Lunch today began with something hot and savory and concluded with something cold and sweet.
First up: Soup!
I prepared the soup using Imagine organic creamy butternut squash soup as the base. I added a shredded chicken breast and some steamed broccoli to the soup to amp it up a bit and make it more substantial.
The soup itself was a little bland for my liking, so I’m glad my additions added a bit of flavor to the bowl.
The cold part of my lunch came after I was done with my soup in the form of chocolate cottage cheese topped with defrosted frozen raspberries.
This little treat has been my morning snack of choice for the past week or so and tastes even better when a scoop of peanut butter is added to the mix. Thank you to a bunch of you for that tasty suggestion!
Speaking of snacks, aside from the chocolate cottage cheese, I am finding myself craving salty and savory snacks more and more lately, which is a little strange for me, as I typically gravitate toward sweeter snacks.
If you have any relatively healthy savory snacks you’ve been loving lately, please feel free to share them in the comments section, as I’m always in the market for tasty, healthy snacks!
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i’m not a fan of the texture of cottage cheese but you’re making those chocolate bowls look so delicious! might have to give it a try 🙂
my favorite salty snacks are dry roasted almonds or cashews, blue corn chips with salsa, carrots with hummus, popchips, string cheeses, and mini quesadillas!
BIG fan of quesadillas as snacks!! i microwave ’em. 🙂
What do you put in your quesadillas Julie?
Not sure if it’s been suggested, but Kale Chips! Put cleaned, dry kale on a baking sheet, spray with oil and season with salt and pepper. Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes or until desired crispiness. You can always change it up with parm cheese or whatever topping you’d like. They’re a bit light, but absolutely delicious!
For salty my favorites are pretzels, nuts, edamame (salted obviously), and pickles! LOVE pickles! 🙂
I am addicted to Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps. They are so yummy and they have tons of different flavors like garlic parmesan, spicy buffalo, chipotle chedder, & tons more. I like to dip them in hummus or just eat alone. I also LOVE Pirate’s Booty! I haven’t tried your chocolate cottage cheese but I am going to tonight with blueberries & a scoop of peanut butter 🙂
Ohhhh you should check out Ang’s @ohsheglows Endurance Crackers! Funny you posted this she just blogged about her 10 Fav snacks !
I love the cinnamon sugar PopChips!
I’ve been to several events this summer where they have offered PopChips and they’re pretty good! Some flavors are better than others (love the salt and vinegar ones), but they are made with only a few ingredients and the small bags are portioned properly–perfect when you need something salty but aren’t planning to make it your entire snack.
That’s a bummer your soup didn’t turn out great—it’s purty though! Plus your dessert looks like it more than made up for the disappointing lunch. 🙂
My favorite healthy snacks are almonds!! blue Diamond makes them in lots of flavors that I love!!
I’m so cold from the air conditioning in my office that I had soup for lunch too – followed by leftover lettuce wraps, hot & cold in one dish!
Salted almonds (roasted), hard-boiled eggs w/some garlic, popchips, hummus + veggies, cheese/spinach quesidilla.
I too have been craving savory/salty snacks more than sweet ones too!! (personally I think it’s because of sweating so much and/or weight training a bunch).
I just made homemade pumpkin bagels which you might like! Roasted pumpkin with almond butter is great snack skin and all! Banana dipped in tahini…I promise you’ll love it!
Did anyone else read this blog title like the Katy Perry song?
i definitely thought of it when i wrote it. 😀
The most PERFECT crunchy savory spicy snack is roasted chickpeas. They’re easy and delicious and pretty cheap to make. The leftovers go great tossed into a salad, too!
I love hummus with crackers, pretzel crisps, and/or baby carrots! Salted almonds and popcorn are some other favorites!
I like adding a packet of ranch seasoning to plain greek yogurt, then dipping celery, bell peppers, whatever else, in! Lots of protein to keep me full!
that’s so creative!
I like this too! I do the Fiesta Ranch for a little kick! Pretzels, Bell peppers and carrots are my favorite to dip in it.
I’ve been loving a combination of mango avacado salsa wrapped in deli meat! Kinda random but SO delish!
I love dipping low fat string cheese in marinara sauce!
I see that soup all the time and you just gave me the kick in the rump to finally buy it. I always use soups like that as bases. Yum!
I’ve been loving vanilla chobani, grapes, and peanut butter lately 🙂
Pretzels dipped in cottage cheese… Especially honey wheat pretzels!
A tasty savory snack I often enjoy are veggies (whatever I have on hand) dipped in salsa and/or guacamole.
Hey Julie,
I was craving a dessert yesterday but wanted to make something really fast. I guess it can be like a large snack but here’s what I did.
1. Peel, cored, and sliced a green apple. Put a little water in a pot and cooked its for a few mins. Once they were soft enough I drained the water, added a sprinkle of sugar and cinnamon and mixed it.
2. In a small bowl I poured some yogurt (I used vanilla) then laid the sliced apples, and sprinkled a little bit of chopped almonds for crunch. Then more yogurt on top of that, the rest of the apple slices and some more chopped was really yummy!
If you crave something sweet I suggest that, savory I’m not sure though.
I’ve been obsessed with butternut squash soup lately! I buy mine at Trader Joe’s, and I’ve been going through it like mad.
That cottage cheese bowl looks amazing! I love butter nut squash soup. My grandma makes the best homemade butternut squash soup and it is to die for. I want fall to be here now!
Favorite snack as of late is popcorn + furomake, an asian condiment that rocks 🙂
My savory snack of choice is definitely Almond Crackers (Blue Diamond Nut Thins) and peanut butter! The peanut butter gives juuust enough sweetness to balance out the salty cracker
The jalapeno pretzel crisps are delicious! I love to eat them with some mozzarella cheese. Mmmm sooo good. Also: wasabi soy almonds, salty cashews or almonds, cracker pepper & olive oil triscuits (I like topping those with cheese too), hummus and pita/celery/carrots, etc.
Hi Julie,
I commented on a previous post re your diet but perhaps you didn’t see it? Just curious if you are following more of a Paleo style these days since you seem to have omitted starches from the majority of your meals? I think it would be really helpful if you addressed this and the benefits you have seen, especially for you readers who are also following a Paleo diet/interested in following it.
hi samantha! i’m not following paleo, so i’m sorry i don’t have any feedback for you. this blog doesn’t cover everything i eat in a day, but i am still absolutely eating grains, dairy, sugar, etc. that i believe is typically omitted from a paleo diet. i know tina from just started following paleo, so i’d definitely check out her blog for feedback!!
I’ve discovered that eating a combo of pretzels and plain almonds is surprisingly delicious. Eat a few almonds with every pretzel. I’ve had pb with pretzels, but who knew raw almonds were so good with them? You should try it! I’d say it’s a pretty healthy snack too.
Butternut squash soup is my favorite! I get the Trader Joe’s kind and it is so good even without anything added to it!
I know you asked for savory but try this snack: Spray a sliced apple with butter spray and sprinkle cinnamon on it, throw in microwave until warm and eat! Mock(ish) apple pie filling w/o the goo. So yum!
Kale chips are a great choice for a savory and healthy snack. You can season them to your liking as well! Buffalo Wing pretzel crisps are another one of my faves.
Seaweed snacks!
YUM! What a great idea to just use the boxed soup and add your own yummies! I definitely need to try that come fall/winter
how about some pretzels with pb & pumpkin butter – sweet and savory!
I’m a sucker for pretzel chips and hummus, but roasted chickpeas and popcorn are other go-to salty snacks for me!
Is there a reason you have stopped eating carbs? Just wondering. I have Celiac Disease and if I could I would totally eat delicious bread once a day (gf bread is just not the same…).
I got salsa flavored (dehydrated) plantains today … they reminded me of a chip. Don’t knock them till you try them … I had to put them away because they became addicting!! Out of sight out of mind lol 😉
Slices of Jicama with “Tajin” seasoning (it’s a mildly spicy chili-lime combo that is good on EVERYTHING!)
Ditto on the roasted chickpeas….also with Tajin!
Cute post! So…I’ve heard craving salty snacks can be a sign of…dare I mention it…preggo. Is this possible?? If not, I am just getting my hopes up that someone will have a baby soon because I have major baby fever! Haha
haha no, not preggo! 😀
Try Laughing Cow Cheese spread on just about anything! Reduced fat triscuits, cucumbers, apples (seriously, apples!) or pretzels.
I agree with a previous commenter– I love Pirates Booty and also any of the Popcorners snacks! Apples/banana with pb is always a fave 🙂
The soup looks so good!
nuts, pretzels, popcorn, V8, salsa with vegetables or nacho chips
I only like cottage cheese sweet and I typically add cocoa powder to mine too! Or sometimes I go the honey + blurberry route. Keith is the total opposite and he like his cottage cheese savory mixed with hummus and veggies or just plain. Ick. He and I could not be on more opposite ends of that spectrum!
I have been loving ricotta cheese with a bit of coco powder, almonds, vanilla, and some sweetner. I use it as a dessert.
Oh and not really my creation but Chobani has kids yogurt and one of them is a vanilla chocolate chunk. It is amazing!
definitely barbeque pop chips! they are so yummy and not terrible for you 🙂
Hi Samantha! I came across your blog and LOVE IT! Can you tell me how you make the chocolate cottage cheese? I’ve been eating cottage cheese w/ white chocolate peanut butter for a “treat” and absolutely love it! So I was wondering what you add to make it chocolate? As for my current snacks of choice, I’ve been eating celery w/ salsa flavored cream cheese or also sliced tomatoes w/ salt!
Thank you! And thank you for taking the time to write a great blog!
all the details can be found here: 😀
I was actually thinking of making soup today but just couldn’t bring myself to turn on the stove in August. September starts my soup obsession. 🙂
Hey Julie, I don’t have a salty snack in mind right now except of popcorn, but I know you like that.
Good, I’m in the US right now, because I bought Chia Seeds. Just because of your blog!!! I made the chocolate pudding and I loved it.
I also love overnight oats. In Germany we call it “Bircher Muesli”. I like to use a mixture of different grains: I use oats, rice flakes, rye flakes, wheat flakes and barley flakes. The rice flakes give it a nice texture, because they et really soft. I don’t know if all of those grains are available in the US, but I highly recomment to play with different ones.
I will enjoy overnight-sia-chocolate oats tomorrow. Thanks!
haha…sorry for all the mistakes up there. Of course I will have overnight-chia-chocolate oats. And I am so excited I want to go to bed now 🙂