After entertaining myself with this little gem…
It felt so good to touch down in Texas at a nice, BIG airport with lots of planes and flight options, should any issues pop up with my connecting flight.
It was tough being in the Fresno airport where there are like 10 gates. Seriously… Maybe eight. If there was something wrong with your plane, then you were basically out of luck because the airport didn’t have many options. Needless to say, there’s a big benefit to flying out of a major airport like Dallas, Chicago or Orlando.
Take me home to Orlandooooo! 😀
I’m blogging from the sky en route to my lovely apartment, my fantastic fiancé and my insane dog, and I couldn’t be happier.
During my layover in Dallas, I took advantage of the two hours I had and satisfied my sweet tooth with a cup of frozen yogurt from Red Mango.
Check out one of the flavor options…
Naturally I had to get the POM flavor, so I enjoyed half POM and half original tart frozen yogurt.
I really wanted chocolatey toppings, but Red Mango didn’t have any, so I headed over to Natalie’s Candy Bar and got a small bag of chocolate goodies to enjoy with my fro yo.
My candy bag included pralines, malted milk balls, Boston Baked Beans (LOVE these!), yogurt pretzels and chocolate-covered peanuts.
As I sat down at the terminal I actually had a guy high-five me regarding my candy selection choices. Apparently he was a huge fan of Whoppers.
I also had a police officer come up to me and ask me why I was taking pictures of my candy. I’m not gonna lie, I was a little freaked out, because I have a bad habit of “sampling” candy from the bins as I fill up my candy bags. Luckily Officer Friendly didn’t seem to mind. 😉
After enjoying my frozen yogurt, I was cold. I couldn’t shake the chills, so I headed over to Au Bon Pain and purchased a hot tea.
As I ordered my tea, something starred at me.
I’m tellin’ ya, once my sweet tooth kicks into gear, it cannot be tamed. I know this wasn’t the most nutritious airport lunch in the world, but it made me happy and after such a long and stressful day yesterday, I wanted food that would make me smile. 😀
I know my smile will be even bigger when I hop off this plane to see Ryan and Sadie. Traveling really was a blast, but I’m a homebody at heart and miss my apartment and the two crazies who live with me.
I’m now off to entertain myself my updating my iPod. Check back later for a rockin’ playlist to kick up your workouts!
I literally laughed out loud when you mentioned the policeman questioning your photographing your candy. There are so many food bloggers out there, but I don’t know if people will ever cease to be surprised at the things we’ll photograph.
Sorry to hear about your troubles last night but good to know you’re almost back. Nothing like being safe at home.
he freaked the crap out of me! i thought i was going to get questioned about sampling candy from the bins w/o paying for it! EEK!
I just actually read that paragraph aloud to my friend. I would have been freaked out too. I have a tendency to “sample as well” 🙂
hahahahahah. this post made me laugh so hard!
i get people asking me about my pictures too!
its sort of nerve wracking and ou feel like a loser!
just wondering what do you usually say when friends or people around you ask you?
and i am totally with you! once my sweet tooth kicks into gear this is no stoppin!
i explained to him that i have a food-related blog and he just laughed. he said he was thinking to himself “why in the world is that girl taking pictures of her candy?”
Ahaha your airport experiences are so amusing! I LOVE your food choices, too. Definitely something I would do if I were in your situation (actually, I’d eat sweets just because!). I hope you have a safe flight back to Florida tonight, Julie!
I am so glad you’re making your way home slowly!
I am also glad and surprised that you actually found good airport food! But I am a bit confused on the Boston Baked beans…are they candy? Or like chocolate covered beans or something?!
candy-coated peanuts!
I’m singing “Country Roads” in my head for you (somehow, “country skies” doesn’t have quite the same ring!)! So glad you made it out of Fresno safe and sound and are on your way home. Take me hoooooome country roads to the place I belooooong….enjoy! 🙂
Glad you’re on your way at last, nice perk on the frozen yogurt! 🙂
Haha oh my gosh that’s SO funny about the cop! And the high-five, although I’d totally high-five your candy selection as well 😉 You deserve all the good food – you’ve been through a lot in the past 24 hours woman!! Looks like some amazing lunch to me!
Best lunch evar.
Glad you had a sweet time (ba dum bum) in my fair city during your short time here!
That cookie looks yummy! Hope you get hope safely:)
i have a huge sweet tooth too that sometimes just needs to be nurtured 😉 (lunch today was a caramel apple with nuts, 3 mini apple donuts and a piece of fudge haha).
glad you had a great time! i also LOVED the hair tutorial. my friend told me the other day she uses a straightener to curl her hair and i didn’t believe her!
Haha! I was at that airport two days ago.
So funny that the po po asked you why you were taking pics of the candy, and another high-fived you! HAhaha.
Oh…I totally LOVE Boston Baked Beans and whoppers!! lol…and I had to laugh at the officer asking you why you were taking pictures of your candy!
I am happy to hear though that you are almost home 🙂
hurray! so glad you made it – and i totally know what you mean about the sweet tooth.
and i always say that it’s healthy if it makes ya smile 🙂
I have been following all these posts of your lately because my aunt lives in Fresno and I just visited her there last spring for the second time. I definitely can sympathize with the weirdness of the airport (F.A.T). When we arrived there for our cross-country flight home last May, the screens not only did not show our flight but NO flights to our connection terminal AT ALL!! I totally freaked out (nervous flier) but the woman for our airlines was literally able to run down to the counter of another airline and get us on a flight leaving in an hour. Happy travels home!!
Julie, you are SUCH a role model when it comes to food. I admire you so much for being able to acknowledge what you want, when you want it and be okay with it. I hope I can get to that point!
Yay, I love this! I totally “sample” out of the bulk bins too – you know, just for QC!! 😉
Glad you are well on your way home, to see your boy (and girl!) but that you had a good weekend! I totally get the “return to civilization” thing about being at a “legit” airport! LOL. Have a great night love!
Oh my girl, this is turning into the longest trip home. I hope you arrive safe and shortly. I bet seeing Ryan is going to feel so good at this point.
Hang in there girl, you’re almost home! 😉
glad you made it to TX! woohooo, almost there 🙂
Great taste! Breakfast at Tiffany’s is one of my favorite movies!
That fro-yo looks amazing! I’m jealous!!!
You’re almost home!!! yay!!! 🙂
I’m sorry to hear you got stuck in Fresno for the night.
I’m glad we did get to chat though!
See you in 11 days!! Woohoo!
I love the story about the policeman questioning you in the airport. That made me smile.
Thank you so much for sharing your search for sweets. You eat like a real girl and that is such a great example! It is rare to see someone who eats healthy but isn’t afraid to indulge.
I couldn’t eat something without paying for it unless it is specifically set out as a free sample. Naughty stealer! 😉 lol
I LOVE Red Mango, I wish they would come back here. We only have one small fro-yo place, it is not self-serve, and they definitely don’t have fresh cut fruit!!