazing flavor!) and a toasted Van’s waffle.
Great lil’ meal!
I enjoyed my breakfast after a good sweat session at the gym. Today’s workout included a BodyPump class, followed by 25 minutes on the elliptical. I know Monday’s are kind of a pain, but I needed Monday this morning. I think sugar comprised 80 percent of my diet this weekend and my body was craving the healthy routine of the workweek.
Plus, The Bachelor is on tonight. 🙂
ahh Bachelor!! i forgot– i can only watch it online tomorrow though since it doesnt air in the UK 🙁
I LOVE NUT BUTTERS and so much cooler that yours was a big mix!
I hate that about those cans of mixed nuts! They are always mostly peanuts!! I love Skippy PB…such a childhood classic!
The Bachelor should be interesting tonight…the women tell all…haha!
Have a great Monday 🙂
mmm that nut butter looks nice and salty. Just the way I like it
i am going to buy a food processor because of this post. delish.
and i feel you on the monday. i ate my bodyweight in cupcakes yesterday and couldn’t wait to get back on the sweaty/healthy eating track this morning!
Can’t wait to make my own nut butter!!
I tried making homemade sunflower butter yesterday and it just didnt’ turn out!! It took awhile but it blended and it turned creamy but didn’t taste very good. Not sure what I did wrong. I love sunbutter it’s just so pricey I don’t get it very often. Your nut butter looks delish though!! I will have to try and make again maybe with fresher sunflower seeds this time and I’m going to try and roast them first. Wish me luck!!
Have a Magnifico Monday!!
Wow! I didn’t realize making nut butter was so easy! I’m definitely making it once I get a food processor! Love the Bachelor! Since it’s the Women Tell All, I’m more excited about next week! The finale! 🙂
UGH SAME! I was so happy to eat my oats&almond butter this morning after eating movie popcorn for dinner last night. GAH! My body was craving healthy.
This sounds awesome Julie, and SO easy! I think I might have to try making some at home. I’ve heard it takes a long time in the food processor but I’m still going to test it out. Looks like you’ve got a pretty solid supply! 🙂
I needed Monday, too! My brother’s girlfriend is a pastry chef. This weekend, she made Bourbon Pecan Blondies with Chocolate Chips. They were the best thing I’ve ever eaten–I think I had 4 & they were at least 2″ think! Holy deliciousness! Glad to “press reset” this morning and get back to a good routine!
Alright, I need a food processor ASAP. That looks amazing.
I can’t wait for The Bachelor either 😉
I want a food processor! I’ve seen so many bloggers make their own nut butters and I want to do to it too 🙂
Did you sweeten your nut butter? I was just thinking you could maybe prevent your dippin finger issue by making it unsweetened. Then you could sweeten the parts you add to your sandwiches, etc, but you’d be less likely to eat it straight outta the bowl. Not that there’s anything wrong with Nut Butter Fingers! I just know myself and I’d prob make myself sick from eating the WHOLE thing 😉
nope – it was unsweetened. still so good!
I made Ashley’s (Edible Perspective) maple almond nut butter a few months ago, and it was INSANELY good!! It was a tad bit more work than I’m used to, though, so I’ll stick to the jar stuffed most of the time 😉
I always make my own nut butter, but I buy shelled peanuts and than clean them. It’s a pain, but definitely worh the sweet peanuty goodness 🙂
Oh Monday… otherwise known as GWB day
(Gym, Work, Bachelor)
Can’t wait to see who he picks next week 🙂
I almost squealed with excitement about the Bachelor reminder- YAY!!! Makes Mondays totally worth it 🙂
Homemade nut butter…amazing! I’m not sure if my blender could handle it though!
Yeah…to make homemade nut butter you defintiely need a food processor.
Oh man! One of the new Chobani flavors – so jealous! 🙂
Who do you think Brad will pick? I’m excited for tonights women tell all — the previews look good!
I can’t wait for The Bachelor tonight! I know it is just the reunion show but still! I completely got sucked in this season and I am so torn on what I think. I LOVE Emily but I don’t want him to choose her because she is WAY TO GOOD FOR HIM! I want him to pick Chantel (blech) and then I want Emily to be the new bachelorette so she can find someone who is better than Brad. But I think he is going to pick her…I mean Chantel has been telling hime she loves him for weeks now and Emily says it once and he immediately said it back. Haha…okay sorry…my obviously we can see that I officially have no life!
That’s such a great idea!! I’ve never tried making my own nut butter, but I’m far more intrigued by MIXED nut butter than any one nut. Need to try this!
I made dark chocolate macadamia nut butter last night…Julie, you’ll LOVE it!
I love homemade nut butter… least I think I would 😉 I need to do this! Thanks for the easy foodie idea!
That was a good idea to make nut butter with those mixed nuts! Right on girl! I really want to make some nut butter. But first I need to get a good food processor! I’m gonna make that happen soon. It’s long over due!
Wow that looks delicious! I want to get around to making my own nut butters but it’s just so easy to buy it haha I wonder what the price comparison would be
I need to make nut butter! I’m thinking cashew/peanut….how long does it take to make?
I never know what to use my food processor for, besides pesto. I love this idea! thanks for sharing!
I want to try the black cherry flavor so badly! I wish stores near me would carry the new flavors. I want to try them all!
I do the same thing when I make nut butters. I eat like half of it! :/
Haha — in addition to accomplishing nothing last night I tooootally went to a jar of PB&Co Dark Chocolate Dreams with a spoon and ate legitimately a fourth of the jar. We are on the same page!! 😉
I should definitely try to make my own peanut butter sometime! You inspire me! 🙂
I was just wondering if you all could please help me out? 🙂
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I love nut butters too, I have to try to make some!! Would a magic bullet work ya think?? I also hate how those jars are always filled with a majority of peanuts…. my trail mix is like that too!! 🙁
I want to try and make my own nut butter, it looks so yummy 🙂
Did you know there was a recall on the 4th on Skippy peanut butter?
Cannot wait for the Bachelor tonight 🙂
The PB&J exhibit was pretty cool and I got a free jar of spicy peanut butter! Must try it! (pictures on my blog today)
I love those Van waffles. and that nut butter looks amazing, I really need to get a food processor!
Yeah, I too was excited when I realized The Bachelor was on tonight! I don’t believe in food as “guilty pleasure” but there is no better description for my love of this time suck of a reality show!
I always feel like I hit the lottery when I find a pecan in those mixed nuts. They’re my fave.
umm holy yum! Have been wanting to make my own nut butter for a while and love the idea of using multiple kinds.
What type of food processor do you use (or do other readers recommend)? Definitely looking for something as cheap as possible but can still handle processing stuff like nut butter!
Yessssssssss!! i’m so excited to watch the bachor (DVRing that baby RIGHT NOW!!!) Gotta get thru some biostats h/w, first though (after some blogging, obviously) … priorities, right?!)
Upon doing some research about peanut butter what we think is peanut butter is really a spread 60% peanuts.Commercial brands add 1-2% partially hydrogenated oil,salt and sugar which we all know is NOT healthy for us or our children.