Dreary weather was a bit of a theme this weekend, but fortunately it wasn’t too rainy every day. We had a lot of clouds and drizzling, but pouring rain stayed away for the most part, allowing us to get outside with Sadie on Saturday and Sunday which was great.
Sadie is quickly morphing into quite the North Carolina dog! She is 100 percent in her element when we are out hiking and bounds toward the lake whenever she gets the chance. She has yet to catch a deer, bunny or squirrel, but she’s putting forth her very best effort every day. Ryan and I truly have no idea what she would do if she ever actually caught a bunny or squirrel since every time she gets close enough to pounce she looks at us as if we are supposed to jump in on the hunt. We think she just wants to chase the animals for hours and hours on end. I wish we could communicate this to the bunnies and squirrels who run away in terror when our floppy little dog sprints after them.
Other than outdoor time, Ryan and I spent most of the weekend freaking out. Why?
Because we put an offer on a house and it was accepted!!!
We officially put in an offer on Thursday night and negotiated throughout the day on Friday. Oh my gosh, negotiations are intense! I was in a panic most of the day on Friday and once everything was finalized in the late afternoon, we scrambled like crazy to get all of the necessary inspections and appointments on the calendar. We hope to close by the end of the month so Ryan and I can move our stuff directly from our house in Ocala into our new house and avoid moving anything into storage. When we moved from Orlando to Ocala, we had to put our stuff into storage for a while while we lived in a hotel and looked for a house and it was a huge pain, so we’re hoping to avoid that again.
I truly cannot believe all of this is happening. We have our first inspection on the agenda this afternoon, so my fingers are crossed that everything goes well.
As I was typing up this little update, I had one of those moments where I realized that once we move, I will have lived in four different apartments/houses throughout the nearly five years I have been blogging (and that’s not counting the Ocala hotel or temp apartment we’re currently living in).
Long time readers, do you guys remember our Orlando apartments!?
Orlando (Thornton Park)
(Check out Sadie before her lovely face highlights started coming in!)
Orlando (Thornton Park Part II – aka the darkest apartment in the land and the “Mouse House”)
There have been times when I’ve felt all over the place during our various moves. The past few years have been a quite a transitional time in our lives and I am happy to feel like we’ve found a place we can see ourselves living for years to come. Thank you so much to you guys for reading this blog and, in many cases, for bearing with me during a handful of moves and chaotic moments. I’m excited for this next chapter to begin!
Congratulations Julie! I feel like we are living parallel lives right now, as I’m currently knee-deep in the negotiation / house hunting process.
Good luck with the inspection!
Ahh! Exciting! Good luck to YOU!
Congrats to both of you! I’m a Nc gal myself and could not dream of living anywhere else.
Thank you Ashley!!
Congratulations! I’m so jealous and wishing we were still in Charlotte! Only a few more years until we can move back and I am counting down! I can’t wait to see pictures of your new house! Good luck moving it’s quite the project!
Thanks so much!! We are definitely loving NC! <3
Congrats on getting the house! That is super exciting!
AHHHHH! Congrats on finding a new house! That is so exciting for the both of you!
Don’t worry so much about being all over the place. Everyone needs a bit of chaos in their lives. It’s a refresher of how wonderful staying in one spot can be. It is nice to see you settling down and loving life. That is what it is all about. A new chapter is about to unfold and a new story is ready to be told. Have fun!
Congratulations on the house, that is so exciting! Our dog is like Sadie where she chases everything but never catches anything. Margaret finally caught a pet duck by a pond last year and I was terrified of what she was going to do. She just pinned it down with her paws (the duck looked terrified) and sniffed it. Once she finished sniffing, she unpinned it and the duck waddled to the water. Margaret just followed along behind sniffing it. haha
Oh my gosh she sounds just like Sadie! She is all about simply chasing and sniffing! She doesn’t have an aggressive bone in her body when it comes to hunting!
Congrats to the Fagan Family! Welcome to adulthood! This is crazy hetic time but do make sure you stop and enjoy it. Of the first you will have together forever!
Good reminder! Thank you, Lauren!
So excited for you!! Best of luck with all the negotiations and inspections. Can’t wait to see how everything plays out.
Ahhh congrats! How exciting! I’m glad to see everything is falling into place for y’all!
congrats, congrats, congrats! so exciting! best of luck as you move into your new home!
Congratulations! I’m sure you must be so excited!
CONGRATS on the new adventure!! My V too has an obsession with rabbits and squirrels. TWICE now, he has brought baby rabbits into my house and stuck them in the couch (like brand new baby rabbits!). I think he just wants them to be his friend, he doesn’t try to hurt them. He just brings them in, sticks them in between the cushion and back of the couch and leaves them there!!! He watches over them with his feet crossed like a gentleman. SO cute, but I don’t enjoy finding them!
That is so very exciting! It will be great to have a real home. I too, have been in transition for so long, moving from Orlando to San Francisco two years ago, into two different city apartments. I cannot wait to have a real closet one day and be able to drive up to my front door. But for now, it’s city living for me. Good luck and enjoy the process of setting in!
congrats!!!! i love your home style and all your cute deco 🙂
Congratulations! Buying your first house is an experience unlike any other! Wishing you the best of luck over the coming weeks!!
Wahoo! Congrats!
Congrats! how exciting!!! Sometimes I can’t believe how many different apartments I’ve lived. Though I was in LA for 3 years, I lived in 5 different places! CRAZY!
Congratulations! That is so exciting! Can’t wait to see and hear about the new place 🙂
Congratulations, Julie! 🙂 Can’t wait to see what your new place looks like
Congrats! That’s so exciting. I hope all your appointments go well and the sale goes through.
yay yay yay! I know absolutely ZERO about the house buying process but I hope everything goes smoothly for ya!!! 🙂
Whee! That’s a beautiful house! It looks almost like a castle–does it have the open floor plan like you wanted?
The pics above are actually of our old places in Orlando. 🙂 but yes, the new place does have an open floor plan! I love it!
How exciting!!! Can’t wait to hear all about it!! It will feel so good knowing that another move isn’t on the horizon!
Congratulations! Settling into a place feels so good. I was constantly moving during college, and then we moved twice the first year of marriage. Now we’ve been in our house for almost two years, and it’s just so wonderful getting to decorate and make it our own.
Oh my gosh! I’m so excited for you two! Congrats! It’ll be so fun to follow along as you guys transform it into your own, so exciting!
Congrats on the purchase of your new house and surviving the negotiating! New houses are exciting and decorating and making it your own is by far the best part!
I am so happy for you guys!! I remember that apartment and the horrible mouse stories!!!
Keeping my fingers crossed the inspections go well!!!!
Early congratulations! Xx
Thanks for reading for so long, Kaella! I’ve always loved reading your comments, too!
Congratulations! Such an exciting time for you and the family!
So exciting! Charlotte is a place I have always wanted to visit. We are currently building a house, and I am like you getting sucked into all the decorating sites. Congratulations!!!!
Congrats!! Exciting times.
Congrats on finding your perfect house! I hope you enjoy NC as much as we do. Wait until Sadie sees snow!!!!
Congratulations!!! That’s so amazing that you found a house and your offer was accepted so quickly! How exciting!!!
CONGRATS!!! I know how nerve racking the whole process can be–my husband and I just purchased our first house this summer, and we did everything without a realtor (which was SCARY). But I think it was just meant to be because it ended up being easier than I was imagining! Fingers crossed everything goes well with your inspections.Luckily for us, the seller was willing to cut us a check for the repairs we needed and everything went so smoothly we were able to close early! Can’t wait to hear about the new house!
Congrats! Becoming a home owner for the first time is so exciting!
This is so exciting!!! Cant wait to see the new place!
I remember the last Orlando apartment! Doesn’t seem like that long ago you guys moved! Time flies! Can’t wait to see the new house!!!!
congrats on the home! So excited for you! xo
yay!!! congrats!! we are in the midst of purchasing our first house as well and its such an emotional/overwhelming process…we don’t close until the end of next month but I’m so excited to finally make a place our own, its fun reading about your experience too. good luck with everything!! <3
That’s so exciting! My husband and I just closed on our first home back in April. The most nerve wracking part is getting the offer accepted, ahhh! Now comes the loads and loads of paperwork. Get ready, it’s nonstop, but once you get those keys in your hands it’s such a relief. Good luck with the whole process!
Yay congrats! You must show us pictures when you have some down time 🙂
congrats!! That is soo very exciting!! I can/can’t (if that makes any sense) wait to start house hunting!
Congrats on your new home!! I’m so happy for you guys. Hope the inspections go smoothly and you can get on with settling in!
Will we eventually get to see pics of it?? How much renovating needs done (if any at all)?
Wow, congratulations! I hope the inspections and the rest of the negotiations go smoothly.
I am a long time reader and I feel like I have went on this adventure with you guys. Sounds a little creepy but it’s so true! I am so excited for you guys to be settled in NC!! My husband and I just bought a house and I totally understand the stress/excitement feeling! Congrats!
YES, negotiations are definitely stressful! At least you’re past that now! Congrats!
Ooh so exciting! Fingers crossed that everything goes well and you’ve got a new home in a month!!