We had some power issues and the electric company came out to our house a little after 9 p.m. to work their magic.
Ryan has a pretty awesome headlamp that he uses on his hiking trips, so while I used the headlamp, Ryan clipped a mini flashlight to his t-shirt (Iron Man?) and we wrapped away while Sadie chased the light. It was actually a really nice night and our wrapping job didn’t end up looking too shabby!
Get ready for some fun gifts, family!
We leave on Friday for Jacksonville to celebrate Christmas with my family (my grandma is flying in from Gettysburg on Wednesday!) and I cannot wait.
This morning we awoke nice and early and arrived at the gym around 5:15 a.m.
Since Best Body Boot Camp officially concluded last week, I feel a bit of workout freedom this week. Though I typically prefer having a plan or routine of some sort when it comes to my workouts, a few weeks of randomness sounds pretty fantastic right now.
I began my workout with 20 minutes on the elliptical before wandering into the weight room. Almost immediately, the whiteboard caught my eye.
Every week or two, one of the trainers at my gym updates the whiteboard with a new workout. Since I’ve been following BBBC, I haven’t really used the whiteboard workouts too much, but today it inspired me!
As you can see, I kept the second circuit basically the same (I upped the number of rows) and changed the first and third circuits a little bit to my liking. Okay, fine, I didn’t want to do burpees or jumping lunges today. Caught!
And yes, more holiday graphics. They bring me joy.
Post workout breakfast!
Today’s breakfast included scrambled eggs with goat cheese, zucchini and mushrooms.
Plus two mini biscotti on the side!
And there you have it!
Question of the Afternoon
- Do you like to have a plan to follow when you work out or do you prefer to wing it?
I like to plan my workouts out! Otherwise I end up getting to the gym and doing random things for an hour…I feel like I get a better workout in when I know exactly what I’ll be doing. Plus I like to know I’ve worked every muscle group each week! 🙂
Your wrapping puts my wrapping to shame, and I had all the lights on when I did mine! My mother-in-law is really talented and artsy-fartsy when it comes to wrapping… I need to get her to teach me, but I think I just don’t have the patience. 😛
Love the workout board inspiration! I definitely prefer to have a plan. 🙂
ummm those biscotti look amazing.
As far as workouts go, it completely depends! Most workdays, I decide my workout based on how I’m feeling that morning. I have this mini notebook that I’ve filled with tons of circuit and HIIT workouts, so I usually just flip through until something catches me eye.
Also, I meant to comment on your post yesterday about Sandy Hook….I really appreciate the time you took to write it. When I’m struggling with difficult emotions, I really have trouble with finding an outlet. In this situation, being able to read articles and other posts, and being able to share my emotions with others, even people that I don’t know, has been helpful. So, thanks for your post 🙂
Great job with the gifts! I hate wrapping presents. I am so bad at it. That biscotti looks yummy! Did you make it? 🙂
i wish i was that talented! my mother-in-law gave me a HUGE box of trader joe’s goodies as part of my christmas present since we don’t have a trader joe’s in ocala, so they’re from that lovely box of delicious treats!
Trader Joe’s just opened in Gainesville… about 30-40 mins from Ocala!
Sersiously???? So excited about this! Where in Gainesville??
Butler Plaza on Archer Road.
I always scribble something down the night before so I wake up knowing what to expect!
I MUST have a plan when I work out or else I’ll jump around the gym like a psycho rabbit! Not the most effective way to burn calories.
before BBB I used to just wing it, now that I am into BBB whenever it ends I feel sort of lost in the gym! On Monday I did the circuit you posted on Friday and it was killer, I woke up with a sore booty thanks to all those squats and going through the circuits 4 times!
Lately I’ve been finding myself waking up and thinking up work-outs to do to motivate myself out of bed. Sometimes the only way to get me out of bed at 5 am is knowing that a fun work-out is waiting!
Nice job wrapping all the presents! My husband also has a bunch of headlamps–they come in handy for random stuff like that 😉
I teach a bunch of fitness classes, so yep, pretty structured, and I love it! For fun though, on days when I don’t teach, I like doing my own thing!
It’s okay, luv. No one ever wants to do jumpking lunges. haha
I always have a plan. I push myself harder that way.
I definitely get a better workout when I have a plan.
I love having a workout plan when I go to the gym. It’s a way for me to avoid excuses or lazing around when I could be a beast :).
Your wrapping paper is so fun and Christmasy!
Must have a plan or I find myself wandering around aimlessly thinking of what to do next.
I like to have a plan as well when I work out – It makes me get my butt to the gym!
I typically stick to my boring old heavy lifting routine when I go to the gym. Recently I’ve been trying some of your circuit workouts which KICK MY BUTT! They definitely made me realize that although im getting stronger, my endurance is super low! I’ll be doing the workout you posted today at the gym later this evening! They are tough but fun! How did you like the BBBC work outs? Were they a mixture of strength training and cardio?
we usually try to plan some of our workouts out, but then there are those ones that we just wing it 🙂
I plan my workouts based on when my gym offers spin classes and when my yoga studio has my favorite instructors – but some days I have to wing it!
So funny that you mention Ryan’s headlamp. My fiancee still uses his headlamp from the Marine Corps whenever the power goes out – or just for fun when he needs something in the basement. Doesn’t matter that we have flashlights right under the sink.
I like plans, but sometimes it can be a bit much. I’ve tried stuff like P90X, but 90 days of the same thing is boring. I think a month is my max for stuff like that. Your BBBC seems like a good compromise.
They’re just so darn fun!
While a little bit of freedom is fun once in a while, I’m a big fan of having a plan to follow in the gym. I’d be taking out burpees and jumping lunges too! :-p
I don’t blame you…I NEVER want to do burpees 😛
I love having a little bit of an idea of a workout plan when I’m free styling at the gym, especially with weights and strength. Truth be told, I usually just seek out your blog for help. 🙂
Hi Julie, I noticed this picture on Pinterest weddings was using your picture!!! It came from this website http://lapapeteriediva.com.br/2012/02/02/inspiracao-do-dia-antes-do-sim/ ..just wanted to inform you 🙂
I used to just wing it, but I’ve found that having something planned and written out motivates me to push myself more and get a better workout.
I’m loving all of the holiday graphics, too! 😀 Great workout and that’s really cool that the trainers at your gym post workouts on the whiteboard. I like having a plan when I work out, even if it’s just something I scratched down on a piece of paper 5 minutes before hitting the gym. Otherwise I find I waist time trying to figure out what the heck to do.
I agree! I will often jot down a rough outline of a workout to follow and find that it helps me push myself a little bit more.
I’m with you both on this one! Even if it’s on the car ride over (not as I am driving of course…as I am in the passenger seat!), I will jot down my plan or look for inspiration online. I wish our gym did the white board! And your graphics are so fun right now, Julie!
Totally depends on my mood whether I want to wing it or follow a plan. I’d say most of the time I like a plan because then I feel like I’m accomplishing…if I’m left to fend for myself, my workouts usually aren’t as difficult!
That is such an intense breakfast.. I love it! As for the workouts, I NEED a plan. If I go to the gym without a plan, I often feel unmotivated and I def laze around more than usual.
Is it really fair for you to just take someone else’s workout and call it your own because you changed one-two things?
I feel like I clearly stated that the whiteboard workout inspired my workout. I am not out to steal workouts from my gym – I promise you – and felt like I changed enough of the workout to warrant a graphic which I said was inspired by the whiteboard workout. I’ve also spoken with members of my gym’s staff in the past about posting their workout and instagramming pics of their whiteboard workouts and they’ve assured me they don’t have an issue with it at all.
You did clearly state that the white board workout inspired your circuit that you made. It clearly was just an inspiration because you changed half of the workout that the trainer wrote on the white board. Plus who doesn’t love the winter graphics, makes me want to try that circuit, which I am going to tomorrow 🙂
I have to attend classes to get a good work out. I need someone to tell me what to do or I don’t do it. But I want them to tell me in a nice way. 😉
I usually have a plan of some sort, either a certain muscle group or a training plan I follow. I do the enjoy the random days when I just let myself go with the flow and do whatever my body feels like it needs to do.
I usually like to wing it, but when I’m super motivated, I’ll go in with a plan!! 😉
Looking forward to learning more about the run for the families of Sandy Hook.
P.S. love Sadie Clauses outfit 🙂
I discovered your blog through Pinterest and I must say I LOVE it! I like to plan my workouts to be sure I’m getting a good balance between cardio and strength training.
I go through phases, sometimes I want a plan and sometimes I just want to wing it! I always try and do 3 days strength with cardio days in between though
I have to have a plan!!! If I dont have a plan then I get lazy and I do a couple things and decided good enough and go home. I’m liking your curcuit, I might have to try it out tomorrow!
I like having a plan to follow because I feel like it makes the workout go by faster 🙂
I make a plan — right before I go to the gym. But I don’t always stick to it. I tend to add more. 🙂 Do you know what front raises with kettlebell would be? Just curious — love working with kbs.
I normally enjoy a set plan to follow but during the holidays, winging it is more realistic for me!
I like to follow a work out to make sure I am accomplishing everything I set out to do, but I hate the same exercises over and over again and like to change workouts all the time.
I’m more likely to be lazy and do next to nothing if I don’t plan out my workout. I love a good plan.
I prefer plans in everything in life! It helps me feel organized and in control.
Love having a plan & I feel like I failed/didn’t do my best if the plan is not completed! Can’t wait to try this workout too. Yayy for no jumping lunges or burpees!!!!!! Ha Ha
I’m a little crazy and have to have a workout plan! I love figuring out what I’m doing for the week and then with each workout. I would be horrible if I didn’t have a plan. I would probably just walk around the gym, so yes, I need to have it in front of me!
Love that circuit workout (and I don’t mind that you cut out the burpees) 🙂
love circuit style workouts!!
That’s so fun that the gym has a workout posted! I wish ours did that
I like having a plan, which usually ends up coming from a blog or IG. I love yours! I’m a big fan of circuits, and I also have to do 2 of my workouts per week at home, so your blog and others are great inspiration! And thank you for no burpees…there has not been a day in my life when I have wanted to do them! 😉
I would definitely rather have a plan to follow when I work out. If I don’t, I tend to be less motivated and feel like I accomplish less than usual.
I’m heading to my parents house in Orange Park (just outside of Jax) on Sunday! Have a great xmas!
Oh my gosh your breakfast looks sooooo good 🙂
If I am not participating in a Body Pump or some kind of resistance training class, then I 100% follow a workout plan! I really like the idea of the gym whiteboard idea, though. I am totally suggesting this to our GM!